This is beyond gross. It is criminal.

And so fucking blatant.

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Gets worse every week!

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Yea, and look at how vert the unprocessed records are. https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic/status/1664004276576763905

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I get annoyed with people complaining that we blame too much on the covid shots. There is a huge unexplained increase in excess deaths all across the western world. Something horrible is happening. Anyone refusing to believe its the shots should still be horrified and trying to explain the huge increase. And no, we are not accepting climate change as the reason.

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They are hiding so much. I can't even think about how bad it may actually be, especially with loss during pregnancy not something the public would hear about.

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Here is another one for the books. I just returned from a funeral for my wife’s sister who “ died suddenly and unexpectedly”.

She had four or five shots and developed major cardiovascular problems. She died on the operating table.

Everyone in the family is shocked, but I saw it coming.

All are in denial of course. I just find it amazing that people are not able to connect the dots.

I am so angry about all the deaths and for me it has now happened in our family. She was a wonderful person and will be missed.

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Horrific. Seeing all these healthy young people perish is beyond belief. Each and every family of these obviously healthy young people should demand autopsies, and if caused by the clot shot should be demanding answers from our legislators, big pharma, media, and the location where they were vaccinated. There should be a national outrage with massive demonstrations demanding justice.

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All the sudden deaths should be autopsied so that the parents don’t leave a future paycheck on the table from a lawsuit.

The evidence is there, but people literally bury it or cremate it.

Everything has to be documented, so lawyers can work the case at some future point.

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That would require that people recognize that we are at war and our first priority is to dismantle the war machine, in its many operations, then string up the perpetrators.

Part of the problem here is that that would require that each individual understand his- or her role in keeping the machine operational.

That’s a lotta thinking and it will never happen.

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I don't see why not. A group of stupid Marxists (BLM) was able to orchestrate riots coast to coast. It requires someone to rally the troops. I would think the grieving families of all these murder victims would be motivated to do something.

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BLM was run by people a lot smarter than the ones seen on the evening news. They weren’t marxists either, they were technocrats USING Marxist techniques to condition the (m)asses.

The grieving families of the murder victims are not seeing them as murder victims, for the most part (see paragraph, above). Rinse and repeat.

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Not as smart as you'd think. They went out and spent all the money on themselves, multi million dollar mansions, lavish lifestyles, and they did absolutely nothing for black people.

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blm is majorly funded by the monsters we're talking about and major corporations including microsoft, intel, and others who I can't remember right now. Here's an article. http://williamengdahl.com/englishNEO16Jun2020.php - WIlliam Engdahl is awesome.

You're the first person I've seen who actually called blm out for what they truly are and what they were breed to do. Finally, thank you. People aren't aware of this. It took me less then 5 minutes to look up who the h-ll those monsters were online when I got curious. Yet, these people who are following them can't do that? It truly perplexes me the level of idiocy in this country.

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If you and I organized a massive Patriot uprising outside pfizer's headquarters (wherever the hell it is) the powers that be would give orders to shoot to kill. Then martial law would be imposed. I think they are itching to do just that because law and order is on life support.

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Not so sure a peaceful protest would do this. But I would if possible participate, that's the perfect place to demonstrate. Signs accusing Pfizer of murder, cover up, and knowingly selling defective drugs. You would think that the families of all the murder victims would be organizing these protests. Don't know if you saw in New Zealand such a protest, several victims in wheelchairs, probably a few hundred in attendance, even a sympathetic legislator came out and talked with the group. There's a nice video of the event. Police were there but just stood around, as no one broke any laws.

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No I didn't see any New Zealand coverage, I'll check it out.

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Maybe not, but after the J6 fiasco the deep state gave us a clear message. This plan is decades-old and they've had plenty of time to refine it.

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I feel for many who are damaged by these shots mainly the innocent ones - the children and the animals. No one writes about the animals. I've seen a huge increase in deaths of animals. I know of a cat with an abdominal tumor whom I'm trying to help heal. A dog who's person had to get the shot to keep working as a teacher because that was the only family income. Now their dog is dead due to an embolism that came on "suddenly". Their other dog also died in Sept. 2021 which makes me wonder. Then, another dog who had a stroke which could be clot related. All of these things came on suddenly. A rabbit that had some heart issue that came on "suddenly". There are cancers. Dogs just dying without explanation. Just writing this is making me sick.

It would be great to research what's happening to the animals. I'm doing it at a very low level by simply asking people but that's hard to do, too.

I find it ironic that those who didn't get the shots were treated badly as if they were diseased (hmmm... sounds very similar to WW2 and the jews) and now I want to ask these people if they were vaxxed but can't because I feel they will vilify me. I've been freaked out at and annoyingly challenged. It's rude, abusive, ridiculous, and weird. However, I want to understand if these animals are being shedded upon and harmed so I can offer help. Anyone have any thoughts on a gentle way to approach this?

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I've seen those posts. But, I'm not talking about the zoo animals that were stupidly given the shots by brainwashing morons. I'm talking about dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. that live with people who stupidly got the shots and now are harming their animals by shedding on them. It's very different.

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do you think only c19 vax shots are bad for us? our pets (well not mine) are highly vaccinated...

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Don't get me started. lol.

I'm very much a holistic approach person. Our previous dog lived until 17.5 even with all the crap the conventional vets (and even some bad holistic vets) told us to give him when we were ignorant. Once I started researching and researching to save his life, we started cooking for him and giving him raw food when he'd eat it. He preferred cooked food. All he ate was homecooked organic/wild fish, meat, and veggies real food. The vets and their drugs, pesticide for flea and tick control, vaxs harmed him so much that he had to have his spleen and his gall bladder removed. He had hypothyroidism. He went through so much suffering due to these moronic vets. I had no choice but to spend thousands of hours learning about health to keep him happy and alive.

I now have knowledge for our beautiful rescue and I try to help anyone who's dog, cat, etc. is having health issues. I'm grateful some actually listen and their loved ones live longer and they start to learn that there are alternative ways of approaching health because they see that it works.

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ur an angel!! thank you! I think the standard shots are getting even more toxic. I sure wish folks would wake up. Truly horrible especially for the innocent (animals, babies/children, elderly, etc).

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Thank you but I just love my family members like crazy and want them to be as healthy and as happy as possible. And, I hate seeing innocent animals suffer at the hands of their ignorant people.

I agree with you about the "standard shots". Most people just go along with all those shots and drugs too (it's unreal what people go along with - these poor animals). They keep drugging their dogs/cats/etc thinking that's what they're supposed to do. This one idiot on instagram stated that they had to get their dog a flu shot. I had to say something. It's true brainwashing and insanity. I can write a book on all of this but I'll start with one ear infection medication that's given to dogs called Mometamax, You might have heard of it. Early on after adopting our dog, he had an ear infection. We went to the vet just for them to take a look. We knew we would never use drugs and the vet knew that too. She did tell us though that the drugs they use called, Mometamax ( https://dogdiscoveries.com/health/ear-drops-may-be-making-your-dog-deaf ) can cause deafness. Now why in the world would anyone use that crap? Yet, a dog I followed on IG was given that garbage and went deaf. DEAF!!!! And, these vets still use it and don't tell people. We used a safe natural ear wash (that I still use to clean his ears) and the infection went away. I believe in always looking for alternatives to drugs. Then, there's Apoquel, the allergy drug that so many idiots keep giving their dogs. Well, Apoquel completely destroys the immune system and the dog needs it forever. I know a dog now who has an autoimmune disease that causes him to have sores in his mouth which makes it difficult to eat. I have a feeling the Apoquel helped that to happened and/or the fact that his mom was vaxxed, too.

I wish people would wake up, too. I keep trying to help them wake up. If they state that their furry loved one is ill in any way, I offer my knowledge. It at least gives them a brand new starting point and hope. Those of us who are awake need to help at least one person and one animal and things might be a whole lot better, I think.

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What do you do for ticks and fleas? Everything I try that isn't a pill or collar.. Seems to make my dogs fur greasy looking and dirty. Thank you.

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Currently we use Dr. Peter Dobias' TickHex spray with essential oils. Our dog has a mix of different hairs - some soft, some more coarse and it doesn't make his coat oily or greasy at all. He hates the smell so we don't spray him until after he eats breakfast so not to throw off his senses while he eats. https://peterdobias.com/collections/flea-and-tick-control Btw: he sells other wonderful supplements.

We used to use another brand of spray that contained cedar oil and silica which was great because the cedar oil keeps the bugs away and if there happens to be fleas on him, the silica (at least in theory) would breakdown their skeleton. However, there was flouride (don't know why) in the spray. When I saw that, we stopped using it. Our dog already has a flouride issue from being forced to take prozac at the rescue (don't get me started on that) and even so who in their right mind would give anyone anything with flouride? I digress.

We've used other essential oils as well as a spray. You can look up how to make your own specifically for dogs. I would recommend only organic safe essential oils. This company is also fantastic and they offer an essential oil for fleas and ticks. I haven't used it so I can't speak to it's value: https://www.4-legger.com/collections/all/products/evict-rtu-for-flea-tick-and-insect-control-by-animaleo . I do like their shampoos very much.

Also, we used to put this powder on our previous dog: https://www.pethealthandnutritioncenter.com/products/buck-mountain-botanicals-parasite-dust?_pos=1&_sid=315fc950c&_ss=r . Pet Health and Nutrition Center has a wonderful catalog of supplements. You can ask them questions too for help on what might work for your dog. The owners are an herbalist and dog/cat nutritionist. They have a lot of knowledge.

I don't know what you've tried before but if it's made with any synthetic ingredients perhaps that could be causing the greasiness. Just a thought.

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Have you noticed a lot of pets are getting cancer? They weren’t vaccinated with Covid vaccine, but the pets these days get a lot of vaccinations.

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Surely "vaccinated" owners have been shedding on their pets.

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That's what I've been saying. I know of several. Cancer, embolisms, strokes, heart issues. It's heartbreaking. I keep trying to help whomever will listen and whomever wants the help.

Zeolite powder is safe for dogs and cats. Everyone needs to be taking it because it binds to these positively charged toxins that have been injected into people and removes them from the body. We're all being shedded upon daily.

Currently, a cat who has an abdominal tumor whom I'm helping is taking the zeolite and eating real organic home cooked food vs the crap the vet sold her person. Finally, the cat is eating when she wasn't before. Zeolite powder has helped many people. I've suggested it to people and those who have tried it have found their symptoms from the shots went away within a few weeks.

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Yes. That's what my comment was about.

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Mark, I hope you have a good counselor or spiritual advisor, because it must be hard reporting on so much death/murder. Praying for you. And may the Divine Assistance remain with you always. Thank you for your good and honest work.

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West Texas A&M student Colby Scott Flow died suddenly on May 9th, 2023. Born March 29th, 2001. According to WTAMU announcement, "Medical analysis and a battery of tests have yet to explain this unexplainable tragedy ".

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Hope that battery of tests includes one for myocarditis, otherwise they might not find anything out of the ordinary.

Then it could be listed as, “ death by natural causes ( at 22 ).”

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The swimmer who died after falling in the pool …..

“Carr passed out, and paramedics were dispatched to the school pool. He was brought to a nearby hospital, where doctors declared him dead. Head of Harvard-Westlake Jeanne M. Huybrechts informed parents through email.”

What??? They notified his parents thru email?

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Mark and team, this may be one to investigate for your next weekly post. What caught my attention was that Mr. McGovern coached in the fall of 2022, and was dead of cancer before the summer of 2023. Smacks of another turbo cancer victim. God rest his soul.


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I know a woman who was just diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer out of nowhere. Recent clean mamogram.. I don't have tons of hope when you learn their vaccine status.

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No disrespect, but if Enos Weaver was Mennonite it is very doubtful he was jabbed. He was a farmer and had 6 kids so he probably was not mandated to get jabbed. But the number of young people on the other hand... it’s right there in front of our faces...makes me just so sick reading these. May God’s perpetual light shine upon all these poor souls who deserved better.

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Re: Mr. Weaver — I was thinking the same thing.

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I'm up to Part 13 of my "medical emergency series," but Part 10 is actually a bombshell. I should append a story from Part 12 to it, though. In Part 12 I cover the death of the 17 year-old soccer star Cheikh Landing Marone from Senegal, whose death followed a collapse during a U18 match on Sunday. In Part 10 I cover the 17 year-old unnamed youth soccer player whose death followed a collapse on the field during a U18 match on Saturday. So that's a major story by itself.

But on Saturday, May 27th, THREE major league-level players collapsed on the pitch for mysterious medical reasons. Tom Lockyer, Kaio Cesar, and Corey Hirawira-Naera. Videos of Lockyer and Cesar are in the post, but not of Harawira-Naera -- although I'm sure there must be some posted somewhere.

And other than that, "medical emergency" is a wild ride these days. It never was a thing that drivers in cars would just go out, then the car would accelerate all over the road and crash into someone's house and we all just didn't notice anything, was it? That story's in the mix somewhere. It's crazy.

Here's Pt. 10:

FOUR Athletes Down on the Pitch in ONE Day, Youth Player DEAD -- The Rise of the Medical Emergency, Pt. 10


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Will check these out. Thank you.

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I wonder if these should be in some sort of database like the Holocaust ones. Might be nice to be able to search by location, date, and what factors ARE reported (despite the MAIN one never being reported).

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6 or so Billion to go. When do we start eating the bugs and have our worldly things taken away?

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NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!!!!! Galaxy Quest, 1999

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Is there even one family member asking questions? I bet the answer is no.

Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

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I think we should plan a global seance…maybe on Halloween. Find out what people really want to say to Fauci. Creepy I know, but wonder what would happen? We used to goof around as kids doing that….I’m only joking though — I would be too afraid.

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