Shocking. Is SIDS an official cause of death like after an autopsy? On death certificates? If any autopsies are done that is. The only SIDS case I recall personally was in our small town in the 80’s. It was big news around us. In the case of this SADS—do you think autopsies are being done? A couple of friends have related sudden deaths …
Shocking. Is SIDS an official cause of death like after an autopsy? On death certificates? If any autopsies are done that is. The only SIDS case I recall personally was in our small town in the 80’s. It was big news around us. In the case of this SADS—do you think autopsies are being done? A couple of friends have related sudden deaths of some and then just shrug “they had a bad heart”. Too many are not connecting the dots on this. It’s sinister and so ominous how people are seemingly possessed by—well mass formation is part of it, but also an evil that is cutting off their reasoning and leading them off a cliff. I despair and get nervous when getting a phone call from relatives—normally we text. Just these little contrasts now put fear into me.
Shocking. Is SIDS an official cause of death like after an autopsy? On death certificates? If any autopsies are done that is. The only SIDS case I recall personally was in our small town in the 80’s. It was big news around us. In the case of this SADS—do you think autopsies are being done? A couple of friends have related sudden deaths of some and then just shrug “they had a bad heart”. Too many are not connecting the dots on this. It’s sinister and so ominous how people are seemingly possessed by—well mass formation is part of it, but also an evil that is cutting off their reasoning and leading them off a cliff. I despair and get nervous when getting a phone call from relatives—normally we text. Just these little contrasts now put fear into me.