"Suddenly..." "Unexpectedly..." "Suddenly AND Unexpectedly..."
We live in an insane society. David Icke was right--Wetiko, mind virus. Mind control. It's not new either, Covid simply brought it all out in the open. Invasion of the Mind Snatchers. Does "wake up" even cover it anymore? How about, "Come out of the coma"?
"Suddenly..." "Unexpectedly..." "Suddenly AND Unexpectedly..."
We live in an insane society. David Icke was right--Wetiko, mind virus. Mind control. It's not new either, Covid simply brought it all out in the open. Invasion of the Mind Snatchers. Does "wake up" even cover it anymore? How about, "Come out of the coma"?
"Suddenly..." "Unexpectedly..." "Suddenly AND Unexpectedly..."
We live in an insane society. David Icke was right--Wetiko, mind virus. Mind control. It's not new either, Covid simply brought it all out in the open. Invasion of the Mind Snatchers. Does "wake up" even cover it anymore? How about, "Come out of the coma"?