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Dec 5Edited

Absolutely that is the case, for actors and musicians alike. It seems to me that the higher profile rock musicians could've opted out of the shots and still would be able to perform/work; unlike the minions (such as managers, roadies, sound techs, backstage techs etc), and, unlike the rest of the gigging world. The bigger names seemed to sign on to taking the shots big time, and yes, pushed for their audiences to be vaxxed even where venues didn't demand it. Those big name performers are a brand and they aren't exactly replaceable - there's only one Bruce Springsteen, for example, (and of course he's still around) but pretty much everyone else is replaceable.

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I love music and live performances, but there is nobody... NOBODY I would risk my own health to see perform.

My family and I were blessed to see Charlie Daniels Band play in fall 2019, probably six months or less before the complete lunacy all began. I had not heard the song "In America" for years and years. Small venue. INCREDIBLE concert. I had a camera and took amazing photos. Daniels died in July 2020 at age 83. What a legend! (And I know for sure he never would have required attendees to have proof to get in...)

When you think about the "shedding" phenomenon, and the requirements to be injected to attend public performances, you have to know that whoever designed this poison was inspired by the devil himself.

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I know of at least one musician who did not get the shots, was very aware and concerned about vaccine injuries, but then a contractor told him he was missing out on work and urged him to change his mind. He did. I was aghast. I seriously wonder about the karma of all who pushed others into it, who ruthlessly canceled unvaccinated others in their profession, workplace and family - pushing the unvaxxed hard into submission. Many caved. And so while I would never risk my health to see a performance, nor travel, I also would not risk my health to get a gig. There's many a broom out there waiting for me to push, for a living. If need be.

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Better sweeping floors than pushing daisies!

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