Thank you for honoring these people. They are now silent.😔

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Thank you for the sobering job of researching and compiling this death watch. I know you won’t let up until the world finally comes to face reality. It’s still a taboo subject and meanwhile the list just grows and grows. The power of denial is frightening, but for most it seems the truth is more so. The medical community here in France mocked Luc Montagnier when he said this was exactly what was going to happen. It was certainly no vaccine that killed Dr. Montagnier, but the knowledge that it would kill so many and nobody listened very well may have. Thank you for your courage and vigilance, Professor Miller.

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What stands out to me is the palpable attempt to conceal any cause of death in MSM. In Australia, 3 former AFL players died over couple of days apart and there is no cause of death! A 46, 66 and 74 year old. And there have been more hospitalised that were only saved by intervention.

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And while they die as mosquitos, somebody, Pfizer and Co, made a huge profit even in the last 3 months! +9 Billions !! And we all happy, as democrats want to pass a bill on science to give them even more money for research! Hurrah!

But if you take out from results the Covid related experimental drugs, the didn't grow at all...


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How many billionaires created at this point? May they burn in hell stuffed full of their filthy bloody lucre.

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Sooner or later we’ll all lose someone close to us thanks to the ClotShot. Unfortunately it’s only a matter of time. Some see it now, others saw it coming when this bio-weaponized thrombodrama started, and too many still don’t have a clue.

Lots of agonizing heartbreak on the horizon. I’ve heard the claim roughly half of the U.S. is jabinated. And then there’s the rest of the world.

God help us all.

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This is tragic! So many innocent, and probably unsuspecting people, whose lives have literally been ‘stolen’ / taken from them! Where is the justice!

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You read so often in the mainstream news articles, that there’s no explanation for these sudden and mysterious deaths. However, what they do know for CERTAIN, is that they had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with… well, you know…

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ABV: "Anything But the Vaccine"

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We all know.. it’s absolute sacrilege to speak ill of the vaccines. Vaccines are good! Therefore cannot under and circumstances be questioned! And so.. the deaths continue unabated.

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Thank you.

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RIP to these people who are gone too soon. 💕🙏

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Sadly, they keep dying..........

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