Mar 23, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

"Angry old man shakes fist at clouds".

From the man who wrote Manufacturing Consent to the man who is trying to Manufacture Consent...

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Mar 23, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

He always thought his shit didn't stink. Now imagine being the person who has to change his diapers.

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My God it's shocking to me so many people still just swallow the garbage narratives around the "vaccines" and Cooties 19 in general.

I find it equally shocking how many people of note fall in line with regard to regurgitating these narratives, even when they are blatantly contradicted by the reality seen with their own eyes and other talking points they have accepted or have made themselves.

Agree with them or not ( I usually don't ) even people I had assumed were at least capable of critical thought seem to have bought lock stock and barrel into the BS. Did Chomsky miss the nearly 9 pages of side effects? How are so many people still this unaware of the issues?

Surely the machine has turned bot accounts loose on social media in order to manufacture consent but real people with curious minds with the same access to data I have ( in some cases, much greater access to both data and key players ) are still yapping utter nonsense and falsehoods.

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Cooties 19. Lol.

Yep, they urged us to "save lives" by giving each other the cootie treatment.

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That's not really true. If you have evidence to the contrary, please share it; but he was a dogged anarcho-syndicalist, not a communist, and so did NOT harbor commissar-like impulses, at least none that I ever noticed.

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For all his talk about Palestine, he was always a Zionist. Mondo Weiss took all that apart, long ago.

He attacked Oliver Stone pretty unfairly, for making JFK. He boosted John Deutsch at MIT.

He coasted on the work of Ed Hermann...and never acknowledged OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD.

I remember him being used as a bludgeon against Mike Ruppert, by people like Norm Solomon. Ruppert's response - "Who's he, the risen Christ"? He lied for years about a lack of any peer-reviewed science to support "9/11" Truth research...Richard Gage dropped it on him - and instead of admitting he'd been wrong - he just clammed up.

He's always been the left boundary of the Overton window. I used to think of him as a 'Gateway Drug', on the way to the truth. Now, even that seems naive and generous. Michael Parenti was always the guy that they were afraid of people hearing about. The CIA has no fear of Anarchist tendencies like Chomsky's. Look at Rojava. Look at Judith Butler.

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Agreed. A paper tiger.

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His Wikipedia page says he was anti-bolshevik since his teens. Interesting.

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For f***'s sake.

This is someone who spent his life passionately lecturing about civil liberties, free speech, government tyranny, fascism, totalitarianism, inverted totalitarianism, bodily autonomy, corruption, greedy corporate oligarchs, racism, the capture of regulatory agencies, and the Author of Manufacturing Consent.

And now, with his views on covid vaccines, he betrays _everything_ he supposedly stood for. Pure genius.

One of the silver linings of the past two years is how it exposed the intellectual and moral frauds. It's good to know who they are. I have receipts.

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Ditto the ACLU.

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Exactly. Did you see ACLU's bizarre Orwellian statement regarding vaccine mandates? "In fact, far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties." https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-liberties/civil-liberties-and-vaccine-mandates-heres-our-take/

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They and every other non-profit in the US collapsed like a cheap suit long ago once Gates et al started plying them with the kind of money 6-figure salaries are made of. They are all worthless at this point.

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Maybe they have something on him, something so serious it threatens his children and Grand Children we know his Daughter Aviva is married to a Sandinista activist, so perhaps they have something on Her , Everyone makes mistakes Chris Hedges called Assad a blood soaked Dictator, and Qaddafi a Monster, Chomsky also appeared to despise Assad ,to suggest that He and possibly many other public critics of US policy are being blackmailed by the Security State is certainly not inconceivable .... peace to You all...

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As a coping mechanism I try to rationalize the same way. Blackmail? How else can someone like Fauci do what he's done just for money? Ditto major politicians. Maybe they are simply more psychopathic (and sadistic) than I imagined. Big tech is a major player in this and I can see them having intimate and incriminating details about everyone. Hedges is also on my list. I used to respect him. He's sort of a protege of Chomsky, and in the same way he's betrayed _every single thing_ he's been lecturing and writing about for years. I haven't seen him make any rabid remarks about "anti-vaxxers" but his complete silence about the tyranny of the past two years speaks volumes.

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But he WAS devoted to free speech and academic freedom, and still purports to be.

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Mark Crispin Miller, remember Chomsky's quote, paraphrasing here, "I have often thought that if a radical fascist dictatorship were to exist, it would choose the American system."

Isn't that _exactly_ what the WEF and the oligarchic cabal have done? The irony here is insane, like everything else in this dystopian nightmare.

I love that quote because it's something I have also thought of and have long noticed before I ever read Chomsky. And look at how the radical fascist dictatorship is right in front of everyone's noses--particularly the "illiberal" left--who are valiantly hiding behind their face diapers and taking their third or fourth booster while "fighting fascism." Insane.

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Correction of the Chomsky quote: "rational fascist dictatorship." Which is what I meant by the WEF. They are exactly that--not using force like Hitler--but in a more rational and insidious way, using warm-hearted slogans like "sustainability," "inclusiveness," and "equality." Even the brute force that they do use is under the guise of "public health." It's pure evil, perpetrated rationally.

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And, of course, instead of interviewing truly “dissident” and informed voices on the issue of COVID vaccines, Amy “Maddow” Goodman allows a senile, ill-informed man to make unfounded assertions without the bother of asking him for evidence.

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She preaches at the alter Chomsky 🙄--guess she feels Democracy Today would be no where without him 🤔

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And he was once considered radical.

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Mar 23, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

It's somewhat difficult to believe that it's the same guy who wrote Manufacturing Consent.

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That book had a coauthor.

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His co-writer, propaganda researcher Edward S. Herman wrote a number of underappreciated books, while Chomsky received all the alt-left attention.

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Quite true

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Makes me wonder what all they can do with these jabs

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Thank you so much for noticing this about Chomsky, I have been astounded at his blindness. As a "recovering" leftist and a v.mandated and fired teacher in New Zealand , I can't bear to watch Noam. He has lost all his critical thinking credibility in my view. But I have to admit his view on the "lesser of 2 evils" with Hilary was a warning sign. I call it misguided loyalty, he has chosen his team through self unidentified propanga washing and can't see the wood for the trees. I have never until now, at 55 years, seen the danger in supporting a left wing view with its absolute drive for state/ global control of mind and body. Thank goodness I can now see left wing right same bird!

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Mar 23, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022

Same here, regarding his rabid endorsement of Hillary as a clear warning sign, which I also took as misguided loyalty, and the likely beginning of senility. It felt about as wrong as Sanders' endorsement of Hillary. I started discounting his — their — allocutions after that. ...Too bad for Chomsky's legacy, really.

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Suzylou, great to see you. Recovering leftist here too. Welcome back to sanity. Congratulations on your recovery. We're like alcoholics meeting at AA.

Brownstone Institute published my scathing essay on the intellectual and moral collapse of the "liberal" left. Check it out if you've a mind to: https://brownstone.org/articles/the-corruption-of-my-liberal-tribe/

I hope things are improving for you in NZ. Ardern is one of the worst. At least everything you get from her is straight from the horse's mouth. :)

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I absolutely loved your essay. What a relief to connect with sanity!

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Thank you! Hang in there, I think more people are wakening up every day.

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I'm going to check out your essay thanks for the referral. Recovering leftists are far and few on this island. Im glad to see you have our backs. A lot of us are looking to dreams of parallel societies. I was fortunate enough to attend the 23 day freedom occupation of our parliament grounds. It was absolutely amazing to meet up with fellow teachers, doctors psychologists nurses, electricians, the list goes on. Of course the media and government made us out to be a river of filth and far right wing supremacists, this is a small country, they could only keep that lie going for so long. But still many are still psy-opped and there are many split families. Time will tell.

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I can't get my head around the unbridled tyranny in New Zealand and Australia, and all for what, 30 or 50 deaths? I've followed it pretty closely and get the impression that the majority of people there are onboard with the insanity. Are things improving at all? Thought I read the other day that mandates are being scrapped? Definitely a silver lining to all this with disaffected liberals like us, and conservatives becoming kindred spirits and pulling together like I never thought possible. Funny how Australia is now kicking off a major tourism campaign. "Don't worry mate, we only club the locals!" ;)

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Are things improving at all? Well it depends who you ask. The mandates are lifted except for on the health sector. However the "horses mouth" announced that schools and general employers can decide themselves whether they want unvaccinated teachers/employees. "Squeaky wheel" Parents have been so deliberately terrified of the cold microbes that they think the few thousand unvaccinated teachers that are left are a threat to their children. Now the media are building the narrative of deltacron the next variant and Jacinda says she will keep mandates in her back pocket. It feels like we are 6 months behind in the psy op. There is some truth in the New Zealand is full of sheep. We have an organisation called voices for freedom (set up by three woman, two are lawyers and one a teacher) which has over 100,000 members networking, getting together for gardening, outdoor picnics etc, zoom meetings with experts on big pharma, freedom, mass formation and global knowledge. There are other freedom groups too. I think there has been a lot of education upskilling in the benefits of a constitution such as in USA. New Zealand feels like the Guinea pig for the globalist's agendas. I don't suggest coming here. Good idea to keep a watch on what happens here.

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You know, sometimes I get an eerie feeling that in a few years billions of people will be gone.

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I enjoyed your article. Thanks for sharing it. I’m also an artist.

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I was required to read the Chomsky-Skinner debate on language when I was a student (ca. 1976 or thereabouts) and decided, based on that, that Chomsky was an asshole. Nothing since then has changed my opinion.

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Have you read Manufacturing Consent? It’s great work and so sad to see it’s author debilitate to the degree he has.

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

He debated Dershowitz in the early 00's, Old Dooshowitz made a reference to a summer camp they both went to in the 40's called Camp Massad.... Now that's before the creation of the Unholy lands and the spellings off BUT.. He's GOT to be an agent of you know who.

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With all due respect, that's bullshit.

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

Mark been reading your work for years feel honored to even get a reply. I don't really know if he's an agent. I was wrong about the time frame it was the early 00's should have linked it in the original comment. Both Dersh and Chomsky claim to believe in free speech it's hard not to be revolted by them. link.https://www.democracynow.org/2005/12/23/noam_chomsky_v_alan_dershowitz_a

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Try watching the Chomsky-Foucault debate. It’s pretty insufferable.

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I bet

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Mar 23, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Of course it’s on ( Russiagate loving) DeMockery Now! Esshhhh… The most well known author of Manufacturing Consent just became a tool of the monster he warned against. Someone might be running him like an old broken down water mill till he give$ up the gho$t.

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

I'm a 70 year old revolutionary socialist and haven't been vaccinated since I was a teen ager. Because, in part of that, I am in excellent health, take no medicine and make no use of a physician. Why would I cater to or believe in capitalist monopoly, Big Parma medicine? Those fake leftists who do are hereby kicked out of the club. Permanently. In Canada here, I am proud of the truckers and all those who stand against the tyranny of the Trudeau Despotism. I will stand with all those who think similarly.

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He is an Extremist Liberal who is terrified of COVID and is slipping into Alzheimers disease. Liberals hate Russia and think Russia is Evil and must be destroyed.

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Why? The narrative is that Putin is bringing back the USSR. You'd think the leftists would want that. Chomsky thought communism in Cambodia was great.

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Doesn't fit their latest, bestest narrative.

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

As a postgrad at Sussex Uni, UK, I saw him lecture in '71 or '72, I forget which. I'd graduated in Experimental Psych and transitioned to the new AI, and thought the world of his innovations in linguistics, very germane in those days.

I had no idea at that time of the numbers of key researchers that'd been recruited by the Secret People, but it always puzzled me that his later published work in the field always seemed to showed promise, but never really came to fruition. I might have been wrong, as I'd got out of science by then and gone into computing as a career.

I've only recently come to the conclusion that Chomsky was already bought and paid for by the usual suspects by the time I saw him. It would explain the bafflingly inconclusive nature of his later core work, and also the leveraging of him as a public scientist to steer important and divisive social debates in particular directions.

I'm open to correction on how important his later linguistic theories really did turn out to be, and would like to hear from anyone who is more knowledgeable in the area than I am.

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022


Most people must be aware of the excellent 2018 documentary on the co-option of the core figures of the early cyber/neuro/behavioural into the dark community, 'The Minds of Men' by TruthStreamMedia on YT still, plus the later doc on Alan Turing. When I first saw these I was truly shocked at the hidden world and back-stories of so many of the people I knew of and had even met or brushed shoulders with - we were fed the results of their public research, with not a hint of why they were all doing the work. I'd recommend viewing them to anyone interested in understanding the hidden roots of what is now known as Cognitive Science, from way back in the '40's and '50's.

The stress of leading a kind of double life took its toll on some of these, and I think that may be what happened to Chomsky.

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Mar 23, 2022·edited Mar 23, 2022

I cottoned on to Chomsky when, after denying the "inside job" thesis of 9/11 and finding himself increasingly pressed on the issue, finally said that, even if that thesis were true, it wouldn't matter anyway (!?!?!?! .....)

I then discovered an interesting fact from years before - that Chomsky was involved in a discussion on the Kennedy assassination ... and then backed out. See here:


"In the time period following Kennedy’s murder, writer/researcher Ray Marcus tried to enlist several prominent academics to take up the cause of exposing the plot that killed President Kennedy. ... In 1969, he was in the Boston area on an extended business function. He therefore arranged a discussion with Chomsky. Chomsky had initially agreed to a one-hour meeting in his office. Ray brought only 3-4 pieces of evidence, including his work on CE 399, the Magic Bullet, and a series of stills from the Zapruder film. Which had not been shown nationally yet.

Soon after the discussion began, Chomsky told “his secretary to cancel the remaining appointments for the day. The scheduled one-hour meeting stretched to 3-4 hours. Chomsky showed great interest in the material. We mutually agreed to a follow-up session later in the week. ... A professional colleague of Chomsky’s, Professor Selwyn Bromberger, was also at the second meeting. He drove Ray home. As he dropped him off he said, “If they are strong enough to kill the president, and strong enough to cover it up, then they are too strong to confront directly ... if they feel sufficiently threatened, they may move to open totalitarian rule.” (ibid)

It is important to reflect on Bromberger’s words as Ray related what happened next. He returned to California and again asked Chomsky to take up the cause. In April of 1969, Chomsky wrote back saying he now had to delay his decision until after a trip to England in June. He said he would get in touch with Ray then. Needless to say, he never did. He ended up being a prominent critic of the Vietnam War and this ended up making his name in both leftist and intellectual circles. Reflecting on Bromberger’s words to Marcus, one could conclude that Bromberger and Chomsky decided that the protest against Vietnam, which was becoming both vocal and widespread, and almost mainstream at the time, afforded a path of less resistance than the JFK case did. After all, look at what had happened to Jim Garrison."

I reckon that was a turning point for Chomsky. You don't have to go so far as to propose an X Files scenario in which Chomsky is approached by a menacing figure in a car park who makes him an offer he can't refuse (though it's a possibility). Chomsky is an intelligent man and would have figured out "the deal" by himself.

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You wrote: "I cottoned on to Chomsky when, after denying the "inside job" thesis of 9/11 and finding himself increasingly pressed on the issue, finally said that, even if that thesis were true, it wouldn't matter anyway (!?!?!?! .....)".

I want to share with you the answer to the question "Where did the towers go" in a fifteen minute video that includes "Irrefutable" scientific proof of deep state Military Industrial Academic Complex use of directed energy weapons to destroy the twin towers by turning the metal in the buildings into dust and powder as they were collapsing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2IMiQzFu6I&list=PLjyehyKUteYvm3O3x90o7ZSJtGcELtL_C&index=916&t=114s

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George: thanks for the link to the DiEugenio article, new to me.

I gave up on Chomsky after reading Michael Morrissey's book, Correspondence with Vincent Salandria. Morrissey tried for a year and a half to get Chomsky to see the obvious about JFK's assassination, all to no avail. Salandria, with whom he commiserated, was a Pennsylvania lawyer who knew that if Jack Ruby didn't survive the weekend (JFK was killed on Friday), there was a conspiracy (Ruby shot Oswald on Sunday).

Since reading Morrissey's book and thinking, I've come to this: to find out who killed Kennedy (and the pathetic role of Chomsky in the cover-up), you need only consider two statements of principals, both heartfelt and true:

OSWALD: " I'm just a patsy."

JACOB RUBENSTEIN (a/k/a Jack Ruby): "I did it [killed Oswald] for the Jews."

From those two truthful statements, everything follows, if you've got the guts to follow the logic. Chomsky, the Zionist, doesn't want you to.

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You're not the only one who's fallen for the CIA's manipulation of the Dallas plot to terrify left/liberals into silence on JFK/Dallas. The selection of the Jewish Ruby to kill Oswald, and the creation of Oswald's legend as a "Marxist-Leninist," served brilliantly to hint that JFK was killed by Soviet agents/Jews—enough to scare the left, still traumatized by McCarthyism, to stay away from any talk about "conspiracy," since it might lead to connections that would start a whole new crackdown on themselves.

THAT was the point of Salandria's story, which you've selectively reported. He told his brother-in-law, who was Jewish, that if Oswald didn't live through the weekend, it would be proof of a conspiracy to murder JFK. "And if he's killed by a Jew," his brother-in-law replied, "it will be proof of a WASP conspiracy."

That logic is unassailable, and gives due credit to the CIA for their cynical genius as misleaders of the masses. So those who have the guts to follow it, without ancient delusions vis-a-vis "the Jews," will understand what really happened then, and have a clear sense of the kind of thing that they're still doing now (as with, for example, their use of George Soros as a bagman).

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022

Intriguing. Of course the Soviet issue no longer applies.

(Or does it? Some of the coverage re: Russia suggests that America still indulges its bizarre isolationist lack of comprehension. One peculiar item in the anti-Russian campaign recently was the erasure of the name "Karl Marx" from a study room in the University of Florida. The thinking seems to go like this: Marx was a commie, Russia will always be commie, therefore Marx is Russian!)

But the "Jewish" connection is still "a killer". The constellation (to borrow a term from Adorno) of "Jews/anti-Semitism/Nazis/Holocaust" adds up to the biggest Pavlovian button ever. So if you can toss in any hint of a "Jewish" connection to any critique then the old anti-Semitism angle can be added to the customarily pejorative "conspiracy" tag.

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I used to think Chomsky was the top intellectual of the 20th Century. He sounds like a complete idiot in this discussion. I hope he is just senile, because if not, he has destroyed his legacy. He has no idea what he is talking about. Yes, he is the guy who wrote the book Manufacturing Consent about assholes like him. Thanks for this link. You are wonderful Mark.

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Hes been correct about “manufactured consent” but for all the wrong reasons. Imagine if there was a libertarian / catholic conservative tenured professor of chemistry or physics on The faculty of MIT who was as vocal and outspoken as is Chomsky has been in areas completely outside his wheelhouse? Can you imagine how he’d be treated by the rest of academia to the media? Chomsky is a linguist, so of course that makes him an expert on everything. Just like someone like Paul Krugman happens to have a Nobel prize for some very specific narrow thing that he did years ago and yet he seems to think that he can sound off on every possible political and economic topic under the sun even though he’s wrong about just about everything.

This sums up chomsky


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Good analogy with NYTimes favourite Keynesian Paul Krugman 🙄

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Remember when Chomsky came out in support of Democratic Kampuchea-----i.e. Pol Pot's Cambodia?

The man should have stuck with linguistics. I never have understood why so he has so many admirers for his political points of view.

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Some of his work was important, and impressive; but his knee-jerk anti-conspiracism has always been suspicious (he also would never talk about King's murder), and this stuff on the "vaccines" is unforgivable.

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He became suspiciously status quo on his opinions about JFK, didn’t he? Maybe he was offered a deal he couldn’t refuse...

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I did see Peppers “Act of State” on his bookshelf. Got me wondering whether spooks have threatened him against probing big crimes, whether he’s too spooked to go there (or some odd psychological/tactical reason), or whether he himself is a spook! I recall you mentioned on this on Whitney Webb podcast, i.e. he blurbed Fred Hampton, who’s less well-known, but won’t touch the crimes of major import

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GG and Matt will go only so far, but no farther. Like Alex Berenson. Those who had MSM respectability, and lost it, often tend to pull their punches, as if in hope of one day being readmitted to the Club. Or it may just be an old habit of self-constraint, learned from years of work for "mainstream" outlets.

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Bless you. (I've now subscribed.)

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