More heartbreak.

And it goes on, and on, and on.

It's so big it is seen, I think, but too scary for most folk to even go near an acknowledgement. After all, they might be next and they would rather not know.

Thanks Mark and team, always.

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Suddenly at home … unexpectedly at home… zero knowledge that they’re at deaths door. No time to seek help. This is NOT normal. 🙏

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True. But without a known proven treatment protocol (and widely available) that could save their life (or at least prevent the worst outcomes), isn't it better to avoid adding more fear by saying "you know, those shots you took will kill you" ? If there isn't a solution that they can easily seek then what good does it make to warn them ? Maybe there's a middle way. IV EDTA for example is a promising treatment but it's not so widespread.

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1000 Ways to Die....should be the name of all covid jabs.

Meanwhile...here in Nova Scotia...all my contacts remain as television zombie-ized as they were on day one. In other words....the WHO approach was correct...the jabs are safe and effective.

Of note....and in keeping with what now appears to be an established position.

We are in a pretty bad drought currently...with the Halifax area, and the most western part of the province experiencing big fires with big losses.

Many...if not all the fires are human caused. The solution....all parks are now shut down. We live near a couple parks and beautiful forest trails. They are all now off limits. No one is allowed entry for any reason. This precedent was established in 2020 with covid...and those I was out with last night appear to be all in on the idea. Very few in this province question any authority. The television is the gold standard for all information.

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The droughts and/or floods occurring all over the place might perhaps be linked to the increasingly obvious lines in the sky that morph into unnatural looking clouds. It’s a good job our esteemed governments tell us chemtrails don’t exist otherwise we’d think something nefarious is going on. It’s also odd that I can type contrail into my phone and the predictive text recognises the word, yet typing ‘chemtrails’ brings up nothing. And the word chemtrail remains underlined in red as if no such word exists. I have one old friend who is on my side in this whole sorry covid psyop, and my partner is also (almost reluctantly) onboard, but only because I have bombarded her with alternate articles from day one. All my children and family have swallowed the govt narrative and refuse to engage me. We haven’t fallen out, but the subject is off limits. Sad times.

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Exactly. Stratospheric aerosol injection is killing the planet FAST. By injecting aluminum where it should NEVER be, it's creating an apocalyptic feedback loop. The aluminum falls down on the vegetation, trees and is fueling wildfires. Also, as long as the aerosols are "active", it's increasing the air temperature in the atmosphere by creating a heat dome. SAI is possibly the worst environmental crime in history and anyone involved should already be hanging, but killing the planet and its inhabitants is now legal so no worries.

"Millions of tons of aluminum and barium are being sprayed almost daily across the U.S., stated Mills, a former naval officer and UCLA graduate. "Just sprinkle aluminum or barium dust on a fire and see what happens. It's near explosive. When wildfires break out, the aluminum/barium dust results in levels of fire intensity so great as to cause firefighters to coin a new term ̶ 'firenados,' "


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I completely agree, but how do these freaks presume they’re immune to the effects of their meddling? Millions of tons of metals in the soil isn’t helping them in the long run either.

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They are not immune, you can detox just as well if not better than them. Aluminum makes the soil more acidic and is making some crops much harder to grow, evil Monsanto is already producing seeds that can grow in soil that's been contaminated by aluminum because they know this pollution is real. Maybe it's helping TPTB after all because they're trying to starve us.


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Thanks for that info. Much appreciated.

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