I live in Canada, our government, Pfizer run media never reports on all the deaths caused by the bioweapon injections, so they just continue to take them, its all very sad.

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And in the province where I live they are promoting them as yearly injections and mandating them to people in health-care colleges.

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Yeah here too I believe.

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Not just in Canada, UK and EU as well as I know very well. Sometimes it just becomes too much to read about them... never mind your own family members, mates or neighbours suffering - I am well into the double figures now as stated before. The latest as I have stated; was a friend of a good freid; that need to go over to the US to see her mate that said she had long Covid... dug a little deeper and she has Myocarditis .... you can not make this BS up anymore... we have lost 3 neighbours to what I would call the "turbo cancers" ... one who had been in remission.. actually cured after 20 years; who got the two jabs plus however many boosters ...the same cancer came back and died 2 months after = are these people so dumb; that they can not see a link ?.

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Until the general public is made aware of all these “surplus” deaths, nothing will change. MSM doesn’t report it, but if you read something in the news about, say celebrities falling ill, wouldn’t you say “hmmm, that’s another one, what’s up with that?!” Data doesn’t lie, but apparently, most are too (fill in the word of your choice) to put 2 and 2 together anyway. If all cause mortality spikes right as something new is rolled out worldwide at the same time, shouldn’t we be questioning causation? It’s sad the majority worldwide have no idea of the completely manipulated matrix they are living in. I, for one, have eyes wide open, question everything and #DoNotComply!

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Every time I read these I cry I don’t understand how this can be happening Honestly I studied the Bible for 20 years and I knew the end times would be awful but I had a completely different idea in my head of what it would be like I assumed everyone would know it’s happening and we’d all be clinging to one another facing it together but this is insane I see it No one in my family does People are dying left and right No one cares People all over the world lined up to get injected with the poison Freely Knowing it was experimental They did not hide that People signed that release form! All in my family did it except me I begged all of them to wait and see They laughed at me Go out your tin hat on!! Even now when I keep bringing up all the deaths with celebrities and well known people they all just look at me like Yea So what?? I show them the Edward Dowd book They have no interest to even look at it or explore what he is saying. What has happened to peoples minds?!

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2 Timothy 3:13 KJV

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.I

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 KJV

11) And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

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The same media that helped over-hype Covid deaths, now willingly ignores and avoids vaccine deaths.

Probably just another bizarre coincidence.

I'm sure they'll all get it just right for the next plandemic.

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Thank you for this post Mr. Miller.

We've created a Health Freedom Declaration for Athletes - that ALL can sign who support athletes and all people making their own medical choices. https://healthfreedomdefense.org/athleteshealthfreedomdeclaration/

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A fabulous book about propaganda, called 'One Idea to Rule Them All' by Michelle Stiles


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"No cause of death reported"......."Short but valiant battle with cancer"........."major arterial blockages"......."atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease"........"died unexpectedly".........."suddenly"



Thank you for collecting these accounts. My heart breaks as I view their pictures and read. Every single one of them puts a huge dent in society. I had sent my "blue" sister, the eldest and quite educated, a post a week or two ago that you compiled with all the young as well as middle aged victims listed as are in this lineup. She mailed me back with the most incredulous "explanation" one can imagine, that these things are normal, and expected to happen within a large population.

So much for "higher education!"


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Abigail “Abby” Dombrowski ’22

We are saddened to inform the community that recent alum Abby Dombrowski ’22 has passed away unexpectedly after a short illness. She was a fine arts major, and she was also a member of the dressage team and worked as the barn manager during her time at Mount Holyoke. Her full obituary and a guestbook can be found online.

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Most Episodes Of "Scooby Doo"

Are More Believable

Than The Fake World That These People Are Living In.

- I Mean Dying In.


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Since you've been to Iceland, the 180 degree turn of our most prominent vaccine touter might be interesting to you. https://thorsteinn.substack.com/p/the-cheerleader-who-demanded-lifelong

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... and then the poor sod tries to retract it all, but with miserable results, as explained here https://thorsteinn.substack.com/p/new-icelandic-cheerleaders-miserable

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Interesting link---thank you.

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"The time you won your town the race

We chaired you through the market-place;

Man and boy stood cheering by,

And home we brought you shoulder-high.

Today, the road all runners come,

Shoulder-high we bring you home,

And set you at your threshold down,

Townsman of a stiller town."


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People are not paying attention because it would cost them their time.

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Donald Roy Corkum

YARMOUTH – We are sad to announce the passing of Donald Roy Corkum of Hinsdale N.H., 58, on July 3, 2023. He passed unexpectedly while working. Donald leaves behind his children, Patrick and Miranda Corkum, Allan Corkum, an Rabecca Corkum, and six beautiful grandchildren. We will be having a pot lock service at the American Legion in Yarmouth (148 North Road, Yarmouth, Maine) on Aug. 13, 2023, 10 a.m.

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This is an old one I came across. Not sure i saw him in your prior lists. Professor Dmitry Karshtedt GW Law Nov 2022 https://www.law.gwu.edu/memoriam-dmitry-karshtedt

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GOD bless you Mark for our Creator holds you in the Palm of His/Her Hand - the Light of TRUTH will come to pass - appreciate your assistance in being a TRUTH Warrior ...

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