Except for 'all y'all' here, no one in my life even sees

the genocide, or believes me when I tell them we are

in a massive die off post jab.

For the most part, they are people who do not use

any internet, just the usual radio and tv. I cannot

direct them to this Substack. I suppose they

may die not knowing 'what hath killed them'

as so many have already. What an effing trip

this is. Best to all in the TRUTH CLUB.

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Indeed, so so sad, and we have been helpless. Even my siblings refuse to read anything not approved on wiki….intelligence and smarts but not enough for these past years to stay clear

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Thanks Sharon...not too suprising that such references as Wiki have been used to dupe them, given who is in control of their content. I guess we are finding out just what makes us (here) a little different than the rest, our bullshit meters more finely tuned?!

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Yes indeed, I fail to understand the lack of intellectual curiosity! It has been a big mystery to me these last few years. ~~~I read everything and especially stuff I don’t agree with, because i want to see their point for the discussion. I love the cold open on Warroom when they play MSN hosts holding forth, because their arguments are so twisted and uninformed. I know the truth, and want to know the truth, and I am not offended if someone has more than I know. Yet. I Just don’t get it. Legends in their own minds …..sad and maddening

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You and me both 💙

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Agreed. And many of us fear for our friends and family who received 3 and more jabs. This is tragic beyond belief, and of course as Jessica Rose stated today, no one connects the stage 4 cancer with the gene-editing experimental drugs.

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thanks Weihan, I think many connect it. We are 'no one' and so so many, at the same time.

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So terribly sad and tragic. It feels like this is accelerating. 💔

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It seems the death lists are getting much longer.

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I probably should have come to this conclusion much earlier, but I am now completely convinced that EVERYONE who got the shot is a ticking time bomb. And tragically it's only a matter of time for every one of them. God.

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I’ve been scrolling through all this, the sad announcements apparently oblivious as to the real reasons; the set up and the propaganda…..the one that really made me sick was the Fire Dept pronouncements reminding folks to be sure to be vacced up….and all this time, the censoring and bullying that prevented people from searching and knowing the truth….heartbreaking.

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The ages are what’s alarming. So many “younger” deaths, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and even 60’s. We all expect to hear 70’s and up, but seems like an escalation in younger ages.

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Thanks Mark and team, a hard job. God bless.

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We need autopsies and batch details of ingredients!

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This is an atrocity on HUMANITY! It is not a coincidence that young and middle age people are dying suddenly with NO CAUSE OF DEATH! To hell with the EVIL DOERS who did this! God's wrath will find every single person, who had a role to play in causing death to the innocent lives taken! Much Hell to pay!

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I used to think the dying would AT LEAST attempt some vigilante justice.

But that’s not even happening.

The jabbed are just accepting their fate and not fighting back.

No justice anywhere. Not from the living. Not from the dying.

And those who say “justice is coming” … they’re lying, I now believe they're lying.

It’s a delay tactic while the control grid of total slavery is being put into place.

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A few notes ... the totally jarring effect of a deceased person being referred to as a “they” in a press release. The sentence that starts, “They was ...” is horrifying in its own way.

The five year old that passed of cancer ... while vax rates of other age groups are enough to justify assumption of status, by the same standard, five year old uptake is low (well under 50%) everywhere in this county so that the assumption should be “not vaxxed”

I loved the obituary telling of the young man who rode his motorbike into an accursed pole (the end) ... literary brilliance there. My sincere condolences to the family of this young man and to his beloved Shelby.

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In the midst of life we are in death

of whom may we seek for succour,

but of thee, O Lord,

who for our sins

art justly displeased?

O holy God,

O holy and strong,

O holy and merciful Saviour,

deliver us not to bitter death.

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I saw in our local paper a brief listing for a 52 year old and found the detailed posting at the funeral home verifying another died unexpectedly and peacefully in his sleep on vacation with friends and family. It also mentioned he had begun running 10k races and since he worked for Shell internationally it seems very likely he would be vaccinated. Perhaps another case of unknown myocarditis. I wonder if these people even have a clue what probably happened.


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Once again, the upstate region of New York leads the gruesome procession.

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I don't see any deaths in Oregon or Washington state, not that I want to, just an observation.

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Casual search on the actress reveals (unsurprisingly) mainstream sites highly unforthcoming about her reasons for ending her life. Well fancy that. https://geniuscelebs.com/katarina-pavelek-suicide-case-death-obituary/

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The ancient Urine Therapy is powerful against cancer (even late stages) plus most critical illnesses. The books The Water of Life and Manav Mootra are available for downloading. Both books are decades old but the power of urine remains unchanged through the centuries.

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Oh my God, enough with the urine therapy already.

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39 minute read?

I wish! More like a 500 minute read. And I'm a "speed reader."

The findings here are gross. Just gross.

Thank you Mark and teams. You do grim but VERY good and important work.

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Yesterday came to knew thro family member abt this 26 yo young person, no health issue, passed away in sleep. His finance found out.

So sad and tragic. I didn't ask on Vax status.


Young healthy people are Dying, while DoD/CDC/FDA/HHS/Fauci/Gates/Hotez, Govt's elected/unelected thugs are running free, still talking abt their 'Success' on synthetic poison injection and planning next move to "take Care of us".

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