Ontario scholar-activist Howard Adelman, ER doc Ian Donald MacLeod, sociologist Fred Diamond; hockey star Gilles Gilbert; B.C. mathematician Shaun Alfred Strohm; PEI poet Cynthia French; & 382 more
Thank you, Mark, for your consistent, valuable reporting of those who have died in the Covid-1984 World War.
“Death changes the meaning of love and life.” Unknown
I can only hope our old mourning will bring a new morning.
For the only “Silver Lining” in this dark storm cloud of Covid-1984 for Voluntaryist me, is that it is slapping a few more than usual awake from the Nightmare of History (the child abused/neglected, damned and damaged, would be Rulers who damn and damage their Ruled as the Human Condition) to learn the Lesson of Loss and to take responsibility for their freedom and learn to care for themselves and others.
May it come to be, these relative innocents will not have died in vain.
“If we remembered every day that we could lose someone at any moment, we would love them more fiercely and freely and without fear. Not because there is nothing to lose, but because everything can be lost.” Unknown
Tragedies for the families and friends and each a few hundred dollars more profit for big pharma shareholders. What does it profit a man if he gains the world and loses his immortal soul Mr Bourla?
That our government could so wickedly turn against us, that medical professionals could so ruthlessly…..really, words fail Lives, talents, joys and accomplishments and dreams disappear…. years, weeks, too early…..epitaphs on stone, and memories soon dusty in another country in the world. Sickening
Thank you for "saying their names".
Such a tragedy - May accountability come quickly for all concerned. Thanks Dr. Miller
Thanks for your work keeping this monstrous crime in front of us, and sharing the names and stories those who have succumbed.
Thank you, Mark, for your consistent, valuable reporting of those who have died in the Covid-1984 World War.
“Death changes the meaning of love and life.” Unknown
I can only hope our old mourning will bring a new morning.
For the only “Silver Lining” in this dark storm cloud of Covid-1984 for Voluntaryist me, is that it is slapping a few more than usual awake from the Nightmare of History (the child abused/neglected, damned and damaged, would be Rulers who damn and damage their Ruled as the Human Condition) to learn the Lesson of Loss and to take responsibility for their freedom and learn to care for themselves and others.
May it come to be, these relative innocents will not have died in vain.
“If we remembered every day that we could lose someone at any moment, we would love them more fiercely and freely and without fear. Not because there is nothing to lose, but because everything can be lost.” Unknown
Stay free and safe.
14 y/o social media star tragically and suddenly passes away. (Her brother too.)
The CULLING moves on.
This CULLING is now in my family as my oldest nephew hasn't got long before he dies suddenly.
49 years old and just lost his high paying job with the gub'ment of CHINADA who forced him to get 3 JABS.
Each JAB was an add on to the damage from the one before.
The lady who raised him my older brother's ex wife has lost two siblings and her Father last year after JABS.
My brother now has to babysit his 49 year old Son as he watches him die.
He can't walk or hardly stand ,has massive continuous shakes, and more even worse problems.
He's about to loose his house so no stress there ehh....
No one over in that group of the family will make a connection to the BIOWEAPON.
The kicker is he is "getting help" from the Dr who JABBED him.
How many times is this scenario happening right in our own neighborhoods?
I'll report what happens to him as we go.
My brother and I were threatened and vilified on social media and to our faces for trying to educate him 3 years ago.
Even by his Gramps who is my Father who would not see us for two years.
I know this is a microcosm of our World now which is why I tell the truth here.
God bless and keep EXPOSING these MFERING REPTILES.
Just lost three family members in two months.
Very sorry for your losses.
God bless
Thank you.
I’ll add that during this time, another family member survived a stroke and two more have COVID.
Tragedies for the families and friends and each a few hundred dollars more profit for big pharma shareholders. What does it profit a man if he gains the world and loses his immortal soul Mr Bourla?
That our government could so wickedly turn against us, that medical professionals could so ruthlessly…..really, words fail Lives, talents, joys and accomplishments and dreams disappear…. years, weeks, too early…..epitaphs on stone, and memories soon dusty in another country in the world. Sickening
"two weeks turned into three years
and the lies kept piling up, one dead body after another"
Attention to the lawsuit FDA & IVERMECTIN! Pay close attention. Please share & watch as often as you possibly can. TY all very much.
Am watching my vaxxed family members falling ill........
GOD bless you MCM for your dedication & tenacity in being a true TRUTH Warrior. You are deeply appreciated ...