In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, July 22-July 29, 2024
Athletes: US (7), Bolivia, UK, India; musicians: US (5), Canada, Portugal, Bangladesh, New Zealand; "vaxxidents": UK, Croatia, India; journos: US (3), UK, Spain; nurses: US (7), UK, NZ; & more
Note: Click on the countries links for this week’s compilations of those who “died suddenly” (the individual Substacks are too long to email).
United States
Bolivia, Brazil, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Hungary, Croatia, Portugal, Malta and Spain
United Kingdom and Ireland
Nigeria, Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Singapore, Samoa, Australia and New Zealand
So sad. I’m glad people are gathering studies and stats to determine what happened and to not allow public “safety” to override common sense.
It's good to keep the victims in mind.
At the same time, my impression is that this whole operation started around 1960, and all the 13 major causes converge, albeit they definitely culminate with the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections:
It's also important to keep in mind that already two years ago, there was a poetic variety of delivering "vaccines":
Since May, 2023, it has even been legit to "vaccinate" the populace through the food supply: