Think back to the monolith that SAVES humanity at the start of Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey"; then ask yourself, "What's THIS one meant to do to us?"
Take masks off. Watch video. Put masks back on and proceed to lunch. Take a booster. Now start World War 3.
The presentation is not much different from some I have seen given to corporate honchos and assorted underlings when I inhabited the corporate world
The half-baked virtue-signaling symbology provides for them the notion that they are involved in some sort of sacred mission rather than serving the Money Bags who control them in order to have dominion over all life. Same as it ever was.
This Capitalist ruling class needs to be expropriated so that humanity can move forward and away from the Great March to Extinction.
My fact checkers have informed me that they cut out the part where they get hectored by Greta Thundberg.
To me this just looks like a bunch of bored people, stuck watching a video. Would love to know how much time and $$ was spent designing, producing, and programming this "digital tower," or whatever they called it, for a two-minute show.
I was waiting for an air guitar "Pete Townsend" from Trudeau. The whole thing was surreal. Another example of the stupidity of corporate team building events.
I can't think of any North American leader in history that has garnered so little respect, elicited eternal scorn and generated so many memes as Poptart Lasagne.
Any fans of the history of the early middle ages in the house? Justin is the equivalent of the Merovingians who were physical and mental defectives.
The Power Stance was a big thing among politicians here in the UK round about 2016, if I recall correctly. Its use fell off very suddenly, probably because some advisor whispered in their ears 'Focus groups say you look like an utter pillock.' Justin may not have such an advisor, which is not surprising. I mean, imagine being the person tasked with telling Trudeau when he looks like a fool. It would be a 24/7 job.
Socially distanced in a sanitised and uniform 2-meters apart grid. The "heads of state" are given "permission" not to wear masks and then requested to turn and face the monolith while it flashes points.
1) "Deepen Political Consultation" - more corporate firms advising world governments on the best way to spend its citizens' money and distribute its resources. When something isn't working, what is the best strategy? Double down on what isn't working! Its completely genius (except it isn't, it's completely deranged, parasitic and cancerous to all countries it infects. Kind of like a virus...)
2) "Strengthen Deterrence and Defense" - yes, the 'ministries' of "Defense"... Is that more investment in Raytheon's 'Nuclear Shield'(tm) I hear a-coming? Kerching..kerching...
3) "Enhance Resilience" - considering how the power structures within NATO and the US have been crumbling, this point seems to make some sense. But how to do it? Perhaps changing the failing strategy might be a good start? Let's see what else they have up their sleeve...
4) "Sharpen Technological Edge"
5) "Support 'Rules-Based International Order'"
6) "Boost Partner Training"
7) "Combat Climate Change"
8) "Invest In Our Alliance"
These last five points read like a mix of The Borg, the Imperial Senate (from Star Wars), a form of misanthropic malthusianism, transhumanism and corporate bullshit.
Agenda 2030 on full display before "leaders" being requested to put their masks back on and continue the tour...
Monolith of Doom indeed...
Well spotted and thanks for the observation MCM. It is indeed an ironic twist on Kubrick's Space Odyssey.
Glad I could help. By all means screen shot it but please don't remember it... It will either give you nightmares or you will get very angry and then shout "I'm not going to take it anymore!" Via an open window.
(Hat tip to Bill Rice Jr. for reminding me of that line from 'Network'. It works)
Apparently, NATO plans to "fight" climate change with jets. Who will they strafe next? This is very creepy and a clear expression of the globalist credo: the leaders of formerly sovereign countries instructed (like the rest of us) when and where to move and to don a "mask." Thanks for the interesting juxtaposition. I would also like to know which military contractor manufactured the monolith, that is, the video tower.
Agreed - the rot was well and truly in place years before The Condor was made. but watching it now should be mandatory for all people, especially those who still keep getting their jabs. It's as though it was scripted NOW - word for word.
And those same people need to listen to the Dr Zelenko' speech to the Israeli Knesset. link also listed in Mark Crispin Millers emails today.
Thank you so much for referencing Rosa Koire.. I am sad to say I had never heard of her before today.....I am beyond intrigued...her death seems suspicious....her is a link talking about her sudden death and links to her work that are censored, of course.....
Thank you for posting this, as the link Mark posted does not work on my old computer. Isn't it fantastic that such a short presentation can tie up so neatly the plan for the whole planet, and all of us? They think they have it all figured out. Maybe they would, if only all of us would agree! May we all wake up and smell the lies and manipulations!
You're most welcome! Many substack authors make their links live. I hope more will do so.
You're absolutely right: The plan is terrifying. Our leaders, sadly, will not help us. It is up to we the people to do the job, starting from the bottom up!
Yes, the plan in evidence right now has been in the works one way or another for a very long time, as we have been lulled into complacency, and now it the time to be wide awake. I am encouraged to know there are folks working on this new from the bottom up plan, because If it were up to me, I would just have everybody homestead, lol!
Take masks off. Watch video. Put masks back on and proceed to lunch. Take a booster. Now start World War 3.
The presentation is not much different from some I have seen given to corporate honchos and assorted underlings when I inhabited the corporate world
The half-baked virtue-signaling symbology provides for them the notion that they are involved in some sort of sacred mission rather than serving the Money Bags who control them in order to have dominion over all life. Same as it ever was.
This Capitalist ruling class needs to be expropriated so that humanity can move forward and away from the Great March to Extinction.
My fact checkers have informed me that they cut out the part where they get hectored by Greta Thundberg.
To me this just looks like a bunch of bored people, stuck watching a video. Would love to know how much time and $$ was spent designing, producing, and programming this "digital tower," or whatever they called it, for a two-minute show.
Shows where the "would be RULERS" minds are at!!
Are the jabbed transmitting and traceable?
Andreas Noack explain the GO
In jabs.
"Please put your masks on and proceed to Room 1."
The scripts are writing themselves now.
I wonder how fast the hamster in Justin's brain was running watching that.
Justin was doing that legs-wide-apart 'power stance', did you notice? What a pillock.
I was waiting for an air guitar "Pete Townsend" from Trudeau. The whole thing was surreal. Another example of the stupidity of corporate team building events.
EXACTLY, Psychopaths' are shallow and phony and so many more destructive behaviours can be attributed to them.
Yes, it was hard not to notice, I could see it was him immediately.
I can't think of any North American leader in history that has garnered so little respect, elicited eternal scorn and generated so many memes as Poptart Lasagne.
Any fans of the history of the early middle ages in the house? Justin is the equivalent of the Merovingians who were physical and mental defectives.
Excuse my ignorance, but WHAT does Poptart Lasagne mean?
is this another Americanism?
No. It's a term yours truly invented when he got elected in 2015. I just thought the two words went well together.
Yes. I did notice. He's a cockwonble.
yes, i didn't know about the power stance, i thought he was trying to get his balance, if that floor was rotating,
The Power Stance was a big thing among politicians here in the UK round about 2016, if I recall correctly. Its use fell off very suddenly, probably because some advisor whispered in their ears 'Focus groups say you look like an utter pillock.' Justin may not have such an advisor, which is not surprising. I mean, imagine being the person tasked with telling Trudeau when he looks like a fool. It would be a 24/7 job.
I thought he had to pee
Yes, lol!
Yep. Exactly what I thought. 🤢🤮
Thanks for these comments - I am getting a good laugh - we all need it in this age of Psychopathic madness let loose.
I wouldn't be surprised if they are using advance entrainment tech here. Taking their marching orders.
That seems exactly what is happening here.
Socially distanced in a sanitised and uniform 2-meters apart grid. The "heads of state" are given "permission" not to wear masks and then requested to turn and face the monolith while it flashes points.
1) "Deepen Political Consultation" - more corporate firms advising world governments on the best way to spend its citizens' money and distribute its resources. When something isn't working, what is the best strategy? Double down on what isn't working! Its completely genius (except it isn't, it's completely deranged, parasitic and cancerous to all countries it infects. Kind of like a virus...)
2) "Strengthen Deterrence and Defense" - yes, the 'ministries' of "Defense"... Is that more investment in Raytheon's 'Nuclear Shield'(tm) I hear a-coming? Kerching..kerching...
3) "Enhance Resilience" - considering how the power structures within NATO and the US have been crumbling, this point seems to make some sense. But how to do it? Perhaps changing the failing strategy might be a good start? Let's see what else they have up their sleeve...
4) "Sharpen Technological Edge"
5) "Support 'Rules-Based International Order'"
6) "Boost Partner Training"
7) "Combat Climate Change"
8) "Invest In Our Alliance"
These last five points read like a mix of The Borg, the Imperial Senate (from Star Wars), a form of misanthropic malthusianism, transhumanism and corporate bullshit.
Agenda 2030 on full display before "leaders" being requested to put their masks back on and continue the tour...
Monolith of Doom indeed...
Well spotted and thanks for the observation MCM. It is indeed an ironic twist on Kubrick's Space Odyssey.
thank you for listing that shit. i need to screen shot it.
Glad I could help. By all means screen shot it but please don't remember it... It will either give you nightmares or you will get very angry and then shout "I'm not going to take it anymore!" Via an open window.
(Hat tip to Bill Rice Jr. for reminding me of that line from 'Network'. It works)
is it possible that this script is a distillation of all Scott Adams' 'Dilbert' toons?
Thank you! I love that their power points got embedded in this thread, as well as your comments. They are really rolling it all out in plain view.
Apparently, NATO plans to "fight" climate change with jets. Who will they strafe next? This is very creepy and a clear expression of the globalist credo: the leaders of formerly sovereign countries instructed (like the rest of us) when and where to move and to don a "mask." Thanks for the interesting juxtaposition. I would also like to know which military contractor manufactured the monolith, that is, the video tower.
Didn't know NATO met at a Microsoft trade show booth. Makes sense.
I thought it was a Schwab WEForum meet up.
oh yeah. they all look alike to me …
Jesus Christ.
Final scene of Three Days of the Condor …. “How do you know they’ll print it?”
Go to 3 minutes and 55 seconds and watch for two minutes ... I say they didn’t print the story.
A GREAT moment in "Three Days"!
Prescient for sure.
Agreed - the rot was well and truly in place years before The Condor was made. but watching it now should be mandatory for all people, especially those who still keep getting their jabs. It's as though it was scripted NOW - word for word.
And those same people need to listen to the Dr Zelenko' speech to the Israeli Knesset. link also listed in Mark Crispin Millers emails today.
Blocked from viewing in Australia.
Also unavailable in France.
Do you mean the film 'The Condor' has been blocked from TV viewing?? an Oz. or jin Victoria only?
I only tried the link and YouTube said it was blocked in Australia by the distributor.
Old fashioned censorship of ‘distribution rights’. 🤣
When was this? This is what they killed Rosa Koire over.
Thank you so much for referencing Rosa Koire.. I am sad to say I had never heard of her before today.....I am beyond intrigued...her death seems suspicious....her is a link talking about her sudden death and links to her work that are censored, of course.....
I did not find this one, so thank you so much for posting it--very good to hear directly from her partner.
so sad!
oh my god, she's dead?! no! i learned so much from her, terrible loss!
Yes, that was my thought exactly.... :(
Made me think of "The Empire Strikes Back."
"You may leave your masks off."
"Put your masks on and proceed to Room 1."
Pitiful twits.
What next? Room 101?
“Hey boss what I do wid dis errr digital watchamacallit?”
“Ehh throw it on the scrap pile next to the digital obelisk and human dignity.”
Can you see "very creepy" boys and girls? I know you can.
What we need is some Howard Beale to have a truth bomb go off in his head:
“I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”
Terrifying to see this on Independence Day.
Thank you for posting this, as the link Mark posted does not work on my old computer. Isn't it fantastic that such a short presentation can tie up so neatly the plan for the whole planet, and all of us? They think they have it all figured out. Maybe they would, if only all of us would agree! May we all wake up and smell the lies and manipulations!
You're most welcome! Many substack authors make their links live. I hope more will do so.
You're absolutely right: The plan is terrifying. Our leaders, sadly, will not help us. It is up to we the people to do the job, starting from the bottom up!
Yes, the plan in evidence right now has been in the works one way or another for a very long time, as we have been lulled into complacency, and now it the time to be wide awake. I am encouraged to know there are folks working on this new from the bottom up plan, because If it were up to me, I would just have everybody homestead, lol!