Olivia Newton John, too. Both survived many, many years after breast cancer diagnosis and then covid hit. Maybe both the "vaccine", and covid itself
do similar damage. Chances are even without shots they might've both had "covid" at some point & that caused their cancers to worsen. I don't know, just makes you wonder.
Olivia Newton John, too. Both survived many, many years after breast cancer diagnosis and then covid hit. Maybe both the "vaccine", and covid itself
do similar damage. Chances are even without shots they might've both had "covid" at some point & that caused their cancers to worsen. I don't know, just makes you wonder.
It's possible some "expert" Oncologist or other "medical professional" convinced them the jab was essential in their situation and cOviD-19 would be disastrous to them without it.
Yes, I agree. My sister in law was advised by oncologist to get covid shots. She needed surgery, and the pressure to get "vaccinated" for cancer patients was / is powerful.
A surgery to remove a cancer tumor was postponed for months being considered "elective".
ALso, I just thought about shedding because being hospitalized during the height of injections - in the medical field - shedding may have factored in. Also, delayed care from lockdown.
Olivia Newton John, too. Both survived many, many years after breast cancer diagnosis and then covid hit. Maybe both the "vaccine", and covid itself
do similar damage. Chances are even without shots they might've both had "covid" at some point & that caused their cancers to worsen. I don't know, just makes you wonder.
It's possible some "expert" Oncologist or other "medical professional" convinced them the jab was essential in their situation and cOviD-19 would be disastrous to them without it.
Yes, I agree. My sister in law was advised by oncologist to get covid shots. She needed surgery, and the pressure to get "vaccinated" for cancer patients was / is powerful.
A surgery to remove a cancer tumor was postponed for months being considered "elective".
ALso, I just thought about shedding because being hospitalized during the height of injections - in the medical field - shedding may have factored in. Also, delayed care from lockdown.