My parents lived into their 80's and 90s. I do not recall their talking about friends in their 60's and 70's dying.
I have a little wine in my system and I plan to drink MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE so, I guess I'll just say what I think:
I no longer feel anything about the dying today. I don't care.
WHO DO I HATE TODAY (even without the wine): I HATE THE COLLABORATORS-- they who MAKE TOTALISM POSSIBLE: they who drive the trains and drop the victims off for the gas-- they who carry out the orders of the totalists-- THEY are the enemy and it is THEY who must be stopped— period.
I no longer feel anything, nor do I care about the people who still call me and once called me a conspiracy theorist and did so many things that I'm not willing to talk about because I feel embarrassed having witnessed their actions and I won’t repeat what I saw because it shames me to verbalize the crimes they perpetrated against me, the messanger.
BUT HERE’S THE POINT: My brother, who I warned again and again and again against the shot until he hated me, is going in for triple bypass surgery in a few days because his arteries are filled with goop. He’s vaxx’d up the wazoo… double, triple boosted… He even called me a year ago while he was in CVS, waiting for the booster… called me to say he was getting his booster shot… he was proving to me that I was a nut case--
I've had about 10 people in my life fall out (for instance, my 'counselor' of many years— has Alzheimers... and I two years ago spent about FIVE sessions-- where I PAID HER-- talking about the lethal injection-- warning her to not take another injection... finally, she accused me of being alike to a seller of Jesus— an evangelist… a nut case was the message).
Here is what it all boils down too—
THE COLLABORATORS, THEY WHO CARRY OUT THE ORDERS OF THE PSYCHOPATHS, ARE THE PROBLEM. They who hang the remdesivir bags, they who sell the covid tests, they who carry out in the hospitals the covid tests, all those who carry out the business of the totalists—they are the enemy— it is THEY who STUFFED the trains with THEMSELVES and it is THEY who drove the trains to the gas chambers and DROPPED THEMSELVES off… but it is THEY who pose the greatest threat to we who want to live (at least while wine exists)...
Bottom line: so what; they die, who gives a shit. THANK GOD FOR WINE! and Mark Crispin Miller-- thank god for him too!
Wonderful line. When I say "I love you"-- I'm saying that the relief I feel encountering a mind that's not deranged... and it's such a rare experience ... equals, to me, love.
My parents lived into their 80's and 90s. I do not recall their talking about friends in their 60's and 70's dying.
I have a little wine in my system and I plan to drink MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE so, I guess I'll just say what I think:
I no longer feel anything about the dying today. I don't care.
WHO DO I HATE TODAY (even without the wine): I HATE THE COLLABORATORS-- they who MAKE TOTALISM POSSIBLE: they who drive the trains and drop the victims off for the gas-- they who carry out the orders of the totalists-- THEY are the enemy and it is THEY who must be stopped— period.
I no longer feel anything, nor do I care about the people who still call me and once called me a conspiracy theorist and did so many things that I'm not willing to talk about because I feel embarrassed having witnessed their actions and I won’t repeat what I saw because it shames me to verbalize the crimes they perpetrated against me, the messanger.
BUT HERE’S THE POINT: My brother, who I warned again and again and again against the shot until he hated me, is going in for triple bypass surgery in a few days because his arteries are filled with goop. He’s vaxx’d up the wazoo… double, triple boosted… He even called me a year ago while he was in CVS, waiting for the booster… called me to say he was getting his booster shot… he was proving to me that I was a nut case--
I've had about 10 people in my life fall out (for instance, my 'counselor' of many years— has Alzheimers... and I two years ago spent about FIVE sessions-- where I PAID HER-- talking about the lethal injection-- warning her to not take another injection... finally, she accused me of being alike to a seller of Jesus— an evangelist… a nut case was the message).
Here is what it all boils down too—
THE COLLABORATORS, THEY WHO CARRY OUT THE ORDERS OF THE PSYCHOPATHS, ARE THE PROBLEM. They who hang the remdesivir bags, they who sell the covid tests, they who carry out in the hospitals the covid tests, all those who carry out the business of the totalists—they are the enemy— it is THEY who STUFFED the trains with THEMSELVES and it is THEY who drove the trains to the gas chambers and DROPPED THEMSELVES off… but it is THEY who pose the greatest threat to we who want to live (at least while wine exists)...
Bottom line: so what; they die, who gives a shit. THANK GOD FOR WINE! and Mark Crispin Miller-- thank god for him too!
I feel the same way without the wine.
Wonderful line. When I say "I love you"-- I'm saying that the relief I feel encountering a mind that's not deranged... and it's such a rare experience ... equals, to me, love.
I love you.