I'm not sure of that event, but we have something wicked coming at us here in the Bay Area on that exact same day: Anthony Fauci live at the San Mateo Performing Arts Center. He's small enough to be put into a Faraday bag, too.
I am afraid this is true. Anyone who was “noncompliant” firing that last abdominal exercise has likely been noted. Sarscov2 was 100% effective at one thing and that was separating out who is who in that type situation. Hold fast your beliefs and, if you have it, hold tight your faith!!!
They love to use arsenic ( takes alot of repetition, and your Dr. can measure you for it and you can chelate to get it out of your system) so wash your hands because the transfer is usually there. They put it on the door handles of your car and steering wheel, if possible.
Brennan and friends like to use the speeding car out of control method. See Anne Hesche on WLT. Did it after her Child Sex Trafficking Documentary about 9 mo. ago. He has done it to numerous others. Spoiler alert, sit down for this one, but apparently it is the CIA running/trafficking our children to the users abroad. Just like they did the weapons and drugs for money. They are big into making money like the Mafia, they have a Hedge fund! Amazing how it can predict the future events and profit from them....
Solution for car speeding, I am not an expert here but locate emergency break ahead of time and use with regular breaks and if it fails bail out of car. Do not trust the " emergency " fake personnel to take or treat you. Especially when they are right there about the same time you get there. Say no. Get a taxi or a ride from a safe looking ( old lady? ) stranger, only go to hospital if you are dying. If you can crawl or walk, you are probably fine. Ask the military guys and girls!
Of course turn off location finding on your devices and turn off phone and put in Faraday bag ( usual places ). Without the bag it is still possible to remotely turn it on. It is always the number of obstacles you put up which works. The more the better. It is red tape for them to get past each one. Unless you are a VIP on the list. Don't flatter yourself. There are many, many on the lists, the more the better! Everyone please join!
Don't believe the Fake news for the Patriots. The Fake news is there for two reasons, to scare us and mislead us. I would contact MTGreen's office directly for help offers or updates.
Who the hell ever thought it would come to this? Our own countrymen betraying us! 😢
In San Fran I would think they want to pull him apart but maybe they are clued out from the AIDS drugs for so long.
I bet he helicopters in, if possible for " safety " or does not show.
In keeping with Homicidal Psychopath profiles he wants to be killed or captured at least, so he becomes more infamous.
Brennan should ...have no security because he is NOT a gov worker but just a regular citizen. Tax payer should not be paying for anything or it is illegal and stolen money. Where is the Injustice Department?
Well then!....it is a good opportunity for Fraudci and friends to set up Bioweapon Injection stands near the entrances. No doubt they would be thrilled at the convenience. Do we have any volunteers here to help? I am sorry to say it, but wether you realize it or not these brainwashed idiots are the enemy. They will turn you in, when it comes to it.
San Mateo is north of Santa Cruz, Neil Young has had a ranch there for many yrs, it's where his previous wife Peggy, whom he abandoned for Nashville, and then Darryl Hannah, passed away. There is a small town on the coast where he used to show up and play music from time to time, he used to do that at The Catalyst in Santa Cruz too.
Good for you making fun of special people. Libtards? Couldn't come up with something of substance to properly criticize those you feel that are of differing political options than yourself? You must be a member of Y'allQueda. But really both parties are the same with different faces all controlled by the oligarchy. You're just a pawn that has been told to hate. Get ready for those Oct 4-11 satellite beams and 5G broadcasts!
Naah! He is not that rich and Everybody except his few killer psychopath friends dislikes the little elf. They holler at him all the time when he is with the body guards walking weekly to GTown U and out and about ! ? because he cannot defend his little dwarf self. Since when would the head of NIH previously respected institution before Fraudci ran it to hell, a " scientist " ( a murder ) need body guards and not even just one. Strokes his ego mostly.
Those body guards need to wake up and read these substacks to see what is really going on and the disservice they are doing to all Americans. I know some SS or spouses are reading this please take note and mercy, and do what they did in the Clinton administration when they knew the Billaries were bad news. Please let your morals prevail. His murders are higher then Hillary and Bill's and do realize 12, yes twelve of their SS body guards are now dead. Names on WLT site. That should tell you something. We won't even get into the dead Chefs. Take leave, take FMLA, request a reassignment. It never pays off to work with the Mafia. 🙏
I couldn’t even finish the book about Fauci. The children in the orphanage. How can anyone even show up to see this guy? All the aids people that he killed withAZT! And these people like Fauci all pretend to support LGBTQ++ but they really want them all dead and they use them to try and make people hate each other. The whole world is going to hell in a bucket! Hold on tight and get right with God as this whole system is going down. I doubt it will be on October 4th but the time is indeed short!
Not in San Fran. He's a hero there. All they do is knee jerk. Have to like Fauci cuz in their pea brains, MAGA hates Fauci. They will welcome him with a standing ovation and autograph seeking.
What a freak. He should be getting boosted if he us a believer. One certainly cannot be a believer and not getting boosted! That would make no sense.
Please ask them to explain when you come across these people, we need to learn, and so must they need to learn to think logically. Discourse is important!
one thing I found about her which isn't well known, her dad was in the Canadian Armed Forces so she grew up pro-military...since she moved to California, over the years, she used to go up to Fort Bragg (north of Marin County) and perform for the soldiers there, no publicity, etc. So I give her that much.
Musicians that want a better world? Better for all and not the few? Because that is woke?
Definition of woke: alert to injustice and discrimination in society.
Pretty awesome that you take issue with that. I didn't know that you were a Nazi helene. Bravo!
Anyone who uses the word with pejorative meaning is feeble minded. Come up with something better. Try using critical thinking. Now back to your regularly scheduled Jason Aldean playlist.
Just, please? ... When you put him in the Faraday bag, put enough bricks in it as well, so that when you toss the bag into the bay, it will sink no problem...
Here’s the thing about these people… they crave the limelight and accolades. They won’t retire quietly like every other senior citizen… they literally can’t give up the attention.
That is crazy. He is just a Dr that has never practiced medicine how can they justify that for his position? Ask him, he us just a regular gov worker. No justification at all for that. I am sure Trump would decline that in 2 seconds flat.
He pretty much dismissed him and brought Dr. Atlas in.
RFK Jr. is more viable than everyone else combined, but he isn't politically correct. You have the exact same opinion of RFK Jr. as your friends in the CIA did of his father and uncle, probably the NSA variant.
Alex Jones and all his listeners knew. "Alex Jones is crazy!" Like a fox, y'all. Like a sleuthing fox! I've never had the flu or taken the flu shots, so I had no intention of ever getting jabbed. But other InfoWars listeners who were leaning toward the jab were saved from it by one of Alex's guests, Dr. Francis Boyle, a bioweapons expert who literally wrote the law on bioweapons. He also exposed the coof for what it is: a bioweapon. And he exposed the plot to surround Russia with bioweapons from labs in Ukraine. I hope Ukraine gets incinerated. (Sorry, God--you know how my mouth is . . .). https://www.newswars.com/dr-francis-boyle-the-man-who-first-exposed-covid-19-as-lab-made-drops-new-bombshells/
My intuition is also setting off my bullshit detector with this.
I don't understand how shutting off our phones changes anything when the towers are the powerful part of the system.
Even if our phones are used as relays, so many will have them on... A handful of them being off won't change much at all.
I also don't see how this fancy tech works in the first place. Sasha Latypova has pretty much summed up what some of us have realized during COVID. The predator class claims to have all this scary technology on purpose... like pretending AI is hallucinating, gene editing and so on in order to create fear and paranoia.
If this stuff worked, they wouldn't be painting it as scary.
...the towers are the powerful part of the system...
5G does not travel so far, not nearly as far as 4G. This applies to our bodies (5G only gets a couple of mm in) and air transmissions. This is why they need small 5G transceivers all over the place, instead of making do with a few large-scale towers as for the lower frequencies (2-4G).
So, yeah the most powerful, and certainly consistent, transmissions to hit most people are from thier own cells and routers etc. The best advice is to take all routers out of the house/business and replace with cables. Then turn off cells (airplane mode) whenever possible- especially at night. And if you need the phone on 'cos expecting a call/sms, make sure data is not also turned on, only phone. Consider choosing only 4G in the phone settings, which I've done. It is also possible to get microwave reflecting baggies to put phones in (at least for 4G, not sure about 5) - they will drastically reduce transmission output, without affecting incoming calls. (https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_Ref9890518)
And yeah, I agree that they put out some of these 'rumours' to confuse, scare and maybe to make us look like idiots when we repeat them in polite company. I certainly do not see how they produce a different frequency from the 5G digital transmissions (without altering the hardware). Maybe some sort of amplitude modulation, but to then suggest it will trigger something in our bodies that all the other 5G non-ionising radiation people have been exposed to hasn't, is again something I find hard to believe.
Who knows?...They know. This is a war so YES the enemy will absolutely throw out decoy info. Do NOT be afraid of looking like an 'idiot' for turning off your phone or for trying to figure out their next step and take as many precautions as possible. One thing is for sure...the technology that they have vs. what we know of is light years apart. They have only given us the technology that will serve them...the phone has been a data mining gold rush for them. They give us a little so they can take a lot. The official narrative is officially complete bullshit so we must think in terms of conspiracy because conspiracy is MUCH closer to the truth.
" It is widely accepted that, in 1920, Royal R Rife began his experiments using electronic frequencies on viruses and bacteria. Previous to that time, microbes were invisible, but using his own powerful microscopes, he was able to see them.
By 1933, he had built what was called the Universal Microscope. This microscope was amazingly powerful and complex with its 6,000 parts. Dr. Rife claimed that his microscope could magnify an object to 60,000 its size.
Royal Rife explained what was so useful about this microscope. It could observe the microbes while they were still alive. This was different from the electron microscopes which destroyed the viruses and bacteria.
Virus and Bacteria Could Be Killed
What Dr Rife claimed is that each microbe has its own resonance frequency. With the Rife technology, he bombarded the microbes with light frequency which matched that of the microbe at an intense level. He called his machine the Beam Ray machine. What he said happened was that the microbes would explode or shrivel up and die. Some researchers today are reported to be corroborating Royal Rife's discoveries.
It is reported that in 1960, John Crane's laboratories were raided. Although there was no search warrant, Rife and Crane were arrested and released on bail. Rife, who was then 72 years old, escaped to Mexico and went into hiding. John Crane was put on trial in the spring of 1961. None of the large amount of scientific evidence which supported the effectiveness of their technology was allow to be presented. Crane's lawyers went to Mexico and interviewed Royal Rife. They asked him 137 questions, however, the deposition was not allowed as evidence.
John Crane was sentenced to ten years in prison. He served three years and one month. Two of the three convictions were overturned by the California State Supreme Court on appeal.
Raymond Rife Dies
Dr. Rife died in 1971 at the age of 83. He had been hospitalized for alcoholism and was given valium. A mixture of valium and alcohol is lethal.
The AMA is Guilty
It has been reported that in 1980, the American Medical Association was found guilty by a US Court of Appeals of "conspiracy to restrain competition. . . New methods of health care have been discouraged, restricted and in some instances eliminated."
NOW DECADES LATER we can be more than suspicious that this technology has been advanced and may be used as a potential depopulation weapon...esp. when the documents re: depopulation are here>>>[CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation exposed as Masterminds behind Deagel.com’s eerie 2025 Depopulaton Forecast & COVID Vaccine Death Data suggests they’re right on track!](https://expose-news.com/2023/09/03/deagel-2025-cia-rockefeller-c19-vaccine/)
And for those who have noticed the importance of 11 in what they do ..The time of this emergency test is 2:20. 11 + 11.
1) world trade buildings 9/11... Buildings themselves '11' symbol ...
2) On the morning of 11/ 11/18 , just before 9:30 UT, a mysterious rumble rolled around the world.The seismic waves began roughly 15 miles off the shores of Mayotte, a French island sandwiched between Africa and the northern tip of Madagascar. The waves buzzed across Africa, ringing sensors in Zambia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. They traversed vast oceans, humming across Chile, New Zealand, Canada, and even Hawaii nearly 11,000 miles away.
3)Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011, also called Great Sendai Earthquake or Great Tōhoku Earthquake, severe natural disaster that occurred in northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011.
4)What We Know About the Earthquake That Devastated Morocco
Sep 12, 2023 Around 11:11 p.m., 11 feet below surface, on Friday, an earthquake with a magnitude of at least 6.8 tore through the countryside near Marrakesh to devastating effect.
I haven't fallen deep into this 11 rabbit hole but the coincidences are already too many. So why 11? Here's one explanation: The Number 11 is a Sacred Number in the Occult, Witchcraft, and Satanism...
(In researching 11, I came across these premonitions :
"We call this sorcery, My children, because there has been a combination of the practice of the occult, witchcraft, with drugs. The minds of your children are being destroyed and distorted by the use of mind-controlling agents from hell. And I say from hell, My children, because it is a diabolical plan of satan to control the minds of your children." - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1977
“They will use the body of a human being, one who has fallen out of grace and the light. Any man, woman, or child is susceptible to this possession.” - Our Lady of the Roses, August 21, 1975
They didn't know about Omicron - it really shafted their plans. It was engineered, almost certainly by white-hats, since the number of point mutations (+30) from Delta are evolutionarily impossible.
When it first appeared there were some that thought the black hats might be behind, in order to create some sort of super strain. I call BS on that for 3 reasons:
- coronaviruses always mutate to a less-lethal version, naturally occurring strains with as low lethality as Omicron should have taken years.
- it really put a spanner in their works, they were trying to ramp up the Delta fear in order to get many more jabbed.
-If the black hats were behind it, time has shown it was a miserable failure as far as a lethal super strain goes. If they weren't, they got blind-sided.
Either way, whatever else they know, they did not know about Omicron.
I suspect there is much else they do not know, yet try to pretend they are omniscient in order to demoralise us. Bit like the guy behind The Curtain.
I'm not sure of that event, but we have something wicked coming at us here in the Bay Area on that exact same day: Anthony Fauci live at the San Mateo Performing Arts Center. He's small enough to be put into a Faraday bag, too.
And John Brennan (traitor) is speaking there as well! I’d buy a ticket just go heckle...but then I’d probably be put on a watch list.
You’re likely already on a watch list.
I am afraid this is true. Anyone who was “noncompliant” firing that last abdominal exercise has likely been noted. Sarscov2 was 100% effective at one thing and that was separating out who is who in that type situation. Hold fast your beliefs and, if you have it, hold tight your faith!!!
And your self defense weapons.
They love to use arsenic ( takes alot of repetition, and your Dr. can measure you for it and you can chelate to get it out of your system) so wash your hands because the transfer is usually there. They put it on the door handles of your car and steering wheel, if possible.
Brennan and friends like to use the speeding car out of control method. See Anne Hesche on WLT. Did it after her Child Sex Trafficking Documentary about 9 mo. ago. He has done it to numerous others. Spoiler alert, sit down for this one, but apparently it is the CIA running/trafficking our children to the users abroad. Just like they did the weapons and drugs for money. They are big into making money like the Mafia, they have a Hedge fund! Amazing how it can predict the future events and profit from them....
Solution for car speeding, I am not an expert here but locate emergency break ahead of time and use with regular breaks and if it fails bail out of car. Do not trust the " emergency " fake personnel to take or treat you. Especially when they are right there about the same time you get there. Say no. Get a taxi or a ride from a safe looking ( old lady? ) stranger, only go to hospital if you are dying. If you can crawl or walk, you are probably fine. Ask the military guys and girls!
Of course turn off location finding on your devices and turn off phone and put in Faraday bag ( usual places ). Without the bag it is still possible to remotely turn it on. It is always the number of obstacles you put up which works. The more the better. It is red tape for them to get past each one. Unless you are a VIP on the list. Don't flatter yourself. There are many, many on the lists, the more the better! Everyone please join!
Don't believe the Fake news for the Patriots. The Fake news is there for two reasons, to scare us and mislead us. I would contact MTGreen's office directly for help offers or updates.
Who the hell ever thought it would come to this? Our own countrymen betraying us! 😢
How do we get rid of arsenic?
alpha lipoic acid, taken on 3 hours schedule (for half life of chelating agent) also removes mercury. check out Andy Cutler's work on this.
pray to our lord and savior Cthulhu
Be the “gray man”.😉
or be the gray woman. We identify as they/them however
This is a load of shit. We do not use arsenic anymore.
What do we use now instead?
Thanks! I own a Faraday bag. I can put both my cell phones in the bag. I feel better. I will turn off my computers.
I can do this.
Who's MTGreen?
Pretty out of touch pal. She's in the news daily for acting like a baboon.
Marjorie Taylor Green?
I got fired after 23 years. FAITH has saved me.
Cthulhu has saved you.
No, the Alpha and the Omega has saved me.
More like hold tight to your butthole. Clench it tight and keep enjoying the fear porn that controls your feeble minds.
True that!
We all are, well everyone on substack, etc
I thought substack was safe.
Yes they are and we just added you too Andrea!
A watch list upgrade then.
Not a watchlist pal. We've added you to the shit list.
Looks like we'll have a decent sized group outside the venue. Not sure who's getting inside. I'd probably want to avoid getting Jan 6th'd.
Honestly, there should be HUNDREDS of people protesting! He’s a murderer all the way back to AIDS! Fauci is a psychopath.
In San Fran I would think they want to pull him apart but maybe they are clued out from the AIDS drugs for so long.
I bet he helicopters in, if possible for " safety " or does not show.
In keeping with Homicidal Psychopath profiles he wants to be killed or captured at least, so he becomes more infamous.
Brennan should ...have no security because he is NOT a gov worker but just a regular citizen. Tax payer should not be paying for anything or it is illegal and stolen money. Where is the Injustice Department?
It’s not San Fransicko County, but San Mateo County. San Mateo County is closer to Sillycon Valley. Whack job Libtards…
Well then!....it is a good opportunity for Fraudci and friends to set up Bioweapon Injection stands near the entrances. No doubt they would be thrilled at the convenience. Do we have any volunteers here to help? I am sorry to say it, but wether you realize it or not these brainwashed idiots are the enemy. They will turn you in, when it comes to it.
San Mateo is north of Santa Cruz, Neil Young has had a ranch there for many yrs, it's where his previous wife Peggy, whom he abandoned for Nashville, and then Darryl Hannah, passed away. There is a small town on the coast where he used to show up and play music from time to time, he used to do that at The Catalyst in Santa Cruz too.
Good for you making fun of special people. Libtards? Couldn't come up with something of substance to properly criticize those you feel that are of differing political options than yourself? You must be a member of Y'allQueda. But really both parties are the same with different faces all controlled by the oligarchy. You're just a pawn that has been told to hate. Get ready for those Oct 4-11 satellite beams and 5G broadcasts!
And yet Hunter Biden has tax payers funded security. Hhmmmm
Because of people like you.
True. But he's a rich, connected psychopath... 🙄
Naah! He is not that rich and Everybody except his few killer psychopath friends dislikes the little elf. They holler at him all the time when he is with the body guards walking weekly to GTown U and out and about ! ? because he cannot defend his little dwarf self. Since when would the head of NIH previously respected institution before Fraudci ran it to hell, a " scientist " ( a murder ) need body guards and not even just one. Strokes his ego mostly.
Those body guards need to wake up and read these substacks to see what is really going on and the disservice they are doing to all Americans. I know some SS or spouses are reading this please take note and mercy, and do what they did in the Clinton administration when they knew the Billaries were bad news. Please let your morals prevail. His murders are higher then Hillary and Bill's and do realize 12, yes twelve of their SS body guards are now dead. Names on WLT site. That should tell you something. We won't even get into the dead Chefs. Take leave, take FMLA, request a reassignment. It never pays off to work with the Mafia. 🙏
And you're just a psychopath
I feel guilt and remorse all the time. In fact I never stop feeling them.
Fauci is likely to go down as the biggest mass murderer in history.
That would be the US Government and it's imperialism.
I couldn’t even finish the book about Fauci. The children in the orphanage. How can anyone even show up to see this guy? All the aids people that he killed withAZT! And these people like Fauci all pretend to support LGBTQ++ but they really want them all dead and they use them to try and make people hate each other. The whole world is going to hell in a bucket! Hold on tight and get right with God as this whole system is going down. I doubt it will be on October 4th but the time is indeed short!
Not in San Fran. He's a hero there. All they do is knee jerk. Have to like Fauci cuz in their pea brains, MAGA hates Fauci. They will welcome him with a standing ovation and autograph seeking.
You probably already are on a watch list... 🤔
I will come to your place. They can't get me there.
Right partner?
This is still pertinent: An instructional video from yesteryear on how not to be seen... 🤔https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VokGd5zhGJ4&pp=ygUbbm90IGJlaW5nIHNlZW4gbW9udHkgcHl0aG9u
Mrs. B.J. Smegma. :)
This is another handy one. Oldie but a goodie. OSS Sabotage Manual that is still mostly relevant after 8 decades.
You understand I trust I was not entirely serious with "How Not to be Seen"? 🤔
Lovely thought.... I'm on the watch list too, and there's not enough room in my 500 square ft. apartment to swing a cat. I've tried. 🙄
That is weird.
Your face is weird
They can watch you easier in the building after you buy a ticket to fund them than they can picketing outside.
You’d probably be f*cking arrested cuz you hurt their feelings!
Judy, we are watching you. Get ready for 10/4 - 10/11
Most likely, you already are ;-(
We are allnon the watchlist, rhe ministerium of truth is watching us..., ha ha
Singing duets with Joan Baez? Add in Neal Young for a real powerhouse trio!
Neil lives very nearby, maybe he'll show up for his hero.
Neil used to sing and warn us about the “ man.” Now he has become one of them.
And as I was typing this I was reminded of his song “The Needle and the Damage Done.” Think Neil will update the lyrics for todays jab?
Perfect song for him right now! Hope he took all 6 or 7!
Hope he stands near the bass sound systems.
What a freak. He should be getting boosted if he us a believer. One certainly cannot be a believer and not getting boosted! That would make no sense.
Please ask them to explain when you come across these people, we need to learn, and so must they need to learn to think logically. Discourse is important!
Don’t forget Joni Mitchell!
since Joni had her stroke she's been completely overtaken by woke musicians.
She lost her mojo way before that.
one thing I found about her which isn't well known, her dad was in the Canadian Armed Forces so she grew up pro-military...since she moved to California, over the years, she used to go up to Fort Bragg (north of Marin County) and perform for the soldiers there, no publicity, etc. So I give her that much.
Well she is elderly, like yourself
Musicians that want a better world? Better for all and not the few? Because that is woke?
Definition of woke: alert to injustice and discrimination in society.
Pretty awesome that you take issue with that. I didn't know that you were a Nazi helene. Bravo!
Anyone who uses the word with pejorative meaning is feeble minded. Come up with something better. Try using critical thinking. Now back to your regularly scheduled Jason Aldean playlist.
And robert de niro ushering you in
Just, please? ... When you put him in the Faraday bag, put enough bricks in it as well, so that when you toss the bag into the bay, it will sink no problem...
The Lilly Wave https://steemit.com/science/@highme/mind-control-technology-lilly-wave-is-far-advanced-beyond-what-we-know
Don't forget operation crimson mist
Preferably vacuum sealed; we'd not want any of the stench to leak out.
Here’s the thing about these people… they crave the limelight and accolades. They won’t retire quietly like every other senior citizen… they literally can’t give up the attention.
The narcissism runs too DEEP.
Every single US President, Senator, and Congress Rep. Yet you still vote for them and neglect your local elections.
That it does.
Please do! And then seal it tight and throw it in the Bay.
He is just baiting everyone to end his miserable psychotic life.
Just like the serial killer movies. They bait everyone including the police to get them.
They are addicted to the attention.
I don't think his head will fit (in that bag).
Someone should do what needs to be done.
Faraday bags don't make one bulletproof.
You should create one!
They already have bulletproof in vests, coats, and jumpsuits.
Faraday shielding is very frequency dependent.
Bulletproof is very caliber dependent.
Only the top level of bulletproof is knifeproof.
Add a few bricks. You know where that bag needs to go!😆
I have a cat carrier you can put that faraday bag into....
How about an airtight Faraday bag?
He had a visit at Gitmo.
Apparently Fauci gets ~$1 million/month in secret service coverage. And RFK Jr. gets zero.
That is crazy. He is just a Dr that has never practiced medicine how can they justify that for his position? Ask him, he us just a regular gov worker. No justification at all for that. I am sure Trump would decline that in 2 seconds flat.
He pretty much dismissed him and brought Dr. Atlas in.
Drawing a parallel when there isn't one. It's early and RFK Jr isn't a viable candidate. Also RFK Jr. is an absolute clown just like you.
RFK Jr. is more viable than everyone else combined, but he isn't politically correct. You have the exact same opinion of RFK Jr. as your friends in the CIA did of his father and uncle, probably the NSA variant.
And you'll be proven wrong come primary time. Don't be obtuse.
You don't know my friends but we know yours!
Spooks don't have friends, just handlers and targets.
I prefer being obtuse to being acute like yourself.
Who knew we'd be living in a sci-fi dystopian world, just a few years ago. Thanks for the heads up.
-- WE ALWAYS H A V E !!! WE JUST DIDN’T K N O W I T ... !!!!!!!!!
True enough, though they are pumping it up now.
Also could/ probably is a False Flag for something(s) big ( and bad ) happening, as suggested above but additional.
Watch where the weasel Newscum is that day/eve.
"kooks", but some "cooks" are pretty discreditable, as well :)
Alex Jones and all his listeners knew. "Alex Jones is crazy!" Like a fox, y'all. Like a sleuthing fox! I've never had the flu or taken the flu shots, so I had no intention of ever getting jabbed. But other InfoWars listeners who were leaning toward the jab were saved from it by one of Alex's guests, Dr. Francis Boyle, a bioweapons expert who literally wrote the law on bioweapons. He also exposed the coof for what it is: a bioweapon. And he exposed the plot to surround Russia with bioweapons from labs in Ukraine. I hope Ukraine gets incinerated. (Sorry, God--you know how my mouth is . . .). https://www.newswars.com/dr-francis-boyle-the-man-who-first-exposed-covid-19-as-lab-made-drops-new-bombshells/
The only thing he exposed is himself as a complete fraud. You all eat up fear porn like candy. It must be nice to be so weak minded.
Thanks for posting!
We've been living in a Sci-Fi world for decades. The Abused and marginalized have been living proof. Those with more cushion didn't respond.
is it "fear porn" or is it real?
Sometimes the white hats put out disinformation directed at the bad guys, not us.
For years now we've been given dates for various events and they never pan out.
Use your discretion. If you feel you need to disconnect on that date, then do it.
I am not concerned myself, but that is my choice and opinion and intuition.
Think about who is putting this message out, where it comes from...
My intuition is also setting off my bullshit detector with this.
I don't understand how shutting off our phones changes anything when the towers are the powerful part of the system.
Even if our phones are used as relays, so many will have them on... A handful of them being off won't change much at all.
I also don't see how this fancy tech works in the first place. Sasha Latypova has pretty much summed up what some of us have realized during COVID. The predator class claims to have all this scary technology on purpose... like pretending AI is hallucinating, gene editing and so on in order to create fear and paranoia.
If this stuff worked, they wouldn't be painting it as scary.
...the towers are the powerful part of the system...
5G does not travel so far, not nearly as far as 4G. This applies to our bodies (5G only gets a couple of mm in) and air transmissions. This is why they need small 5G transceivers all over the place, instead of making do with a few large-scale towers as for the lower frequencies (2-4G).
So, yeah the most powerful, and certainly consistent, transmissions to hit most people are from thier own cells and routers etc. The best advice is to take all routers out of the house/business and replace with cables. Then turn off cells (airplane mode) whenever possible- especially at night. And if you need the phone on 'cos expecting a call/sms, make sure data is not also turned on, only phone. Consider choosing only 4G in the phone settings, which I've done. It is also possible to get microwave reflecting baggies to put phones in (at least for 4G, not sure about 5) - they will drastically reduce transmission output, without affecting incoming calls. (https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_Ref9890518)
And yeah, I agree that they put out some of these 'rumours' to confuse, scare and maybe to make us look like idiots when we repeat them in polite company. I certainly do not see how they produce a different frequency from the 5G digital transmissions (without altering the hardware). Maybe some sort of amplitude modulation, but to then suggest it will trigger something in our bodies that all the other 5G non-ionising radiation people have been exposed to hasn't, is again something I find hard to believe.
But who really knows these days?
Who knows?...They know. This is a war so YES the enemy will absolutely throw out decoy info. Do NOT be afraid of looking like an 'idiot' for turning off your phone or for trying to figure out their next step and take as many precautions as possible. One thing is for sure...the technology that they have vs. what we know of is light years apart. They have only given us the technology that will serve them...the phone has been a data mining gold rush for them. They give us a little so they can take a lot. The official narrative is officially complete bullshit so we must think in terms of conspiracy because conspiracy is MUCH closer to the truth.
" It is widely accepted that, in 1920, Royal R Rife began his experiments using electronic frequencies on viruses and bacteria. Previous to that time, microbes were invisible, but using his own powerful microscopes, he was able to see them.
By 1933, he had built what was called the Universal Microscope. This microscope was amazingly powerful and complex with its 6,000 parts. Dr. Rife claimed that his microscope could magnify an object to 60,000 its size.
Royal Rife explained what was so useful about this microscope. It could observe the microbes while they were still alive. This was different from the electron microscopes which destroyed the viruses and bacteria.
Virus and Bacteria Could Be Killed
What Dr Rife claimed is that each microbe has its own resonance frequency. With the Rife technology, he bombarded the microbes with light frequency which matched that of the microbe at an intense level. He called his machine the Beam Ray machine. What he said happened was that the microbes would explode or shrivel up and die. Some researchers today are reported to be corroborating Royal Rife's discoveries.
It is reported that in 1960, John Crane's laboratories were raided. Although there was no search warrant, Rife and Crane were arrested and released on bail. Rife, who was then 72 years old, escaped to Mexico and went into hiding. John Crane was put on trial in the spring of 1961. None of the large amount of scientific evidence which supported the effectiveness of their technology was allow to be presented. Crane's lawyers went to Mexico and interviewed Royal Rife. They asked him 137 questions, however, the deposition was not allowed as evidence.
John Crane was sentenced to ten years in prison. He served three years and one month. Two of the three convictions were overturned by the California State Supreme Court on appeal.
Raymond Rife Dies
Dr. Rife died in 1971 at the age of 83. He had been hospitalized for alcoholism and was given valium. A mixture of valium and alcohol is lethal.
The AMA is Guilty
It has been reported that in 1980, the American Medical Association was found guilty by a US Court of Appeals of "conspiracy to restrain competition. . . New methods of health care have been discouraged, restricted and in some instances eliminated."
NOW DECADES LATER we can be more than suspicious that this technology has been advanced and may be used as a potential depopulation weapon...esp. when the documents re: depopulation are here>>>[CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation exposed as Masterminds behind Deagel.com’s eerie 2025 Depopulaton Forecast & COVID Vaccine Death Data suggests they’re right on track!](https://expose-news.com/2023/09/03/deagel-2025-cia-rockefeller-c19-vaccine/)
And for those who have noticed the importance of 11 in what they do ..The time of this emergency test is 2:20. 11 + 11.
1) world trade buildings 9/11... Buildings themselves '11' symbol ...
2) On the morning of 11/ 11/18 , just before 9:30 UT, a mysterious rumble rolled around the world.The seismic waves began roughly 15 miles off the shores of Mayotte, a French island sandwiched between Africa and the northern tip of Madagascar. The waves buzzed across Africa, ringing sensors in Zambia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. They traversed vast oceans, humming across Chile, New Zealand, Canada, and even Hawaii nearly 11,000 miles away.
3)Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011, also called Great Sendai Earthquake or Great Tōhoku Earthquake, severe natural disaster that occurred in northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011.
4)What We Know About the Earthquake That Devastated Morocco
Sep 12, 2023 Around 11:11 p.m., 11 feet below surface, on Friday, an earthquake with a magnitude of at least 6.8 tore through the countryside near Marrakesh to devastating effect.
I haven't fallen deep into this 11 rabbit hole but the coincidences are already too many. So why 11? Here's one explanation: The Number 11 is a Sacred Number in the Occult, Witchcraft, and Satanism...
(In researching 11, I came across these premonitions :
"We call this sorcery, My children, because there has been a combination of the practice of the occult, witchcraft, with drugs. The minds of your children are being destroyed and distorted by the use of mind-controlling agents from hell. And I say from hell, My children, because it is a diabolical plan of satan to control the minds of your children." - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1977
“They will use the body of a human being, one who has fallen out of grace and the light. Any man, woman, or child is susceptible to this possession.” - Our Lady of the Roses, August 21, 1975
VERY important interview...she covers re: frequency/vax also: https://www.brighteon.com/4d48dab8-db07-4918-bcd5-80b32f4340f6
Sometimes ignoring all this noise is helpful.
They didn't know about Omicron - it really shafted their plans. It was engineered, almost certainly by white-hats, since the number of point mutations (+30) from Delta are evolutionarily impossible.
When it first appeared there were some that thought the black hats might be behind, in order to create some sort of super strain. I call BS on that for 3 reasons:
- coronaviruses always mutate to a less-lethal version, naturally occurring strains with as low lethality as Omicron should have taken years.
- it really put a spanner in their works, they were trying to ramp up the Delta fear in order to get many more jabbed.
-If the black hats were behind it, time has shown it was a miserable failure as far as a lethal super strain goes. If they weren't, they got blind-sided.
Either way, whatever else they know, they did not know about Omicron.
I suspect there is much else they do not know, yet try to pretend they are omniscient in order to demoralise us. Bit like the guy behind The Curtain.
the modem for my computer is set at 4G and so is my flip cellphone which I rarely use and only have for emergencies, we have a landline at home.