Just wait till we hit the 2-3 year window from Dr. Charles Hoffe's call on right-side heart failure from microclots in the lungs.
His informal surveys of jabbies had roughly 2/3 ringing the bell on a D-dimer test within a week of the shots.
The rubbery clots and sudden deaths we've seen so far are just prelude. We're way out on the left tail of a bell curve, and it's going to get very intense when the real dying starts.
Dr Hoffe was right from the very beginning. I remember watching him in 2020 and wishing I had a doctor like him. A real old school gentleman doctor. Many could take a lesson from this fine man.
True enough; and yet I see no point in saying so. Better to spread the word, in hopes of waking up more people, and to share protocols that seem to help the jabbed, than to kill hope with dismal prophecies.
I agree. The future is not completely pre-determined. It exists on a continuum. The more people that wake up and act to help themselves the greater the good that can arise.
I guess you right in a way Mark. You and I and many others have been ringing the alarm bells about this for quite a while now. It seems that all us have been singing to our choir members in hopes that our songs will be heard by the injected. There are wider reasons at play here with all the unvaccinated, that is at root of all our time spent and efforts made. First, it makes us feel like we are doing something to help. Whether or not we are helping wake up the injected or if it even matters at this point (I don’t think it does) doesn’t really matter. Our altruism is driving us to at least try, right? Second and most important I think, it give us something to do in the time before the world as we know it ends. It is helping us prepare gradually for the psychological and emotional trauma that we all in “our guts” know is coming. Our ship of the unvaccinated is watching, waiting and preparing for the giant wave that we know will soon rise from the horizon and speed toward us like freight train.
And if Mike Yeadon is correct many of the shots were either water or inactive. There was a survey that showed that the worst effects were only from certain batches not every single shot.
That would certainly explain why some people who got double- and triple-vaxxed have suffered no apparent ill effects (so far, at least), while others have ended up sick, disabled or dead. Those who got the nothingburger vaxx were the fortunate ones…and they have no idea.
Through VAERS, nearly all of the reactions and deaths were from 5% of the batches.
HowBad.info (How Bad is my Batch), has posted the batch numbers.
That 5% in two years have more deaths than all the others combined in the last 30 years.
The “bad batches” were distributed throughout the country, some states had a higher percentage of deaths than others (notably Kentucky, and also MT, AK, TN, NH reported by HowBad.info through 2021).
Utah with the highest percentage of registered Republicans was the 3rd lowest of the states.
Michael Yeadon and others have stated that this discrepancy between the lots could not have been from a quality control or production error.
I was just going to ask about protocols. Just took a relative in for... well, one of the usual shot injuries, and I'm looking at FLCCC protocols mainly. Anything else people know of out there?
Cat, I love each word you wrote and if not in this life, then in the next dimension I hope I get a chance to hangout with you 😜 and share humanity and friendship.
That is not the future. The future is what you allow. Take a 15 minute ride and observe how many houses there are and then imagine that coast to coast. It's nearly impossible to maintain a constant draconian state w/o willing compliance house to house, coast to coast.
All it takes is something like 15% resistance to end this cabal and by "resistance" I mean much more than civil disobedience. It's coming.
I admire and respect your efforts and I hope it helps. I tried for awhile but it was too stressful. I now have peace knowing that as a Christian, we are not supposed to fear. I welcome the Rapture and I think it will happen before we have to eat bugs and what not.
I am holding out hope that many vials were duds based on the 100 vial test McCullough did, if that ratio holds true, may not be as bad as feared.
The people putting together this wicked plan are geniuses, but the people carrying it out are kind of stupid. That might save us if we are intent on not saving ourselves.
From everything I know about the injection and what it can do, I think that 3 or more (hot injections) is a death sentence. And the reason I say this is after 3 shots that have a stable active load of lipid nano particles, your immune system is toast. No one can survive without an immune system. If you add “all” the other possible ways this injection can kill you, it’s like Russian Roulette with 5 different guns.
How many injections are you sporting then? I would guess three… you know that the same spike proteins that are causing inflammation and damage to your heart are also in your brain. Yes your higher brain functions are being destroyed by your own immune system. You are getting dumber with each passing day. Good luck - you are going to need it.
I think (I am not an expert) the 2 year mark (the bulk of the shots started in April/May of 2021) the ramp up of the dying will begin. The ramp up of vaccine related illness seems to start after about 18 months after the injection (happening in the UK now). We are seeing a lot of first injected now starting to get horrible diseases and “dying suddenly”. So the fun is just starting here in the US. But - what do I know?
There seems to be something else ALSO coming to the fore now; we used to call it Thyroid problems, maybe Hodgkin's or Non-Hodgkin's disease ... but now they banner it under "Lymphoma" ... keep an eye open for it.
they haven't died. died yet but die future? Life cut short? Unexplained cancer? Alzheimers? Ummmm. the ones who saw no effects. Have they boosted again? Taken the useless and potentially very bad bivalent? Hum... are they planning on taking every vax offered from the gate on out now? Because that's just playing Russian roulette...and just because they don't see the bad doesn't mean it isn't brewing... have they taken D-dimers? Yah, thought not. They do not want to know. So when they drop, get cancers, have surgeries, develop auto immune diseases that are painful and expensive to treat... my condolences to you.
For the younger audience... YouTuber robertIDK reporting what sounds like an unexplained and debilitating autoimmune problem... He's Canadian so no doubt needed it to travel to and from Canadia...
What he is describing is either an auto-immune event OR a psycho-somatic event due to stress or even empathic resonation of some kind (his pet rats dying, for instance).
There aren't a lot of details in the video. According to his Twitter feed the rats died feb 6 and 7. The health issues have been over the "last couple months".
It would be helpful to know if he has been shot up, and to what extent. If he has, and he has had one episode of autoimmunity somebody should recommend he talk to somebody about getting free of the shots' influence. Autoimmunity, like the heart problems, may start out as episodic, but then they can become acquired susceptibility...in other words, something that can be easily triggered further in the future.
MCM - I assume you saw President Carter is now in hospice case, which means any day now.
I've always had a soft spot for Carter, certainly not perfect, but perhaps the last sincere president we've had. He got played (badly) with the hostage crisis, a victim of his own nativity. And his last act on earth, again I believe an exploitation of his nativity, was to be snookered into shilling for the clot shot (which for all we know is what's killing him).
You really haven't looked into pops carter have you? He has a lovely public personna. Look at who he really is. He's a product of rockefeller/kissinger grooming and much more.
As Dog says, he was a tool of the Trilateral Commission, also the Carter Doctrine was used to justify the wars in the Middle East, among other things of course. His administration funded the Mujahideen against the Soviets and we know what that turned into. His SoS was one of the most evil minded global planners of the 20th century. He "cleansed" the CIA but all that did was push a lot of that personnel into the private sector. His administration was abysmal. He was a terrible president the more you learn about him. He might be the best *ex-president* unless there is some sordid story there too like with Mother Theresa.
I am happy for Jimmy Carter, that he can now go to his grave knowing he is no longer the Worst President in history. Slow Joe took that ‘honor’ away from him. It’s really the only good thing Biden has done for the country.
Now it is sudden death, soon, very soon, it will be longer, painful, suffering death. The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. All the preclinical research regarding how fenbendazole eradicates cancer is consistent with its effects in practice. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com its all free.
Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are melanoma, ovarian, breast, myeloma, bladder are the next five. Did you know that the population of India routinely uses fenbendazole and has 1/3 the rate of cancer as the US?
I am particularly interested in all the cases of returning cancers. I wonder what the pre-2021 rate of cancer recurrence was for those who were cancer free for at least 5 years. If we had those numbers, we could gauge the current rate of >5 year remission cancer recurrence. I was always under the impression that if one was declared "cancer-free" for 5 years after treatment, then it was somewhat rare for it to reappear. Anyone know?
I can say my co worker died of melanoma that returned - but she had cleared 5 years 'cancer free' 5 months prior to her new cancer. They didn't know it had migrated to her brain stem (they don't do didn't do pet or head scans) and was brewing there. She got a cold, collapsed, was intubated and they looked high and low for the cause. Finally found the cancer on the brain stem (controls involuntary things like breathing). She died 6 wks later at home with hospice care. She was only 60. A sun worshiper and no sun screen all her life. Got a melanoma on her chest, had it removed. did chemo etc. ... So yeah, the cancer cells can hide in strange hard to see/get to places...
Apparently it's Jeff Farnes talking about his side effects and Aaron Duczak is the "idiot" who held out until recently. Maybe Mark will correct the title.
There's a reason they want never-ending jabs. If one, two or three jabs were sufficient for them to achieve their goals, they wouldn't be requiring endless and repeated jabs. Thinking this way gives me some hope. Similarly, on the concept of CRISPR technology (e.g. putting the vax in lettuce): if they could achieve mass 'vaccination' by putting it in the food supply, why would they need us to accept injections? We'd all be 'vaxxed' unwittingly.
Organizing? Any of them in communication have had the communication squashed or any attempts to warn others is almost immediately censored and that victim then is also subjected to the cruelty of adult human beings that don’t hold back on shaming them and/or making fun of them or claim they’ve made it up. How they came up with that last bullying technique is beyond me. I’m convinced the injection loving new super smart (👌🏼) critics /medical experts/ moronic parrots incapable of researching a single bit on their own (watching tv or listening to radio or reading Pharma funded “news”paper does not qualify) have had a severe but not too obvious alteration of their brain’s frontal lobes. Some of my family member are so downright stupid now, it seems, and I know they weren’t as incompetent and had a lot more “common” sense in them. I can’t stand to communicate with them anymore. It’s like talking to a first grader that can’t / won’t quite think too deeply or put pieces of a puzzle together.
React19 organization was formed by injection injured. They are doing a lot. They have helped many injured with medical and household bills.
There is a very good interview from this past Saturday with Dr. Tony on Children's Health Defense network regarding React19, the work they are doing and the plans that they have.
Sorry cannot link. But easy to find on Children's Health Defense.
Toews has been ineffective since Hossa retired. Toews also seemed like the most woke player in hockey overall. Seabrook also used to snap Toews out of it and play hockey.
Just wait till we hit the 2-3 year window from Dr. Charles Hoffe's call on right-side heart failure from microclots in the lungs.
His informal surveys of jabbies had roughly 2/3 ringing the bell on a D-dimer test within a week of the shots.
The rubbery clots and sudden deaths we've seen so far are just prelude. We're way out on the left tail of a bell curve, and it's going to get very intense when the real dying starts.
Dr Hoffe was right from the very beginning. I remember watching him in 2020 and wishing I had a doctor like him. A real old school gentleman doctor. Many could take a lesson from this fine man.
You are correct. This is just the beginning of what is to come. Prepare for mass graves of millions across the planet.
True enough; and yet I see no point in saying so. Better to spread the word, in hopes of waking up more people, and to share protocols that seem to help the jabbed, than to kill hope with dismal prophecies.
I agree. The future is not completely pre-determined. It exists on a continuum. The more people that wake up and act to help themselves the greater the good that can arise.
Beautifully said and I fully agree. The future is open and we as acting agents can bring about positive change and shape the future. Best wishes.
I guess you right in a way Mark. You and I and many others have been ringing the alarm bells about this for quite a while now. It seems that all us have been singing to our choir members in hopes that our songs will be heard by the injected. There are wider reasons at play here with all the unvaccinated, that is at root of all our time spent and efforts made. First, it makes us feel like we are doing something to help. Whether or not we are helping wake up the injected or if it even matters at this point (I don’t think it does) doesn’t really matter. Our altruism is driving us to at least try, right? Second and most important I think, it give us something to do in the time before the world as we know it ends. It is helping us prepare gradually for the psychological and emotional trauma that we all in “our guts” know is coming. Our ship of the unvaccinated is watching, waiting and preparing for the giant wave that we know will soon rise from the horizon and speed toward us like freight train.
And if Mike Yeadon is correct many of the shots were either water or inactive. There was a survey that showed that the worst effects were only from certain batches not every single shot.
That would certainly explain why some people who got double- and triple-vaxxed have suffered no apparent ill effects (so far, at least), while others have ended up sick, disabled or dead. Those who got the nothingburger vaxx were the fortunate ones…and they have no idea.
Through VAERS, nearly all of the reactions and deaths were from 5% of the batches.
HowBad.info (How Bad is my Batch), has posted the batch numbers.
That 5% in two years have more deaths than all the others combined in the last 30 years.
The “bad batches” were distributed throughout the country, some states had a higher percentage of deaths than others (notably Kentucky, and also MT, AK, TN, NH reported by HowBad.info through 2021).
Utah with the highest percentage of registered Republicans was the 3rd lowest of the states.
Michael Yeadon and others have stated that this discrepancy between the lots could not have been from a quality control or production error.
All sent to red states… Umagine that! 😳
Year Zero is coming. I will embrace it.
I was just going to ask about protocols. Just took a relative in for... well, one of the usual shot injuries, and I'm looking at FLCCC protocols mainly. Anything else people know of out there?
You could also check out The Wellness Company. Dr Peter McCullough is part of that group. They list adverse reactions as part of their service.
Cat, I love each word you wrote and if not in this life, then in the next dimension I hope I get a chance to hangout with you 😜 and share humanity and friendship.
I don’t try to warn anyone anymore. I realized it’s pointless. The veil will be lifted and only then can they see.
That is not the future. The future is what you allow. Take a 15 minute ride and observe how many houses there are and then imagine that coast to coast. It's nearly impossible to maintain a constant draconian state w/o willing compliance house to house, coast to coast.
All it takes is something like 15% resistance to end this cabal and by "resistance" I mean much more than civil disobedience. It's coming.
I admire and respect your efforts and I hope it helps. I tried for awhile but it was too stressful. I now have peace knowing that as a Christian, we are not supposed to fear. I welcome the Rapture and I think it will happen before we have to eat bugs and what not.
That being said I’m glad we have this community because we need to support and encourage each other
I am holding out hope that many vials were duds based on the 100 vial test McCullough did, if that ratio holds true, may not be as bad as feared.
The people putting together this wicked plan are geniuses, but the people carrying it out are kind of stupid. That might save us if we are intent on not saving ourselves.
Maybe the people who accepted the jab need to go. Maybe the conspirators are right on some level and we need to be rid of the NPCs.
I also heard by 5 years - all gone; whether true or not.. I do not know, but it looks more likely, than not.
From everything I know about the injection and what it can do, I think that 3 or more (hot injections) is a death sentence. And the reason I say this is after 3 shots that have a stable active load of lipid nano particles, your immune system is toast. No one can survive without an immune system. If you add “all” the other possible ways this injection can kill you, it’s like Russian Roulette with 5 different guns.
Moron. Just utter nonsense.
How many injections are you sporting then? I would guess three… you know that the same spike proteins that are causing inflammation and damage to your heart are also in your brain. Yes your higher brain functions are being destroyed by your own immune system. You are getting dumber with each passing day. Good luck - you are going to need it.
We're already in the middle of the 2-3 year window. Or are you speaking of 2-3 years from now?
I think (I am not an expert) the 2 year mark (the bulk of the shots started in April/May of 2021) the ramp up of the dying will begin. The ramp up of vaccine related illness seems to start after about 18 months after the injection (happening in the UK now). We are seeing a lot of first injected now starting to get horrible diseases and “dying suddenly”. So the fun is just starting here in the US. But - what do I know?
I agree!
Cahill suggests 2-5 years, starting 2021.
Now, we have to deal with some new facts:
Cahill was still standing by what she said in May of ´22. Even if you just got 1 shot you are finished in no more than 5 years.
I agree. Dr. Zelensko said it, too!
You are indeed right:
There seems to be something else ALSO coming to the fore now; we used to call it Thyroid problems, maybe Hodgkin's or Non-Hodgkin's disease ... but now they banner it under "Lymphoma" ... keep an eye open for it.
What booster are you on? Survivors of the jab will be the rare exception, not the rule, and I’m okay with that.
they haven't died. died yet but die future? Life cut short? Unexplained cancer? Alzheimers? Ummmm. the ones who saw no effects. Have they boosted again? Taken the useless and potentially very bad bivalent? Hum... are they planning on taking every vax offered from the gate on out now? Because that's just playing Russian roulette...and just because they don't see the bad doesn't mean it isn't brewing... have they taken D-dimers? Yah, thought not. They do not want to know. So when they drop, get cancers, have surgeries, develop auto immune diseases that are painful and expensive to treat... my condolences to you.
They are attributing deaths of people they know to causes other than the vax. It's a kind of denial.
So many mysteries, so little time left for the vaccine-injured...
As Mark previously advised me to do it, let me continue the logic.
The End Game is now on:
This is one of my best posts from several hundreds.
Thank you, Mark, for your courage!
that was a good wrap-up Roy, thanks.
Once one of my students called me jack. We agreed it was close enough. :D
I don’t always comment but thanks for shining light 💡 on this.
For the younger audience... YouTuber robertIDK reporting what sounds like an unexplained and debilitating autoimmune problem... He's Canadian so no doubt needed it to travel to and from Canadia...
What he is describing is either an auto-immune event OR a psycho-somatic event due to stress or even empathic resonation of some kind (his pet rats dying, for instance).
There aren't a lot of details in the video. According to his Twitter feed the rats died feb 6 and 7. The health issues have been over the "last couple months".
It would be helpful to know if he has been shot up, and to what extent. If he has, and he has had one episode of autoimmunity somebody should recommend he talk to somebody about getting free of the shots' influence. Autoimmunity, like the heart problems, may start out as episodic, but then they can become acquired susceptibility...in other words, something that can be easily triggered further in the future.
MCM - I assume you saw President Carter is now in hospice case, which means any day now.
I've always had a soft spot for Carter, certainly not perfect, but perhaps the last sincere president we've had. He got played (badly) with the hostage crisis, a victim of his own nativity. And his last act on earth, again I believe an exploitation of his nativity, was to be snookered into shilling for the clot shot (which for all we know is what's killing him).
You really haven't looked into pops carter have you? He has a lovely public personna. Look at who he really is. He's a product of rockefeller/kissinger grooming and much more.
Bye bye jimmy!!!
He was groomed by David Rockefeller's other foreign policy guru, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
As Dog says, he was a tool of the Trilateral Commission, also the Carter Doctrine was used to justify the wars in the Middle East, among other things of course. His administration funded the Mujahideen against the Soviets and we know what that turned into. His SoS was one of the most evil minded global planners of the 20th century. He "cleansed" the CIA but all that did was push a lot of that personnel into the private sector. His administration was abysmal. He was a terrible president the more you learn about him. He might be the best *ex-president* unless there is some sordid story there too like with Mother Theresa.
I am happy for Jimmy Carter, that he can now go to his grave knowing he is no longer the Worst President in history. Slow Joe took that ‘honor’ away from him. It’s really the only good thing Biden has done for the country.
Now it is sudden death, soon, very soon, it will be longer, painful, suffering death. The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. All the preclinical research regarding how fenbendazole eradicates cancer is consistent with its effects in practice. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com its all free.
Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are melanoma, ovarian, breast, myeloma, bladder are the next five. Did you know that the population of India routinely uses fenbendazole and has 1/3 the rate of cancer as the US?
Go Joe Tippens!
I am particularly interested in all the cases of returning cancers. I wonder what the pre-2021 rate of cancer recurrence was for those who were cancer free for at least 5 years. If we had those numbers, we could gauge the current rate of >5 year remission cancer recurrence. I was always under the impression that if one was declared "cancer-free" for 5 years after treatment, then it was somewhat rare for it to reappear. Anyone know?
I can say my co worker died of melanoma that returned - but she had cleared 5 years 'cancer free' 5 months prior to her new cancer. They didn't know it had migrated to her brain stem (they don't do didn't do pet or head scans) and was brewing there. She got a cold, collapsed, was intubated and they looked high and low for the cause. Finally found the cancer on the brain stem (controls involuntary things like breathing). She died 6 wks later at home with hospice care. She was only 60. A sun worshiper and no sun screen all her life. Got a melanoma on her chest, had it removed. did chemo etc. ... So yeah, the cancer cells can hide in strange hard to see/get to places...
Don't stop believin'! Hold on to that feeling....
Everyone now!
Don't stop....boostin' up! Hold on to that feeling...
JD ... hope Steve Perry didn’t take the jab
The odds are he did.
When the lights go down in the city...
And the sun shines …. 🌞
About chest pain! Have you seen this?
I certainly don't watch poker. Who's the idiot that held out until a month ago?
Not everyone is as intelligent as you are.
Apparently it's Jeff Farnes talking about his side effects and Aaron Duczak is the "idiot" who held out until recently. Maybe Mark will correct the title.
Someone in church today said that her neighbor had just passed from cancer that had just been diagnosed in December 2022.
There's a reason they want never-ending jabs. If one, two or three jabs were sufficient for them to achieve their goals, they wouldn't be requiring endless and repeated jabs. Thinking this way gives me some hope. Similarly, on the concept of CRISPR technology (e.g. putting the vax in lettuce): if they could achieve mass 'vaccination' by putting it in the food supply, why would they need us to accept injections? We'd all be 'vaxxed' unwittingly.
There’s a huge difference between eating something and having something injected into your tissue or bloodstream.
Didn’t those poker players get reprimanded for that hot mike exchange?
I hope they didn’t but I thought I read somewhere they did.
So now we can't even speak to each other about the vaxx, huh.
they upped the ante...
The ante bellum ?
the casus belli...
(not to be confused with Melvin)
Casus Clay? Not to be confused with Marvin (Hagler)
are we bargaining here...?
They went all-in.
While the world is more connected than it has ever been, people are more atomized than ever before.
Are the vaccine injured organizing at all? What is it going to take?
Organizing? Any of them in communication have had the communication squashed or any attempts to warn others is almost immediately censored and that victim then is also subjected to the cruelty of adult human beings that don’t hold back on shaming them and/or making fun of them or claim they’ve made it up. How they came up with that last bullying technique is beyond me. I’m convinced the injection loving new super smart (👌🏼) critics /medical experts/ moronic parrots incapable of researching a single bit on their own (watching tv or listening to radio or reading Pharma funded “news”paper does not qualify) have had a severe but not too obvious alteration of their brain’s frontal lobes. Some of my family member are so downright stupid now, it seems, and I know they weren’t as incompetent and had a lot more “common” sense in them. I can’t stand to communicate with them anymore. It’s like talking to a first grader that can’t / won’t quite think too deeply or put pieces of a puzzle together.
React19 organization was formed by injection injured. They are doing a lot. They have helped many injured with medical and household bills.
There is a very good interview from this past Saturday with Dr. Tony on Children's Health Defense network regarding React19, the work they are doing and the plans that they have.
Sorry cannot link. But easy to find on Children's Health Defense.
https://share.newsbreak.com/33t0f6mx they’re blaming the Toews thing on long covid.
Toews has been ineffective since Hossa retired. Toews also seemed like the most woke player in hockey overall. Seabrook also used to snap Toews out of it and play hockey.