Rep. Jennifer Wexton has Parkinson's; wrestlers Chelsea Green & Sabu hospitalized; boxing photog Ed Mulholland has tongue/throat cancer; sportscaster Fred Toucher's throat surgery; & more
What interests me is whether and when these people got the Covid drugs and how soon after they became ill. We know from many medical people that cancers are forming rapidly shortly after getting jabbed. We also know that people are evidencing very rapid illnessess/collapsed shortly after getting jabbed. Of course other life factors can be involved such as over stress and poor diet or other problems. But without ALL the information the public is being treated to these sad stories without any meaningful information. Data from around the world and from data nerds informs us of all that is being withheld from us.
I am interested too in knowing how long after people are jabbed that they get sick. I know many people who appear fine a year to 2 years after the jab. I heard people can be affected 1-1/2 year later but I've also heard 3 - 5 years. And which booster effects them. I've read the more boosters the worse it is. However, I know at least one person who's had 4 shots and the flue shot and she's fine apparently. IDK. This is all a mystery. I keep telling people jabbed or not (due to shedding) start detoxing the toxins out of your body because you just don't know how badly the jab effected you or if you've been shedded upon, how bad that is. It seems nobody has the answers to these questions or answers that are out there conflict.
Also, how long are these people producing spike proteins from mRNA vax and how long do they shed for? Do they all shed if they've gotten different toxic doses? Do they keep shedding since they are now a manufacturing plant for spike proteins? What exactly are they shedding?
Also, very few if none talk about the J&J toxic jab. I've seen a little bit about the vector vaccine but more needs to be talked about regarding how it works, how dangerous it is, and again time frame from jab to adverse event to possible help those that want help (most do not which is so strange to me). We know of two people who were effected by the J&J shot. One had a heart attack (in his 50s). The other was having nightmares. Nightmares seems to also happen to those with the mRNA jab.
My 94 year old Mom got the J&J jab. She had no health issues other than Dementia. Fourteen months after the jab, she was diagnosed with Leukemia, and two months later, she was dead.
I’m so sorry! 😢 I too, lost my mom thanks to the sinister jabs. She had no previous health issues, got Moderna vaccine 1 & 2 in early 2021, but two weeks after getting the first booster in September 2021, she became ill with ALS-type symptoms. By March 2022, she had to be hospitalized and put on a ventilator. She never recovered and passed away in hospice in October 2022. Two months later, my best friend passed away. He checked himself into a hospital in Orlando for routine, scheduled back surgery and the day after he had surgery, he developed blood clots in both legs that traveled to his lungs and subsequently killed him. And yes, he was vaxxed.
I can’t wait for the day that all of these Dr.’s & nurses that were complicit in genocide are prosecuted and imprisoned for crimes against humanity. But, ESPECIALLY Tony Fauci. I wanna see that little MF’er HANG for what he’s done!
I so sorry for your losses. It's too much to bear. Two of our neighbors most likely died from the vax both heart related. We weren't close to them but the shock and knowing they basically were m.urd.ere.d was sickening and hard to handle.
Wishing you peace and beautiful memories of your mom and best friend.
I lost my Grandma within one to two weeks of second Pfizer jab, circulating blood clots in organs and brain, leading to stroke death, but days in hospital till death... Maybe I thought an isolated case, but no... At my workplace another girls grandma had stroke and died, another girls 56 year old cousin couldn't breathe after his jab, hospitalized then released, by end of the week dead, autopsy, lots of unusual blood clots, written off as atrial fibrillation, jab not blamed for all these deaths, despite at least a BIG coincidence, especially no signs of problems prior, and all these causes known to be side effect of jab.
A girl at gym, grandfather felt unwell after his jab, found dead in his garden within the week, not reported to TGA, despite being quite a fit and independent man.
Injuries, I know quite a few heart injuries personally linked to people I know too... I'm amazed when people say they know no one as I know many, either heart injured or dead. My brother's industry a fewcsudden deaths via strokes, brain bleeds and heart attacks (his workforce is much larger than mine, but that is still a high statistic).
Even pro vax friends are now worried, as they now know someone injured or dead suddenly... People who used to say "oh well" to me when I talked of injuries I knew, or deaths, those same people are now saying "I know such and such's (son, daughter, uncle etc.) who had a (bad turn, blood clot, myocarditis etc)...
Within my social circle, most know there's a problem, and are not boosting themselves, they're done with it thankfully...
They’ve pulled AstraZeneca, a vector vaccine, and J&J has been taken off the market, both due to clotting. Longterm, the vector vaccines could pass the BBB and lead to brain disorders, but it will never be traced to the shots.
Dr. Delores Cahill, PhD and former professor at University College in Dublin, Ireland apparently gave an estimate of up to 10 years.
The truth is, we don't know, because there is no long term safety data. How could there be? These injections were created in 8 months with all safety protocols suspended. That said, given the conclusive results of mRNA resarch before hand -- all test animals died -- it's a safe bet to assume if you've had even ONE injection, your days are numbered.
PS After the injection and for the rest of your life, you're producing and shedding spike proteins. There is no "off switch", there is no antidote.
fwiw, Tiffany Dover was just gave an interview on Monday and said that she is doing fine. Now; how do we know it's really her and why did she wait 27+ months to emerge? Who knows.
At least we learned from that interview that either she (whoever she is) is lying or CHI Memorial media relations is lying. She said CHI Memorial told her not to give an interview and CHI Memorial media relations denied saying that.
Thanks. I know that's why it's so confusing and that's why I've told people to detox. Very few listen.
There are "antidotes". According to Dr. Henry Ealy, DNA can heal. There are many supplements that are helpful that bind to these toxins to remove them from the body as well. There is hope. Fasting is also very powerful in healing damaged cells but it's best to work with someone who understands how to do it properly for the situation the person is in.
Be careful with anyone who promises you that they can clear the C19 shots from the body. Ask for scientific proof and a complete explanation on the specifics of the how their program works.
Because I can tell you that anyone who promises that they can remove all of the shots from your body, is lying to you. We don’t even know what is in the shots! Common sense!
No one can know what is in their jab on any given day, so unless you know what those metals are and what the highest concentrations are, you have no idea what will be helpful.
How can any detox program be effective if you don’t even know what you’re trying to remove?
I am cautioning, demand to see the evidence. Ask them how they know exactly what the toxins they are detoxing from your body . There is no way to know what was in your particular shot, nor what the synthetic RNA directed your body to produce.
And there is no way to my knowledge yet, to remove the mRNA that integrated a genetic code into your genome.
First of all, I would bet that 90 - 95% of the citizens of the western world and beyond needs to detox simply because these globalist have contaminated everything almost everywhere. For instance, powdered zeolite binds to positively charged substances such as glycoproteins (spike proteins), lipid nanoparticles, molds, flouride, heavy metals, and many more. So many people have tons of toxins in their body leading to many diseases. Babies are born with 200+ toxins in their bodies. So taking a natural supplement like that, which has been helping people who've been vaxxed with their symptoms (I know some personally) is definitely worth it and is gentle and safe for most people vaxxed or not. No harm and possibly hope and relief. So Jane Ruby is wrong there.
Second, I don't know if anyone is making promises and who knows what Jane Ruby actually knows about natural, holistic health and how the body actually works. I think she was a nurse and I know of many nurses who are clueless about the basic fundamentals of the body. Also, there have been several holistic practitioners who have helped people who have been vaxxed and shedded upon. Of course, the best thing would be to be able to measure the toxins in those who have had the jab or have been shedded upon. Dr. Ana Mihalcea has done that to some degree through blood samples. She has helped people as has Dr. Henry Ealy.
Either way, it's better to work on healing your body by healing one's cells and balancing their minerals and removing any toxic load possible through gentle, safe, natural supplements and fasting. So, I highly disagree with Jane Ruby. She should be saying that people need to work on healing their body's naturally because if there is the possibility of healing that's the goal. Instead, she's spreading fear and no hope. Nobody who is a true holistic health professional makes promises especially since everyone's body is different.
So true we are being constantly bombared with chemicals that are unnatural and our poor liver is over worked. I have been reading Liver Rescue by Anthony William the medical medium, and we all have different levels of toxicity. Well worth a read.
You’re right. We just don’t know. Every year will be a surprise as we continue to record and chart the deaths. But as time passes, the causation will become blurred, as was planned.
My beautiful daughter, 33, just had her first baby. She was heavily vaxxed in her role as a nursing student and then nurse, but she was vaxxed before conception.
She and her baby are doing very well. A beautiful, happy baby girl. My daughter is strong and healthy and recovering from her c-section with flying colors.
As her mother, of course, I hope this continues, but my concern is great. It keeps me up at night.
So far, so good. It’s important to note that seemingly healthy babies are being born everyday in America to vaxxed mothers and fathers. Whether they continue to thrive remains to be seen. I hear they will be pushing more vaccines in the future for Covid and I honestly don’t believe my daughters body can take anymore. Or anyone else for that matter.
She is one of the lucky ones who most likely received a less harmful dose, they are all different, after all you can't keep stirring the pot when making a vaccine. Be positive, they can all remain healthy if they stay away from as many other toxins as possible, including packaged foods. Eat real food and use natural products.
I believe they are shedding spike proteins. My unjabbed wife started getting clumps of blood during her period back in spring and summer of 2021 when everyone was getting the jabs. We didn't think anything of it until we heard about it happening to other women who were unjabbed. Since the initial rush of people getting jabs in 2021, her clumping and clotting has stopped. These were huge clumps to the point I thought her spleen came out.
Neither does correlation RULE OUT causation. How would I replicate the effect unless I ask people who just got the jab to come around me? We know that the CDC and FDA do not care, because they would be the ones who should be doing the trials and they chose to skip or ignore all of the safety signals and warnings.
You can go ahead and ignore Pfizer's own report that warns about shedding. You can ignore the fact that 5 people in the Pfizer test arm died of cardiac issues and only one in the control arm died of cardiac issues. No cause for alarm there. You can ignore the fact that no long term safety data exists. You can ignore the fact that Pfizer/CDC/FDA lied when they stated the mRNA shots prevented infection and transmission and later admitted no testing was done regarding infection and transmission.
Well, you could survey the other 1,000 people (like myself) which were around jabbed people, and they didn't get affected by shedding.
If 1 got 'affected' by shedding and 1,000 were not, wouldn't that tell you something? Maybe.. it's just a coincidence, maybe there's other factors at play?
I'm not definitely saying that's not the reason, but I need to know if that is the REAL reason, before I jump my head ahead and believe anything you say.
The mRNA shots cause the body to create the spike proteins, which are a part of the covid-19 virus. If the virus can spread from person to person, what would prevent the spike proteins produce by the injected from being spread from person to person?
I can’t prove anything but I’ve been the sickest I’ve ever been after exposure to recently vaccinated people. After one bus trip, I had room spins, just like I did when I got drunk in high school. I’ve also developed rapid and dangerous breathing symptoms, where my lungs seemed to be filling up with water. This is all within a few hours of exposure. I’ve never experienced anything like it in my life, so I suspect some kind of shedding is probably happening. Also, there is some Chinese research on the NIH site that explores the possibility of passive mRNA inoculation so this is not a completely baseless, hairbrained idea.
I also got sick after a co-worker walked into my office and announced that I didn't need to worry because he just got his second Murderna jab back in spring 2021. I didn't think anything of it at the time.
That’s exactly what happened to me. Some guys came to work on the gas line in my apartment and 2 hours later, I had to prone myself so I could breathe. Came out of nowhere and I had to cancel a trip I’d been planning for several months.
Same here. The few times I have been around a roomful of vaxxinated I experienced strange symptoms and got sick. I have wondered if there is a test available that can tell you if you have been exposed w/out having had the vaxx.
Unfortunately, I doubt anything like that will be available any time soon, even if it becomes more obvious that this is happening. I hope that someday in the not-too-distant future we won’t need to worry about it!
They made assertions based on their personal experience. Just like the religious people, they asserted God is involved when something less likely happened in their lives.
I'm on the fence with shedding. If it were real, then even the globalists/politicians/people "in the know", would be at risk since they employ people who likely took the shot, as well as being around people they don't know who took the shot (think waiters, hotel staff, etc). And why only the talk of shedding the last six months or so, whereas people started taking the death jab in Jan 2021 and no talk of it then? Perhaps it's just another method to divide the vax against the unvax or to try to frighten the unvax.
People have reported injuries from shedding since at least spring of 2021, especially on Telegram there were many groups flooded with messages about shedding.
interesting, I've been researching all of this since the beginning, and never read anything about shedding in spring 2021, nor anyone I know who were around vaxxed people mention it to me back then. I'm on telegram too. What kind of injuries are you talking about? All my husband's colleagues are 3x vaxxed, and he hasn't experienced any shedding symptoms (whatever they are), or illness from them.
Shedding was talked about back in Spring of 2020. At that time, when I first heard of it, I had no idea what they were talking about. They do make it so animals and people who have gotten a vaccine do transfer components to others. Dr. Lee Merritt (I think that's her name) spoke of how in Australia, I believe, it's been over a year since I saw the video of her talking about it, they would inject a few rats with something that would cause sterilization. Those rats who were injected would then transfer whatever it was to other rats.
I read in some fizer paper. I'm not sure where it was or if I downloaded it. I have to look into it. That during the "trials" they warned those that were around the inoculated (nurses, etc) to be careful because of shedding. I think they used different terminology. If I have time, I'll look further into it.
But, as a fallback, lacking the pricey equipment that would allow me to see the swarm of nanosized spikes shed all over by the freshly jabbed, i rely on my own experience, and the thousands and thousands (i'm being conservative here) of reports out there on the web of people having symptoms after being exposed to someone who was jabbed ...not even talking of Pfizer's own documents where they openly state that shedding of the material happens.
Actually, if we'd had this conversation 6 months ago i would say "i don't know". But especially the recent work of Ana Mihalcea has definitely proven that shedding (for lack of a more appropriate term) happens consistently and is very complex to understand, i invite you to read her substack (sorry for not pointing to a specific post):
I know about Ana Mihalcea. I appreciate her work a lot, although I have plenty of reservation. She's a fellow Romanian, as far as I can tell (based on her name, at least..)
But I can't take her word for it, I need real, tangible evidence.
I do believe they are shedding and various scientists/doctors have seen evidence of this. Also, some strange things have happened to my husband while near vaxxed people. Dr. Ana Mihalcea has talked about this quite a bit and has done blood tests on her patients who were unvaxxed and simply went to dinner with their vaxxed friends and their once clean blood ended up with toxins in the blood.
Also, on the FDAs website they talk about shedding from mRNA shots. And, it has happened with the flu vaccines and others. With the flu vaccine, apparently there is a 40 day shedding period but those weren't mRNA.
I trust my own experience above all else. I can’t wait around for corporate science to catch up with me. If I did that, I’d be dead by now. How does this affect you? I listen to vaccinated people make wild claims about how the vaccine has benefited them every day. They never provide proof but that’s okay. These are their own personal experiences and they have a right to share them.
You're right to believe and disbelieve anything you like.
Just don't expect I should believe (or disbelieve) the same things you do, without providing proper evidence, which I can verify for myself. Just like religious people, demanding I should believe in their God, because they experienced something. That's not how things work.
Its all russian roulette except some of those vaxxinated realise they were injured by these injections and others can't imagine that those injections are causing all kinds of long term illnesses.
We the people have no idea what pathogens were included in the EUA injections such as the trillions of biosynthetic lipid nanoparticles that contain a payload of a variety of pathogens, see lawyer Todd Callender sobering talk in the first 25min of his interview:
Unfortunately 'Good Manufacturing Process' GMP was not followed for the manufacturing of the covid injections so the quality widely varies and the public has little recourse to finding out what was in them. Check out
Quotes from this blogpost:
"...Fraudulent drug safety studies have destroyed medicine; "Safety" researchers ignore lot-to-lot variation but in reality 100X difference in contaminant level, adverse events, is common
Latest example is study fraudulently claiming no association between COVID-19 vaccines and Bell's palsy. Fraudulent studies are lucrative. Researchers collect millions from Pharma as FDA aids/abets.
100-fold variation in contaminants have been reported. --see the above link.
Lot-to-lot variation
The US VAERS shows Bell's palsy reports have a 40X variation from lot to lot.
Good questions. I am going to a birthday party this weekend, and I have to assume that at least 90% of them are vaxx'd. I am trying to figure out what to wear, it is going to be warm, but I may have to wear long sleeves and pants anyway. I know that is only a psychological protection but I will be doing all the tools in my toolbox before I head out. Just the word shedding creeps me out, but there is something to it.
I had bleeding in menopause after helping my elderly family member 2 days after his second shot, he was falling down from blood pressure swings. I still get headaches around him.
Not arguing, just saying my points of view (usually wrong). Few things, and the first being that 1. ...If everybody just dropped dead at once or became seriously "ill" due to the jabs after JUST 2.4 years, then even the braindead sheeple - the numpty masses would start to question things - 2. ... Let us jut take the 2 x MOST (again my view only) well known adverse effects happening - "heart attacks" and strokes (yes general terms)... - and yes there are many more, but let us just focus on these for now.
3. Heart attacks - they are ONLY NOW teaching kids in school, companies, civil service, Scouts EVERYWHERE CPR, but we now have "Automated External Defibrillators" ... in Schools, Gyms, PARKS, hill and mountain walks, pubs ... you can not look left or right without seeing one of them.
Err 3a) Strokes -the government procurement of blood thinners and other medicines for strokes is just through the roof ... I think it was 2021 alone that they purchased 2 x normal annual amount, but had to purchase MORE in the Summer ... and that was back then.
4. THIS IS MY VIEW ONLY; JUST A GUESS. I think the booster played a "MORE" significant goal in their depoulation / steralisation agenda ... and whilst the number of people taking them dropped on the 3rd jab - I think they are content enough .. that is why I believe they are both mocking us and do not care ... and we will see the body count rise exponentially. (PS There greatest harm was and is the sterilisation and drop in fertility as this is a long'ish term plan). Also "life expectancy" is falling fast !!...
Now I am off my rant, the data is out there if you look and have time to look (I do unfortunately).
I think the heart and stroke instamces are most dramatic so get the focus. Infertilty and miscarriages are way up. Male sperm is way down. Pfizer lists over 1200 adverse effects in their drug insert! The spike protein travels and settles anywhere in the body so the range of consequences of it are extreme.
As for 'on hand' first aid? You need to be near it and have someone who can think and move fast. I lost a dear friend last year who suffered what is now called Sudden Adult Death. First death experience her son walked at that very moment and revived her. However the second time there was no one and by the time someone came in the morning she was gone. First time they took her to a hospital after reviving her: her blood sugar was over 600!!!!! She never was diabetic so we can think/assume that the spike settled in the pancreas where is caused this damage.
Given the refusal of the government to actually study the advere reactions or properly maintain the VAERS data base we have what can be called efforts to bury documentation and refusal to acknowledge the damage occurring in the 100's of 1000's. So many reports coming out these days it is hard to keep track of all the information. Enraging to see how callous they are towards the public and number of lives lost and destroyed. But glad people are backing away from the Booster--hope it is because they are waking up and not just simply bored and returning to complacency.
Apologies but wrote a long response and managed to lose it. Agree 99%, but not so patient as you.
So very quickly:
1.Sorry about your friend.
2, This is deliberate -genocide, democide, mass sterilisation, whatever... and I get irritated (no offence) when people just state "Given the refusal of the government to actually study the adverse reactions or properly maintain the VAERS data base we have what can be called efforts to bury documentation and refusal to acknowledge the damage occurring in the 100's of 1000's.".... AND WE LET IT HAPPEN - WHY ?; we pay for these globalist scumbag puppets.
3. I do not believe in the Spike proteins - the jab is just a chemical killer = a pison, not some biological fairy-tale.
There was an interesting talk recently with Dr Paul Cotrell, he says that the jabs basically raise the baseline for getting cancer, that if you get the shots your chances of getting cancer younger are much much higher. But more importantly he says that, it's not just the shots, and that a viral covid infection (if you believe in "covid") also raises your chances of getting cancer, and he's seeing many people who were infected, have long covid, suffer from rapid forms of cancer. But of course the diet is a huge factor in all of this, and exposure to all kinds of toxins.
I googled distended gall bladder Pfizer and 1st result is a 52 year women goes to ER 10 hours after Pfizer booster.
"she developed severe shivering and whole-body muscle cramps in addition to massive swelling of the injection site, accompanied by nausea and vomiting for 5 h..... shivering and non-watery diarrhea started around 3:30 am. In addition, upper right abdominal quadrant pain started. On the afternoon of 24.10.2021, she reported anuria. So, another 4-L fluid was given. However, fluid was stopped because of breathing difficulties and chest pain"
I feel like the withholding of information that we're seeing right now is absolutely criminal. And, after committing mass murder, it's a crucial part of their coverup.
If we can't hold these people to account then we're through.
Thank you Mark for all of your work. My elderly Dad after 2 covid shots had a near fatal inflammation blockage in his colon in December of 2021. I'm convinced the inflammation events can hit any vital organ not just the heart once the immune system starts attacking healthy tissue it's Russian roulette. .
He has Alzheimer's, too, which worsened quickly after the shots and the weaponized "news" he still watches didn't help him either. ..scaring the elderly with lies from the get go.
Well Gene Simmons is a covid cultist so maybe he's getting what he deserves after the vile things he said about the un "vaccinated". Kathy Griffin is 9 years younger than me and she looks like sh*t. So I guess all the people screaming about the jabs and how great they are are now regretting their decisions. Now I read where the demons want to put that crap in our meat and other food, people will drop like flies and what about the ones who are already jabbed, overdose much.
"Anyone with a brain had enough time to examine the Scamdemic and see that it was false. If in a year you didn't practice that and you went and ran off to get the jab so that you could go travelling or not get offended or do something like that...? You're an idiot. And you're a coward. And you don't live, according to the truth."
I remember watching videos of Bugnolo, especially this one, and thinking maybe he's exaggerating things a bit. But he's been right mostly, he says 2 billions would die in 2 years, which is insane ...
Make that perhaps 10 to 15 years, and I'll bite. But not in 2 years. Not unless it is a 2 part weapon, the jab is part one, then there's an activation or secondary infection to cascade into you and kill you... I can believe that too. 2 billion in 2 years is too fast and things will crash and burn and they aren't ready yet for that. But 10? Yeah, the attrition is at 30 percent excess and won't show for another 5 years? Then it starts picking up? Yeah, that I can see..
They also just blew up a cow farm, 18K cows in Texas blaming it on equipment. It's so obvious that these are lies. If it was equipment, why then has it absolutely NEVER happened in 70+ years of farming with modern equipment. Why is it that last year 10K cows just dropped dead all of a sudden. Where was that Kansas? I can't remember. Then over 100+ food plants catch on fire within 2 years or less. Hmmm.... not suspicious at all. Luckily, some of us can see through the lies.
It's very possible they've lied about the H5N1 in the poultry to have an excuse to purposely kill thousands of chickens and scare people. That way they control how many eggs people can buy, etc.
It’s all tied together. They want to keep fear instilled in people. The biggest fear we should all have is Biden giving American sovereignty to the WHO in May! Congress must unite and stop this
Dr. Naomi Wolf Exposes The Truth On mRNA Vaccines (Short Clip)
April 13, 2023
What's in the Pfizer Documents?
"Democrat and former advisor on Al Gore and Bill Clinton campaigns Dr. Naomi Wolf exposes the truth on mRNA jabs.
'The Pfizer documents contain evidence of the greatest crime against humanity in the history of our species.'
Let justice prevail so this NEVER happens again."
~Dr. Aseem Malhotra, @DrAseemMalhotra
March 5-8, 2023
The modern pharmaceutical industry has in many ways proved itself a great benefit to mankind, making health and life-saving drugs and vaccines widely available.
But its reputation has come under attack in the wake of America’s opioid epidemic and the COVID plandemic.
This fourth and final CCA of the 2022-23 academic year will consider the rise of Big Pharma, its role in the declining state of American health, and ideas for reform.
Ya have to wonder if they'll get recycled back into this world again to learn from their past mistakes. As those who have the eyes to see and ears to listen, we'll venture forth into a better world.
Thanks Mark, for bringing attention to this sadness. In support of Mr. Dowd’s excellent book, CAUSE UNKNOWN, I’m hoping awareness will make things better, hence this video to add to its promotion. (make things) BETTER
simmons was one of those who thought people refusing the covid shots should be put in camps. he 'had no patience' for refuseniks, and regularly barked orders he demanded they follow. it'll be interesting to see what's actually wrong with him (this time. there's been plenty wrong with him for decades).
I understand your point and wish the system and people were more forthcoming. Don't agree with your timeline though. Luc Montagnier, French virologist who won the Nobel prize for his work on AIDS predicted that within two years we would be seeing a huge increase in turbo cancers, auto immune conditions heart attacks and stroke. Which is exactly what I am seeing all around me in my communities. (The claim that Montagnier said everyone was going to die in 2 weeks was slanderous disinformation).
Well I wish no harm on anyone, it was Gene Simmons who forced his roadie to get the vaccine against his will, and two weeks later he was dead in his hotel room. RIP Fran Steuber
What interests me is whether and when these people got the Covid drugs and how soon after they became ill. We know from many medical people that cancers are forming rapidly shortly after getting jabbed. We also know that people are evidencing very rapid illnessess/collapsed shortly after getting jabbed. Of course other life factors can be involved such as over stress and poor diet or other problems. But without ALL the information the public is being treated to these sad stories without any meaningful information. Data from around the world and from data nerds informs us of all that is being withheld from us.
I am interested too in knowing how long after people are jabbed that they get sick. I know many people who appear fine a year to 2 years after the jab. I heard people can be affected 1-1/2 year later but I've also heard 3 - 5 years. And which booster effects them. I've read the more boosters the worse it is. However, I know at least one person who's had 4 shots and the flue shot and she's fine apparently. IDK. This is all a mystery. I keep telling people jabbed or not (due to shedding) start detoxing the toxins out of your body because you just don't know how badly the jab effected you or if you've been shedded upon, how bad that is. It seems nobody has the answers to these questions or answers that are out there conflict.
Also, how long are these people producing spike proteins from mRNA vax and how long do they shed for? Do they all shed if they've gotten different toxic doses? Do they keep shedding since they are now a manufacturing plant for spike proteins? What exactly are they shedding?
Also, very few if none talk about the J&J toxic jab. I've seen a little bit about the vector vaccine but more needs to be talked about regarding how it works, how dangerous it is, and again time frame from jab to adverse event to possible help those that want help (most do not which is so strange to me). We know of two people who were effected by the J&J shot. One had a heart attack (in his 50s). The other was having nightmares. Nightmares seems to also happen to those with the mRNA jab.
My 94 year old Mom got the J&J jab. She had no health issues other than Dementia. Fourteen months after the jab, she was diagnosed with Leukemia, and two months later, she was dead.
I’m so sorry! 😢 I too, lost my mom thanks to the sinister jabs. She had no previous health issues, got Moderna vaccine 1 & 2 in early 2021, but two weeks after getting the first booster in September 2021, she became ill with ALS-type symptoms. By March 2022, she had to be hospitalized and put on a ventilator. She never recovered and passed away in hospice in October 2022. Two months later, my best friend passed away. He checked himself into a hospital in Orlando for routine, scheduled back surgery and the day after he had surgery, he developed blood clots in both legs that traveled to his lungs and subsequently killed him. And yes, he was vaxxed.
I can’t wait for the day that all of these Dr.’s & nurses that were complicit in genocide are prosecuted and imprisoned for crimes against humanity. But, ESPECIALLY Tony Fauci. I wanna see that little MF’er HANG for what he’s done!
I so sorry for your losses. It's too much to bear. Two of our neighbors most likely died from the vax both heart related. We weren't close to them but the shock and knowing they basically were m.urd.ere.d was sickening and hard to handle.
Wishing you peace and beautiful memories of your mom and best friend.
Thank you. ❤️
I lost my Grandma within one to two weeks of second Pfizer jab, circulating blood clots in organs and brain, leading to stroke death, but days in hospital till death... Maybe I thought an isolated case, but no... At my workplace another girls grandma had stroke and died, another girls 56 year old cousin couldn't breathe after his jab, hospitalized then released, by end of the week dead, autopsy, lots of unusual blood clots, written off as atrial fibrillation, jab not blamed for all these deaths, despite at least a BIG coincidence, especially no signs of problems prior, and all these causes known to be side effect of jab.
A girl at gym, grandfather felt unwell after his jab, found dead in his garden within the week, not reported to TGA, despite being quite a fit and independent man.
Injuries, I know quite a few heart injuries personally linked to people I know too... I'm amazed when people say they know no one as I know many, either heart injured or dead. My brother's industry a fewcsudden deaths via strokes, brain bleeds and heart attacks (his workforce is much larger than mine, but that is still a high statistic).
Even pro vax friends are now worried, as they now know someone injured or dead suddenly... People who used to say "oh well" to me when I talked of injuries I knew, or deaths, those same people are now saying "I know such and such's (son, daughter, uncle etc.) who had a (bad turn, blood clot, myocarditis etc)...
Within my social circle, most know there's a problem, and are not boosting themselves, they're done with it thankfully...
I'm so sorry. That's why we need to understand more about how that one works. We hear about the mRNA but what about the vector vaccine?
They’ve pulled AstraZeneca, a vector vaccine, and J&J has been taken off the market, both due to clotting. Longterm, the vector vaccines could pass the BBB and lead to brain disorders, but it will never be traced to the shots.
On the other hand you can still find the video online of Tiffany Dover dropping dead from The Lethal Injection within minutes... 🤔
Dr. Charles Hoffe of Lytton, BC authored a letter to Chief Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry estimating death within 3 years. I think this is the link:
Dr. Delores Cahill, PhD and former professor at University College in Dublin, Ireland apparently gave an estimate of up to 10 years.
The truth is, we don't know, because there is no long term safety data. How could there be? These injections were created in 8 months with all safety protocols suspended. That said, given the conclusive results of mRNA resarch before hand -- all test animals died -- it's a safe bet to assume if you've had even ONE injection, your days are numbered.
PS After the injection and for the rest of your life, you're producing and shedding spike proteins. There is no "off switch", there is no antidote.
fwiw, Tiffany Dover was just gave an interview on Monday and said that she is doing fine. Now; how do we know it's really her and why did she wait 27+ months to emerge? Who knows.
Did you see the pics of her? Stevie Wonder could tell they are not the same person
They love playing the moronic public as the fools they mostly are
Did you hear that??
That’s Klaus Schwab laughing his ass off
At least we learned from that interview that either she (whoever she is) is lying or CHI Memorial media relations is lying. She said CHI Memorial told her not to give an interview and CHI Memorial media relations denied saying that.
Um... No she didn't. That person has no resemblance to Tiffany Dover ... Other than being a white woman I suppose...
Well duh, I mean they all look alike.
Not that much surely?...
Thanks. I know that's why it's so confusing and that's why I've told people to detox. Very few listen.
There are "antidotes". According to Dr. Henry Ealy, DNA can heal. There are many supplements that are helpful that bind to these toxins to remove them from the body as well. There is hope. Fasting is also very powerful in healing damaged cells but it's best to work with someone who understands how to do it properly for the situation the person is in.
green tea
+ praying
baking soda, apple cider vinegar, betonite clay, grounding, sunshine, vitamin C, friends
& oh yeah- turn off all those f*cking devices and sever one's consciousness from 2-D infotainment reality !
ACV is like alcohol to the liver, there are better ways to be healthy.
Green tea has caffeine, not good for liver.
There's decaffeinated green tea
from Dr. Jane Ruby; DETOX TRUTH:
Be careful with anyone who promises you that they can clear the C19 shots from the body. Ask for scientific proof and a complete explanation on the specifics of the how their program works.
Because I can tell you that anyone who promises that they can remove all of the shots from your body, is lying to you. We don’t even know what is in the shots! Common sense!
No one can know what is in their jab on any given day, so unless you know what those metals are and what the highest concentrations are, you have no idea what will be helpful.
How can any detox program be effective if you don’t even know what you’re trying to remove?
I am cautioning, demand to see the evidence. Ask them how they know exactly what the toxins they are detoxing from your body . There is no way to know what was in your particular shot, nor what the synthetic RNA directed your body to produce.
And there is no way to my knowledge yet, to remove the mRNA that integrated a genetic code into your genome.
First of all, I would bet that 90 - 95% of the citizens of the western world and beyond needs to detox simply because these globalist have contaminated everything almost everywhere. For instance, powdered zeolite binds to positively charged substances such as glycoproteins (spike proteins), lipid nanoparticles, molds, flouride, heavy metals, and many more. So many people have tons of toxins in their body leading to many diseases. Babies are born with 200+ toxins in their bodies. So taking a natural supplement like that, which has been helping people who've been vaxxed with their symptoms (I know some personally) is definitely worth it and is gentle and safe for most people vaxxed or not. No harm and possibly hope and relief. So Jane Ruby is wrong there.
Second, I don't know if anyone is making promises and who knows what Jane Ruby actually knows about natural, holistic health and how the body actually works. I think she was a nurse and I know of many nurses who are clueless about the basic fundamentals of the body. Also, there have been several holistic practitioners who have helped people who have been vaxxed and shedded upon. Of course, the best thing would be to be able to measure the toxins in those who have had the jab or have been shedded upon. Dr. Ana Mihalcea has done that to some degree through blood samples. She has helped people as has Dr. Henry Ealy.
Either way, it's better to work on healing your body by healing one's cells and balancing their minerals and removing any toxic load possible through gentle, safe, natural supplements and fasting. So, I highly disagree with Jane Ruby. She should be saying that people need to work on healing their body's naturally because if there is the possibility of healing that's the goal. Instead, she's spreading fear and no hope. Nobody who is a true holistic health professional makes promises especially since everyone's body is different.
So true we are being constantly bombared with chemicals that are unnatural and our poor liver is over worked. I have been reading Liver Rescue by Anthony William the medical medium, and we all have different levels of toxicity. Well worth a read.
dolores cahill was making much graver predictions a couple of years ago-
(btw- no proof of 'spike'...)
not saying they are not death shots- just that 'spike' reinforces phony virus narrative
Cahill said the people who got jabbed will be gone within 5 years-even if they just received 1 shot.
i recall her saying 2 years in sept. of 2020... (?)
If my memory serves she said 2-5 years.
You’re right. We just don’t know. Every year will be a surprise as we continue to record and chart the deaths. But as time passes, the causation will become blurred, as was planned.
My beautiful daughter, 33, just had her first baby. She was heavily vaxxed in her role as a nursing student and then nurse, but she was vaxxed before conception.
She and her baby are doing very well. A beautiful, happy baby girl. My daughter is strong and healthy and recovering from her c-section with flying colors.
As her mother, of course, I hope this continues, but my concern is great. It keeps me up at night.
So far, so good. It’s important to note that seemingly healthy babies are being born everyday in America to vaxxed mothers and fathers. Whether they continue to thrive remains to be seen. I hear they will be pushing more vaccines in the future for Covid and I honestly don’t believe my daughters body can take anymore. Or anyone else for that matter.
She is one of the lucky ones who most likely received a less harmful dose, they are all different, after all you can't keep stirring the pot when making a vaccine. Be positive, they can all remain healthy if they stay away from as many other toxins as possible, including packaged foods. Eat real food and use natural products.
Dr Hoffe is another hero. A REAL doctor and an absolute star. 🙏
They can't shed anything. If anything, it's the nocebo effect.
But they ARE affected to various degree by the jabs, depending on how much toxins they use (vaccine lot numbers, anyone?)
So it's random, if you get one one those lots with highly toxic chemicals in it.. your days are numbered.
I believe they are shedding spike proteins. My unjabbed wife started getting clumps of blood during her period back in spring and summer of 2021 when everyone was getting the jabs. We didn't think anything of it until we heard about it happening to other women who were unjabbed. Since the initial rush of people getting jabs in 2021, her clumping and clotting has stopped. These were huge clumps to the point I thought her spleen came out.
Correlation is NOT causation.
Have you been able to replicate same effect under same conditions?
Please, let us know.
Neither does correlation RULE OUT causation. How would I replicate the effect unless I ask people who just got the jab to come around me? We know that the CDC and FDA do not care, because they would be the ones who should be doing the trials and they chose to skip or ignore all of the safety signals and warnings.
You can go ahead and ignore Pfizer's own report that warns about shedding. You can ignore the fact that 5 people in the Pfizer test arm died of cardiac issues and only one in the control arm died of cardiac issues. No cause for alarm there. You can ignore the fact that no long term safety data exists. You can ignore the fact that Pfizer/CDC/FDA lied when they stated the mRNA shots prevented infection and transmission and later admitted no testing was done regarding infection and transmission.
Well, you could survey the other 1,000 people (like myself) which were around jabbed people, and they didn't get affected by shedding.
If 1 got 'affected' by shedding and 1,000 were not, wouldn't that tell you something? Maybe.. it's just a coincidence, maybe there's other factors at play?
I'm not definitely saying that's not the reason, but I need to know if that is the REAL reason, before I jump my head ahead and believe anything you say.
Isn't that reasonable on my side?
The mRNA shots cause the body to create the spike proteins, which are a part of the covid-19 virus. If the virus can spread from person to person, what would prevent the spike proteins produce by the injected from being spread from person to person?
I can’t prove anything but I’ve been the sickest I’ve ever been after exposure to recently vaccinated people. After one bus trip, I had room spins, just like I did when I got drunk in high school. I’ve also developed rapid and dangerous breathing symptoms, where my lungs seemed to be filling up with water. This is all within a few hours of exposure. I’ve never experienced anything like it in my life, so I suspect some kind of shedding is probably happening. Also, there is some Chinese research on the NIH site that explores the possibility of passive mRNA inoculation so this is not a completely baseless, hairbrained idea.
I also got sick after a co-worker walked into my office and announced that I didn't need to worry because he just got his second Murderna jab back in spring 2021. I didn't think anything of it at the time.
That’s exactly what happened to me. Some guys came to work on the gas line in my apartment and 2 hours later, I had to prone myself so I could breathe. Came out of nowhere and I had to cancel a trip I’d been planning for several months.
Correlation is NOT causation.
Have you been able to replicate that event in similar conditions?
Correlation is NOT causation.
Sure it is, at times. Anecdotes also turn into statistics. That's how science works.
Same here. The few times I have been around a roomful of vaxxinated I experienced strange symptoms and got sick. I have wondered if there is a test available that can tell you if you have been exposed w/out having had the vaxx.
Unfortunately, I doubt anything like that will be available any time soon, even if it becomes more obvious that this is happening. I hope that someday in the not-too-distant future we won’t need to worry about it!
Hearsay is not evidence, by any stretch of the imagination.
I can make any correlation to any other event in nature. You have to prove that event has a causal relationship with your condition.
Correlation is NOT causation.
Marius says we must all provide documentation to make comments about our personal experiences on Substack article comment threads. Hear ye, hear ye!
That's strawman fallacy.
I did NOT say that. I didn't say that you didn't experience the things you say you did.
I merely said that your interpretation is wrong, or it needs further evidence, to prove it's the right interpretation.
Is it too much to ask?
They made assertions based on their personal experience. Just like the religious people, they asserted God is involved when something less likely happened in their lives.
Shedding is real
I'm on the fence with shedding. If it were real, then even the globalists/politicians/people "in the know", would be at risk since they employ people who likely took the shot, as well as being around people they don't know who took the shot (think waiters, hotel staff, etc). And why only the talk of shedding the last six months or so, whereas people started taking the death jab in Jan 2021 and no talk of it then? Perhaps it's just another method to divide the vax against the unvax or to try to frighten the unvax.
People have reported injuries from shedding since at least spring of 2021, especially on Telegram there were many groups flooded with messages about shedding.
interesting, I've been researching all of this since the beginning, and never read anything about shedding in spring 2021, nor anyone I know who were around vaxxed people mention it to me back then. I'm on telegram too. What kind of injuries are you talking about? All my husband's colleagues are 3x vaxxed, and he hasn't experienced any shedding symptoms (whatever they are), or illness from them.
1/1,000 occurrence is not evidence of shedding.
Even less so, 1 in a million.
How many people reported shedding? Can we verify that is a true FACT?
Shedding was talked about back in Spring of 2020. At that time, when I first heard of it, I had no idea what they were talking about. They do make it so animals and people who have gotten a vaccine do transfer components to others. Dr. Lee Merritt (I think that's her name) spoke of how in Australia, I believe, it's been over a year since I saw the video of her talking about it, they would inject a few rats with something that would cause sterilization. Those rats who were injected would then transfer whatever it was to other rats.
Shedding was documented in 2015, as I said, on the FDA website. I think in this instance they are happy to tell the truth about something since it's quite sinister:
I read in some fizer paper. I'm not sure where it was or if I downloaded it. I have to look into it. That during the "trials" they warned those that were around the inoculated (nurses, etc) to be careful because of shedding. I think they used different terminology. If I have time, I'll look further into it.
Correlation is NOT causation.
You'd have to prove that shedding is real, beyond nocebo effect and statistical error.
Why are you demanding proof from people sharing their personal experiences with each other?
Because they want me to believe their interpretation of the events is the correct one.
Just like religious people, demanding I should believe in their God, because they experienced something that in no way I can verify.
True, Marius, true.
But, as a fallback, lacking the pricey equipment that would allow me to see the swarm of nanosized spikes shed all over by the freshly jabbed, i rely on my own experience, and the thousands and thousands (i'm being conservative here) of reports out there on the web of people having symptoms after being exposed to someone who was jabbed ...not even talking of Pfizer's own documents where they openly state that shedding of the material happens.
Actually, if we'd had this conversation 6 months ago i would say "i don't know". But especially the recent work of Ana Mihalcea has definitely proven that shedding (for lack of a more appropriate term) happens consistently and is very complex to understand, i invite you to read her substack (sorry for not pointing to a specific post):
I know about Ana Mihalcea. I appreciate her work a lot, although I have plenty of reservation. She's a fellow Romanian, as far as I can tell (based on her name, at least..)
But I can't take her word for it, I need real, tangible evidence.
So far, I am not convinced, that's all..
I do believe they are shedding and various scientists/doctors have seen evidence of this. Also, some strange things have happened to my husband while near vaxxed people. Dr. Ana Mihalcea has talked about this quite a bit and has done blood tests on her patients who were unvaxxed and simply went to dinner with their vaxxed friends and their once clean blood ended up with toxins in the blood.
Also, on the FDAs website they talk about shedding from mRNA shots. And, it has happened with the flu vaccines and others. With the flu vaccine, apparently there is a 40 day shedding period but those weren't mRNA.
1. The 'evidence' is hearsay.
I'd have to see proper randomized controlled trials, and even then, I wouldn't believe it 100%
2. What FDA says can be discounted on the spot. Period. They've lost all the trust, if they had any..
3. The vaccines are toxic by nature, and don't bring any benefit. I don't know how they'd be relevant in this discussion whatsoever..
I trust my own experience above all else. I can’t wait around for corporate science to catch up with me. If I did that, I’d be dead by now. How does this affect you? I listen to vaccinated people make wild claims about how the vaccine has benefited them every day. They never provide proof but that’s okay. These are their own personal experiences and they have a right to share them.
You're right to believe and disbelieve anything you like.
Just don't expect I should believe (or disbelieve) the same things you do, without providing proper evidence, which I can verify for myself. Just like religious people, demanding I should believe in their God, because they experienced something. That's not how things work.
Its all russian roulette except some of those vaxxinated realise they were injured by these injections and others can't imagine that those injections are causing all kinds of long term illnesses.
We the people have no idea what pathogens were included in the EUA injections such as the trillions of biosynthetic lipid nanoparticles that contain a payload of a variety of pathogens, see lawyer Todd Callender sobering talk in the first 25min of his interview:
Unfortunately 'Good Manufacturing Process' GMP was not followed for the manufacturing of the covid injections so the quality widely varies and the public has little recourse to finding out what was in them. Check out
Quotes from this blogpost:
"...Fraudulent drug safety studies have destroyed medicine; "Safety" researchers ignore lot-to-lot variation but in reality 100X difference in contaminant level, adverse events, is common
Latest example is study fraudulently claiming no association between COVID-19 vaccines and Bell's palsy. Fraudulent studies are lucrative. Researchers collect millions from Pharma as FDA aids/abets.
100-fold variation in contaminants have been reported. --see the above link.
Lot-to-lot variation
The US VAERS shows Bell's palsy reports have a 40X variation from lot to lot.
Deaths vary 150X from lot to lot".
Good questions. I am going to a birthday party this weekend, and I have to assume that at least 90% of them are vaxx'd. I am trying to figure out what to wear, it is going to be warm, but I may have to wear long sleeves and pants anyway. I know that is only a psychological protection but I will be doing all the tools in my toolbox before I head out. Just the word shedding creeps me out, but there is something to it.
I had bleeding in menopause after helping my elderly family member 2 days after his second shot, he was falling down from blood pressure swings. I still get headaches around him.
Not arguing, just saying my points of view (usually wrong). Few things, and the first being that 1. ...If everybody just dropped dead at once or became seriously "ill" due to the jabs after JUST 2.4 years, then even the braindead sheeple - the numpty masses would start to question things - 2. ... Let us jut take the 2 x MOST (again my view only) well known adverse effects happening - "heart attacks" and strokes (yes general terms)... - and yes there are many more, but let us just focus on these for now.
3. Heart attacks - they are ONLY NOW teaching kids in school, companies, civil service, Scouts EVERYWHERE CPR, but we now have "Automated External Defibrillators" ... in Schools, Gyms, PARKS, hill and mountain walks, pubs ... you can not look left or right without seeing one of them.
Err 3a) Strokes -the government procurement of blood thinners and other medicines for strokes is just through the roof ... I think it was 2021 alone that they purchased 2 x normal annual amount, but had to purchase MORE in the Summer ... and that was back then.
4. THIS IS MY VIEW ONLY; JUST A GUESS. I think the booster played a "MORE" significant goal in their depoulation / steralisation agenda ... and whilst the number of people taking them dropped on the 3rd jab - I think they are content enough .. that is why I believe they are both mocking us and do not care ... and we will see the body count rise exponentially. (PS There greatest harm was and is the sterilisation and drop in fertility as this is a long'ish term plan). Also "life expectancy" is falling fast !!...
Now I am off my rant, the data is out there if you look and have time to look (I do unfortunately).
I think the heart and stroke instamces are most dramatic so get the focus. Infertilty and miscarriages are way up. Male sperm is way down. Pfizer lists over 1200 adverse effects in their drug insert! The spike protein travels and settles anywhere in the body so the range of consequences of it are extreme.
As for 'on hand' first aid? You need to be near it and have someone who can think and move fast. I lost a dear friend last year who suffered what is now called Sudden Adult Death. First death experience her son walked at that very moment and revived her. However the second time there was no one and by the time someone came in the morning she was gone. First time they took her to a hospital after reviving her: her blood sugar was over 600!!!!! She never was diabetic so we can think/assume that the spike settled in the pancreas where is caused this damage.
Given the refusal of the government to actually study the advere reactions or properly maintain the VAERS data base we have what can be called efforts to bury documentation and refusal to acknowledge the damage occurring in the 100's of 1000's. So many reports coming out these days it is hard to keep track of all the information. Enraging to see how callous they are towards the public and number of lives lost and destroyed. But glad people are backing away from the Booster--hope it is because they are waking up and not just simply bored and returning to complacency.
Apologies but wrote a long response and managed to lose it. Agree 99%, but not so patient as you.
So very quickly:
1.Sorry about your friend.
2, This is deliberate -genocide, democide, mass sterilisation, whatever... and I get irritated (no offence) when people just state "Given the refusal of the government to actually study the adverse reactions or properly maintain the VAERS data base we have what can be called efforts to bury documentation and refusal to acknowledge the damage occurring in the 100's of 1000's.".... AND WE LET IT HAPPEN - WHY ?; we pay for these globalist scumbag puppets.
3. I do not believe in the Spike proteins - the jab is just a chemical killer = a pison, not some biological fairy-tale.
My heart breaks for these people.
There was an interesting talk recently with Dr Paul Cotrell, he says that the jabs basically raise the baseline for getting cancer, that if you get the shots your chances of getting cancer younger are much much higher. But more importantly he says that, it's not just the shots, and that a viral covid infection (if you believe in "covid") also raises your chances of getting cancer, and he's seeing many people who were infected, have long covid, suffer from rapid forms of cancer. But of course the diet is a huge factor in all of this, and exposure to all kinds of toxins.
Cotrell is jabbed. Seemed to me he was downplaying the jabs abit and focusing more on covid.
I googled distended gall bladder Pfizer and 1st result is a 52 year women goes to ER 10 hours after Pfizer booster.
"she developed severe shivering and whole-body muscle cramps in addition to massive swelling of the injection site, accompanied by nausea and vomiting for 5 h..... shivering and non-watery diarrhea started around 3:30 am. In addition, upper right abdominal quadrant pain started. On the afternoon of 24.10.2021, she reported anuria. So, another 4-L fluid was given. However, fluid was stopped because of breathing difficulties and chest pain"
Of course they have to mention in the article that adverse events are rare so that it gets published.
I feel like the withholding of information that we're seeing right now is absolutely criminal. And, after committing mass murder, it's a crucial part of their coverup.
If we can't hold these people to account then we're through.
Thank you Mark for all of your work. My elderly Dad after 2 covid shots had a near fatal inflammation blockage in his colon in December of 2021. I'm convinced the inflammation events can hit any vital organ not just the heart once the immune system starts attacking healthy tissue it's Russian roulette. .
He has Alzheimer's, too, which worsened quickly after the shots and the weaponized "news" he still watches didn't help him either. ..scaring the elderly with lies from the get go.
I take care of him now. No more shots.
Well Gene Simmons is a covid cultist so maybe he's getting what he deserves after the vile things he said about the un "vaccinated". Kathy Griffin is 9 years younger than me and she looks like sh*t. So I guess all the people screaming about the jabs and how great they are are now regretting their decisions. Now I read where the demons want to put that crap in our meat and other food, people will drop like flies and what about the ones who are already jabbed, overdose much.
Maybe Gene will get tongue cancer.
That would be quite poetic for an artist of his ilk.
To late already being found in food and the Unvaccinated
"Anyone with a brain had enough time to examine the Scamdemic and see that it was false. If in a year you didn't practice that and you went and ran off to get the jab so that you could go travelling or not get offended or do something like that...? You're an idiot. And you're a coward. And you don't live, according to the truth."
– Br Alexis Bugnolo, June 2021
How the hell are some folks still dancing around this shit???
"You can't fix "Stupid", no matter how you try."
-- John Wayne
I remember watching videos of Bugnolo, especially this one, and thinking maybe he's exaggerating things a bit. But he's been right mostly, he says 2 billions would die in 2 years, which is insane ...
Make that perhaps 10 to 15 years, and I'll bite. But not in 2 years. Not unless it is a 2 part weapon, the jab is part one, then there's an activation or secondary infection to cascade into you and kill you... I can believe that too. 2 billion in 2 years is too fast and things will crash and burn and they aren't ready yet for that. But 10? Yeah, the attrition is at 30 percent excess and won't show for another 5 years? Then it starts picking up? Yeah, that I can see..
Not surprising. These vaccines are meant to poison the human body.
Anyway they can
They are now putting the mRNA vaccines into the meat supply. Look up Tom Renz, lawyer, talks about this.
This is a good video with Naomi Wolff talking to Tom Renz about the above and more.
And H5N1 is in poultry! They want it in milk. We have to stop this insanity!
They also just blew up a cow farm, 18K cows in Texas blaming it on equipment. It's so obvious that these are lies. If it was equipment, why then has it absolutely NEVER happened in 70+ years of farming with modern equipment. Why is it that last year 10K cows just dropped dead all of a sudden. Where was that Kansas? I can't remember. Then over 100+ food plants catch on fire within 2 years or less. Hmmm.... not suspicious at all. Luckily, some of us can see through the lies.
Yup! But I can’t see anything or anyone trying to stop this murder and terrorizing. They do think we are all stupid.
It's very possible they've lied about the H5N1 in the poultry to have an excuse to purposely kill thousands of chickens and scare people. That way they control how many eggs people can buy, etc.
Yes, how do we stop the insanity?
It’s all tied together. They want to keep fear instilled in people. The biggest fear we should all have is Biden giving American sovereignty to the WHO in May! Congress must unite and stop this
But they won't.
She's fantastic.
Dr. Naomi Wolf Exposes The Truth On mRNA Vaccines (Short Clip)
April 13, 2023
What's in the Pfizer Documents?
"Democrat and former advisor on Al Gore and Bill Clinton campaigns Dr. Naomi Wolf exposes the truth on mRNA jabs.
'The Pfizer documents contain evidence of the greatest crime against humanity in the history of our species.'
Let justice prevail so this NEVER happens again."
~Dr. Aseem Malhotra, @DrAseemMalhotra
March 5-8, 2023
The modern pharmaceutical industry has in many ways proved itself a great benefit to mankind, making health and life-saving drugs and vaccines widely available.
But its reputation has come under attack in the wake of America’s opioid epidemic and the COVID plandemic.
This fourth and final CCA of the 2022-23 academic year will consider the rise of Big Pharma, its role in the declining state of American health, and ideas for reform.
You gotta love those jabs.
They do wonders in saving the planet from all those useful idiots and reducing the carbon footprint!
Ya have to wonder if they'll get recycled back into this world again to learn from their past mistakes. As those who have the eyes to see and ears to listen, we'll venture forth into a better world.
I'd rather believe they'll be turned into Soylent Green..
Though I do laugh at the thought of it, I wouldn't put it past these creeps that they won't do it.
Poor health & health incidents were rare in our day & age. Sadly, young people will just come to assume this is the normal human condition.
I suspect this massive con is working “nicely”, just as planned.
As my daughter continually points out these ‘events’ are a feature, not a bug.
I’m sorry but when I saw Gene Simmons sitting in CHAIR I almost pissed myself laughing 😂🤣😂🤣 I swear it’s Spinal Tap on steroids!
"But this goes to 11."
Real shame about Gene Simmons.
Him and Jamie Raskin. Raskin, who bullied Dr. Jay Bhattacharya in a Senate hearing, deserves his own post.
It's never ending....
The old world of control and propaganda is dying along with their puppets.
so looking forward to the new controls and ventriloquist dummies...
Thanks Mark, for bringing attention to this sadness. In support of Mr. Dowd’s excellent book, CAUSE UNKNOWN, I’m hoping awareness will make things better, hence this video to add to its promotion. (make things) BETTER
simmons was one of those who thought people refusing the covid shots should be put in camps. he 'had no patience' for refuseniks, and regularly barked orders he demanded they follow. it'll be interesting to see what's actually wrong with him (this time. there's been plenty wrong with him for decades).
I understand your point and wish the system and people were more forthcoming. Don't agree with your timeline though. Luc Montagnier, French virologist who won the Nobel prize for his work on AIDS predicted that within two years we would be seeing a huge increase in turbo cancers, auto immune conditions heart attacks and stroke. Which is exactly what I am seeing all around me in my communities. (The claim that Montagnier said everyone was going to die in 2 weeks was slanderous disinformation).
Well I wish no harm on anyone, it was Gene Simmons who forced his roadie to get the vaccine against his will, and two weeks later he was dead in his hotel room. RIP Fran Steuber
It definitely feels like they want the median age of mortality to fall in our country. Especially considering the insolvency of Social Security.