God rest their souls! The governments did this, and the governments should pay! Why did they do it? To keep their jobs; Their standing; their relationships; mandated; a pizza; free money; or something else. We know what this was. So many wouldn’t listen to us. I took fliers door to door, begging people not to fall for it., Not to go for anything that’s experimental! If a plane was experimenting with a new engine, how many would get on board? Sad to say, everybody that took the shot! How many got on the train thinking they were going to clean showers and food? And then we’re taken to gas chambers to die? Would they have believed me? NO , God help us: God bless their souls.

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Yes the government did this, but people had choices to get vaccinated or not. Jobs are not the most important thing, being alive is.

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But there is a factor of trust which is overlooked. So many had trusted that their own gov and health care system would NEVER do such a thing, and so that weighed in.

The Sept 11 incidents still hold a tight grip on souls with that said trust factor. They will never see the truth because of it. It's a strange thing, but how can this be otherwise conceived of, except that people are strange indeed?

Trust the God of Creation. He is worthy of our explicit trust and obedience!


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most took it out of fear. Sadly, fear was stronger than real science. I tried to tell and show people the facts too. I saved a few. God bless you for trying, Barbara.

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“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized...

If all this is considered necessary to gain your compliance – you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.”

— Ian Watson

My favorite, Barbara, can't remember if this was Germany or Nevada, they were offering an hour's ride on the best whore in the best whorehouse in the municipality if you took the injection.

Sorry to disappoint Arsewipes, I'll NEVER be that desperate. 🤔💩

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Get the jab and an incurable VD at the same time! What's not to love?

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Rest in Peace folks and how much longer will you have to wait until someone has the balls to invoke the Nuremberg codes .

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Sad to say, all that was but another show trial. It only gave cover to the ongoing relocation of the baddest of the bad actors. But yeah, keep on hopin'.

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Yes. NASA, Soviet Space teams, Torture Doctors to BigPharma, German troops to Africa & "French foriegn legion" & the 1st NATO generals were ALL Ex-Nazis. Show Trials of a few & Brasil for the prepared. 🤷 There is no Justice, only Money.

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My first grade) class, so 1956, with just one classroom per grade, included a German boy--who hadn't been with us in year before. No other foreign child in the school. My school was about 6 miles from Westover Air Base where supersonic flight was worked on. My little kindergarten ears were well familiar with the sonic boom. Have, as you will have gathered, wondered in last few years if little Jurgen was Nazi offspring.

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As Exhibit 2436b, I present Ms Freeman, NAZI Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, descendant of NAZIs, who just had a NAZI War Criminal feted in Trudeau's Parliament. 🤷

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Yes, made her “acquaintance” during Truckers’ Protest. Recognized her as minion of evil.

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Although it's hard to tell with anecdotal evidence, it sure seems like it is getting worse.

It's certainly not getting better...

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According to these compilations, a doubling has occurred recently:

Young Hearts Part 57 - 15th July 2024 (https://www.brighteon.com/e4713dbe-1fae-40fe-a90a-f6d97704e2cc)

The number of reports in this episode is over 215 and it's only 11 days since the last episode. To give you an idea, there's usually around 120- 130 reports in an episode with a 2-3 week gap between episodes.

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It makes me beyond angry when I see young kids dying, the parents are devastated at the loss. How on earth can the likes of Bill Gates, Fauci and others still be breathing free air, why hasn't congress gone after them and arrested them, they've murdered millions. RIP all who were murdered by the jabs.

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I am not condoning the man/child that shot Trump, but how is it different? People were screaming there is a man with a gun climbing the building. They were pointing at him. Telling various authorities only to be ignored.

We screamed don't take the shot. Doctor's and researchers said the shot is toxic. We said to stop the shot every way we could. They said no we will not stop the shot. In fact we will mandate it for your kids. Even your babies.

You think at this point Trump doesn't know his Warp Speed Shots are toxic? HE KNOWS!! Is he saying anything? Nope. At least good people stood up and tried to stop the shooter, however Trump remains silent while we watch our love ones succumb to his Warp Speed Madness.

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Exactly. Trump is so responsible for this. He has never admitted wrong doing. But he sure took the drug companies money.

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Beyond being so very sad, it hardly seems right the use of all the euphemisms - Passed away suddenly, Died very suddenly, Sudden illness..... Has this now also been 'mandated' by the ghouls in charge I wonder.

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"Another soul murdered..." would be more appropriate.

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I have been cutting out, saving, obits from small town newspaper for 12 mos. Have wondered if some heavy hand from above told newspaper to prohibit mention of cause of death.

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Thank you for keeping us informed of the individuals caught up in this tragedy,

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The sudden deaths are OUR deaths, the bell is tolling and the killers are ringing it. They control the bell, and the view from the tower, many houses of worship, the ship of state, the armies, the hospitals...

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I notice a lot of obituaries have no age or cause of death listed. It's like it doesn't really matter. Might as well be a shopping list. It's a notice of a life passing. We all can connect the dots. Some choose not to. It's the vaxx. So sad and awful. 😪

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Deagel.com says it all. DEAGAL.COM says most of us are dead soon. 🤔

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The CIA, along with the Rockerfeller foundation, have been advocating smaller populations.the Covid " Vaccines" killing at last count, 30 Million souls.

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When did the CIA push for smaller populations? Not that they wouldn't; but are you thinking of the NSC?

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I can't post the info, "Censoring"? But the article said CIA and Rockerfellers.behind the population reductions.

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With a couple of billion injured, often severely.

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Go to www.deagel.com

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Long list and many pages, but I printed it a few months ago.

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Nobody notices is the true sick shit.

I often take one of your picks and post some truths but it doesn't seem to matter.

They still trust these quacks and will continue taking vaccines

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