As Dr Peter Cullough alluded to, it is a complete mystery as to why the families of these deceased are not raving mad and screaming for explanations. Maybe some are, but as usual the gutter press / cartoon neworks will carefully 'dissappear' any such news.

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You would think parents of children killed by the vax would be the most upset and angry. But recognizing the vax as the culprit turns a tragedy into a horror for parents that were ignorant of the danger.

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Doctors are not blaming C19 shot for any adverse events in the US... especially not deaths. People believe their docs, and no one wants to think they took a "safe and effective" drug that was neither for themselves or their children. Therefore they are ready and eager to accept any reason the doctor may have...or none, cause everyone is BAFFLED!!

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My central Ohio doctor is still praising SCIENCE, CDC, NIH, BIG PHARMA and their poisons to this day. She got pissy with me when I told her I want nothing to do with anything with the word COVID on it. She is a great kool-ade drinker.

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Look what happened to Clapton, or Jimmy Dore when they speak of injuries.

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Only far right racist misogynist bigots claim to be injured by our safe and effective vaccines. Every time!

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Darn tooting. Everyone knows health issues are political.

The biggest lie of all is pandemics. They always break out when science intervened.

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In this interview with James Delingpole, Alex Mitchell (a scaffolder from Glasgow who had to have his leg amputated because of massive multiple blood clots caused by the AstraZeneca 'vaccine') Alex states at one point that he tried to get media coverage and couldn't. But other people in his situation did, and were all falsely attributed with saying "Despite what happened to me, I recommend you get the vaccine".


McCullough is also assuming that people aren't completely brainwashed. I now know/knew twenty five people who have been maimed or killed by these things. The latest is the husband of the lady who runs the cat/dog kennel we sometimes use.

He's now blind in one eye due to...blood clots. I am 100% certain they aren't even thinking it's the vaccines, the doctors will probably say "pre-existing" or "one of those things" and that will be that.

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With all my heart I grieve for the families... But just a word. My (older) husband passed away 2 weeks ago. He had 2 shots in 2021. in 2021 his heart and lungs were in stable condition. In the past 2 years it seems it deteriorated to a degree where lungs and his second heart valve were shredded. It took him to the grave. The death is attributed to his age, although he was in a real good shape prior to the shots. Please consider all the victims that did not die so suddently.

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Right - heart issues, strokes, cancers (strange ones and sudden, most FAST, resurgence of cancers in remission), strange diseases (lymphomas or blood diseases), sudden autoimmune diseases.

Keep in mind that this now approved for 6 months old and up.

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I can't believe all compliant countries are dealing with a 10 to 20% - more in Germany!- increase in deaths. Even the guy at the funeral parlor mentionned how busy they were, how they had to expand the building facilities post-covid... And now one is saying a thing. Frankly, I didn't. You know, a widow with a tinfoil hat is very weird. Heck I even had no access to the cause of death medical paper...

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Yes, so sorry for the loss of your husband. We have all seen the deaths and injuries happening directly, days or just a week or so after jabs. Mark's notifications could be months, even over a year since jabbed, but are sudden unexplained deaths. My friend's partner taken into hospital today with blood clot. Every time my daughter goes to gym, I seem to hold my breath. I don't want to outlive my adult kids.

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Prayers for your loved ones... I don't think we're about to see a slow-down in these incidents... it's like the russian roulette game has a progressive impact on the vaxxinated... Oh Lord, I did not want to see this coming, but it's like an unstoppable train derailment... just the same ...

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More info out from scientists re prions and probability of dementias plus body having capibility of manufacturing bacterior but your system won't recognise it and get rid. Sorry for layman's terms but that is basic what they were saying.

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I'm very concerned that it's a matter of more or less time before the gut bacteria gets very damaged and other tissues eventually get shredded ... I bet the life expectancy of people is very reduced... In French "prions" means these wierd bacterias, but it also means "let's pray". No wonder.

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I can certainly understand that..it shouldn't happen. However, I think someare lucky and only got a certain amount of stuff or even only saline. Praying that is the case!

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I pray for my children and their partners, my friends who thought they were doing the right thing despite me sending lots of factual info re dangers, well before they took them.

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Same here... I begged my bestfriend to not get them, then to certainly not get the boosters. She got ALL of them and had most of her family get the first booster. My brother also got them, along with his wife and his oldest daughter (who got sick with the first one and didn't go back for the second, thank God). So many sick... I fear we are at the tip of the iceberg.

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I have been told by several people that they will agree to disagree with me but insist I never bring up the subject again. Hard to do when they think it's a good idea if her 18 month grandson gets them too!

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It is hard - but give them/ email them the information, the movie "Died Suddenly" and they'll make their choices. Color me cynical, but at that point there will be a culling.

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Btw, I pray for them, too - your family. In the end, people have to make up their own minds and we have to accept it.

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Very sorry for your loss.

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Yesterday, we witnessed the ex-director of the CDC, under oath, directly blame Dr. Fauci and the US Government for the deaths of millions of people.

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Yeah - and it'll mean in one ear and out the other. We want them to be prosecuted and PUNISHED, JAILED!

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Executed - these are capital crimes.

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So devastating to see all the carnage and personal tragedy of people losing their life mates.

Thank you for honoring each of the lives represented here.

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Our Institutions Failed MiserablyChurches Were Among the Most Complicit, Gullible


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I believe the reason parents aren't speaking out on the deaths of their kids is because they're getting paid or bullied to shut their mouths. The amount of kids alone who've died from the bioweapon shots is astronomical so why don't we ever hear about any of it. I can't believe parents would take blood money to be quiet, I can tell you I sure as hell wouldn't. As for all the adults dying, same reason they're not speaking out, money or bullied. If there's a better explanation please tell me.

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Guilt can be a most effective gag. All too many parents with children

injured by conventional vaccines have been stone-blind to it, and become

enraged by any such suggestion.

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No media will print the truth. In UK, several stories relating to sudden terminal, or stage 4 cancers, appearing out of nowhere in young people but no mention of jabs. Some papers have comments section and many have asked about jab being responsible. Scotland opened an enquiry over much higher still births and may have included miscarriages too, not sure. I can't remember outcome but they didn't bother to note vaccination status of mothers because they deemed this very important fact, the one thing that had been pressured on pregnant women, to be irrelevant! Just shows how crooked they are.

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They are now shutting down your links to the countries. I can open the comment part, but nothing else. Is that called shadow banning?

Just this past week, when a cousin was talking to my mom, it was noted that this family who all got the jabs, were almost all diagnosed with something - two BRAIN Tumors, two cancers, - not sure of one, the other is KIDNEY, one stroke. They are killing people by increments. These people are so busy with their health issues that they don't have time to try to push back against the government or deep state. That's what they are trying to do to everyone - looks like it's working in many places.

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UPDATE: Just yesterday my husband was talking to the woman for whom he's building a shed - she was off to a funeral...out of 10 siblings at her level (70's), she is down to 5 in two years. Wonder what the issues are?? Cancer - all cancer - all jabbed - all fast-moving cancer. Oh yeah... one had a stroke and one had a heart attack. Sudden and unexpected deaths. She was "questioning" why all of this was happening so suddenly. Since she has also been jabbed, he didn't say anything.

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Random quote from 3000 years ago:

“We write about our life, not to see it as it was, but to see as we wish others might see it, so we may borrow their gaze and begin to see our life through their eyes, not ours. Only then, would we begin to understand our life story, or to tolerate it and ultimately, perhaps, to find it beautiful.” – Aciman, Jewish writer from antiquity based in Alexandria

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Thanks Mark , great respect for you honoring those who passed . Tritorch makes a good point great site . https://tritorch.com/doormat/

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Permit me to have a different attitude.

I am no more alert or intelligent that most other humans on this planet. But by 2007, the evidence was out there that vaccine adverse events and deaths were way more common that Big Pharma and doctors claimed. Once I noticed that infants were copping febrile convulsions following the MMR shots, I began to dig, and discovered the fate of Dr Andrew Wakefield who had drawn the same conclusions, as did an Italian Court Judge, who exonerated him.

Now alarmed, I commmenced some very basic research and discovered a correlation between autism and vaccines, not only MMR but others as well. I put this to my doctor, who came close to assaulting mme he was so furious. I offered to show him the evidence and, essentially, got kicked out.

More research and every doctor had the same story: "There is no known cause for autism, but it is probably genetic". WTF. A 5 year old child could see that if incidence of autism had gone from one in 10,000 in 1980, to one in 90 today, genetics was not a factor. So are all doctors mentally retarded? My guess was they are probably sociopathic; this being generated by the indoctrination they receive at med school. At least one doctor confirmed this suspicion.

Then I discovered Natasha Campbell-McBride of UK, a neurologist whose child developed autism. She abandoned her career and researched autism, discovering the gut flora factor. Soon she was restoring gut flora and curing autism. Doctors still claim there is no cure. The compulsively blind. It took me only weeks to identify a sequence of seven factors that together generate autism.

I commenced contradicting doctors in the local paper, the Sunshine Coast Daily. At first I was ridiculed by most other respondents but gradually, over seven years, the majority of these were saying the same thing. The AMA was panicking because 30% of the Sunshine Coast were now anti vaccination, the highest percentage in Australia.

At about this time a colleague overseas sent me a video of Bill Gates boasting how his vaccinations will eliminate 80% of the world's population. By this time, his polio jab had paralysed 37,000 Indian children (now this is 45,000).

My point here is that I was busy on other matters for 40 hours per week, but I still had time to do this research. So too has every other adult. What in fact happened is that other adults did indeed hear of worrysome evidence but chose to look the other way. Everybody has heard of anntivaxxers and commonsense dictates one should just check into what motivates these people. It's called caution. At least half of these people chose instead to vilifiy and ridicule the doubting Thomases. Many have been victimised and assaulted. Now the persecutors and bullies are dying in slow motion from the jab that was always illegal. One in 800 are already dead.

You want me to feel sorry for them? Hell no. I feel devastated for children, but adults fully deserve the horrors to come. It's called consequences. My emotions will be reserved for the time when justice visits the perpetrators. There will be no forgiveness.

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Thank you Professor, again.

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Possible Vax death. Aggressive illness. RIP


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Just stumbled across this one by accident from Feb 15, 2023

17-year-old Thai soccer player died unexpectedly in the UK while studying at a sports academy.


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BREAKING - 1 hr. video - Pascal Najadi & Astrid Stueckelberger - THE HOUSE OF CARDS IS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE - https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

Pascal Najadi, the Swiss Investment banker who filed a criminal complaint against Pfizer, against the Swiss President and Minister of Health, has submitted a new case in the USA that has been accepted by the Supreme Court in NY against Pfizer Inc. The case is based on Pfizer’s violation of US law for selling products for profit into the Swiss market in a way that violates the Swiss National Constitution. In his dedication to justice, Pascal Najadi who was injured by the Pfizer shot, has filed the lawsuit against Pfizer in the United States in a private case. Pfizer now faces litigation on multiple fronts in multiple countries. So far no MSM outlet has reported on this bombshell. Help us get the word out! https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

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Mar 9, 2023
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Where exactly is that "story from the Talmud"?

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