Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

also just want to mention that all your links here are for paid subscribers only. that was not the case when you were sending individual emails. so now your info. will not be as accessible. I am disabled (vaccine injured) and my husband is also - so our income is limited. I am sticking to the free info. and doing what I can to continue to alert people in positions of power about the unreported and suppressed info. concerning vaccine safety and your free posts have been invaluable to me.

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I didn't mean for that to happen. Let me look into it....

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ok, also I mentioned you in the most recent letter I sent to my public officials today, and I just tried to forward my letter to you, but it bounced back just now, and I got a message that your account viewed my email as suspected spam. I have blind copied you on letters I sent to public officials before so not sure if this is just a glitch. I'd like you to see the BC advisor from ny.gov - my list of public officials is over 200 right now that I email daily. Also I just think you should be blind copied on emails I send public officials that include info. on you.

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OK, it's fixed.

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Sweet :)

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Thank you, Mark

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I vote for separates, I think its more effective. Screw their inboxes, they can deal. Either way will read.

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Mark I just sent info. on the newest "sudden death" I saw this a.m. in Jeff Childer's blog - Illinois democrat and US Representative Sean Castin’s 17-year-old daughter, Gwen, who died suddenly and unexpectedly in her sleep Sunday night. I have a growing list of emails that now includes all the officials at the FDA, The President and Board of Trustees and advisors at Boston College (where I went to school - one of their advisors has a ny.gov address) the Governor of MA, all 200 State Legislators in MA, the Mayor of Boston and City Council (where I live) and others. My email included some of your other blogs and info. on your status as a tenured Professor at NYU who has been prohibited teaching your long popular class on how to recognize propaganda. I had a Professor at BC that taught me a similar class and it was invaluable to me. Godspeed to you and all that you continue to do!!

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That one is in today's compilation.

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I was watching the LPGA briefly on Sat when they remembered a field audio tech/engineer who passed suddenly just a day or two earlier. Not sure if Mark caught that one (paywalled now), but his list is surely the tip of the iceberg.

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oh definitely just the tip of the iceberg. I am hearing anecdotal stories from friends and family locally daily :(

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thank you for this.....certainly the utter weight of this many early deaths SHOULD BE WEIGHING heavily on all in boxes, it is only right that should be so.....at least THAT. let them all CRASH until we are OUT in the streets screaming that these clot shots are STOPPED!

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Yours are easily the most depressing posts I read, but I read them anyway. Can you imagine the heartbreak these families are experiencing because of these lethal injections? Sadly, there is a lot more of this to come. Thanks for doing what you do; this information is invaluable to us.

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I noticed, without counting, that many died "unexpectedly", whereas previously the term used was "suddenly". I guess the two terms reflect the same sort of reaction their families and friends must be having...these deaths are all sudden and unexpected.

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I like the condensed format, thank you.

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Thank you Mark. Nice way to streamline and still get the info out from your great work.

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Definitely a better way to do it!

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Thanks, Mark. Sooo sad, heartbreaking, and we will likely keep seeing this for years to come... You know, you're just a really good guy, Mark! Sending a hug with love to you.

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Echo of the clocktower, footstep

in the alleyway, sweep

of the wind sifting the leaves.

Jeweller of the spiderweb, connoisseur

of autumn’s opulence, blade of lightning

harvesting the sky.

Keeper of the small gate, choreographer

of entrances and exits, midnight

whisper travelling the wires.

Seducer, healer, deity or thief,

I will see you soon enough—

in the shadow of the rainfall,

in the brief violet darkening a sunset—

but until then I pray watch over him

as a mountain guards its covert ore

and the harsh falcon its flightless young.

Dana Goia

(I just came across your Substack. Thank you for memorializing these deaths. It rights the world for me a little.)

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

Thank you. I also think the single e-mail strategy is a good change, makes it easier to share all in one go.

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glad you have been sending out the weekly necrology in installments. those of us who were with you in the beginning remember how it was one email, then two, then half a dozen. this has incalculable historical value and is a rare example of where the message actually came to define the medium. we forget this at our peril

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Thank you for this compilation. I read through each obituary and it is mind boggling so many are dying. I am watching with sadness as my own family essentially brag about their injections. It will all come to pass sooner or a little while later. As I wait and watch my own, I am overwhelmed with sorrow for the loved ones of these unfortunate souls. Very sad indeed.

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Mark, thank you.

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Thank you for continuing to send these. I am saving much data these days to assemble tomorrow's library. There will be a record of these days.

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