What I find interesting is that they’re asking for donations to the hospitals. Which are most likely making an astronomical amount of money from whoever is paying them to kill ppl. They’re also asking for money to be donated to the very cancer foundations that have done zero… zero… to create any options besides the criminal ones they have. That probably exacerbate the issue and cause more treatment. No FN way will I contribute anything but nastiness to these money making scammers. My mom died of “Alzheimer’s” and my brother posted for ppl to donate to the society. Why? It does nothing but pay CEO’s and possibly pay for useless studies.

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The LAST thing they want is to cure cancer. There's no money in health; the money is in sickness.

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"Ain't no money in the cure, the money's in the medicine...that's how a drug dealer makes his money, on the comeback."

---Chris Rock

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I agree. I got breast cancer (no jab) in 2019 and it was hard to contain my disgust at the stupid pink-arama. I never have and never will give a cent to breast cancer to line their coffers. I saw many organizations asking for donations, saying they "help" breast cancer patients with their bills and other things they need. Every organization is a way of people making themselves feel good that they are helping "victims." I did not encounter any "help" as I went thru treatment. I am sad for others who are in great need and cannot get any help for their bills, their house paymt, food, etc. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and family to love and support me. I never had to worry about losing my house, my husband, my kids, starving, etc. God has healed me despite my stupidity in having them pump me full of deadly chemicals! They do not even have the decency to give a list of things that you can use to make treatment better..... I got all my info from website support groups.

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Agreed. And don't get me started on the "Prostate Ride for Dad"... what a crock! Sure does raise lotsa' money, though!

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I’m sorry and glad you found support where you did.

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Walking for the cure makes me immediately choke. No! You can walk to the moon and raise $700 billion and they’ll still treat you the same. 😕

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Pretty sad when the researcher has a direct connection to one of the deaths, teacher named Samantha. "This was my son’s SK teacher - Perfectly healthy when she taught him in 2019-2020."

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Agree. It illustrates how close we are to these deaths.

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If you read the obituary of Harold acres, it’s pretty nauseating. His young adult son died in July from a heart attack. And then Harold dies 4 months later. From a heart attack. And when you read the obituary,, it’s like everyone is “oh, he was such a happy man and everything is wonderful and oh, nothing to see here”. Are these people out of their flipping minds? This is honestly like being in a horror movie.

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Indeed. I saw that double family death report as well. Nothing to see here. Please donate to the medical society (the same one that pushed the jabs and told everyone it was safe and effective). Cognitive dissonance, denial.

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It's truly the stuff of nightmares.

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The twin newborns, the 6 year old girl...heartbreaking.

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Hiring body removal agents in a country that is pushing assisted suicide and mandated mRNA jabs. Hmmm….

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Exactly. I have worked for numerous charities and as far as I am concerned they are professional beggars. They exist to raise money and do very little for their cause.

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'Killer country'. Whatever you call it, evil people, satanical agencies,

Canada may be becoming worse than other countries.

Maybe they need a new chart showing how Canada ranks with other countries regarding 'the many ways to die' or some such chart.

Please keep this coming if you can.

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I noticed you posted an interview with Dr William Makis. He posts Canadian deaths especially doctors on his gettr account. He has tracked 93 deaths of Canadian doctors and is trying to get the medical association to realize these deaths are linked to the jab. He may be posting deaths that you have not found. Thanks for your work. I just wish this madness will stop but pushing jabs seems to be a religion now.

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I guess Canada doesn't want to pay out Old Age Benefits so they kill them first. As for the babies and small kids that died, my heart is broken for them.

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Getting the jab while pregnant with twins! Jabbing your second grader?! These parents need their heads examined. These government agencies and schools pushing this crap - criminal!

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In recent years the death notices have in an increasing number have omitted the age of the deceased, as absurd as saying the football match is finished, but not telling the score!

Could that be so that the deaths of young people can be masked?

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So many. My fucking God.

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Sadly, that Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation must be raking it in. Wish we had stats for pre-Covid death reports like these, so we could show the increase.

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Wow! So this is what genocide looks like. I can only add, after reading each death, this: by Charles Mackay, "the masses go mad as a herd, but only regain their senses slowly one by one." But the families of the diseased thank the very institutions responsible (directly or indirectly) for

their demise.

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Your inclusion of these personal stories, with their sincere & pithy written reminders of who these people were, relative to their Loved Ones, is Amazing.

Much Thanks, For The Inspiration.


I knew an old man who was still practicing Veterinary Medicine at the ripe mature age within his 80's.

He had learned his trade in the early days before all the technical machinery & practiced that way, till the end. He offered home treatments for one's cats (that's why I saw him) & used antibiotics sparingly. An average cost of a visit where a cat had an intestinal parasite (and was quite ill) & he examined the cat & gave a week's worth of pills might cost as low as 10-20 bucks. He was completely devoted to his care practice of animals & was a strong Christian, always saying he'd keep practicing as long as The Good Lord allowed. Because he had he own health issues, he was on the blood thinner Coumadin. Alone in his hospital taking care of a frightened dog, the dog bit his hand & he almost bled to death. But he survived & continued to practice.

He was Loved by The animals & The Community he served.

The origin of his name was New Love.

I told him that when The Lord called him he best be ready to meet a happy large gaggle of four-legged friends he had cared for during his lengthy career.

I would assume rightly, when you pass over, Many will greet you likewise, For Your Thoughtful Remembrances. And your gentle care.

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