This may be the longest list I have seen thus far.

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351 page-downs!!!!


The Canadians are getting hammered.

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I’m from Biebs’ hometown and I can confirm the jabbed are dropping and adverse events are too numerous to count (two men in their early 40s had heart attacks on the ice this month - I only know this because my boss knows them) Unfortunately not many are making the connections.

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Canada must be running out of people in the age range 50-80. The numbers are incredible. And the number of babies that died this time and the last few weeks posts is so very sad. I cannot fathom the pain the parents must be feeling. Many, many people passed suddenly with no cause of death reported.

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There are several suicides and they can be verified usually when donations to mental health etc.. don’t always assume it’s the vxx.

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Suicide rates have also spiked since the rollout started; so we can't assume it's NOT the vxx, either....

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Some of it are because some doctors would just say their problems are anxiety, give them pills, and send them away. Some people feel/felt like no one is/was listening to them. The adverse effects of this mess are real, but if you think the shots were safe and effective then you can't 'see' the problems these people have and some end up ending their lives. This is so tragic!

My daughter has a friend in college who has a doctor who thinks her seizures and passing out are anxiety and gave her some pills. I don't think they will help. I gave my daughter a list of doctors that do 'see' to share. The friend or her family probably think I'm nuts.

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This a a major issue in Canada. Doesn’t necessarily mean they took the vax. However, the last 3 years to what the Government, health officials, lack of being in school and their activities has attribute to this silent matter. It’s all connected in some form.

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If you look/data mine VAERS for suicide and hallucinogenic/psychotic/psychosis symptoms, they are listed as adverse events. There is a mental aspect to this. Why wouldn't there be, with micro clotting in the brain and Spike making it there? You also see the videos where people look up, while turning before collapsing, and appear to be hallucinating.

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A note regarding Saskatchewan Canada, the young woman's information posted on your list, Chanelle Adrieanna Natowcappo, died by suicide.

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True. But again, some of these are not related to the vxx or Covid. We’re better than them. Before every death was a Covid death- now here, every unexpected or sudden death is the vxx. It’s somewhere in between.

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Not so much; and the comparison with all those deaths attributed to "the coronavirus" is short-sighted, since it was precisely THAT vast panic, fed by the deliberate exaggeration of COVID mortality, that made millions blind to the REALITY of what's going on right now, because of the "vaccines."

We make every effort to include no stories that suggest some other cause. Every one that we include either gives NO cause of death (unprecedented in the history of obituaries on this continent) or notes some untimely cardiological mishap, or a "rare" aggressive cancer.

How are you so certain that "some [of these reports] are not related to the vxx or Covid"? Please give us your evidence, and we'll modify the post accordingly.

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Yes, but in all fairness, many people committed suicide before 2020, so causation isn’t necessarily correlation.

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The question is, HOW many? The rate has been increasing since the jabs began. What to make of suicides now, then?

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