Was talking to an old friend recently who works at a company of about 7000 employees and was told that in the last year there have been 25 sudden deaths. I asked how that compares to previous years and was told rare if ever, people retired, they didn't die employed.

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Unfortunately, I'm not surprised. This is very sad. When Briben initiates his next round of vaccine mandates in December (prediction), I wonder how many will comply, given all the chatter about the side effects from the sacred miracle elixir.

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You should send that stat to Steve Kirsch!

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I dont work there, a dear friend does, and I would get that person in deep trouble. I will, however, pass along the suggestion.

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Wow. How very sad for all those working around them. It would seem that in conversations like yours is when we hear the real stories and real statistics.

Didn’t die employed. Indeed

Hard not to choke, but we must continue to ask for and accept the numbers or we end up like so many we already know. Trying hard to stay pure without information which could save lives. OMG

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This is true. I read your comment to my husband and he said in his 54 yr working career he recalled 1 heart attack, 1 suicide and 1 car accident.

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It seems most people I know who are boosted are just wasting away. Two friends who were in vibrant health pre-covid, age 72, one a yoga instructor, both are now almost non-functioning. The yoga teacher has stage 3 lung cancer, and has broken her back twice in the past 6 months - no falls - doctors and she perplexed how her bones are breaking. My other friend wound up in the hospital on May 3, after being sick for 4 weeks before that with a high fever, cough, etc. She wound up spending 3 weeks in the hospital. Saw her the other day at a neighborhood barbecue. She was still hooked up to an oxygen tank on wheels and just looked ghastly. Still can’t do stairs.

My brother, also aged 72, has had a blood clot removed from his femoral artery, multiple heart surgeries and has lost 85 lbs. My friend’s son, age 30, has a strange symptom - his hair and beard are turning white. My sister, age 68, just spent 1 1/2 weeks in the hospital with bacterial pneumonia. She was healthy as an ox before the shots. Lives at the shore and walked for miles every day along the beach with her husband. The doctors told her she probably caught it from bird poop - from the birds resting on her deck railing. You can’t make this stuff up.

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I am so so very sorry.

So hard, and it would seem, no way to leave this theater.

Bird poop, what will they think of? Of what importance these days is a medical degree? Lotsa money exchanged for what passes for truth and real factoids

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"Global warming" is to blame. If not that, then it's certainly "ABV Syndrome" (anything but the vaccine🙄)

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I know a person who got pneumonia post covid vaccine also.

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Yes, I forgot to mention that the friend who was in the hospital for 3 weeks was also in for bacterial pneumonia. And her doctor just put her on another antibiotic this week. How utterly insane.

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Is that why they are pushing a pneumonia "vaxxine"?

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Getting bacterial pneumonia from bird droppings is possible though, they carry a lot of diseases. Just like you can get toxoplasmosis from handling cat litter. Not saying the "vaccines" aren't playing a role, it's more than likely.

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The fatuity of reasons and rationalisations is laughably/tearfully irrational.

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Ivermectin. Take first onset of sickness.

Garlic. Onions- eat daily.

Essential oils- tea tree, eucalyptus, pine, spruce, sage, lavender, lemon.


Nasal saline spray.

Hydrogen peroxide gargle.

Salt water gargle. Daily.

Dry body brush. After showering.

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Someone needs to inform the anti-war left that the vaccine industry and pharm complex is an arm of the military industrial complex. I was disappointed to come across a link to this in my inbox...


It goes without saying I am all for the second part, about cutting weapons spending... but how can we advocate for pouring money into corrupt entities like the CDC or NIH as it stands? We would first need to overhaul them and remove the conflicts with big pharm. (Easier said than done, however)

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"The anti-war left" is now an oxymoron.

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We are here, we are here, we are here, we are here!! Just because the name has been hijacked does not mean those of us who still live by the anti-war ideal are not still here. This anti-war leftist has been speaking out against the hypocrisy of the left since well before pandemic revealed it so blatantly.

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As far as most of the "Democrat" left go, I agree. There are groups like Veterans for Peace around. I have sometimes felt alienated from them due to their adopting intrusive covid policies and not going far enough into the fraudulent origins of the "War on Terror" in terms of what took place on 9/11, but I still support them. I disagree about Covid and probably some other things. But I certainly would not consider those in VFP my political enemies. On an individual level there are some people in VFP who are able to see much about what is really going on. There are individuals in VFP with whom it is possible to have very informed and truthful conversations about the war in Ukraine and war profiteering in general. They recently held an event that went into great detail about how military corporations and military-related contracts are financially embedded into communities creating corruption of US citizens on a local level. And they (in VFP) are former military who have used their experience to critique the DOD, the military corporations and our foreign policy. I am grateful they are doing that.

I also have no illusions about the following - Groups on the left are gatekeeping. (Some people in these groups are aware of the gatekeeping, many are not). The gatekeeping is destructive to our society. To embrace gatekeeping as politically expedient is to undermine respect for the Constitution and our right to free speech, not to mention it is tacit participation in maintaining dangerous lies and propaganda. I also understand the "left" allows itself to be exploited for political purposes via identity politics. And that the "TV left" openly support warmongering, such as in Ukraine.

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So strange yet true.

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I apologize since to begin with I was a bit off topic.

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The anti-war left? They're mostly gone.

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The Rona Bio-weapon; the not-so-welcome gift that just keeps giving.

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That should be frontpage on every newspaper: "Before covid-19 humanity was thriving, now it's in shambles and won't recover. Let's hunt down the perpetrators and make one last bonfire ?"

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This has to stop:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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My brother died suddenly yesterday, looks like epileptic seizure, but could spike proteins have aggravated his condition, made him more prone to seizures? He was double-shot. Autopsy being done today or tomorrow.

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I’m sure it’s possible. My niece has a severe form of epilepsy (Dravet syndrome) and her doctor told her not to get the vaccines under any circumstances.

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Sometimes best not to respond to certain handlers, who are on this substack. Wonder why they ( if a real person) would even be on this substack reading, never mind posting comments.

Best to just to walk on by..........

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How did something like this get on FB? (also, the person speaking is not very well disguised.)

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If you've not seen this drill down analysis from Legacy.com obituary data, it is stunning.

Kudos to all tracking this massive crime. (Apologies if you've already addressed this, Mark)


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Samuel Stancil, 55 yo June 17 died suddenly (cardiac arrest-couldn’t be revived) while watching a movie with his son in Taylor, Texas. A few weeks later His ex wife’s cousin woke to find his wife (40s) died in her sleep in San Antonio. #ABTV

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saw he is a German film maker, means prince in Hungarian and the name in hungary is usually Jewish. This fight with the Covidians is good vs evil, I know you do not believe that. Dosamuno please till me what you think it is and why

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Would only take a few PROFESSIONAL TEAMS strategically used;


even though they have Networks, all the assets of the world

and technology.



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“I don't believe in God. Can you understand that? Look around you man. Cant you see? The clamor and din of those in torment has to be the sound most pleasing to his ear. And I loathe these discussions. The argument of the village atheist whose single passion is to revile endlessly that which he denies the existence of in the first place. Your fellowship is a fellowship of pain and nothing more. And if that pain were actually collective instead of simply reiterative then the sheer weight of it would drag the world from the walls of the universe and send it crashing and burning through whatever night it might yet be capable of engendering until it was not even ash. ..."

― Cormac McCarthy, The Sunset Limited

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"C.S. Lewis "The Problem With Pain".

As all in God's Universe MUTILATED with sin of humans;


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Hillsdale college has a great free course on CS Lewis.

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Thx Bee.

Pray for me in POWER OF GOD

for the lost not knowing God, yet.

We never know those on the list of the LIVING

through eternity. Can only plant seeds and as this




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“Pain?” Lieutenant Scheisskopf’s wife pounced upon the word victoriously. “Pain is a useful symptom. Pain is a warning to us of bodily dangers.”

“And who created the dangers?” Yossarian demanded. He laughed caustically. “Oh, He was really being charitable to us when He gave us pain! Why couldn’t He have used a doorbell instead to notify us, or one of His celestial choirs? Or a system of blue-and-red neon tubes right in the middle of each person’s forehead. Any jukebox manufacturer worth his salt could have done that. Why couldn’t He?”

“People would certainly look silly walking around with red neon tubes in the middle of their foreheads.”

“They certainly look beautiful now writhing in agony or stupefied with morphine, don’t they? What a colossal, immortal blunderer! When you consider the opportunity and power He had to really do a job, and then look at the stupid, ugly little mess He made of it instead, His sheer incompetence is almost staggering. It’s obvious He never met a payroll. Why, no self-respecting businessman would hire a bungler like Him as even a shipping clerk!”

Lieutenant Scheisskopf’s wife had turned ashen in disbelief and was ogling him with alarm. “You’d better not talk that way about Him, honey,” she warned him reprovingly in a low and hostile voice. “He might punish you.”

“Isn’t He punishing me enough?” Yossarian snorted resentfully. “You know, we mustn’t let Him get away with it. Oh, no, we certainly mustn’t let Him get away scot free for all the sorrow He’s caused us. Someday I’m going to make Him pay. I know when. On the Judgment Day. Yes, That’s the day I’ll be close enough to reach out and grab that little yokel by His neck and..."


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Lewis is a sad-sack Christian apologist—like you.

The only reason why Christians, Jews, and Muslims abound is the ferocious indoctrination imposed on children as soon as they're born, before they've developed the ability to question and doubt.

As Ignatius Loyola (or Aristotle) is reputed to have said, "Give me a child till he is seven years old and I will show you the man."

The first seven years set the foundation for how children communicate and interact with the world by mirroring how they are being responded to. They are like sponges and absorb everything—even Bronze Age mythology. This is why they are able to learn languages just by hearing them. Unfortunately, because they haven't developed deductive reasoning, they accept and believe in fairy tales like Genesis and the Gospels.

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i do not feel you ever did a 180 degree, some call a physic or spiritual turn!

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"(Spirituality is) a term frequently used to describe the vaguest intimations of supernatural realities, is popularly considered a mark of virtue and is as hostile to atheism as religious belief. Spirituality, after all, is simply religion deinstitutionalized and shorn of any exclusionary doctrines. In a pluralistic marketplace, it has considerable appeal....

You can claim to be a spiritual person without professing loyalty to a particular dogma or even understanding it. Spirituality makes no intellectual demands; all that it requires is a general belief in immaterialism (which can be used to increase your material possessions)."

(Wendy Kaminer / The Last Taboo /1996)

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for me spirituality is something bigger than me, call it what you like. Hey Dosamuno was Werner Werzog a holocauste survivor thanks

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Better a Christian Apologist than a delusional fool making humans, including themselves, God.

Choose Jesus Christ or one chooses the Demonic by default.

When choosing the demonic by default; one is UNPROTECTED and open to all lies, hopelessness, helplessness, anxiety, addictions and hallucinations perpetrated by the the Demons Wearing Human Being Suits.

Bribery, seduction and threats create Psychological FREEZING within those as you believing themselves Gods when confronted by those perpetrating the current POISONING AND DELIBERATE GLOBAL CRISES ONTO ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET.

Will pray for you as the world must seem VERY harsh and your life must be sad since it only focuses on the pain and suffering.

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Aug 23, 2023
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This isn't helpful. If your aim is to enlighten the benighted, you have a funny way of going about it; but if your aim is to offend them, and divide us all, you're doing an aces job.

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It's either head in arse or arse in head via the inverted ouroboros manoeuvre. They are both exactly equivalent

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