I live near Bournemouth so two of the deaths in this week's post have been in our local area.

When I mentioned the deaths to several different people along with a "goodness me there have been a lot of unexpected sudden deaths lately" I have been told that "death is a part of life", "sudden deaths, what sudden deaths?", "no, you are mistaken", etc, etc, etc.

What is wrong with people that they aren't even curious?

BTW I never used the words Covid or vaccination on purpose.

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These same people were probably happy to shutdown the country, persecute the unvaccinated for convid which was at worst taking out those already at deaths door.

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Nov 10, 2022
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I know right and I didn't even mention anything to do with vax and I asked several people so what is happening??

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Nov 10, 2022
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same here - whats the point . The convinced jabbers will never change their mind , either due to utter belief or utter denial, (or maybe now utter fear ?). And those of us who questioned it, will always be nutters in their eyes.

I feel sad, but then I think, they are adults and it was their decision. In Italy there has always been a well known saying when you question someone's decision. The reply is: "

He/She is adult and vaccinated" Pity that now this expression takes on a much sadder meaning. ☹

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I guess all the unexpectedly, suddenly, w/peacefully attached means died in their sleep?

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Not necessarily. It might be a lie, first of all. Or it might mean someone died of a fatal cardiac arrhythmia, which can actually be extremely peaceful - as long as the dying person is fine with dying. If not, they presumably wouldn't feel peaceful during the process. Though toward the end they would.

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The tears of their children won't be peaceful by any means.

By children I mean under 18s as opposed to adult sons and daughters.

I mean all children will be upset by a parent's death but it is so much worse when the parent is still so young,.

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Maybe. There are exceptions to the rule, though. I have never, not even for one brief moment, missed my mother, who has been dead for over twenty-three years. If my father predeceases me, I'm absolutely sure I'll never miss him either. I hate him even more than I hated my mother. When my mother died, I would never have thought that to be possible. But it is.

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Truthbird I know EXACTLY what you are saying.

For me I know that I will only be truly free once my mother has died however I am not sure that I will outlive her but to be honest I don't care.

My father has broken my fucking heart by supporting the evil witch and I will not be able to forgive him for this.

Would you like me to edit my above post so that it is more accurate?

I feel that I have hurt you by upsetting you and would like to apologise to you.


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No my dad Darren Harding was found dead in his flat. I'm his daughter kirsty, the post mortem determined athleroslerosis ( basically his heart just stopped) he had 3 of those stupid poisonous vaccines I begged him not too! I also told the coroner don't dare come back to me with covid else I would call bs and fight it all the way theres been far too many 50+ yr olds dying for absolutely no reason!

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