This week's prize for best scientifically described case goes to "Taiwanese woman in her 20s .." A healthy young woman, triple-jabbed with Pfizer BioNtec, goes to hospital, pneumonia, staff apply standard treatment, intubation and Remdesiver. Patient dies of Covid. Tests done show no other infections etc. When will we create the scientific language which says "Died consequence of injection ..." They pointed in right direction in this case, even without mentioning the unmentionable directly. Well done, Taiwan

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Sen. Chris Van Hollen hospitalized after stroke https://nypost.com/2022/05/16/sen-chris-van-hollen-hospitalized-after-stroke/

Comes after the Dem NM Senator and the Dem running either for governor or senate in PA...

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Luckily the world health whorganization sic will be granted emergency powers to hacksxxxxinate the hell out of everything on the planet

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Reported in The Guardian on 23 February 2022: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/feb/22/paul-farmer-obituary-partners-in-health

“Dr Paul Farmer, a physician, humanitarian and author renowned for providing healthcare to millions of impoverished people worldwide and who co-founded the global non-profit Partners in Health, has died. He was 62.

The Boston-based organization confirmed Farmer’s death on Monday, calling it “devastating” and noting he unexpectedly died in his sleep from an acute cardiac event while in Rwanda, where he had been teaching.”

Interesting to note Bill Gates has announced: “My new book, How to Prevent the Next Pandemic, is available now. Proceeds will be donated to Partners in Health in memory of Dr. Paul Farmer, who inspired the world with his commitment to saving lives.” https://twitter.com/BillGates/status/1521535645386125312?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a founding partner of Partners in Health, another example of the massive influence of Bill Gates on international public health: https://www.pih.org/partnerships

And ironically Partners in Health co-founder Paul Farmer has now “unexpectedly died in his sleep from an acute cardiac event”…

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Daughter of top doctor who became voice for nurses struggling during Covid pandemic DIES suddenly in her sleep - with absolutely no warning signs something was wrong

-Daughter of one of country's top doctors has died unexpectedly in her sleep

-AMA South Australia president Michelle Atchison posted news on her Twitter

-She revealed her 26-year-old daughter had died while sleeping on Wednesday


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