Good grief. Somebody pluck Big Bird ASAP. I’ll get the pot boiling. Evil.

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I'm almost 60 and have fond memories of watching Sesame Street during the early '70's...

I wouldn't let a goldfish be exposed to that claptrap today.

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This is absolutely terrifying. It was always about the children, the future.

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On the bright side, when they get them young, the teenagers will rebel.

Pretty soon it’s going to be cool to have 8 kids, attend church and drive a lifted pickup truck.

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And eat real meat and drink milk....from a Cow!!!!

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Oh no! Raw milk! Danger, Will Robinson, danger. Lol

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Love me some raw Jersey cow milk.

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I pray you are right but the woman who fired me because I wouldn’t take the clot shot has an 8 yr old whom she boasts about having gotten all his shots! Can you imagine what she says to him about people like us? AND she is a bankers daughter, so money is not an issue. This kid WILL have influence, unless like you said he grows a pair and kills her in her sleep.JK!!!

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You are very very very optimistic to think that poor child has a long “normal lifespan” ahead. Very optimistic indeed!

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Yes- the shots destroy the immune system. The current Highwire episode(288) features Belgian Immunologist Michel Goldman, who got covid vaxxed on his left side and developed cancer on that side. For booster he injected mRNA into the right side; within a couple of weeks the previously clean right side had cancer all over, in an almost identical pattern as the other side. Dr Goldman smelled a rat, and that is now an article in The Atlantic of all places. Clearly his immune system was almost completely disabled by the clot shots.

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That of course is the “nail in The coffin” (excuse the metaphor). She would NEVER admit her role in this genocide. She wanted a young pregnant woman to take the genetic slurry as well. Pure Evil.

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Satan always wants his rent

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that is usually what teenagers do. Walk away from everything their parents stand for and protest! I hope the nowadays youth still has that instinct, then humanity may live.

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I'm sorry, but that will not happen. I am a teacher of the old sort. The young are too far gone. They are third or fourth generation mind-controlled specimens. They needed the Trivium style education. They got smart phones instead.

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old school here too. Kind of lost touch with the young because I got no children so no grandchildren either. I notice that immigrant children are seemingly less 'spoiled' but for how long?

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Rebellion against "The Man" used to be cool. A bunch of celebrities pushed it back in the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's. Now that is no longer the case. If you are rich and famous you are part of the system. (What nobody seemed to grasp.) Rebelling against parents is not intrinsic to a culture. It's really a sign of decadence. And youngsters still will turn against parents if the State orders them to.

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Praying that’s true.

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If, and I mean if, the kid lives to 35 after having his immune system wrecked…

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Oh that’s a self correcting problem. He’ll be dead from the vaccine before he can vote.

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Do you mind me asking, where you live? These vax happy Moms are seriously scaring me.... it’s like “the more, the better”....

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LOL! Yes, I’ve always thought of Canadians as “free thinkers” but evidently not....

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The present regime is making that illegal. Many still are though and some are starting to remember how much fun it was. To think, I mean...

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More like “obedient children”

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The child may die in his teens since she'll be sure to get him boosted too. Not a cheerful thought though.

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Those things already are cool, sir.

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Please tell me this is a joke. Or photoshopped. It can't be real. Can it? It CAN, that's the scary thing! After seeing the absurdities that have gone on the last 2 + years we know that this is, indeed, where the world is going....the Agenda is set and they aren't budging... So frustrating and sad and blood-boiling!!!

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There was an actual Sesame Street skit last year where Big Bird gets the shot, an obvious appeal to kids. The CDC produced a printable "activity book" Coping With Covid-19

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It was part of a campaign that included Elmo and other characters. Sesame St was used to promote vaccination in 1976, a year in which the CDC pushed mass vaccination for flu resulting in about 56 cases of GBS. Can you imagine that was all it took for Mike Wallace to fry the CDC Director on 60 minutes and the government to pull the plug on the vaccination drive? Good thing Caroll Spinney, the actor and puppeteer who portrayed Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street for over five decades died Dec 2019 to be spared from witnessing (or being involved in) this business.

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Oh I remember… it was when I decided I could not allow my little one to watch Sesame Street without me anymore 😩 … absolutely crazy but this one seems fake because ABC’s are an irreverent way to discuss climate change ha ha I mean not to me but to the followers of that dogma

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Oooh thank you!

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Exactly. I think it is parody ...

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Lol. “Apocalypse” means unveiling.

And they’ve got that right, people are starting to notice the shit out of patterns, and just who’s behind this bullshit.

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Just as taking the "spell" off the word, "Armageddon" = "An Armed God," so does "Apocalypse" = "Lose Papacy," or "Pharmaceutical" = "Cephalic Trauma," with Cephalic meaning of or pertaining to the head or brain. And who is behind all this bullshit? Read their military strategy guide. It's called the Bible.

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Is this your observation? It’s remarkable.

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where is the time that Snow White and Cinderella where thought to be too rough for small children? Where are the sweet stories of princes and princesses who found love? Poor poor children, forced to get injected 40 times by age 6, when all should still be rosebuds and sunshine, forced to stay inside and wear face diapers, These new shows for children are just awful, not to talk about Disney.

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elmo on a vent

(edit: I also believe that big bird has been culled- due to fears of an avian flu outbreak)

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LOL - Big Bird culled due to (unfounded?, notice they NEVER provide proof of any avians actually having the Avian Fle?) fears over Avian Flu... good one.

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Yup! Gotta use that 97% false positive rate while they still can!

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Clearly why that swine Miss Piggy was eliminated long ago!!

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Keeping fear amped up in some faction of the population is literally how the Dark One’s need to operate to stay in power.

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I live in NY - I am thankful my kids grew up on the original Rug Rats, and SpongeBob - btw they are awesome adults.

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Lol, so are mine. I fully support Sponge Bob

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That is crazy. Lol! As if everything around us isn't crazy.

Post post edit: I suspect that these might be photoshopped. Not that I would put anything past Sesame Street, as woke as it is possible to be. And following the NY Presbyterian ad normalising childhood myocarditis.

And yet, this seems like a new low. Except that actually injecting children with mRNA really is the lowest. Well, genital mutilation might be the lowest. Yikes.

We are in a dystopia. No question about it as measured by the level to which we will terrify, mutilate, injure and kill children.

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The brand has been corrupt for years

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OMG. They just can't leave the children alone. Horrifying.

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Sesame Street is controlled by a bunch of liberal freaks? Wow, I am shocked! Not!

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There are far more powerful interests back of them than just "a bunch of liberal freaks."

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True! And I should have said "illiberal freaks"!

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I don’t have good reason for it but that man gave me the creeps

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I often wonder what Jim Henson would have thought of this hijacking....

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"Who was the first Whig [ i.e. liberal ]?"

Answer from Samuel Johnson (1709-1784): "The Devil!"

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Neo leftists. Not your old school liberals.

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Yes. They hate actual liberals!

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ABC...Anything But Climate?? Sesame Street has lost what little credibility they had left!!!

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This is reminiscent of Fight Club and their in case of airplane crash cartoons. Potentially great culture jamming. And if it is real, it should still be laughed at.

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Very doubtful it has any official affiliation to Sesame Street. Designed by deranged doomsday cult environmentalists or it is culture jamming designed to highlight the absurdity of terrorizing children.

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It might be parody to get us worked up ... sometimes we are too easy

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