They’re ramping it back up in Norfolk. New billboards encouraging everyone to mask back up and go to their medical professionals to make sure they get the latest and greatest brewster. It’s not going to stop until they start going to prison.

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If you comply and "follow the science " now, I have no sympathy for you. I just pray that no more children are injured and killed by this evil medical madness.

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OMG - it's like groundhog day. Surely no-one will fall for this BS again ? It has to stop. 🙄

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At the beginning of summer also, as tradition demands! it sure has something of catholic self-flogging rituals. Berlin at this end. Fact: You'll see masked covidians on public transport here ten years from now, no advertising required, thermonuclear war with their new old favourite enemy notwithstanding. Cheers!

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Good grief, it never ends, does it? Hard to believe that people just don’t seem to connect the dots….

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I’m realizing that folks are sensing what they don’t want to know, as has been said, If they realized that these past years, their promoting all this to kids and neighbors and workplace, they probably could not handle the guilt….they are stepping around the eggs… wonderful friends of mine have dropped back, and I don’t know when she will make a move toward conversation….I’m trying to save lives, give others a second chance, options but….

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The Golden Rule Still Applies:

1. Don’t Touch Bat Shit.

What ? You Need More Rules …

Okay. Don’t Inject Anything Into Your Body That Is Derived From The Bacteria Found In Bat Shit.

This Is Not Complicated People.

How Do We Know This ?

Because If Every Caveman Had Been This Bat Shit Stupid - You Wouldn’t Be Here.

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Yes, and there’s the reminder that if all this were true there would be ambulances parking along the streets where the homeless tent cities are spread, to pick up the homeless who have died that night…. Haven’t seen that.~~~So the daughter of a long time friend remonstrated with me last week “Please don’t send me forwards. I’m sure you understand….” I wanted to see her reaction to something strong regarding vac issues….nope wasn’t interested. …Her dad just turned 90 something and is having terrible circulation problems, can hardly sleep, such pain…surely took the vac? Yep, stubbornness to the max So so sad…

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Thomas, I've said it before and I'll say it again ... you are a gifted poet.

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I don't know about any of you, but I don't think I would want an organ transplanted from someone that dropped dead suddenly from an undetermined illness. Even if it was determined to be something like heart attack, stroke, blood clot, I am not sure I'd be interested. I see a few posts about folks that are priding themselves on continuing to give from the grave. Well, no thanks. No matter how badly I needed the organ. Easy for me to say from a healthy position, but I would still think thrice.

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Most organs come from China from harvested prisoners. Not miraculous matches here in the US. Why do you think anonymity is enforced.

Even if the organ should come from someone in the US, do you not realize they have to harvest the organs prior to the person's death? Thus the legal status "brain dead". Brain dead does not mean dead.

Ambulance drivers have given testimony to checking people's drivers license to see if they are organ donors, then calling ahead to the hospital to give a head's up to be ready to harvest while the unconscious patient in the ambulance is still alive. Truth.

Does it make any sense that dead flesh can be implanted into living bodies? And please don't go into cadaver bone or corneas. Those are exceptions. A dead heart cannot be implanted into a living body.

These are NAZI medical procedures developed in the concentration camps during WW II. As well as most implants like metal, etc. All NAZI tech. The origins are horror stories.

Why anyone wants to believe fairytales to lengthen their stay in this fallen world is beyond me.

God Bless.

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What you say is true and should be known. Might as well be known also that the mRNA and immortalized cell lines are also from living people. Aborted babies who are not dead but vivisected. There are immortalized cancer lines too. Horrific.

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Also "gene therapy" to treat cancer, etc., is made from the stem cells of aborted fetuses. They SAY the stem cells can come from living adults or one's own body, but those don't work well. The truth is they are harvested from ABORTED FETUSES which work like gangbusters.


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Yeah I have been thinking the same. In years past the "suddenlies" were usually due to accidents and such. Organs are still good. Not so anymore. A 50-ish person I know was a suddenly who was a donor and all I could think was oh no! The organs failed him (or what was in the organs), they will fail these hopeful recipients as well.

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Some good news...the press (The Telegraph, specifically) has run a story reporting on excess deaths and a court in Portugal ruled that the PCR tests were bogus.

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Slowly but surely the truth is coming out. Whether the real crime will ever be exposed in MSM, and/or whether any heads will roll … who knows?

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In Canada the recently appointed new president of the Canadian Medical Association officially denies any harm has been done by any of the vaccines. She says it is all misinformation. Unbelievable!

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As a UnJaBBed Wild Dog (note that the Sheep get eaten by the Shepherd, not the Wolf,) I am looking for a profitable angle & I do believe I have a WINNER! 👏 We create a Gambling Spreadsheet: we enter contestants based on WHICH BAIT they took, how MANY BAITS they stood in line for, age, health, there's a few angles, region, death care policy, remsiduvir nations etc.

Then we OFFER ODDS. Not just on Deaths! We can offer a higher odds points spread on Gullian Barr vs Myocarditis vs Stroke vs NUMEROUS types of TURBO TUMOUR! Wow.

Get this 🤔 The House always wins 😘

I'd launch this on Rumble, a Live, Hourly Update, Running Totes, New Bets etc. It. Will. Be. Huge.

I call it The Convid Casino. Please pass around this Prospectus 🙏

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You are a ghoul. Ashes to ashes and AussieMan to Dust.

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