I read your In Memory articles and the more I read, the more I think there will be someone I know listed among the sudden deaths. It is all so sad and we know how unnecessary these deaths are.

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That happened to me yesterday with his list. I was shocked. Small world. Mark, I appreciate your efforts.

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I am so sorry. All of us red pilled folks are sitting on pins and needles hoping the dire predictions don't come true, or someone comes up with a solution to counter the damage from the mRNA shots.

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Pins and needles indeed, Melanie. I am in Oregon, and seeking a red pilled to talk to.....best

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Thank you Mark for your continued effort and work in compiling these obituaries.

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These reports are stupefying, all the more so because the deaths are so unusual and so unnecessary. Thank you, Mark, for continuing to put a human face on this catastrophe.

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To me, it's especially tragic when mothers or fathers with young children die. 😥

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