“ - Cory Wilson passed away at his home in Minto, unexpectedly of natural causes, on Sunday, June 25, 2023, at the age of 33 years.”

One of dozens on this list. Natural Causes. Age 33. WTF? Huh? Seriously? Wait, what? Really?

Is there any sense of outrage in Canada? Any recognition of what’s happening? Is anyone questioning these abnormal occurrences? Have we lost our collective humanity somehow?

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I know a male (47) and a female (52) who died last week. I'd be happy to share their details for next week if anyone wants to message me.

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seems about 140 entries....tried to write down the ages....after 3 columns of them I just stopped. Couldn't continue. Now we can never know who might have died 'naturally'. Will this flood end? What will follow it? What will follow that? Diminishing returns, indeed.

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This list has definitely many more young people than all previous lists from Canada. I normally stop to read the details of obituaries of those who are under 60, and skip quickly through those who are older than 60. With this list I've done very little skipping!

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It's as though there's a trap door under the vaccinated that may trip open at any moment. If the unvaccinated begin to drop dead, we'll know we have a bona fide bioweapon on our hands. Has anyone left a note saying, "If anything happens to me, it was the Billy Goat."

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This is like 9/11 by syringe. A long, drawn out morning broadcast. The horror hidden save for the sudden collapse of the towers. We only hear of the people who died. Who is in the cockpit this time? The Billy Goat?

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