Mark; I honestly do not know how you keep on doing this. I could not . My deepest respect and gratitude... one day I will pay the promised... but it may come from a pigeon as the mail service is a dead duck over here (totally fuc*k*d, as they try and get us all digitised)... ALL STUFF RIPPED APART, including AMAZON deliveries from the UK -smashed to pieces.

Anyway, sending link to "Real Science as usual... and remember keep an eye on this chap "Dr. William Makis - Archive".... on Global Research= https://www.globalresearch.ca/author/william-makis ..... plus somebody called "Checkur 6" on the vids... https://odysee.com/@vcr_timemachine:4/YOUNG-HEARTS-PART-43---DOCTORS-TOOK-BRIBES-TO-JAB-YOU!!:9 ...

Can you all not communicate and share info... then I can ruddy sleep ?.

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Fauci: “Again, we have experience with this type of vaccine in billions of people. It’s a safe vaccine. Of course, with the mRNA, there’s a very, very, very low risk, particularly in young men, of getting a myocarditis.”

Seeing as how those young men had an IFR of 0.003 from Covid, getting the jab was and is absolutely insane. How many athletes did they kill?

“The median IFR was 0.0003% at 0-19 years, 0.003% at 20-29 years, 0.011% at 30-39 years,”


This is the same guy who lied for years that it didn’t come from a lab, that it wasn’t Gain of Function, that he hadn’t paid for the experiments developing it, that masks worked (but you might need two and should wear them during sex).

And, NOT from Fauci:

“In the current large population study of subjects, who were not vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, we observed no increase in the incidence of myocarditis or pericarditis from day 10 after positive SARS-CoV-2.”

Jab: die of heart injury

No jab: don’t die of heart injury

… hmmm… lemme decide what to do for my kids….

The media, government and AMA are NOT on your side.

Archetypal example of why you need to examine the data and think for yourself.


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Could you perhaps then examine the data and think for yourself on this supposed Gain of Function doomsday bioweapon story? It didn't work as described so requires another look.

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and the beat goes on......I try to talk to one or two people everyday. Most people indifferent they well be manipulated by the psyop. Thank God that a few more are awake now!

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This is getting old.

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Yes, and we need to stay in the fight. Talk to people.

Just today while shopping at the Goodwill (a favorite haunt), I asked a

woman if the dressing rooms were now in use. No, still shut down. During

government lockdowns, dressing room service was discontinued. We struck up a

conversation and I mentioned how even in waiting rooms there are no magazines anymore. We then spoke of the shots. She worked in healthcare so got coerced to stay employed. I told her not to get another shot, talking about toll-like receptors, and the immune system, and nano particles, and self-assembling structures seen in blood with powerful microscopes, etc.

She shuddered but got the point. We can't give up reaching out to people.

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If only we were allowed to get old. 😕

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"An aged man is but a paltry thing,

A tattered coat upon a stick, ..."

"Sailing to Byzantium"

W.B. Yeats

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Yesterday while on the subway , a young couple next to me ..."oh have you tried their new pizza? It's fantastic! I was almost as exited about the pizza as I was about getting my latest Covid booster" ( actual quote)

This type of thinking process ( "thinking" ) is what challenges any concise analysis and criticism concerning the pharmaceutical industry.

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This isn't someone who died suddenly, but I thought I'd bring this to your attention as I don't think I've seen Kareem Abdul-Jabbar mentioned in your recent posts - https://suzannescacca.substack.com/p/what-is-notimetowait. I just thought you might want to see what Pfizer's got cooking up right now with one of their avid vaccine advocates.

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Jabbar is an avid champion of the "vaccines." Shame on him for his murderous blindness (though if he won't see it, he just won't, so "shame" may not be quite the thing).

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Of course he's an avid champion of the jabs, with a last name like Jabbar.

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Do you think he really has atrial fib? And if so, do you think he knows it’s connected to the vaccine or would ever consider it?

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just a hunch, but how much you wanna bet that jabbar was fingered as an "influencer" and paid handsomely to shill for the jab? he played during an era when multimillion dollar contracts were the exception rather than the rule...

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I’m sure you’re right. Do you think he actually took the jab though? Because my guess is he’s now being paid as a spokesperson for this notimetowait website which Pfizer runs. I wonder if he’s just fulfilling the contract or if he’s actually been vaccine injured.

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good question.

i get the sense that all the big hollywood names got the fake vaxx card and that plenty of pro athletes did as well. at the same time, we're seeing a lot of them drop dead.

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I'm in Canada. I'll turn 60 later this month. Stubburn pigheaded French Canadian who refused the poison. I see people not even my age have died. Food for thought. My prayers go to the family members facing their terrible loss. My husband passed away earlier this year. Much older than me (think Celine and René), but had a clear bill of health before the doubly jabbed. Died of shredded heart valves and lungs turned to mush. Since he was old, who cares. No one but me knows the truth.

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It just goes on and on, all that "sudden" and "unexpected" death in bright, bubbly, much-loved people who were all far too young to die. And nobody actually says anything because they are all personal family tragedies which are local and limited. The bigger picture of all these deaths is never seen by the families or the communities they live in because the mainstream media don't report them.

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Newcomers to this site should know that MCM has been running this "Died Suddenly" platform weekly for a long time. Click on the "Archive" tab at the top of the page to see posts for previous weeks, months, years. The evidence is staggering. See for yourself and share this knowledge with others

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A BRIGHT 2nd TAKE. RFK, Jr, 3rd PARTY RUN, ---AWAY FROM DEM'S DNC (2nd STORY GLORY, SCION WISE) BOOMER-RANG * https://open.substack.com/pub/badlands/p/badlands-news-brief-bbb?r=11r0co&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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A PRAYER. & "PARTING WORDS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON." ~ Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy, JR. {Father. CAMPAIGNER}. https://www.kennedy24.com/dncletter?

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