The video is a spoof but still fun to imagine in reality.

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It's what this guy does as content—places himself as guest next to MSM figures and then answers what nobody ever says to them. It's, as Pamela said, a spoof. Satire is a growing genre.

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It has become impossible to know satire from reality these days!

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Yeah it looks as though this is an intentional deep fake. It feels good to see this stuff but again, it’s not real. It didn’t happen, and yet it is passed along as truth. My search is for truth.

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Dang; I thought it was real. Not sure I’m a fan of this methods w/ out disclaimer attached

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It’s satire, created by @damonimani... check out his x account for more brilliant stuff. And maybe check sources before sharing on substack...?

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The reader should check the sources if confused. Always have on your critical thinking cap. I think most of us caught onto the satire pretty quickly.

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It sure wasn’t clear that MCM knew it was satire. Maybe he is just training us😁

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As one who is your age, Mark -- I had the same initial reaction, when I first saw it; we hope it is true, and it is disillusioning (but instructive...) to find it is not. Love your writings, and admire your incredible contributions during the last decades. I remember you when D.N. was actually worth watching -- so, we go back quite a ways!! All best --

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A terrific spoof and mirrors exactly what would happen if dissenting voices were allowed on corporate TV. What is being missed here is how easy it is to produce such material and have it appear to be very credible. In this case paradoxically it’s entirely accurate but we’ve all seen how the majority of people are conned in by the actual product which spews lies, distortion of truth and damaging propaganda which causes far more harm to what appears to be a steadily eroding audience. Maybe there’s hope after all !!

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We do satire and memes better. That's why satire and memes must be outlawed as sedition--all to "save" the republic.

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This wins the internet today.

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Indeed, it does.

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If true there are only 55,000 stupid people. What happened to the others?

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got jabbed

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They’re watching MSNBC

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OMG! That was... [insert over-the-top adjective of choice]!

If only this wasn't a spoof. Ah, such sweet laughter.

And that such mockery is being made is actually a great sign. Laugher is way more mighty than either words or pictures. thank you.

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Well that made my day!

and many others I passed it on too!😂🤣

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Hahaha! Good one. How do we know this actually aired? Could be manipulated video, but I hope not. Do we know who Tapper was interviewing?

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Apparently it’s a spoof; Saturday Night Live

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Jake means an insane crazed killer in jailspeak, jakehead or jakecat is usually best avoided , like solitary confinement

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I've been calling for the County of Santa Cruz in CA, which is seriously ground zero for the Agenda 21 smart city dystopia, to call a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for the era of covid. I do not actually expect that it will happen, although it could be done without hiring any expensive consulting firms cause there are tons of smart people here and stories that need to be heard. But it is a way to continually speak some truth in a way that ideally is oriented toward creating MORE PUBLIC SPACE. I think of it as consistent with creating a local space that empowers local medical professionals and people with an interest in genuine justice and democracy. The young person in my life who is tech savy is preoccupied with legal matters right now. If anyone might help me with this it would be much appreciated. My two minute bit begins about minute 20:36 http://santacruzcountyca.iqm2.com/Citizens/SplitView.aspx?Mode=Video&MeetingID=1988&Format=Agenda

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Good for you getting up there. Most people don't.

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