“It's dark out, Jack, the stations out there don't identify themselves, we're in it raw-blind like burned rats, it's running out all around us, the footprints of the beast, one nobody has any notion of. The white and vacant eyes of something above there, something that doesn't know we exist. I smell heartbreak up there, Jack, a heartbreak at the center of things, and in which we don't figure at all.”

― Kenneth Patchen

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We are no longer blind, we can see, we can feel, we can understand and we can predict. We figure more that you or I may ever understand... keep the faith and we will win; but it will become worse, before it becomes better.

Quote from Kenneth Patchen's sister's uncle's friend's neighbour - "CHIN UP and let's have em."

Do not let the bastards get you down.

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Ha, ha.

Thank you, good brother.

I tend to have a more pessimistic and nihilistic point of view, but I appreciate your defiant and encouraging words.

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No worries mate; having dwarfism makes me a right cocky, loud mouthed sod. LOL.

The major thing is, is that we all understand that we are NOT ALONE ... and maybe in the majority now (doubtful, but maybe), if you look at the figures of those taking the "33rd" booster jab... (pun to the masonic swine intended)... so they are countering with more and more stupid and inane things ... "alien invasion, oh yes a new strain coming, nuclear war blah blah blah" - best just ignore it, throw the smart phone away, switch of the TV, ignore and mock them.

PS being too pessimistic or optimistic is a no no... you keep me in check and vice versa... take it easy and remember that their greatest weapon is FEAR, there next is CONFUSION and do not allow them to get into your brain with psychology (they are good, UK the best)... step back and see through their BS - even the most innocent of news articles in the MSM, always have a subliminal message. (Apologies if I sound patronising there, long story for another time).

It is a battle for our mind and soul, more than our bodies, so God bless to you and yours.

Ignore, laugh and mock the globalist parasites.

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Agree. It’s a war for our attention, because once that’s captured, it’s game over. Your attention is your consciousness. It’s what they want.

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Yes, Sir, Bob!

'Easy to see you know what's going on! Masons and all. 'A bit difficult to swallow, but it's true; the Jesuits have created the masons and most all other religions as well! You've probably found that to be true. And indeed right to state that it is a battle for the mind rather than the body. (where the mind goes, the body follows!) Anyway, we sure do need God's Gracious Blessings these days, as dark as they are.

Stay strong, and in prayer to God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer!


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"No worries mate; having dwarfism makes me a right cocky, loud mouthed sod. LOL."

I would say it has made you a philosophical, extroverted, friendly, concerned brother.

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Me too, I appreciate the encouragement.

"what do we say to death?"

Not today.

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When I'm at my wits end and feel like I'm going to lose it my first thought is "not today Satan, not today." Works and brings me back to sanity every time.

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That first pic. Now I get why all the local guardrails suddenly got chronically crumpled up. Lots of guard rail torn out or deformed as well.

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I say this often but it bears repeating: Become a George or Georgia Carlin if you aren't one already.

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Easier said than done.

I'd love to be the next Carlin, Chopin, or Coltrane.

But genius is rare and that's why we value it.

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"Free verse poems have no regular meter or rhythm.

They do not follow a proper rhyme scheme; these poems do not have any set rules.

This type of poem is based on normal pauses and natural rhythmical phrases, as compared to the artificial constraints of normal poetry.

It is also called vers libre, which is a French word meaning “free verse.”

Although a poem can have free verse, it is still not prose.

On the other hand, prose, even if it has some poetic elements, is not poetry. "


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In winter the murderer

death enters the house;

it looks for a sister, a father,

and fiddles for them.

But when the earth is moving

under the spade in spring,

death runs in the streets

and waves at passers-by.

—Rainer Maria Rilke

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(Free verse in English but not in the original French in which there's an abab cdcd rhyme scheme.)

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Can you post in French? I would LOVE that!

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En hiver, la mort meurtrière

entre dans les maisons ;

elle cherche la sœur, le père,

et leur joue du violon.

Mais quand la terre remue

sous la bêche du printemps,

la mort court dans les rues

et salue les passants.

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Oh my goodness. I’m tearing up. Thank you!

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It's great to find two people (maybe more) who respond to Rilke.

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023

Hope you see this, Sam (and Marty):

I saw it on a record jacket of Keith Jarrett.

Also by Rilke.

"If I don't manage to fly, someone else will.

The Spirit wants only that there be flying.

As for who happens to do it,

In that he has only a passing interest."

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Thanks for beating me to the task, Marty!

It sounds much better in French; however, the English version would be nothing to be ashamed of.

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My thoughts on the passing Covid scene include thoughts on the passing of actor Lance Reddick ... and the story about 30 percent of Europeans maybe getting a placebo vaccine.


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Apparently Madonna has also had "a very close call" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAtoq46Eems

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On Dr. Syed Haider's Substack, he said, "The shots as well as other "countermeasures" like lockdowns, suppression of effective early treatments, overuse of opioids behind the closed doors of hospitals and nursing homes, overuse of ineffective and harmful (but very profitable) remdesivir, finishing patients off on a ventilator, or simply starving them to death locked in the hospital "covid unit".

For me, it absolutely strains credulity to think that our fellow Americans were actually starved to death in COVID units... However, when you list these other, 'Crimes Against Humanity' and violations of the Nuremberg Code...

1) The shots as well as other "countermeasures"

2) like lockdowns,

3) suppression of effective early treatments, 4) overuse of opioids behind the closed doors of hospitals and nursing homes,

5) overuse of ineffective and harmful (but very profitable) remdesivir.

6) finishing patients off on a ventilator,

Then why is it that I can't believe that patients were,

"simply starved to death locked in the hospital "covid units"?

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Where are they hiding the infant deaths? McDonough Funeral Home in Lowell, MA seems to be too busy unfortunately with lots of suddens of the young.

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Please…… Help Fight Against the Sale of Children for the Purpose of Sex Trafficking and Child Pornography

1. Watch this entire trailer……

2. Go see this movie when it opens on July 4th, and………

3. Consider Paying it Forward

The Sound of Freedom


This is a true story. I watched an hour long interview with Tim Ballard, the subject of this movie, and Jim Caviezel. Tim quit his job as a Department of Homeland Security Special Agent so that he could literally, 'save the kids'.

He is 'The Real Deal'. Jim Caviezel is the actor who plays him in this movie.

These men are literally doing 'God's Work', Tim, by performing this work, and Jim by shining a light on this literal EVIL that is among us. For instance, at my workplace, two men were fired and incarcerated within the last 6 months for child pornography. That happened because they were 'incautious' enought to watch it on a government computer. Think of how many are watching on their private computers, and don't get caught. This is a huge problem worldwide, and our country is a primary contributor to this (no other word for it but)…….. Pure Evil.

We have a moral obligation to do what we can to fight against this….

Please help.

Please take a material step and stand up for goodness, on this Independence Day.

Thank you, Elizabeth

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CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America


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On Dr. Syed Haider's Substack, he said, "The shots as well as other "countermeasures" like lockdowns, suppression of effective early treatments, overuse of opioids behind the closed doors of hospitals and nursing homes, overuse of ineffective and harmful (but very profitable) remdesivir, finishing patients off on a ventilator, or simply starving them to death locked in the hospital "covid unit".

For me, it absolutely strains credulity to think that our fellow Americans were actually starved to death in COVID units... However, when you list these other, 'Crimes Against Humanity' and violations of the Nuremberg Code...

1) The shots as well as other "countermeasures"

2) like lockdowns,

3) suppression of effective early treatments, 4) overuse of opioids behind the closed doors of hospitals and nursing homes,

5) overuse of ineffective and harmful (but very profitable) remdesivir.

6) finishing patients off on a ventilator,

Then why is it that I can't believe that patients were,

"simply starved to death locked in the hospital "covid units"?

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Here’s another one, Mark. Rick Froberg’s band Drive Like Jehu was quite amazing. Another “died suddenly” of natural causes: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/rick-froberg-drive-like-jehu-hot-snakes-dead-obit-1234782295/

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Joesthetics, 30yo German body-builder, influencer with millions of subscribers, quadtruple-vaxxed, dies from aneurysm. Last interview just reported on Aussie17 Pharmafiles substack where he describes state of his blood, d-dimer test results, chelation therapies https://pharmafiles.substack.com/p/joesthetics-died-of-brain-aneurysm#play Given his large no. of fans, this should hopefully wake up many remaining oblivious in fitness world

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Not related because she didn't get the vax, but Naomi Wolfe is in hospital with ruptured appendix which sounds serious - https://brownstone.org/articles/an-update-from-naomi-wolf/

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Churchill was a racist, fascist, and eugenecist, but he had a good quote or two:

"This is not the end, and maybe not the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning."

NY's digital wallet (disguised as a health passport), the Excelsior pass, just bit the dust.


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What I meant was not listening to any order the gov't gives because they will never want you healthy!

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