It is sad to see all the beautiful happy faces, smiling and enjoying life all called to their end, many quite young. The lists seems to be long and never-ending, as the cancers, heart attacks, unknown causes of death march on. Reading the lists each week is grueling. I can't imagine the work that goes into creating such comprehensive reports.
It is sad to see all the beautiful happy faces, smiling and enjoying life all called to their end, many quite young. The lists seems to be long and never-ending, as the cancers, heart attacks, unknown causes of death march on. Reading the lists each week is grueling. I can't imagine the work that goes into creating such comprehensive reports.
It is sad to see all the beautiful happy faces, smiling and enjoying life all called to their end, many quite young. The lists seems to be long and never-ending, as the cancers, heart attacks, unknown causes of death march on. Reading the lists each week is grueling. I can't imagine the work that goes into creating such comprehensive reports.
Grueling. Yes. So difficult to read them - see all those faces of people who are gone forever. WHEN WILL THE TRUTH COME OUT FOR ALL TO SEE??!!