All of this death and dying is making people numb to it. Please don't let us, who know what is going on, ever become numb to this awful dying happening all around us. Stay awake!

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It's truly shocking to see so many people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s passing away unexpectedly. We KNOW why. Has anyone tabulated the overall average time between the last jab and the onset of severe illness and/or death?

It seems that many of those listed were jabbed quite some time ago, meaning up to 2 years. That has staggering implications.

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That’s what I thought

It’s not just ones 2 weeks out from being faxed

It’s getting to be a year or more

I’m sure the endless boosts are not good at all for one’s body

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My mom didn’t get sick until she got the booster shot. And she was sick for over a year before she passed away.

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I'm very sorry to hear that. Losing our mothers is one of the worst experiences loving, caring humans ever have to endure.

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Thank you ❤️

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Both my sisters got the shot Feb/March 2021 no boosters, and both still feel like shit. I was shocked when a dr actually told one sister “if you got a booster that would be the kill shot.” He used those exact words. He’s a chiropractor. Just now had my 14 year old daughter at Dr visit and offered gardasil and I said “never” emphatically and she said “good, good” under her breath. I was like huh? You think it’s good I’m declining this thing? You’re GLAD ? I was expecting the spiel. I don’t even know what to think

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It's astonishing, isn't it? Personally, I'll do everything possible to avoid ever going to another doctor of Western established medicine again. I'll consult an herbalist or an ayurvedic doctor, but no more traditional medics.

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Same. I had to take my daughter for her annual physical for school, but since it’s non invasive, etc I took her. I haven’t been to a doctor in ages. Now on purpose. Before, and I know this sounds odd, it never occurred to me to go to a doctor since I’m fine.

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Tell them to try the FLCCC post vaccine protocol. Best of luck to all of you. Maybe someday we will know how to turn off the spike production.

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The Pfizer and Moderna "gold standard" randomized clinical trials both showed that most vaccine-related deaths are DELAYED by at least a few months. Excess deaths in the vaccine groups (compared to the placebo groups) showed up between 1 and 6 months post-vaccine, but none were seen in the trials at 1 month post-vaccine.

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The problem is, many many covid crazies still believe that these are acceptable casualties because the covid injections have 'saved millions of lives' They will never ever care. Even people who have lost family members still believe. And it is a belief - a belief in a cult.

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Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

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Where are the investigations of all of these unexplained deaths? How can we rule out intentional poisoning, or some other foul play, if it is not investigated?

We should not be content with "unexplained, unexpected". It is not good for the psychological well-being of anyone, and in particular, children.

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There will be no investigation in CHINADA because the POLICE are also MIND RAPED with the good cops leaving and the new STASI young popo will do what the Tyrannts tell them to.

Like the ones my parents ran from 75 years ago.

The BARR SYSTEM is in on it and completely EVIL.

DRs are COWARDS like my two Dr friends that don't speak to me anymore.

Hospitals are paid off and the new DEATH CAMPS.

And people are still voluntarily walking n to the CATTLE CARS .

This is a CULLING and it will not stop until we the people stop it.


My Dad and Mom lived through The RAPE OF THE MIND which is book written by a Dutchman in 1954 who interviewed exactly my parents generation who were occupied by the Germans in 1939 when they came in to starve out the Dutch.

It worked on 2 of my uncles who starved to death.

The rest of Dad and Mom's siblings made it to CHINADA with a suit case in hand. In early 50s .

I'm born in 56.

Dad and Mom are still here at 91 and 90.

My Gramps who went through two WWs said to us when we were young "Freedom is not free you'll need to fight for it."

Dad speaks to Youg people who

actually have attacked him at 91 for not wearing a face diaper.

He is tough as nails but he's 91.

So we go out as his body guards

Pretty crazy ehh..

So who is going to ARESST the REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES shilling for Klausy and Billy?

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Thank you for looking out for your parents and for a description of the situation at hand. I am Canadian-born, immigrated to US in late 70s and dual now. What are the Cattle Cars you refer to? Ambulances or something else?

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Cattle cars refers to the train cars used to transport Jews to concentration camps.

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I'm grimly determined to read through these lists and give witness, but by halfway through, the tears are running down my face every time.

This is a physical and psychological horror show.

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It can’t be said that they were not warned.

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Also, Wayne Swinny, 59 yr old guitarist from the band Saliva, died today of a “spontaneous brain hemorrhage.”


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Another sad one of a promising youth for next week's roundup:

On Friday, she came home from school because she was not feeling well. Lillia had been suffering from intense headaches since January, but the cause had not yet been diagnosed. She died at home.


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Dr. Eric R. Pianka, at University of Texas lecture to fellow scientists, students and professors in 2006, invoking peak oil (the ugly stepchild of global warming) stated that 90% of the world’s population needed to be killed using a weaponized form of the Ebola virus. He stated that an airborne version of Ebola would be more effective than the HIV/AIDS virus has been because of the speed in which the victim dies. Pianka also spoke positively of the death the bird flu could bring, and spoke of the need to “Sterilize everyone on earth” at this lecture. This is the same Mengele-like Pianka who has also stated “We’re no better than bacteria!” at one of his lectures. (I’m not sure how bacteria could compose, or appreciate, say, Handel’s Messiah, but whatever.) Meanwhile, Simon Ross, head of Population Matters, has stated “population shrinkage is the cheapest and surest contribution to sustainability that we know of.”

Fellow misanthrope Rob Hengeveld, in his book How Our Consumption Challenges the Planet, proposes reducing world population to 1 billion. And of course, And of course, the other god of the left, evolution, factors in here, for if evolution is true, then a changing climate will simply see living things adapt and change with it. And those that don’t adapt are clearly not the fittest, which we all know to be the only thing that matters…. right? The angst of the evolutionists over climate change contradicts what they claim to believe.

Prince Philip said after he died he would like to reincarnate as a deadly virus to help solve the issue of overpopulation. The quote is noted in an article by The Guardian newspaper from 2009. The full quote reads: "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation." According to the Daily Express, the quote originates from a 1988 interview that Prince Philip, gave to Deutsche Press-Agentur.

As the Daily Sheeple noted, “Altering our ethics, altering our morals - that’s exactly what Agenda 21 is all about- specifically and altering these ethics and morals to more “environmentally friendly” ones.” And don’t expect this to be done openly or democratically, as the need is “too urgent” (though not urgent enough for the elite to have to change their lifestyles).

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Indeed. My only quibble is your calling this a "left" thing, when in fact eugenics, and Social Darwinism, were especially attractive to the ultra-right throughout the late 19th and 20 centuries. (The Soviets were also believers in eugenics, but never tried to realize it as the Nazis did.)

Which is to say that we all need to drop the left/right schema, since the globalist thing is something else, with the worst features of both extremes.

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These morons don’t realize there will be giant extinction events just from natural causes. The universe does not need extra help killing us off. A few really hot or really cold cycles of the sun could do it, or a meteor, or a few large volcanoes erupting close in time… the possibilities are endless.

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I didn’t watch the Oscars (never do anymore)did they list their sad roster of dead actors and such? They used to.

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Yes, and---like last year----they left a lot of famous people out. I've actually written something on it, but it needs a little further work.

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I never watch them anymore either. I heard that they did have their typical sad roster of dead actors, but that several were omitted, such as Anne Heche. Hmm... interesting. 🤔

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Another drummer bites the dust.

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Meanwhile, I believe the "state of emergency" has been extended (probably overriding Biden's lie that it will end in May) because of "covid."

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The UK are cracking on about the rise of the alleged Covid cases, just as they push the new booster with the AZ jab.

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48 year old parks and recs dir dies after "short illness" COVID blood clot in lung. Public employee most likely jabbed. https://www.registercitizen.com/news/article/torrington-remember-park-rec-director-saturday-17849923.php

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The cattle cars are what carried the Jews to the death camps.

All across Europe.

Many of my parents friends never returned like many.

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