She isn’t a robot.

But she is a moron.

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YOU'RE A beast.

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So a drone, then? ☺

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Dissidents they seem to find out early,

COVID narrative’s a stinking pile,

Rich celebs they think they needn’t


Groupthink tells them we are just so


Activism makes them feel “as one”,

Vaxxes mean a bigger body pile,

Ask Celine if she is having great fun,

It is past time to turn down the dial

You can’t hide...your Pfizer eyes,

Politifact...is a thin disguise,

Keep it up, to your demi..ise,

There ain’t no way to hide your Pfizer


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Brilliant! Gotta share this! Thanks!

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Thanks 😊

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Like all the vaccinated...with their MRNA reverse transcribing into their DNA... they are now a new sub-species of humans. The question is now... what do we do with the ones who survive?

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Lawrence, we need to be careful because we dont know if this crap is spreading to us who arent vxxed. The reality is we dont know how long we will remain untouched especially since the blood banks are all hopelessly contaminated. It all is starting to remind me of the cult movie Omega Man with Charleton Heston.

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I’m unvaccinated and that is one of my biggest worries/fears right now ~ that I’ll have some sort of medical emergency where I’ll need a blood transfusion, and I’ll be given mRNA-tainted blood. I think I would rather just die.

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Sherry, you might check this site out: Pureblood.Bio.webloc

Who knows what the procedures are and how effective they will be when you might actually need the product. There really should be blood bank companies that are designed to store your own blood for you. Like insurance.

The other reality is that if you are believer in the God of the bible and His faith world, we really do not need to be afraid...this place is not our final home.

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Thanks, Arnold. I’ll check out the web site. I’ve read online that a person can donate blood for themselves for future use. It’s called an autologous or directed donation. It requires a special collections order form to be signed by a physician. Perhaps I’m a little paranoid, but I don’t know that I’d trust the people in charge of managing such donations to not get my donation mixed up with someone else’s anyway, so it may be somewhat redundant.

Yes, I am a Christian. And even though I have immense faith in God, for some reason, it’s always been a challenge for me to REMEMBER that He is always in control and that, no matter how bizarre, frustrating and upsetting life may seem at times, everything is happening exactly the way that He intended it to happen. And yes, I do believe that we will have everlasting life with Him in The kingdom of Heaven.

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The truth is that God allows those He loves to suffer horribly. But He will give us the grace to meet that suffering when it happens. Not before.

I try to focus solely on the pain He permits in the present. As well as the good things He has put into my life today.

Sufficient unto each day is the evil thereof.

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You study Catholic catechism?

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Believing is enough? Not doing also?

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They may just deny us all medical treatment anyhow. No vaxx proof no treatment.

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the medical establishment not treating you may be a blessing

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Trying to find some way to get my special physical needs attended to outside the System.

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I am so sorry

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Yes, I suppose that’s a very real possibility. 😔

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If this vaccine isn't spreading, at least via air, you can bet the next pandemic vaccine will.

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like the ones designed and already released for a mice infestation. I believe this was done in Australia? the more we screw around with God's order of creation, we will live to regret it.

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Never got to see that movie. Which is amazing, because SciFi and Charlton Heston, both of which I watched.

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Get your filthy hands off me you ape...

Is about all I know.

But a great line

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"Get your hands off me, you damn dirty ape!" (I'm not sure if "of" was in the sentence. It's been awhile since I saw it last.)

I've seen that movie sooooo many, many times! One of my favorites. Charlton Heston! 💕💕💕

The last scene made me cry at 12. It still does. Probably because I knew/know we will.

Edit: I misquoted the line. It is: "Get your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!"

Also, I remembered the release date incorrectly. I was 10 when I saw it.

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Nope. I was only half there. I'm so ashamed. 😞

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its unfortunately not a pleasant movie to watch. tried to watch it again and had to turn it off.

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As always, have your liberals spayed or neutered.

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True, but they are beneath animals.

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"Like all the vaccinated...with their MRNA reverse transcribing into their DNA... they are now a new sub-species of humans. The question is now... what do we do with the ones who survive?"

Like Dr Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Dr Aseem Malhotra, Dr David Cartland and a number of doctors speaking out after they were coerced into 'vaccination' and then injured, I had two doses (of AZ) before finding out what was going on. So I'm obviously curious as to what you'd like to 'do with us' subhumans.

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Catfood? Oh dear. And I thought you were the good guys. Trust no-one, I guess.

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No! It's the best "thinking of evil things" emoji I've got.

Good guys, bad guys. "Trust no one," is the way to go.

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You're right - thanks for reminding me that there are, among the unvaxxed, people as psychopathic as Fauci. Why would there not be?

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Sub species of humans. I like the restraint, Lawrence!

I'd post it on tw but musk hasn't given me amnesty.

I would go to town ON HIS FEED

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Sub-humans. 😂

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I'm subhuman, but not because of PFIZER deathvax

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I'd have more respect for Katy Perry if she was a robot, otherwise she is complicit in the murder of children, worldwide.

The ironic part of this entire covid theater is that the performers seem more worried about being canceled by The Powers the Be then admitting that they're killing themselves and others.

Exhibit 1--Bieber and his wife.

Exhibit 2--Celine Dion

Nope, suicide is preferred to ostracization. Crazy town.

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Hard hitting California Lost.

I love the posts!

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I don't get these people, theybare poisoning themselves and seem to apologize for the inconvenience it has caused Fauci et al. Stockholm Syndrome

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I think DROP DEAD so much of the time. I just applied it to PFIZER cult early on.

It's so freeing. My 2 dogs love me. One prevented me from going into woods... I obey him when he gets real nervous and WON'T BUDGE. if dogs like me, I don't need gates😎😎😎😎

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As far as Perry, I honestly thought it could have been a glitch from all the eyelash glue. That doesn't mean that she's not a robot though ;-)

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After all if the lies we've been told, I'll consider anything. Clone?

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Give it a break! They gotta learn how to operate their new bodies. 😁😉😊😋

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That’s what it looked like

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That was my first thought as well - eyelash glue.

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Sell outs

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Here's a psychological explanation: K Perry and all those glorious stars in our firmament are under constant pressure to serve the interests of the overlords. None of this is stated clearly and perhaps these celebs are not, or do not allow themselves to be, consciously aware of this - which means that they MUST be aware of it on some level. They are in a constant panic to "do their bit" - because they know that if they do "the wrong thing" then their career is dust. The media will make sure of it.

So there's KP on stage desperately serving the powers above when suddenly her subconscious mind explodes. She can't take the crap anymore and her eye nearly explodes with the repression and hypocrisy.

Just a thought.

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its pretty hard to keep denying reality. its very human to deny reality of bad news, especially when we are starring it in the face. denial is us coming face to face with the fragility of our life. just watched the HBO Chernobyl series--the communists in the board room at the plant first refused to admit there was a real problem even after one of the technicians presented the data to them. this same denial of bad news continues to unfold during the rest of the series.

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So even the majestic sullen subversion that is Billie Eilish is roping heself in to "do her bit". Well I suppose it needs a big cash influx to keep the moody magnificence going.

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Perry needs to review the data showing that we have a higher death rate in the countries that are more highly jabbed then not jabbed.

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Well, if PolitiFact declares it false, then we know it’s true!

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Of course it was the toxxine.

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It could be a dog whistle to fellow Illuminati.

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Do they ever not-lie?

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It’s the robot shot!

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Has a robot been shot???

I hear tell that TESSA kills robots!

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