Gross. Just gross.


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I wish I can like your comment more than once!!!!


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For the people that took the shot it is to late.

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Physically perhaps. But not spiritually. It is NEVER too late to realize that we are ALL being experimented upon. We are all going to die eventually. In fact we are all dying at this very moment.

I prefer to believe this was but a dress rehearsal for what awaits. A dirt nap is preferable to this corrupt garbage.

I'm unjabbed. But I have no interest in sticking around for the next round. Too much heartache.

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There is an answer or more than one for them. What is man made can also be repaired by man.

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Interesting. Very true. And often repaired by nature.

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“Rylan James Duncan was born on Feb. 22, 2023 to Sabrina Bowen and Dylan Duncan in Baton Rouge, LA. Our precious little angel slipped away from us quickly & quietly on June 30, 2023. His life was a brief gift to us that will live on as his heart valves were donated and received by those who were in need.”

Would you want your infant child to get that poor boy’s heart valves? If he perished from what we assume, his tissues will carry the tragedy forward.

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Same thought occurred to me Bridget.

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What a evil world this is. Pure bloods are the only ones with usable organs . The vaxed are a danger for blood and organ donation . The problem , is that people are totally unaware of the dangers that lurk in their body due to this toxic bio weapon called a vaccine. Too many people cannot wake up and will be facing an early exit from this realm . So sad when a baby dies or anyone really . Funny how Bill Gates and Co are not having any heath issues ?

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And probably never will! He’s totally on board with reducing the population by 10 to 15% through “good vaccines” and family planning!! He said so! But these types… never…never…take their own advice! To them the end…justifies the means! What’s good for you…is never…beneficial for them! They talk about population control…but it never applies to..any of them! Just to you! Amazing!

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I was thinking the exact same thing when I read about the 17yo football player whose kidneys and liver were donated to 3 female recipients!! Those 2 organs (among others, of course) are major repositories of spike. WHO would want those organs?

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Given Dr. Ana’s ongoing live blood analysis finding there’s no difference now between vaxxed vs. unvaxxed blood, maybe it’s a moot point.

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That has not been substantiated.

And I’d be the first to argue that being around the jab negative effects the unjabbed.

But we don’t have enough proof to make this proposition into an assumption.

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The recipients may have taken the vax anyway, so it may not matter.

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They are blocking my comment but I’ll try again.

The elites are probably stealing the organs and genetic material of the selected targets in order to advance their eugenics program.

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We have no idea who has what jab, or if said jab’s components have been “activated” or not.

Not that there isn’t a correlation between jabs and excessive deaths from a variety of causes but basically lumped into several categories.

But it isn’t smart to make that leap into assuming one has a certain blood condition due to something you’re not sure of.

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I think that’s the idea...

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So sorry. It is so sad.

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Where are the parents? Where’s the outrage? Where are the people who should be speaking for these dead people. They should be shouting for answers. Are they cowards or just intentionally ignorant? 🤷‍♀️

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Fear and denial. These people are in such denial. That's also the outrage because it's hurting all those that are not. It's infuriating that they choose to be blind and deaf and we have this burden on us to save them from a toxic shot and a dangerous world. They were so unfriendly to those that didn't get the shots yet it's not one isn't allowed to ask if they've gotten the shots to decide to stay clear of them for shedding purposes. Nor will they listen to the information of the dangers without being shunned. That's also infuriating. Either way these idiots who took these toxic shots have shunned and behaved obnoxiously towards others.

The ones that I know that have gotten these shots, most of them don't even take supplements to help them detox. I keep telling them to do something to save themselves but it's like I'm taking to the wall. One person listened and her symptoms went away as did her sister's. Others that know but haven't gotten the shots also don't take preventative detox measures against all those who are shedding. Yet, I can't give up.

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They are confused and scared. It would be very hard to admit to yourself that you and many of your relatives voluntarily followed the herd and were injected (for your own good!) with a chemical that is now looking more and more like a poison. And if you voluntarily took your children to get Covid injections, it would be practically impossible to acknowledge that the chemical may be toxic. Denial is understandable.

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But so isn’t anger and then action. If we are relentless with the truth some will still wake.

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I would hope that people would want to acknowledge that their loved ones have been harmed and would want others to know in order to spare other parents the same pain of loss. So fingers crossed that this denial of reality ends soon before more people line up for more! That’s my hope!

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There are solid reasons to believe the spike protein is gnawing at the recipients' brains and thereby impairing their cognitive abilities.

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It's not that. They just refuse to see what's going on. At least where I live.

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And getting warmed up from a little 5G.

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It is so weird that most of the deceased are younger than I...

I guess I am fortunate, considering the paths I've traveled. I feel a bit like Brian Wilson, who outlived everyone in the band.

I spent 3 years in Honduras taking treatment every 6-8 weeks for amoebic dysentery. A new Dr. with medicins san frontieres who arrived near the end of my third year, informed me that I'd been taking a type of buffered arsenic (metronidiasol), and could expect a much shorter life span.

Well, here I am 40 years later enjoying my birthdays with my twin brother.

The kidneys are about shot, as the jungle doctor had predicted, but it's ok, I'm ready, even eager, to go.

It's been such an amazing adventure, I can't wait to see what is next.

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I have neighbors whose cancers have come back after YEARS of remission, new heart problems and never link it to the jab. They’re more concerned about getting the latest boosters. I will never understand why

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Stockholm Syndrome.

I have a very techy sister who prides herself on the fact that she will never, ever read anything that has not been "peer-reviewed." She refuses to read anything which is not approved by the powers that be. She has a B.S. degree in biochemistry from Harvard University, and a master's degree in electrical engineering from MIT. She thinks she's brilliant. I have nothing but contempt for her.

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Sad really. Probably couldn’t find her way out of a paper bag. My youngest sister has no where near those credentials (went to Furman for a journalism degree, now 48) and thinks she’s in the club. Her life is in the toilet but makes fun of us for “not getting the damn shot”. She’s always sick, has had “COVID” at least five times despite having shots plus boosters. I hate to say I feel the same way

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I'm not the least bit sorry to say I feel the way I do. This sister of mine managed to get lifetime disability payments because she has suffered from migraine headaches since she was about eight years old, which were a result of childhood vaccine injury, though of course she will not even consider this as a possibility because it would upset her reality. I told her about alternative medical treatments or remedies which might have helped her, but she rejected anything and everything which was not blessed by the medical establishment. Her headaches got worse, or perhaps more frequent, when she went through menopause, about a decade ago. It seems they've diminished in frequency and intensity since then. But once you're on disability, you're on it for life. I utterly despise her.

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Hopefully it doesn’t affect your health/wellbeing. I choose not to be around her at all for mine

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I have as little interaction with my entire family as possible.

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Yes so hard to understand

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My son and daughter-in-law announced they are going to have a baby. My son had the J&J shot against my advice and his wife’s. My daughter-in-law had none. The doctor she went to first thing said she needs a Covid Vax and a flu shot. My point is, they are still pushing the toxins hard. She said no thanks. The doctor told her she could get Covid and miscarry or give it to their unvaxxed 2-1/2 old son and he could die. I want to go in and yell at the doctor. Are they depopulation supporters or murderers or just plain dumb. My daughter-in-law needs a new doctor ASAP.

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Unfukingbelievable, I’m sorry but that makes me want to scream!!! I pray she stands tall and finds a Truth Obstetrician 🤍

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If doc were to stop pushing shot now he/she would have to admit that they've likely murdered/injured hundreds of people, so they continue on in deep denial, but one day soon everything is going to come crashing down on them.

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Great job on the lists...."No cause of death reported."

Too many young people....

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Reading these week after week breaks my heart. I keep thinking of all the people in this country who are grieving those who have died unexpectedly - the incredible amount of grief our country (and other countries, of course) is experiencing right now must be off the charts... not to mention the loss of people who were mid-career, raising kids, starting marriages.

There are so many huge holes that have to be filled by others now...creating even more sense of loss and economic and social pain...

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It doesn't break my heart. It just confirms to me how sick humanity is. Maybe when these covid-vax victims embark upon their next incarnations they'll be wiser. Or maybe they won't have learned anything.

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Also, not to mention all the orphaned kids...

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I noticed from bouncing around various places that a ton of people died on July 4th. Maybe the heat and the exertion triggering the vaxx, or the length of time from when they were vaxx'd is kicking in. People die every day, but holidays tend to be when the numbers go up for some reason.

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The narrative now is “climate change” is causing all the deaths

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Yes, climate clowns are out in full force.

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People dying on holidays has always been a thing, the vaxx brings it to a whole new level.

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Outrageous TROME today. The first story is outrageous. No one died, though. That's the bright spot.

The Rise of the Medical Emergency, Pt. 46 - July 6th Reports

The shotted continue to menace society in a variety of abnormal ways. It's TROME


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I looked at a few of your articles. Great documentation of this phenomenon.

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Southern Illinois, Greyhound passenger bus crashed into three tractor trailers. three deaths, 14 injuries just happened.

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And is died suddenly still the number one cause of death in, is it Alberta? A fraction of the horror as I see the obituaries suddenly vague about age, cause, all of it and always trying to steer people to corporate sites to direct away from any other info.

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I love the one story where it say died of natural causes. What the hell !

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No such thing as dying of "natural causes" when young!

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It doesn't matter what one tells oneself....Professor Dolores Cahill's prediction that everyone who took the jabs will be dead in five years keeps ringing in my memory.

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Not everyone, some only had one or two and maybe placebos....

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I would like to see some data on maternal deaths post child birth and newborn deaths… seems like both are very increased now.

Who watches these stats historically?

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Posted July 12

“MASSACHUSETTS — The prevalence of severe maternal morbidity nearly doubled in Massachusetts from 2011 to 2020, according to a first-of-its-kind report released this month by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

Officials said severe maternal morbidity involves unexpected complications of labor and delivery that result in significant consequences to the birthing person’s health. These can include life threatening conditions such as heart attacks, acute kidney failure, eclampsia, sepsis, and situations that require life-saving procedures, such as the removal of the uterus, to manage serious conditions, according to officials.

The report examined 678,382 deliveries, including both live births and fetal deaths, among 483,699 Massachusetts residents from 2011 to 2020.”

But how seriously would u take an article that uses the term “birthing person?”

All these places are propaganda mills with clickbait articles in advertisement digital rags.

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Living in MA is like living in a mental institution.

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So many young once again. I don’t remember this ever happening to young women pre Covid. All haunting, especially the pretty 50 year old woman who looked the picture of health.

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