So sad. I’m glad people are gathering studies and stats to determine what happened and to not allow public “safety” to override common sense.

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A friend of mine came back from wedding weekend back east and warned that she had Covid again, runny nose etc. careful! don’t get close!! I told her yeah, well I had a bad cold for two weeks months ago, used up 4 rolls of TP blowing my nose And actually no, since the word “cold” was banned from the vocabulary at the beginning of the pandemic, kiddo, it is likely only a cold. Crowded, among a bunch of people, busy schedule. She took her At Home Covid test and said OH yes, you’re probably right. How long will the ignorance continue

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The most serious-minded comedian that ever lived, Steve Allen, wrote the book "Dumpth".. well worth a look.

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Hmmm, Dumpth, Drumpf...hmmmm

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No problem: Kameltoe Harris is going to be your next president anyway. 🤔💩

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Right?!? 🤬

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Both they and you, Dr. Tringali, are among the – even now, at best 2% – that "get it": AKA "The Red Pilled."

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Its lonely

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Every "law" is worth as much as its enforcement... "Saving lives" at the expense of real life losses was a psyop to begin with:


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protecting us while harming us

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It's good to keep the victims in mind.

At the same time, my impression is that this whole operation started around 1960, and all the 13 major causes converge, albeit they definitely culminate with the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections:


It's also important to keep in mind that already two years ago, there was a poetic variety of delivering "vaccines":


Since May, 2023, it has even been legit to "vaccinate" the populace through the food supply:


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One thing the pandemic and the post pandemic "official narrative" seem to be hammering into our malleable, "dumb" heads day after day, year after year now is sudden, inexplicable death in humans in the prime of life as ordinary. The implied narrative seems to be, "people in the prime of life drop dead. No reason given. Get used to it."

Well, no. People in the prime of life DON'T just inexplicably drop dead. The narrative is wrong and it seems designed to induce acceptance and resignation in people and to get them to stop asking questions.

This is not normal. Something nefarious is happening. Thank you to Dr. Miller for being among the few to keep this issue in public awareness.

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It's not getting any better. Dr Mike Yeadon said, back at the start of the jab craze, that the lucky ones would be those who died immediately. Looks like he was right. All these people dying of horrible things. Brain trauma. What even is that? Two week battle from diagnosis of cancer to death? Collapsing suddenly. Dying in their sleep. "Really rare" tumours and cancers that spread like wildfire.

And now, after some 3 years since the craze, people have forgotten they even took the jabs, forgotten they were "novel" and ignorant of the total lack of safety data. A lot of them are still taking their boosters. Isn't Joe Biden up to about 8 jabs? I suspect my 95 year old mother in law who lives in a care home is probably up to about 8 or 9 - they give them out twice a year now apparently and nobody asks her if she wants them.

If it is meant to be a depopulation thing then it's a pretty wicked wickedness and if it's simply greed and ignorance then it's still pretty wicked. So tragic and so totally not being discussed, regardless of us here talking about it. The "man in the street" definitely isn't talking about any of it, like 2020 to 2023 didn't actually happen.

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I haven't forgotten and won't forget.

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With you all the way, Capt.

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Some researchers have found "dark crystals" in the blood of the vaccinated that destroy white blood cells. Apparently these crystals kill the white blood cells quicker than they can regenerate...

Could that be part of what's causing all this mortality and morbidity?


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Dear Mark, As promised I have written to the Daily Telegraph to ask them to check out your reporting of vaxxidents and to do a piece on it. I didnt send it to the letters page as its hard to get anything published there. Instead I wrote a lengthy comment on a piece by Allison Pearson who is one of their columnists. Hopefully she will read it! I know she is open minded and one of the most likely people to be interested in this. (For example she spent the day with and wrote a long piece on Nigel Farage recently - the article was honest and in places quite admiring (of his courage, kindness and decency). Not many journalists in the UK are prepared to do that. She's anti the woke blob and Im not sure about her views on covid vaccines but Im sure she will be much more prepared to challenge the narrative than many others. I hope she gets in touch with you.

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She is also very active on twitter (X) and her followers include Dr Dean Patterson, Covileaks, Anti WEF among others. So I'm sure she is very open minded. 🤞🤞

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So There You Have It …

Vaccinated People

Were A Danger To Themselves

And To One Another.

Rest In Peace.

( And In Safety And Effectiveness )


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They are going to have to find a new virus to blame these sudden deaths on. SDV - sudden death virus. Very contagious. Highly transmissible. Could be lurking anywhere. May have originated in a cave in central Congo, scientists speculate. Fauci is puzzled. Gates is worried. The hunt for a vaccine is on. Billions of dollars will be allocated. Got to find a cure! 😃

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Only the new vaxx can save us from the old vaxx!!! Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. "We don't (or do) get fooled again.

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It's always vax to the max!

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Good riddance!

The staff description on her university’s website:

Alison Britton is Professor of Healthcare and Medical Law at Glasgow Caledonian University.

She specialises in public healthcare, clinical negligence, mental health law and professional ethics. In recent years, her interests have focused upon the practical application and the role of law in matters of public health and policy development. She has been involved in consultancy work for a diverse range of organisations including the World Health Organisation, the Department of Health (England and Wales), Childlessness Overcome through Surrogacy(C.O.T.S), British Medical Association and the Scottish Government. She is currently a member of the task and finish group for the General Medical Council updating their guidance on Consent. She has delivered presentations nationally, and internationally, and provided training for health care organisations.

Alison was appointed legal adviser to the Health Committee of the Scottish Parliament for the Adult Support and Protection (Sc) Act 2007 and Health and Sport Committee on the End of Life Assistance (Scotland) Bill in 2010. She is the Convener of the Health and Medical Law Reform Sub Committee for the Law Society of Scotland.


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Ps Mark, the article by Allison Pearson is dated 23rd July and titled "My Soviet A & E Ordeal...." (so my comment wasnt on point... still hoping she'll notice it..)

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Sorry to hear you're going to waste your vote on RFK, Jr.

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No response to the argument for doing so?

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If Trump gets robbed again, we all become serfs to the World Economic Forum, to be culled at their whim. RFK Jr. Has no chance of winning. You know it, and I know it. It’s that simple.

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Head-shaking. Just head-shaking. This just hit the news in Australia: https://womensagenda.com.au/latest/maribyrnong-councillor-and-former-mayor-sarah-carter-dies-aged-45/

A friend just told me a half hour ago a woman known to both of us has been very sick...The woman in question has just learned she now has pancreatic cancer. Young--maybe 50.

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