The deadliest cancers gathered in Davos this week. Purge them from the social body and none of these turbo cancers or sudden coincidences would be happening and we'd all be a little less SADS.

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Loved the clickity-clacks article today. The dolphins have more empathy than all of those sociopaths in DAVOS

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How many of them were jabbed, jabbed for real with toxxines? How many of them were in on it and knew better than to get them or to make sure they got fakes or exemptions, or just lied.

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It seems a lot of those "luvvies" in film, theatre, spirit cooking and music who thought they were part of the "in crowd" ..... Weren't.

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Thank you.

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And lest we not FORGET another Golden Globe "Attendee" that didn't get sick but DIED shortly after her appearance...a "gaunt, ashen color", & waxy faced" Lisa Marie Presley! Even the TV "Red Carpet" Commentator Billy Bush, noted the "she didn't look well".

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I've heard her brought up a couple of times lately at work. Everyone is horrified. "She was only 54"...

Lately hearing more about long term problems. Long term dizziness and such. One woman was speaking of her husband, "It's either post covid or the covid shots, I really hope it is not the shots." I think this is where we are at now, they hope it is not the shots, but are open to the possibility.

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Even shedding can do that, but the dizziness is short term. I lose hearing acuity and get dizzy when in a congregation of jabbed. Now try to avoid that.

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No one believed me about that ear thing in a group of jabbed. Now I have more people talking about it. Especially occurs in crowded stores. I thought my hearing was going. This isn't the substack for it, but people are coming up with ways to address it, if you search. EDIT: To clarify, the ear thing only happens when I am among jabbed for a good amount of time but rarely fails to happen. If I am home for a while or out walking alone it subsides.

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She is one that would have gone anyway, imagine having a drug problem and inheriting Elvis Presley money. Thats a recipe for an early death.

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Plus, she lost her son two years ago, so her life has been especially rocky since then.

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There are multiple mechanisms being used. It is mot just the medical intervention they conned people into. The levels of ra......dia......tion from the infrastructure, your wifi devices are escalating. They didn't let you know they were going to raise levels? Of course not. Go local, demand they prove it is safe and they cannot. Evidence overwhelming it is not only NOT safe, but it is a danger. Thousands of studies over decades kept screaming. We sure do love our devices though. They knew we would.

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Is there a good place for these studies? A know it all acquaintance laughed at me when I mentioned emf damage. He condescendingly told me he was a ham radio user and he would know if 5G would hurt him. Duh. Ham radio operators use long waves. I doubt it’s the same as that 5G tower on his block. I’d like to send him some studies. Maybe he’s already been microwaved.

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Children's Health Defense has some great info. including lawsuits. The report out of Gov. Sununu's office "The Study of The Dangers of 5G" is massively helpful as it cites all of the issues, evidence, sourcing, and was a scathing report that took a long time. Of course not a single newspaper reported on it. You can find it on The Last American Vagabond website and search button for 5G. It causes exactly the same symptoms as covid. Oxidative stress and all of it. How can doctors tell the difference? They can't. Dr. Robert Young's website is helpful. Removing it is easy, inexpensive and you are welcome to email me for more on that. gwells2001@aol.com. There are lots of fb support groups. Children are far more in harms way and their health is showing it. All our health effected by it now. Bicarbonate of soda (1 teaspoon of organic baking soda in six ounces of water one to two times a day) takes the acidity out of the body that causes all kinds of health issues. Our grandparents used it regularly. It is great for not just health but weight loss, all of it. Many know it is harmful. It is not allowed in many countries in schools. We load up our schools and it is incredibly criminal.

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I’ll be in touch. I turn off our WiFi router at night as far a few other things but I want to do more. We live in a small town but have noticed more towers.

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I just started that. I mix fresh lemon with baking sofa and some ginger. It’s a nice fuzzy bite. Twice a day.

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Thank you so much!

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Would love to hear about EMF removal. Problem is I like to listen to something when falling asleep so I can’t turn off my router.

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You can download the program and then listen to it in airplane mode. You can also buy emf shielding paint. There are at least a couple brands that sell it out there.

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I’m a mental health therapist. I am watching the decline of several of my clients’ health week by week, and meeting new ones all the time with crazy health issues. They all have one “thing” in common...

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And is it my imagination, or are people now more explosive than they used to be?

I seem to see more articles about fights during sports matches, altercations on

airliners, etc.

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It’s not your imagination. The isolation and fear has destroyed people’s ability to regulate their emotions + media stokes division 24/7.

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Yes I see this also along with increased aggressive driving. Real aggressive driving.

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People's brains and perception are precariously placed on an unsteady log. There is a two pronged effect happening here, one psychological and one chemical from the shot. And I think the increasing bizarre behaviour from people is the compounded interest of both these factors.

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Well said!

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Wow. Great work. This might be one of the worst years for humans in history.

Lets go Brandon

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None of this would happen if people would just wear masks.

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You just gave me a business idea, i am going to patent the "magic mask", prevents the spread of cancer.

I could stand in the parking lot of a Trader Joes in the Bay Area and get tech rich!

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Jan 23, 2023
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Adjust your Sarc-O-Meter.

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What's with the "vice-president's wife" stuff?! From the Corrupted News Network of all places!

Pierre Kory commented in the FLCCC Weekly Webinar this past week (with Ed Dowd) that the term "turbo cancer" didn't exist prior to 2020.

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Talking to a dermatologist oncologist surgeon and she used the term "wild fire cancers".

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"Boom Tumors" didn't focus-group well... ;)

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"Magnificently malignant", only just lost out though.

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There are papers being written on the so-called "vaccines" and cancers now


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Wow, thank you, a lot of reading and skimming the titles some of these look to be covering Remdesiver. I know there is so much that needs to be studied regarding the toxxines but I personally experienced RunDeathisNear, 19 months ago and I am working to be whole again. Thats all I'll say for now.

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and that are only the ones in the spotlight. For every one of these, probably several tens or hundreds of regular people we don't know about suffer.

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Those 2 malignant tumors that Jill had removed were named Joe and Tony.

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Thank you Mark and team for ALL your work - and for keeping up with the sudden, reoccurring or new cancers, as well as all the gazillions of other medical mysteries.

These are what I noticed first in the small circle of people I've kept track of since January 2021.

Several were dead of a "surprising aggressive cancer" within months.

Temporary blindness, sudden inability to walk, heart arrhythmias......

You know, all the "wonderful things it does"!

Whoops. I mean definitely doesn't.


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Dr. Jills tumors that concern me the most are her brain and her heart.

Both a severely malignant.

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Her husband is a walking tumor as well. Bad situation to be in.

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So I wonder what it feels like for Jill to be a parasite existing attached to a tumor?

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Isn't that what they call a mutual beneficial relationship?

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Libtard celebrities getting sick and / or dying “suddenly”. Hmmmm.... strange. Must be a connection somewhere.

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Even Scott "the smartest guy i know" Adams is saying the "antivaxxers won" is worried about what will happen to him in five years. Imagine supporting Trump and this vaccine and calling yourself smart. Good lord deliver us all

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We can all relax, happy in the knowledge that Brandons 81 million useless idiots, are almost certainly fully jabbed and boosted.

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Dude, both sides, I know plenty of Trumpers who got the shot and the guy is still promoting it and claiming he saved millions with Op Warped Deed.

I'm apolitical which makes me the most unpopular person at the party, we have literally just watched the dumbest possible shit unfold.

I'm trying to unwrap myself from that and brace for what is coming. I dont want everyone I know and love to die.

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Jan 23, 2023
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Get help with reading comprehension

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And the great thing is they only needed 40 million shots to jab the lot of them.

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And that was to include all shots and boosters.

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What were the "analytics" that Adams claimed he was convinced by?

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His intimate knowledge of his own brilliance and infallibility.

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That was unfair.

I don't know him, but he does come across as a knowitall.

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He just repeated what the "experts" said and called it analytics

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Remind me again, what test proves someone has covid?

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Saw a YouTube video of Kelly Clarkson in a room answering some questions on her past year about a week ago and she didn’t look well. She mentioned having had covid twice in the last few months and they showed a clip of her from exactly a year ago and she looked so much younger and brighter, she now had weird bags under her eyes and looked to have aged a lot for just one year passing. Things aren’t looking good for the “vaccinated” are they?

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not good news ....

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