This is mass murder on a scale never seen before on earth. More than 3 million deaths now just in the United States, per VAERS reporting of 1-10% Dr McCullough came out yesterday and put the number at 600k. He is wrong. There are upwards of more than 3 million. Just in the states.
This is mass murder on a scale never seen before on earth. More than 3 million deaths now just in the United States, per VAERS reporting of 1-10% Dr McCullough came out yesterday and put the number at 600k. He is wrong. There are upwards of more than 3 million. Just in the states.
This is mass murder on a scale never seen before on earth. More than 3 million deaths now just in the United States, per VAERS reporting of 1-10% Dr McCullough came out yesterday and put the number at 600k. He is wrong. There are upwards of more than 3 million. Just in the states.
Thank you again for what you do here Mark