I gotta believe those 3 Colorado teachers all attended the school’s vaccine event.

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How bad is my batch in Aurora?

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Horrors. We went to NY this weekend and met up with a friend who ignored my warnings regarding the poison. This arrogant prideful __ chose to deride me and poison her college bound girls. BU.

“They have to live life.”

One is currently really sick and has developed Hep A, pneumonia, jaundice and all sorts of immune deficiencies. The other twin is not showing any symptoms (yet). The clueless mother blames it on the hectic schedule. My wife and I are kicking each other under the table trying desperately not to blurt out “she’s dying of VAIDS, moron”

Then she proceeded to lecture me on the horrors of Putin...I’d had enough and told her the earth was flat and stationary as it is described in the book of Genesis. She moved so fast she left skid marks.

She’ll never speak to me again.

Thank you Lord.

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Good call.

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That is so awful for her daughter. Parents exist to protect their children - the failures of millions of parents is tragic.

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Every time I read these updates I count myself blessed that I never partook of the poison.

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Michael Richardson, "He was known to be a bit of an "asshole", but it was his unique way of showing love and affection to those closest to him."

After reading so many of these of how everyone is so full of sunshine and lights up a room, it is nice to see someone be called what they are. He must have been a piece of work if they mentioned it in his obit.

We used to have a boss that got a heart transplant, everyone said it was a waste of a good heart to give it to him, and when he finally passed away I can't say people openly cheered, but no one was sad.

Not everyone is a great, wonderful, loving, human being. Jokes were made of what should be on his headstone, and they were not nice things.

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I too have been noticing an increase in the emotional level (if I may coin a phrase) of adjectives used in these sudden and unexpected obits. Sort of like obits on crack?

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Maybe their loved ones subconsciously realize the deceased were murdered.

With guilt, the heart empties out a lot of love.

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The subconscious element-- I wonder--except I also question whether these folks hear anything outside the MSM stream, and so have no reason to connect dots. But when a beloved dies for no apparent reason, that must be earth-shaking. I have too many metaphors here!

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Sudden death is the worst compared to having a loved that has gone through a long illness and you are aware of what is coming. It is so much easier to deal with and accept as opposed to losing someone out of the blue. Car wrecks and other accidents leave people in shock and it takes time, losing someone in a war zone is its own unique death, then there is suicide. Nothing like suicide, definitely its own type of pain. All I know is the style of writing for obits has changed since Covid.

What I find interesting are the ones where nothing is said about the person other than they died. Is it because the family doesn't know what to say and can't deal w/the death, is it because there is no family?

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I have many times had the same thought. A long-married couple in my church, 20 years ago: husband had brain cancer for a few years. When he died, and I was able to express my sorrow to his wife, she replied that 'we said good-bye to each other long ago'.

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Not uncommon. My SIL lost her mother last year, they had Hospice care, and quite frankly it was a relief because her mom struggled. We all miss her. SIL is going through the first of holidays w/out her mom, Mother's Day will be hard, Christmas and T-Day were hard. Even though it is painful there is a certain peace about it when you get to say good-bye.

A friend and co-worker battled lung cancer, two young children. His wife didn't wait 6 months before she married his best friend. He had approved of their marriage and was relieved his friend would be there to help raise the children. We were all kind of dismayed and uncomfortable w/it, but after we thought about it it made sense.

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I’ve noticed that the first line obituary I see is now often a picture of a flower or something like that- and I need to dig deeper and search out the details. Even when I find them, there is a lot that is NOT being said:


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Have read the Emily note. Something I have been noticing is that it appears that people's first reaction on many of the deaths is to ask for money/set up a GoFundMe (which choice is telling in itself). Do people not have any resources of their own? Sorry if this sounds harsh, but it strikes me as a matter of personal responsibility. Is everybody on the take? Are there not perhaps people in the locale of a hospital who are known for offering short-term lodging? Speaking as one who used to offer such whenever out-of-towners were needy (although these were not medical matters).

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There are government funds available to help pay for a (very simple) funeral; funeral home directors know this and point people to this option when necessary. There are very simple, inexpensive caskets available, and cremation is becoming almost ubiquitous these days because it is so much cheaper than burial of a casket/body.

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And cremation hides evidence.

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This has been occurring to me. And that an autopsy done by county coroner is not at all to be trusted.

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Thanks for sharing your knowledge--you being involved in the process, for sure!

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It is a societal thing. It used to be personal responsibility. When my niece passed all her friends wanted a Go Fund Me. My sister was horrified at the thought. She is fairly well off so it wasn't a problem for her, but others don't have the cash. Funerals are expensive if you do a standard one. It is an expense people don't plan for. And no doubt there are some out there looking for extra cash and it is a great way to make some money. Sad to say.

For the younger people it is what you do and they were very upset w/my sister. We tried to explain to her, take the money because she was insulting them back by not taking it, and do something for a charitable contribution in her daughter's memory. Numerous ways to spend it, properly, but she would have no part, it was insulting to her.

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As you say, "Funerals are expensive if you do a standard one." It's in the worst of bad taste to do what you cannot afford.

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I know someone that just bought a burial plot for $10 grand, that isn't counting the headstone, casket, use of funeral home, food, hearse, just the hole in the ground. If shop around you can get a cremation for the average of $2 grand, I have seen some cheaper. We get a local coupon in the mail that has them for dirt cheap. Urns can be way pricey.

When my mother died the cremation center charged me $150 to see my dead mother, and that was just her head, they had the rest of her covered w/a quilt because they removed her heart defib. I had to stand behind a wall to look through a plexiglass window.

I had never heard of anyone being charged to see a passed love one. I am so used to movies and Tv shows bringing people to the morgue for free. Supposedly it was to cover the cost of the make-up. Anyway, it is a shock I don't know that I will ever recover from. I had to pay to see my own mother to say good-bye.

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I believe that one is counseled, after the death of a spouse, to make no large decision (like selling one's house) for 12 months, lest the disrupted emotional state brought about by that death result in unwise, very expensive, choices. I imagine that the funeral industry counts on being able to take a financial benefit from sorrow--an emotion. Paying for that costly burial plot --why? some sort of self-absolution? It doesn't affect the one whose remains are buried there. To me these large cemeteries also seem a poor use of land (although perhaps much better use than a new high-rise). And the practice of making visits to the grave, laying flowers on it, seems to me a bit pagan.

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It could be that they don't have photos. I have noticed some obits will use a photo of when a person was young while dying at 85. I don't know if it how they want to remember them, or the only good photo they have or what. Then others use a more recent photo even if they are 85.

My family does not have any recent pictures of me so if I die and they do an obit God only knows what photo they would drag out. They also don't really know any of my friends to ask them for a clear pic. I avoid being on camera.

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Funny ACrone--I connected with you on your 'Don't mess with my TV" because we are of similar age, state, choices---I, too, avoid being on camera--and have no profile pic on any site.

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I have taken to calling it "grief porn"

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That is an interesting take. I assume that by terming it 'porn' you see some addiction here?

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Thanks - I am not sure how I came up with that usage - I don't think I have seen it elsewhere. Something to do with inauthenticity; something rote about it; exaggerated ... a going-thru-the-motions once again. So? the PsyOp at this stages forces people into forms of expression of that character. Always, always the grief of "the community" is mentioned. So, no the "addictive" quality of porn I do not see as a principle aspect in this figurative usage.

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Plenty to ponder in your thoughtful response--I do thank you

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Very sad to hear this news.

51 year old Paul Funk, husband, father of 3 and the principal and former longtime football and baseball coach at Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School, who was expected to take over soon as principal of Duxbury High School, MA, died suddenly on Saturday, April 15th, officials said.


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51. Yikes.

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Lots of TN and PA here this week. Hmmm

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Rural Pennsy and Upstate NY have been large contributors to all of these reports. They've either been getting a steady diet of bad batches or Mark has his most dedicated correspondents in those areas.

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I am from western PA and noticed this too. One was from my exes town. TN received the largest number of batches marked as hot lots or severe.

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An old friend moved there and died in a car crash at an intersection she’s driving through thousands of times. This very responsible nurse apparently ran a red light and was hit by a truck.

People who knew her could not understand now this could possibly happen;it just seemed so unlikely, shocking, unexpected; it made absolutely no sense to them.

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Noted that myself---all western-ish Pa, I think -one even born in Fetterman's town.

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Except I think Alaska wins the prize in terms of numbers and overwhelming in rate.

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Native people are suddenly put first for once in their lives.

The Government is just trying to make things right by wrapping them in a blanket of love, I’m sure…

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Just moving them off their land - again.

This time, permanently.

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I've been hearing that from more than two sources: Karen Bedonie, former candidate for Governor of NM and member of the Navajo nation stated that everyone knows someone who has died from the shot - (I think she was referring to people living at the reservation, not the entire country). Charles Hoffe, a physician in British Columbia found over half of his vaccinated patients showed evidence of blood clots in 2021 (using a d-dimer test, most of his patients were from Indigenous groups). From MCM's post here on Verner Wilson, the 36-year old man from Alaska with a reader's comment on distributing the first vaccines to the native population: "They were prioritized to receive the vax first before anyone else in our state."

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The first people are always enemies of the State.

Nothing new under the ☀️

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Every week I read about these deaths. And every DAY, I thank GOD that I did not get these shots and that I was able to protect my daughters from getting them.

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41 year old father of six precious children. So sad.

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Hi all,

I found Jonah Winn's passing so tragic, so sad, I am so sorry, he looks like such a nice person who had his whole life ahead of him.

I ask anyone reading this post and comments to have the courage to connect a few dots between the timing of when he was injected with the experimental 'vaccines' and when he suddenly died. Even if just less than a year or 18 months had passed from his second 'jab', please take a few minutes to learn that the experimental mRNA spike protein did not just stay at the site of the injection, no this stuff migrated and went everywhere in the body within less than 25 minutes, see this video:



A new study done on translucent mice showed large levels of biodistribution of spike protein throughout the body. Jefferey Jaxen digs deeper into this alarming discovery...

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This is a “shorter week”? Lord. Also heard about Jamie Foxx struggling in the hospital after a stroke. Day by day…

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I was going to say the same thing.

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I've said it before, all these families should demand a comprehensive autopsy when the deceased is young and healthy, specifically to find out if the "vaccine" was the cause. Then they should sue everyone involved with the clot shot. Publicize the cause of death. With these lists, no wonder the death rate is up 40%

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I'm very familiar with Rick Wolff's work on WFAN. The show he hosted focused on youth sports and it was this show (ironically, in light of the attempted Damar Hamlin gaslighting) where I first learned about the phenomenon known as commodio cordis. And it was very clear from the doctors that Wolff had on the show that victims of commodio cordis go down and stay down. They don't get up, take two steps and then collapse as Damar did. One doctor in particular made it clear that you don't arrive at a commodio diagnosis until you've investigated and eliminated all other possible causes.

God speed to Mr. Wolff, he was a good man.

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Noticing quite a few from western Pa. And two just from Rome, N.Y. Yesterday read on Coffee and Covid the graph of states with the most vax-deaths (i.e., where the deadly vials were distributed), and the relative red vs blue correlation. Interesting if that could be broken down by county.

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I sent this to your team a few weeks ago but I don’t think I have seen it. Could have missed it though. Sad, sad story.

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Rep. Chuy Garcia (D-Ill.)’s 28-year-old daughter


No cause given. Maybe suicide, judging from what he wrote. Sad.

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Another US Congressman from Illinois had a child die in the last year.

Fox News reported this on October 8, 2022: Illinois Rep. Sean Casten, a Democrat, announced Friday that his daughter's death in June was from a cardiac arrhythmia.

"This past June, our daughter, Gwen Casten, died of a sudden cardiac arrythmia. In layman’s terms, she was fine, and then her heart stopped," the Casten family wrote in a statement.

The congressman said after his daughter's passing that she had been looking forward to starting her freshman year at the University of Vermont this fall.

She was fully vaccinated against COVID-19, the family said in their statement.

"We are heartbroken, but we are not unique," the statement read. "Sudden, unexplained heart-failure among young, healthy people is rare but real. We are left grasping at the wrong end of random chance."

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yes—and the 3 strokes in two weeks in D Congressmen. And now 3 cancers as well. Plus shingles (maybe from age). D is for Dying ..

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Was it the 'we did our best to provide' aspect which made you think of 'self harm'?

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Yes the combination of the word “stability,” and that they rather unnecessarily pointed out she was adopted from foster care, kind of suggests self-harm, deliberate or maybe drugs.

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Oh the sadness. Not only to lose a child, but to have those possibilities added to the burden.

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I still have not had one person admit to me I was right about the shot being dangerous. Was talking to a good friend today about excess deaths. he agreed but there no mention of the shot being the cause. until I borough it up. After that end of conversation. Some people will never come to the conclusion this shot killed or hurt people even though most won't take it again. this friends son had a bad reaction to the shot and could have died. We have a long way to go.

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