In Canada, Comedian Nick Nemeroff ("vaccinated") and stage director Majou Bou-Matar; in Mexico, an actor, a singer's mother and a leftist militant; a Cuban general; two Bahamian cops; and many more
I wonder when he made that video, how long before he died... Some people said he's in the hospital in this video, but that headboard is not a hospital bed.
Damn, if I were a relative of vax murdered person, I sure as hell wouldn't remain silent. I'd find out who would put it out there.
Remaining silent is showing no respect for loved one, or truth, or helping other future prey of pharma
These people have a lot coming
That Nick video gets me every time. So ominous.
I wonder when he made that video, how long before he died... Some people said he's in the hospital in this video, but that headboard is not a hospital bed.
I think it’s from last August. I thought it looked hospitalish but good point. He does look unwell though.
I don't know his work, so I can't tell if that's meant to be funny or not.
Same. But I can see in his eyes he’s quite serious.
I think he's serious too.
*******JUST IN:****** OLIVIA QUAN, Canadian recording engineer. Same charade, "natural causes" at 25 years old. She was working in bed. R.I.P.