In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, July 15-July 22, 2024
Athletes: US (4), Ecuador, Brazil, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Zimbabwe, New Zealand; "vaxxidents": US (5), Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Denmark, Greece, Italy (10), NZ (2); & more
Note: Click on the countries links for this week’s compilations of those who “died suddenly” (the individual Substacks are too long to email).
United States
Mexico, Ecuador, Suriname, Brazil and Argentina
United Kingdom and Ireland
France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Greece and Spain
Mali, Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, India, Thailand, Philippines, Australia and New Zealand
God rest their souls! The governments did this, and the governments should pay! Why did they do it? To keep their jobs; Their standing; their relationships; mandated; a pizza; free money; or something else. We know what this was. So many wouldn’t listen to us. I took fliers door to door, begging people not to fall for it., Not to go for anything that’s experimental! If a plane was experimenting with a new engine, how many would get on board? Sad to say, everybody that took the shot! How many got on the train thinking they were going to clean showers and food? And then we’re taken to gas chambers to die? Would they have believed me? NO , God help us: God bless their souls.
Rest in Peace folks and how much longer will you have to wait until someone has the balls to invoke the Nuremberg codes .