After absorbing the tragedy of what I’ve been reading through several thoughts come to mind. They are the same thoughts I’ve been having in reaction to these types of deaths and for next of kin, terrible losses.
First of all is that parents and significant others, etc potentially lose out by not getting autopsies where possible. Getting a…
After absorbing the tragedy of what I’ve been reading through several thoughts come to mind. They are the same thoughts I’ve been having in reaction to these types of deaths and for next of kin, terrible losses.
First of all is that parents and significant others, etc potentially lose out by not getting autopsies where possible. Getting a vaccine card of the person who passed could help document the factors leading to a death.
I know getting an autopsy is ( but shouldn’t be ) a contentious issue with
Pretty sure autopsies are expensive (last I heard, around $15,000). And are required in fewer instances. Not even unattended deaths require an autopsy (paid by the government) in some places.
ME’s but people should push to get the autopsies. The main organ, the heart needs to have tests that are available now, that can document damage by the jab.
People who are jabbed should take proactive steps to get treatments that may lessen the possibility of a sudden fatal heart attack.
Cancer should be faced in a preventative way also. New repurposed drugs have been found to possibly prevent or mitigate turbo cancer.
Terms like “ natural cause “ of death don’t tell the reader anything. Actually it’s ironic seeing such a term in an obituary that makes it clear, in most cases, that there’s nothing natural about many of the deaths that we’re all seeing. Medical examiners need to be challenged on the use of this term.
Family by us had autopsy done on their young child who died while sleeping (just after a milestone birthday when you'd expect a doctor visit). It came back with some obscure cause, occlusion in airway caused by genetic defect, blah blah blah. That then makes one ask if those who perform the autopsies are being paid off to divert attention from the injections killing kids. That would be "double-dipping"... What a heartbreak for that family. "Natural cause", right? Lord, deliver us from evil.
Actually, it seems to me that whoever does an autopsy, is in a position to use their position to to offer corrupt people “ favors.”
You know: cover up a death actually due to negligence, and call it death by something innocent. No money need change hands, but at a later time the “ thankful “ party can show their appreciation in some other way. Maybe some kind of gift or generous “ freebie,” can come the way of the dishonest signer of the cause of death form.
I understand there's a ubiquitous organization that operates on that principle... One must always be ready to "pay up" for past favors, though. To this day, I wonder about the demise of a certain Supreme Court Justice...
After absorbing the tragedy of what I’ve been reading through several thoughts come to mind. They are the same thoughts I’ve been having in reaction to these types of deaths and for next of kin, terrible losses.
First of all is that parents and significant others, etc potentially lose out by not getting autopsies where possible. Getting a vaccine card of the person who passed could help document the factors leading to a death.
I know getting an autopsy is ( but shouldn’t be ) a contentious issue with
Pretty sure autopsies are expensive (last I heard, around $15,000). And are required in fewer instances. Not even unattended deaths require an autopsy (paid by the government) in some places.
ME’s but people should push to get the autopsies. The main organ, the heart needs to have tests that are available now, that can document damage by the jab.
People who are jabbed should take proactive steps to get treatments that may lessen the possibility of a sudden fatal heart attack.
Cancer should be faced in a preventative way also. New repurposed drugs have been found to possibly prevent or mitigate turbo cancer.
Terms like “ natural cause “ of death don’t tell the reader anything. Actually it’s ironic seeing such a term in an obituary that makes it clear, in most cases, that there’s nothing natural about many of the deaths that we’re all seeing. Medical examiners need to be challenged on the use of this term.
Family by us had autopsy done on their young child who died while sleeping (just after a milestone birthday when you'd expect a doctor visit). It came back with some obscure cause, occlusion in airway caused by genetic defect, blah blah blah. That then makes one ask if those who perform the autopsies are being paid off to divert attention from the injections killing kids. That would be "double-dipping"... What a heartbreak for that family. "Natural cause", right? Lord, deliver us from evil.
Actually, it seems to me that whoever does an autopsy, is in a position to use their position to to offer corrupt people “ favors.”
You know: cover up a death actually due to negligence, and call it death by something innocent. No money need change hands, but at a later time the “ thankful “ party can show their appreciation in some other way. Maybe some kind of gift or generous “ freebie,” can come the way of the dishonest signer of the cause of death form.
I understand there's a ubiquitous organization that operates on that principle... One must always be ready to "pay up" for past favors, though. To this day, I wonder about the demise of a certain Supreme Court Justice...