Died suddenly is visible and countable. The lingering deaths of chronic diseases will be uncounted!!!!!!!! And what can we say? What can I say about my grandson with cancer, my daughter with cancer………….my rage is not about their decision, but the doctors who gave them death.

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We also post frequent compilations of the latter.

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God bless your family forever and forever

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Thank you.

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GOD bless you Cattexas & your family. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves continue to speak TRUTH to medical tyranny ...

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Yes, may God bless that ravaged family! May they all be granted STRENGTH to endure the ordeal, and to yet remain faithful to God, and to speaking the TRUTH about medical tyranny. I would suggest that "speaking truth TO the tyrants and industry will be to no avail. But to speak it to our fellow citizens, is our duty indeed.

As utterly painful as it must be, it remains even more imperative to establish a firm relationship with the ONE who can raise the dead from their graves. If a child dies of cancer, and the parents pay no mind to spiritual truths, and in the process, condemn the God of Creation; turn their backs on HIm, then that child will likely be among the lost as would be the parents. But on the sweetest note every played, if the parents are followers, trusting fully in the Justice of the Risen Savior, they and the children they are guardians to, will likely become eternal and saved. It's a beautiful and logical truth that is touched on for our edification and understanding of the wickedness of sin, and the Righteousness of Christ, Who became sin for us in our stead.

Stay strong and in prayer always, giving the Creator His Due worship daily,


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Experts still "baffled." Now, there's a t-shirt.

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Add a WTF to that …

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Baffle ON!

Baffle Harder

Ooh ooh....My Baffled

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As difficult as this is.. to see.. It’s important for us to know. Thank You Mark. God Help All Those.. who have lost A Loved One.🙏 It’s So Heartbreaking

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Was at the hospital today. Extremely busy with people seeking medical attention. Talked to a man of 73 who had recently lost his wife due to a sudden turbo brain tumor. In the past three years six of his family died. Youngest 49, one at 62, another 3 in their sixties and the eldest at 74 i believe.

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Sending Love ❤️ and Prayers 🙏to that Family. My Heart Breaks for them

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That’s an awful lot of vehicle crashes. I wonder what’s causing them? Climate change?

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So, it seems like the deaths continue despite their last jab being had quite a while ago. I assume this because the uptake for boosters has been so low. I think we’ll know within the next 12 months whether the deaths will continue as they have been. My suspicion is they will because of all the non ‘sudden deaths’ like auto-immune diseases etc. The whole world is a giant crime scene.

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I so wish there were a more bright picture that could be painted. It does certainly seem that the bio-medical establishment has been equipped with some amazing tooling and discoveries that pertain to how our bodies function. Manipulating the DNA molecule never seemed to have a good potential, sighting its complexity and inherent perfection of processing its intent. The technology has been the object of a number of decades now, all funded by we the taxed, and headed by the darker side of enterprising corporate investors and CEO's. It is likely that the "General" of darkness and deception has always desired to utilize this era of technology to trick and trap the world physically so as to kill as many as possible by way of the ingredients in the shots. That's just a precursor to a more diabolical deception that inspiration has revealed to us. Satan plans to impersonate Christ's coming to the world, and even preempt the scene by using some of his demon angels to do the same except impersonate the mother of Christ, Mary, and likely a few of the apostles for added "wow". It is all designed to trick people into following the dictates of the RC church, which has venerated the first day of the week, the SUN day in the place of God's direct Command (fourth commandment) to honor the Sabbath Day, and to keep it Holy. This inside info is paramount to internalize and believe. If anyone does not believe it, please investigate it any way you can. Eternity hangs in the balance.


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I go to a Roman catholic mass every single day. Does this mean I have to stop?

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Hello Brother Brian!

Every soul breathing today (along with those who are "sleeping" in their graves) have been given free will to worship according to the dictates of their conscience, the God of Heaven. No one has the right to strong-arm a person in this matter of great importance. You are commended for your faithfulness of worship, but also cautioned as to the worship given daily.

And let me inject this important fact: Faith-filled Catholic people are MANY, and deemed by God every bit as valued and loved as anyone else. We are all brothers and sisters. It is those in the religious organizations who KNOW they are preaching and teaching false doctrine that the Lord holds in severe derision. (This pertains to both RC and Protestant faiths) Those leaders that knowingly proceed with their false teachings are likened to "Wolves in sheep's clothing."

Brian, my heart goes out to you, and all of those in your circle. This is far too broad of a subject to detail the shortcomings, and deliberate breaches which the RC church has been and still is guilty of committing against God's creatures as well as the Creator Himself, and His Law.

To entice your interest in the matter, I recommend you begin with the overview of Paganistic symbolism and practices employed within the "system" of Roman Catholicism. It's prevalence is alarming once it becomes known and recognized. You can take things from there, and draw your own conclusions about whether or not to leave the church and her workings (behind the scenes.)

As for me, I must be faithful and instruct with sentimental concern, those who have not recognized these things.

May the God of Light be your guide in this important matter,


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Will attending mass harm me?

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2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

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“Ashland County student who collapsed during homecoming festivities died from inflamed heart muscle, coroner confirms”

“…the investigation into McKean's death is now closed, since the specific cause of her myocarditis cannot be determined.”


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A reply from a 19 year experienced RN to a recent Dr. David Cartland tweet:




Replying to @CartlandDavid

26 of us from the "covid unit" were fired in '21 for refusing the experimental shot. 6 charge RNs included. Some of the best nurses I've worked with.

We saw what the "pandemic" was (crickets chirping) and what happened after the shot came out (ER exploded with business).

Besides personally knowing a respiratory therapist who got fast growing esophageal cancer out of the blue and died, my friends healthy 20 year old dropped dead and was found by his dorm mate. No conclusions by autopsy. He was an athlete. I'm sure he had an arrhythmia that caused his heart to stop from spike protein damage.

I've been an RN 19 years. I've worked in acute hospital care my entire career. Much of that has been in the float pool, so I see all the adult specialties: cardiac, neuro, surgery, oncology, orthopedics, general medical.

I keep track of all my patients' c-19 Vax history and their hospital presentation. Most have had 2-8 shots at this point. The more shots they've had, the worse off they are, it seems. Many head toward comfort/hospice.

I could recite countless stories of what I've seen over the past three years, but there are hippa laws that prevent me from doing so. It's all the usual stuff: heart attacks, strokes, new onset seizures, brain tumors, uncontrolled afib, cancers coming out of remission and new cancers, vertigo-falls-broken bones(a lot of this), blood clots, super infections, fungal infections, new onset altered mental status and early onset dementia. The stuff you've been hearing about. You probably know someone with one or more of these.

While the pro Vax crowd would call this anecdotal, I know this shot has targeted genetic weakness and accelerated problems that may not have been showing up at all if people's immune systems hadn't been suppressed by the spike protein damage.

I have never seen anything like this in 19 years. Thankfully, I was only off 2 months, but I had to relocate to get a job with exemption. I'm a mole in the system warning my patients and coworkers not to get any more boosters. One person at a time. Aren't nurses one of the most trusted professions? Jenn

Feb 8, 2024 · 7:20 PM UTC


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It’s Been Taxing

To Share A Planet

With People That Were That Stupid.

I Feel Reimbursed

That They Are Finally Paying Their Due.


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And taking many others with them.

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And taking many others with them

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I know that you think that. And it is well worth thinking. But you don’t yet actually know it. Yet.

It is a working assumption. In search of proof. Starting with the mechanism.

Getting to that requires a lot more critical thought than most people here wish to invest.

If they’re even able.

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Here’s the thing, we know transmission occurs from jabbed to non-jabbed.

You might want to consider that.

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And the spike protein they are passing to others can be dissolved by



take curcumin to address the inflammation


See Dr. Peter McCullough RUMBLE CHANNEL for the doses

TIME 25 min "We know now the spike protein is NOT broken down by human enzymes"

What that means is that the poison builds up and goes EVERYWHERE from brain to heart.... and the immune system ATTACKS the body's cells containing the spike protein. People will keep dying unless they are detoxed.

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I keep telling some my patients to take either lumbrokinase, serrapaptase, or nattokinase. Only a few listen. I'm beginning to think that they're so entrenched within the system that there is no helping them.

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Anyone else noticed?

All these “vehicle crashes” mostly do not involve other vehicles and impact damage suggest slow speeds which should be survivable.. seems these people are dying at the wheel before crashing… not dying due to the crash itself… another example of the perfect internal kill shot being blamed on events outside the body.

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Grim & grisly. But - this is vital work. For as long as these injections continue to kill, these stories about the people murdered by the bio-weapon injections must be told!

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I'm appalled. I look at the age of the ones that died in Canada. So many French Canadian names such as mine (I'm in Montreal), dead. I read a 16 yo girl who died from natural causes: What?? I'm as sad as I am mad at the number of young people dying. Many "older" of these folks are my age, most much younger... who would know about them if you, Mark Crispin Miller was not reporting??? No authority cares enough to launch an investigation??! The silence machine is so well greased (pun intended) that no "irregularity" in the statistics makes it to the general population, although all know of a family member or friend that died or is now struggling with an illness not in sight pre-shots.

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Brother Dan! (a good name to have!)

Brother, it's so easy to read past the core meaning of such a verse as you point to, unless we are fully armed with the complete picture that is painted by the Word of God. Wouldn't you agree?

In this particular passage, the delusion of the enemy of God is "highlighted" for our benefit to beware of. All part of our edification. The prophet EG White, uses the phrase, It is this which is the almost "overmastering delusion" to come upon the world. Just imagine the scene! First, Satan's trained and trusted demons will impersonate the dead saints, mother of Jesus, and/or the apostles, and declare that Jesus is coming very shortly, following their "coming down from heaven," Who would not believe their own senses; hearing, seeing, experiencing such a dazzling array of "heavenly souls" speaking loving words of care and concern into the world's ears? But it's the "bait" in a serious trap, which is designed to overwhelm the senses of those who have not trusted the Word of God, i.e. to distrust spiritualism and all the lies therein, which state that the dead go places upon their demise. They do NOT! They, like brute beasts, both go to one place; ie. the GRAVE to await resurrection. The Bible is clear on this issue. Many people will contest it using nothing but their experience, their pastor's words, the logic of Spiritualistic books and media, or their own familial influencing them. They might even trust that Evolution is "science", and that more than likely, aliens have been and will again visit the earth to enable mankind to make that "one giant leap" for mankind! The field is ripe with preparedness for this marvelous delusion Satan has prepared for those who are his "captives" and likely do not know it.

Some day, and that day is coming, when the Truth will be in full color, and then they will believe the Bible. Probably too late for them, though. It is "today" that we need to educate ourselves and don the full armor of God, to "stand" in the battle which is raging and will increase in intensity as planned.

God be with you all,


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Add => Furman football player Bryce Stanfield dies 2 days after collapsing during workout

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