Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023

The deaths are horrendous, the lack of the normies noticing them, a crazy maker like none other. I live a dual life, split between this reality and CLUELESS GENOCIDAL MANIACS, as I watch blood seep out from under the floorboards....

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Emma Marie Shockley (24), passed away unexpectedly and peacefully in her sleep on Saturday July 8th, 2023.

I CANNOT STAND IT when they say that. How do they know it was peacefully? God, these people.

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My heart gets heavy every week when I read through these deaths and say a little prayer for each one. Especially sad was the obit for George Watts Jr., age 24, who'd taken the Pfizer BioNTech shot because it had been "fully approved by the FDA." There was so much misunderstanding about this "approval" at that time. I can remember commenting over and over to people on social media who were so happy that the shot had been "approved" and just couldn't understand my explanation. They accused me of being an anti-vaxxer and worse. I blame Pfizer and the FDA for that disastrous mix-up that caused many people to develop a wholly unwarranted trust in Pfizer and the FDA over a shot (Comirnaty) that wasn't even available in this country! It was intentional, I'm sure. That's the worst part.

Can we ever trust the medical/pharmaceutical system ever again? We should have never trusted them from the beginning. For too many years we've been taught that doctors and pharmaceuticals are our savior. Question everything!

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Maybe chap gpt and AI will soon be determining cause of death like it will be saying no to your small business loan, home loan or determine guilt or innocence or what your sentence should be in a court case. The technocrats and eugenicists want to cover it all up.

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I saw Crispin Miller on Jimmy Dore recently. What his colleagues and NYU did to him is scandalous and shameful.

The story is beyond irony: they forced him to stop teaching a course on propaganda he’d been teaching for 20 years because he used covid in his class as an example. He simply pointed out that all the pre-covid studies on the NIH site showed that surgical/cloth masks don’t prevent respiratory virus transmission and taught his students the basics of determining the usefulness of a study. That was it.

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S.A.D.S. (sudden adult death syndrome) ... when a 24 yo passed away unexpectedly & peacefully in her sleep ... The Adult version of S.I.D.S. (sudden infant death syndrome) ... Can these injections maiming, disabling & murdering the young & old get anymore absurd? When are people going to WAKE UP?

I will NEVER,ever take another vaccine for the rest of my life & will avoid MD & Hospitals at all costs & I'm an RN w/ my BSN since 1983. Our world has been rocked. No more flu shots, tetanus, nada. NOTHING. #NeverAgain

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Consider Dr. McCullough explaining that 4-5% of vaccine recipients suffer severe side effects, including death, then we have millions of people dying, will it go on for years, or taper off?

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That's a brave Deputy Coroner at the Bradford County Coroner’s Office.

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seems most words are being redefined. 'science' is about consensus and should never be questioned. 'vaccines' no longer have to keep people from becoming ill nor must they stop transmission. things that happen often are now 'rare.' I'm sorry about morgan faichild's loss, but her takeaway is 'wear a mask?' in hopes it might reach at least one person I'll keep saying this: there's thimerosol in flu shots, and more than 50% of the populace gets a flu shot, annually. which means the grey matter of more than half the people in this country is bathed in mercury at least once a year. what's happening now is due to mass numbers of brain-damaged individuals.

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“Emma Marie Shockley (24), passed away unexpectedly and peacefully in her sleep” … disgusting the lies we tell to make ourselves feel better … I sick of reading of 20 year olds “dying peacefully while asleep” … does anyone actually believe this garbage?!

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My elderly father had the covid shots in 2021 & then had a near fatal blockage similar to Lisa Marie Presley. He suffered sudden severe inflammation and infection. Luckily we went to the ER in time.

Seems to me that the way these injections are being deployed there's a myriad of adverse events that are happening under the public's radar. They have the best plausible deniablity money can buy, having captured & corrupted our government, our medical care & our media. So sad.

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So many needless deaths. Especially unfortunate - and possibly preventable - is that of the young man who need to be vaxxed to attend uni in person. B/c of his school's policy, the intense 'vaccine shaming' and pressure to 'save Grandma,' he did not mention his adverse symptoms after his 1st shot and went on to get another, with even more serious side-effects.

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A young former University of Iowa football player, Cody Ince, has died unexpectedly:


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This may be my weird perception, but when I first started reading these, the ages seemed mostly to be in the 70s and 80s. Slowly, people in their 60s started to show up. Then it seemed the majority were in their 60s with a few 50s here and there. Now it seems like people in their 50s are the majority, with people in their 40s, 30s, and 20s here and there. Of course, there are people of all ages all the time in all the posts and it’s terrible. To me, it just seems like people in descending age groups are dying with other people of their age. Thank you as always, Professor.

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Each day, I fold my blanket, do up my bed with gratitude...I am alive. For 25 years, never saw a doctor for illness treatment...barely a flu. Normal diet ( junk to healthy), zero vitamins, zero other therapies. Zero illnesses (cancer, cardio, etc.) No aging diseases. Age 74. My secret: Urine Therapy.

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