I vacillate, but I think "our side" will win in the end ... for these reasons ...


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Agreed, but I am either sceptical, a realist or just fed up - but I think we will have some pretty rotten, scary and hard times .. before the tide turns in our favour.

We will lose many battles, but will win the war !.

PS Have you noticed how they seem to be pulling everything forward (panic over the number of people awakening maybe ?) ... 15 minute neighbourhood and smart cities being implemented now, brought forward from 2030, ban on petrol cars, brought forward... the ridiculously obvious weather control, number of food processing plants going up, refineries, train crashes, the National strikes of teachers, hospital, police and firmen etc., O&G pipelines exploding etc etc...the food shortages (nonsense)... FOR ME -their behaviour is childish (like a spoilt brat throwing their dummy out of the pram, pathetic in a way, but VERY PREDICTABLE !.

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Apr 6, 2023
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Very good points. Strangely I literally just got off mailing somebody about "consciousness" or is it the other word that is very similar ?.

Anyway, for me; Billy no mates, Fauci, Klaus and the likes ... a step up from our politicians, but still as vulnerable and replaceable. They are just the figureheads or the bosses of the lower "political and greedy corporate puppets" - I do not think we have a clue who is running the show... could be right in our face, or some inbred nutters who have been hidden for decades / centuries.

I agree with everything you state, but for me, sorry NOT BUT, for me.. I am still missing a piece and THE KEY PIECE of the jigsaw puzzle.

Please let me rant a little and it may just be me talking utter b.ll-x, but are these unknowns united and work as one ?... on one hand we have the "satanic, kiddy fiddling, child sacrifice nutters of say Hollywood" and and and ... where even the mainstream media highlights some of the atrocities (for me = alarm bell rings), then on the other hand we know or are told (maybe brainwashing, or nudging at least) about the secret Illuminate ... now Ihave done quite a bit of research into them and I can NOT find a link between the two groups, although we are told they are top of the pyramid. Even by their name - it means illumnation, to illuminate ... to increase our consciousness and be at one and all that.

Anyway, as soon as I start about this, I tie myself in knots, but I just have this strange feeling NOT ALL IS AS IT SEEMS ... and of course yes I know the World's a stage and all that.

I think I am on your thought path, but you are more eloquent than me. Cheers

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Remember those dolls people would stick needles into to bring harm to others? Well, science found a way to discard the dolls and go direct.

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They have been doing it for quite a while now. Voodoo medicine.

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A dear friend of mine was just murdered by this injection.

I stop and pray. I did not expect, my love, such a parting.

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These ongoing "sudden deaths" everywhere on our planet remind me of an old Crichton 1978 movie starring Genevieve Bujold, where medical people were murdering their patients for a reason (stealing & selling healthy organs; on the scale we're witnessing it now, the purpose is to depopulate the world) -- Coma:


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Great movie

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Thank you so much for sharing!! I have so many family that think I am nuts bc I talk about this!!!

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Great link----they want to get that poison into us if they have to make us EAT it!

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They are! mRNA is being put in foods, along with ground up insects!😡

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There are rumors that they want to make us eat animal excrements as a next step

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Haven’t read that yet!

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Apr 6, 2023
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This is very interesting! What scares me is the genetic modification of produce...that won't have labeling and will still be permitted to claim non-GMO status by our friendly federal government.

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Apr 6, 2023
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Nattokinase...so funny that you mention it. I work with Drew Pinsky, M.D. on 'Ask Dr. Drew.' He's been a colleague/boss/friend for almost a decade. One of my clients is The Wellness Company, whose product -- a nattokinase supplement -- we're featuring in ads. (twc.health/drew for 10% off)! Nattokinase is also an effective supplement to counteract the effects of heart disease, etc. The Gatesification of the environment is highly troubling. But I'm for the fight. I think they've been poisoning us for a long time. It's just that now the lipstick is off the pig!

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Once again thank you for your indomitable efforts to put real faces and stories with this time of great dying we live in. The average public awareness of this is still shockingly low.

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Detroit News tells us today that Michigan is also experiencing a 20% increase in deaths and blames hardships from covid mitigation measures, but midway switches to emphasize deaths by firearms and that is the focus with reminder of recent MSU tragedy.

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Watch Remarque88’s ‘Ode to the Censors’


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And the death March continues,as many wear double masks, even alone in a car masks are worn. Still getting jabs and clueless as to what’s happening!😢😡

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So many people in the 60-75 category. This is not a normal life expectancy.

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Substack mass walkout next week, no posts. Devalue the company as it is being sold.

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Professor Miller, What do you think of Dr. Malone suing Dr. Peter Breggin?

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I think it was a big mistake.

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I agree.

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BBC: “S Club 7 star Paul Cattermole dies aged 46

…. The cause of death is unknown”


“there were no suspicious circumstances.”


“Paul’s family, friends and fellow members of S Club request privacy at this time”.

What is needed at this sad time is due respect, tasteful silence and perhaps a little prayer. Conjectures are disgustingly inappropriate and an intrusion on the dignity of the passing.

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The AP's hatchet job on RFK, Jr. is a new low for mainstream journalism.


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Apr 6, 2023
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Very intriguing!

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