Garrison was a great man and a patriot-- one of the true heroic figures of the last 100 years and one of the first to have his reputation so unfairly destroyed by the CIA propaganda machine. Here is a great quote from a Playboy Interview he did in 1967:

"I was with the artillery supporting the division that took Dachau; I arrived there the day after it was taken, when bulldozers were making pyramids of human bodies outside the camp. What I saw there has haunted me ever since. Because the law is my profession, I've always wondered about the judges throughout Germany who sentenced men to jail for picking pockets at a time when their own government was jerking gold from the teeth of men murdered in gas chambers. I'm concerned about all of this because it isn't a German phenomenon; it's a human phenomenon. It can happen here, because there has been no change and there has been no progress and there has been no increase of understanding on the part of men for their fellow man.

What worries me deeply, and I have seen it exemplified in this case, is that we in America are in great danger of slowly evolving into a proto-fascist state. It will be a different kind of fascist state from the one of the Germans evolved; theirs grew out of depression and promised bread and work, while ours, curiously enough, seems to be emerging from prosperity. But in the final analysis, it's based on power and on the inability to put human goals and human conscience above the dictates of the state. Its origins can be traced in the tremendous war machine we've built since 1945, the "military-industrial complex" that Eisenhower vainly warned us about, which now dominates every aspect of our life. The power of the states and Congress has gradually been abandoned to the Executive Department, because of war conditions; and we've seen the creation of an arrogant, swollen bureaucratic complex totally unfettered by the checks and balances of the Constitution.

In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society. Of course, you can't spot this trend to fascism by casually looking around. You can't look for such familiar signs as the swastika, because they won't be there. We won't build Dachaus and Auschwitzes; the clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line. We're not going to wake up one morning and suddenly find ourselves in gray uniforms goose-stepping off to work. But this isn't the test. The test is: What happens to the individual who dissents? In Nazi Germany, he was physically destroyed; here, the process is more subtle, but the end results can be the same.

I've learned enough about the machinations of the CIA in the past year to know that this is no longer the dreamworld America I once believed in. The imperatives of the population explosion, which almost inevitably will lessen our belief in the sanctity of the individual human life, combined with the awesome power of the CIA and the defense establishment, seem destined to seal the fate of the America I knew as a child and bring us into a new Orwellian world where the citizen exists for the state and where raw power justifies any and every immoral act. I've always had a kind of knee-jerk trust in my Government's basic integrity, whatever political blunders it may make. But I've come to realize that in Washington, deceiving and manipulating the public are viewed by some as the natural prerogatives of office. Huey Long once said, "Fascism will come to America in the name of anti-fascism." I'm afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security."

"The clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line." -- I always thought this observation was bloody brilliant...and this was 1967!

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Wow. That is a fucking brilliant quotation. And terrifyingly prescient. Thank you so much Jeff.

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Just one correction to the great man's precognition: We ARE building Dachua and Auschwitz. The people of New York state, under a complete media blackout, are battling the governor and her cronies over their determined plans to build a "quarantine" camp in upstate NY. Help us stop it here: www.unitingnys.com

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MCM, you may want to interview the brave attorney fighting the same criminal element now.

Her Substack is here: https://substack.com/@attorneycox

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It is. I didn't know Garrison was there at the liberation of Dachau.

Fiat justitia, sicut ruat caelum

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"the clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line. ...

The test is: What happens to the individual who dissents? In Nazi Germany, he was physically destroyed; here, the process is more subtle, but the end results can be the same."

He saw it coming, didn't he?

Maybe not the particular ADL/FBI collab, but the overarching plan for domination by a small group.

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"the overarching plan for domination by a small group."

Which has been going on for generations. This 1938 message to Congress from FDR is well worth a read:


"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is Fascism—ownership of Government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.

The second truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if its business system does not provide employment and produce and distribute goods in such a way as to sustain an acceptable standard of living.

Both lessons hit home.

Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in history is growing.

This concentration is seriously impairing the economic effectiveness of private enterprise as a way of providing employment for labor and capital and as a way of assuring a more equitable distribution of income and earnings among the people of the nation as a whole...."

And that was 1938...

The whole message afterwords is remarkable...both for the information within it but also because it shows in what plain, direct and commonsense terms the Presiden used to be able to communicate with the people. How far we have fallen since then.

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Well that’s why they killed JFK, the president as both a man and a symbol, ensuring there would never be another person in that office that was remotely independent and thus a threat to their interests, permanently shifting power to the secret, unelected, unaccountable “deep state”.

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Kind of funny quoting FDR, the socialist who lied the US into WWII and helped create a bigger, socialist government. It does support Garrison's views as he is afraid of "private power stronger than the democratic state itself." Too bad Garrison's clueless that the corporations or banks get so powerful only using strong central governments that gives them monopolistic power. Too bad Garrison doesn't see every private individual is endowed by God with inalienable rights and each individual is private and supposed to be more powerful than the government (per the running joke called the Constitution that Americans pretend is the law of the land). It's not at all ironic one from socialistic Canada quotes another of the worst US Presidents who enabled the Deep State. I also like RFK Jr, who is bright enough, but he can't seem to see how democracy is easily manipulated by those who use a strong "democratic government" to control the mob.

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Maybe NOT so subtle. See my reply above. Also this eerie short claymation film of what these creeps would like to see our world become:


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Brilliant film that has stayed with me since I watched it a few months ago

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Except the Elite was NOT satisfied with that level of domination. Most people believed a few years after the Warren Report cover-up that there was an Assassination Conspiracy using Oswald as a patsy! Now we are seeing the level of domination they want: social credit scores enforced by digital currency.

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Exactly. Its never enough for psychopaths. I believe the military term is:


Rosa Koire, that adorable little lesbian lefty, discovered how they are doing it using the planning departments of towns and cities all over the world. The UN Plan for Sustainable Development has the identical plan for Hanoi Viet Nam, as well as Santa Rosa, California. I see it all over my town in Connecticut, all over the entire state and east coast.

The East Coast is designated as a "human habitation zone." They are building a very nice hamster cage for us, smart cities with bike paths, designated habitat for a few wild creatures, huge police stations, a medical facility on every corner, sidewalks everywhere, with ramps for the growing number of sick and disabled, and incredible mass transit systems. It'll be great! That is, as long as you do as you are told, and never, ever, do or say anything the puppet masters dont want you to do, or say.

Rosa died suddenly of a fast acting cancer, just after they rolled out the scamdemic. See her at her best in a series of talks she did in New Hampshire, bonding with the predominately conservative people there. Freedom lovers come in all political colors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFEZ4b2ciJE

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Yes. And so few can see it--which is what really scares me. I do believe the MK Ultra experiments were made to (in part) to determine the ways in which to most effectively subdue the masses. That our populace has been subdued is self evident. They have utilized conformity and consensus as the tool of engagement.

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Wow. I knew Garrison was a hero, but this is absolutely brilliant. Thank you for sharing!

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Garrison's words from 1967 were prescient. Just not going back far enough to the origins of the phenomenon in Germany. I share a speech by a Carter administration DOJ Nazi Hunter in 2000 in my Substack:


His access to files and records revealed the level of involvement of US and international industrialists and bankers who created Hitler and propped up his regime, and Fascist regimes around the world, supported Fascism in the US. Including the Bush family dynasty. Made fabulously wealthy and launched the family into two presidencies. Best remembered for the declaration of a Fascist "New World Order" and a terror attack of questionable origin that pushed us into forever wars abroad and wars against US citizens at home, a Dept. of "Homeland Security." Straight out of the Fascist playbook.

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Great share. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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WOW! Thank you for sharing. He saw what was coming and it seems we are at the crossroads now. It will take people of conscience to stand up to the machine without fear just as Mr. Garrison did in the 1960's in order to shift the direction. Imagine what you want to see and how you want to live rather than focusing on the worst case scenario.

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" It will take people of conscience to stand up to the machine without fear"

Indeed-- this is why RFK Jr.'s candidacy is such a breath of fresh air. I pray for his safety every day.

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Amazingly accurate.

I was 11 years old.

Here I thought I was awake.

I didn't wake up til early 80s.

RAPE OF THE MIND continues globally.

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"In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society."

Reading that first thing in the morning makes me laugh and cry at the same time.

Of course it's true here in Canada too, with our CSIS in a multi-billion $ palace on the Ottawa river and our prancing actor PM has enlarged the Federal government by 40%.

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I'm Canadian also. Canada doesn't even feel like a real country anymore-- we are essentially a captured client state of the WEF and little more than a plaything of globalism/empire.

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I'm in Scarborough Ontario CHINADA and 67 years young.

The world feels very very different than when we grew up really pretty darn free.

I remember growing up in Bowmanville Ontario where my family came from Holland to settle after the war in a small town but always seeing activity everywhere.

Sports being played by all ages almost nightly and hayrides and cycling wherever we wanted as children and exploring in the woods and skating on the pond for 6-7 hours at a time and cutting grass to make cash weekly and fixing our own vehicles as my Dad and uncles always worked on cars.

Neighbors actually helping each other and looking out for each other.

The list is endless and it's what I try to explain to the under 30 crowd as they are looking down at their slave phones.

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I keep remembering things that few others recall, such as Governor General Julie Payette's first official speech, in which she derided all religion and faith of any kind as childish nonsense, declaring" Science is the new God!"

There was an enormous outcry, of course, and it shocked me, in our multicultural society, that so many around me agreed with her. She was Trudeau's personal pick for the job, and he bypassed all the usual vetting procedures to give her the job.

Hidden in plain sight, as they say.

That was a moment of realization for me. Critical thinking is dead here. Smothered by virtue signalling and fear of speaking out. Even those parents horrified by their child's school curriculum around sexuality won't say anything. It's a horror movie.

I decided this week I must leave the country, and am grieving the reality of that.

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He had a brilliant mind to see what was going to happen so very clearly but he was still caught up on one fantasy and that was that he really believed that Ike warned about the coming military industrial complex.

Ike didn't warn about it on his last day in office he pretendedto warn against it, he pretended it didn't already exist when he had spent the last 8 years building it. His "warning" was simply to make people like JIm believe they still had time to do something about it when in fact they didn't so Ike wasn't giving a warning he was attempting to spike the guns of those who said it was here already and that it must be fought.

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Spoken with a rare clarity. We are most likely doomed. Pray for a black swan event to reduce us to rubble with (hopefully) enough true Christian soldiers surviving to stop the evil forces now running the world. Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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I have my issues with Steve Bannon. He says and does many things I agree with. And he says and does some things I don't agree with, and don't trust him on. That said, when people finally hear a side of a debate they've never heard before, been told horrible things about and avoided they can change their minds. This video is from a debate held in Canada in front of a VERY liberal audience, an audience that was outwardly hostile to Steve Bannon and supportive of David Frum throughout it. An audience that groaned at Bannon, mockingly laughed at him, applauded all of the liberal talking points they shared with Frum and the moderator, who is an "elite" liberal, not a populist. The audience was surveyed at the beginning and the end of the debate about which side of the issue they were on. The shift was dramatic and unexpected.

The future is Populist or Liberal?

From pre-debate: Populist 28% - Liberal 72%

To post-debate: Populist 57% - Liberal 43%

Steve Bannon vs David Frum - The Rise of Populism - Munk Debate Nov 2, 2018


Because when people hear a side they have never heard before, from the mouth of the person who holds those ideas instead of through a filter that applies a bias, they become more open-minded to an idea they thought they knew their position on before. And this debate is an example of why we are so censored. The powers, government and industry, know the power of free speech reaching ears that haven't heard censored ideas before. And they fear a population that does hear them. For good reason. They know their ideas are losers in free and fair debates. Even in front of liberal, progressive, "elite" audiences.

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Bannon's incessant interruption of his guests with "hang on, hang on, hang on, w, w, w, wait a, wait a minute" and various permutations of the same are so off-putting that the substance of his speech is lost on me.

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His show, yes, can be rather insufferable. The debate is moderated, the video is long. It's different than his show. Which is probably why he was so much more effective under debate constraints than he is when he's running the show.

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Wonderful piece and fun flashback for old timers who have been paying attention in real time. The next point you mentioned in the Jimmy Dore segment and elsewhere but it will nag me forever not to note it at every opening.

"leftist luminaries as Alexander Cockburn and Noam Chomsky. "

Covid showed Chomsky to be anything but true liberal by casting everyone opting out of liability free mRNA transfection experiments as unfit to enjoy basic human rights... eff that unapologetic poser!

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It's even worse. Apparently he hung out with Jeff Epstein, and thinks it's "none of our business." So long to false heroes, regardless of what he might've contributed to 'linguistics.'

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Chomsky attacks people for questioning 911- he's nothing but a smug fake ass liberal sheepdog for the godless technocrats

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I should add in spirit of full transparency, I fell for his schtick back in the 90's, even bought and read a book of his (maybe 2), remember thinking he was serving up some righteous fire on the ''man". Chomsky is the very definition of a limited hangout. He excels at seducing a certain segment of the population into a dead-end culdesac, where no action is ever taken of any substance. Vile traitor of the worst kind- a lying duplicitous coward.

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In the rare times I attempt to offer my POV to those who seem stuck on the MSM narrative, the first thing I ask is if they believe that the JFK assassination was a lone gunman. Most people don’t. Then I’ll mention that the term conspiracy theorist was used to sway people’s opinions. “So if you felt that way in the 1960’s you were also considered one” I remind them.

That’s usually all I say. Just plant the seed of doubt.

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"Vile traitor of the worst kind- a lying duplicitous coward."

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So good to see you hear, Jerome!

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Chomsky gets testy when 911 is mentioned b/c he thinks they're talking about his preferred Epstein Island age range.

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In the evening of November 22, 1963, when my husband (a psychologist) & I were watching the on-going assassination news on San Francisco TV, we kept saying to one another...this picture does not work (in today's parlance "this does not compute"). I grew up in a scientific family & loved mysteries & my husband was aways analyzing people's behaviors. From Lee Harvey Oswald, to Jack Ruby, to?... we kept saying something is wrong. Then there was a report from Jim Garrison, a few days later, & his overview worked for us. We were then called "conspiracy theorists" but in the long run & when Garrison became more of a popular news item, the conspiracy part began to dissipate. Of course, just about then Bobby Kennedy & Martin Luther King were murdered! ALL CIA???

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Some argue another group played a major role https://www.unz.com/article/did-israel-kill-the-kennedies/

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Yes and that aspect I would say is the one that got him killed and explains why Ruby was involved and why Johnson later tried to cover up the premeditated attack on the USS LIberty because he owed his position to the same group who promoted him to get nukes for themselves and huge weapons contracts for their friends as well.

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Not to mention the stories that Johnson's wholly corrupt political career was arguably just one manifestation of the ethnic crime syndicate.

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Yes but even on "free" substack we are not supposed to point out the bleeding obvious but instead are invited to chase one white rabbit after another down an infinity of holes leading anywhere except to that bleeding obvious truth.

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It appears that every generation has its false flags. For me it was Waco, 9/11 and Sandy Hook. I kind of ran out of gas after that. As GW Bush said, "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me." I can't wrap my head around the idiots who continue to believe officialdom. If the media lied about Kennedy's assassination, why should they be trusted ever again. Mass double think going on.

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Dubya TRIED to say that, but couldn't manage it.

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Fool me twice, something, something.

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Fool me twice and I won’t get fooled again.

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Steve Allen was one of the largest real estate holders in California besides Gene Autry and Bob Hope, and I believe he was a Republican, at the very least an Independent...he made a series on PBS in the 70s something about "the greatest minds in history", because he wanted everyone to have knowledge...in other words he had f u money, so being cancelled didn't affect his bottom line so to speak...also of note is Harry Connick Jr's father was the DA in New Orleans when Pres Kennedy was killed and they knew Garrison well...Mort Sahl had a kind of breakdown as he was supposed to do comedy, but was reading from the Warren Commission Report, which in a way I suppose was a kind of twisted "comedy", but anyway, the audiences didn't appreciate it...eventually he ended up in DC doing a radio show for many yrs, and somehow became friends with Alexander Haig and Reagan...he moved back to LA in the 90s, and I met him at the local farmers market in Westwood Village, where UCLA is, that is where I was living at the time, it was around 1999 or 2000, his son was performing in a jazz band at the market...

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Mort Sahl was blacklisted by comedy club owners and the narrative now is that audiences did not like his "new" political comedy. Mort Sahl and Jim Garrison were victims of political persecution by the FBI and CIA. Both were smeared by the repeated attempts to question their mental sanity and forced hospitalizations for so-called mental breakdowns. The attacks were ruthless.

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yes, but his stand-up went from witty wry commentaries to harangues and negativity, I've seen them they are not fun and people were out for a night of fun. Right message wrong place imo.

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But that is exactly what people said about Lenny Bruce when he was making jokes about Eisenhower but when he started joking about the Kennedy administration and Camelot he was destroyed as a comedian economically. Mort Sahl not only influenced Lenny Bruce but also Dick Gregory. His comedy was not always witty wry commentary before the murder of JFK. Nobody wanted to accept the dark political landscape of the United States since WW2. The assassination of JFK was the final moment of clarity for many people including Mort Sahl that destroyed their optimism and maybe unjustified optimism in the future of the United States. For me at thirteen years old, it was a very clear confirmation of what I was beginning to suspect that America's idealism was corrupted and may have been always corrupted.

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I met Dick Gregory many years ago when he came to Brandeis U to speak with some of the students, it was great to have met and talked with him. This was around 1978 or 1979 it may have been because we got Brandeis to be the first USA university to divest from South Africa due to apartheid, some of us were very active politically at that time. The Board of Trustees were with us as was the President of Brandeis Marvin Bernstein. We didn't really have to protest as they agreed with us lol.

Anyway back to Bruce and Sahl. Well Lenny was a heroin addict which really f'd him up and of course the censorship didn't help him either. He did a kind of beatnik comedy which was ultra cool and got him into trouble continuously, violating language and behavior archaic laws left over from the Pilgrims or something. He was brilliant and told the truth so of course he had to go. Sahl was more of a basket case in that standing up and telling the truth and not being funny anymore and hanging out with Garrison made him go off the deep end. I think he thought he could get away with it, that his audiences would stick with him through thick and thin. I remember when Merv Griffin used to have him on, he would stand in front of a blackboard, and basically draw and write all the links between the Parties and the corrupt govt entities and explain current events and it was brilliant and true and he was also very witty and clever. At some point he must have been threatened because he went away for a while and resurfaced with that radio show in DC, and began to show up on the talk shows telling the same lame stories about how funny Alexander Haig and Reagan were and I was like what the hell is going on with him and I think he thought if he made friends with the other side they'd leave him be. Of course Haig is famously remembered for thinking he was next in line if Reagan died after he was shot forgetting GHW Bush and the Speaker of the House were ahead of him.

I was almost 4 1/2 when Pres Kennedy was murdered and I will never forget it. We were at my mom's ob/gyn she was pregnant with my brother and we were sitting in the waiting room, and they had on WCBS NY radio for news etc when the announcement came on that he had been shot it was around 1pm. Well everyone was shocked and the women began to cry and the dr closed the office I think my mom was his last patient for the day. The rest is kind of a blur of watching the black and white news and my mom crying non-stop for over a week and Oswald being shot by Ruby at the police station and some guy named Dan Rather suddenly the guy on the scene, and Sen Spector finding the magic bullet on the gurney pull the other one and Jackie covered in blood on AF1 while LBJ tried not to grin as he was sworn in the POS.

Kudos to Steve Allen, bless him.

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forgot to mention Noam Chomsky is on the Epstein Island flight log list...also how many people here know who Steve Allen was?

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Oh, I remember Steve Allen. Very witty. Married to Jane Meadows.

I liked Steve Allen. My mother LOVED him.

Funny to think back at the talk show hosts back then - Jack Paar, Joey Bishop, Steve Allen, Johnny Carson, Dick Cavett.

Dick Cavett interviewing Janis Joplin. Precious.

The late night talk show hosts today - well, I'm too old to watch anyway.

And wow what a shame the 360 of Stephen Colbert. His Colbert Report on Comedy Central was a staple of mine. Then he got woked.

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I used to like Colbert. My mom couldn’t understand why I stopped watching with her.

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I don't. Who was he? Perhaps Steve and Jim and Mort all played out their little routine because while I haven't looked at Jim Garrison I strongly suspect he's controlled opposition - see my comment at https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/jim-garrison-on-the-steve-allen-show/comment/21052400

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Steve Allen grew up in Texas, was the son of vaudevillian performers...in the late 50s, Pat Weaver of NBC (Sigourney Weaver's father) invented the Today Show and the Tonight Show and Steve Allen was the first host, it was broadcast out of NYC and didn't move to LA until around 1972 when Johnny Carson had taken over as host. Steve Allen was a musician and songwriter and very funny guy and everyone who came on the show when he was the host went on to become big stars at the time like Steve Lawrence and Edie Gourmet, Tom Poston, Louis Nye, Don Knotts. He wrote the song "This'll Be The Start of Something Big" which became a standard. He was the first to have Elvis Presley on and they had a great time it was very funny. Elvis sang "You Ain't Nothing But a Hound Dog" to a hound dog and generally they kidded around. The show had guests but also sketches with the regular cast members and Steve Allen was famous for breaking up laughing. He was very self-educated and interested in everything, very eclectic. When he no longer did the show, it was taken over by Jack Paar who was more intellectual overall and had many really interesting guests. Johnny Carson was the next host after Paar.

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Thanks, Helene. Just watched This Could be the Start of Something Big and Hound Dog. Quite amusing. It's interesting there's various comments saying that Elvis and Steve didn't think much of each other and that Elvis found singing to the dog a humiliating experience but if that were the case you wonder how he got so tactile - I mean we all know what happens when you get tactile with a basset and you'd think if you weren't keen on performing with it, you'd absolutely minimise contact whereas he does the opposite.


The thing is though if JFK's assassination was faked as the evidence shows a number of people would be on in it - why not? No real crime committed other than that of dupery.

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Miles Mathis has written articles on the faked deaths of the Kennedy’s. Can you elaborate on other evidence? I would say that were it true, many real, and serious, crimes, were committed, however. But RFK, Jr’s candidacy can be seen in a very different light if no assassinations ever took place and the Kennedy’s have been part of the ruling clique ever since. That is so far out that even a very strong skeptic such as myself, find it hard to believe. But I don’t discount anything without strong proof one way or another. RFK, Jr’s candidacy is completely suspect, to begin with, from my point of view. Btw, Steve Allan was great. He was also a panelist on What’s My Line, that included Dorothy Kilgallen. Dorothy was a friend of JFK and claimed she was going to “blow the case wide open” before she conveniently committed suicide. Did she know that JFK was still alive? Or did she know the names of the real killers?

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It's here: https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/jfk---fake-assassination.html

What people can't seem to take to heart and drives me absolutely nuts is that in psyops they always do things "hidden in plain sight" so when an event is a psyop the truth will be clear when you blow away the magic propaganda dust. There can be no mistake. If the psyop was genuine killing or if it was fake killing, the evidence will show us clearly ... and it clearly shows us FAKE.

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Connick was DA from 1973 to 2003. He took over from Jim Garrison - who was DA when JFK was murdered.

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We certainly could use Jim Garrison now.

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"Disappointing" doesn't really cover it. It was all so much worse than most of us had any clue about.

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“Disappointing” is understatement to the point of lying. Like “misspoke” is lying; “walk that back” is having been inadvertently honest, and now wishing to cover up the truth; all sorts of professional political massaging of reality.

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The complete copy of the 197 A HERITAGE OF STONE paperback is available here in HTML, PDF, and text-only formats:


from Chapter 9, Nightfall:

The day may come when time seems to hang suspended, when weeds cover our deserted streets and when the only sound is the arrogant squeak of the rat swarms, eager now for their turn at evolution. Someone from a distant place, searching through our artifacts, may chance upon a human skull. Perhaps he will pick it up, looking through the goggled sockets at the dusty hollow where a handful of gray tissue once took the measure of the universe.

“Alas, poor man,” he might say. “A fellow of most infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. Where are your gibbets now? Your thumbscrews and your gallows? Your treasured hates and your fond cruelties?

“What happened to your disinterested millions? Your uncommitted and uninvolved, your preoccupied and bored? Where are their private horizons and their mirrored worlds of self? Where is their splendid indifference today?

“Now you can be silent forever.”


3rd Mvmt: Jim Garrison’s Heritage of Stone


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wow! thank you for that, what a treasure!

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big TQ for these links. some of Prouty's interviews are accessible on youtube, as in the 2hr one (1994) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkJqraXqKLU

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Simply great post.. The US will never escape its' downward spiral until the cold case of 1963 is reopened and the perpetrators whether living or dead are tried and convicted.

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Thanks Mark. This is a wildly important piece.

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It's funny, I have been thinking about the assassination all day. I've been reading another book on the subject and it had occurred to me that the National Security State is the elephant in the room. I was reading Seymour Hersh's substack this morning--an interview with Tom Frank--and became really irritated at their description and interpretation of the political landscape (their incomprehension and inability to come to terms with Trump and their interpretation of January 6th, to be precise). It seems clear, startlingly so, that their failure to comprehend the deep anger and distrust of a large portion of the constituency stems from the refusal to acknowledge any truth about JFKs assassination. By now it's a long litany of crimes, both foreign and domestic and for me, as well as many Americans, the hypocrisy coupled with the sanctimony of government, politicians and our National Security State has simply become too much to bear.

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people like my parents who are in their late 80s and 90s and lived through the Depression and WW2 kind of idolized FDR and became lifelong Dems. They are not able to wade their way through the morass of sh*t the Dems have become since Clinton and admit they have all become POS and went for the $ and f their constituents. Not to mention crimes against humanity and treason. Hersh can't extricate himself from the good ol' Dem Party of FDR and JFK and RFK. For some to admit that Trump is something good is more than they can stand and undermines their entire lives of being Dems. IMO of course.

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Thanks for posting this, Jim Garrison was a good guy and very brave.

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Another fake virus will be coming soon. In 2025, I think. I hope more people will be aware.

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Fake indeed. This gain of function story is gaining traction to build the fear.

Hopefully this time people realize that the reaction was the pandemic, not anything new but panic.

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Sadly some will still not realize we are being manipulated! My prayer to Almighty Father in Heaven is for DISCERNMENT for all, and a love for our fellow man and especially our creator!

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Haven't you heard? An African tick-borne strain of haemorrhagic fever is now ravaging Europe.

It's an emergency! No time for questions!


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Another bio weapon

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Or a scare. Do you think they'd actually let loose haemorrhagic fever in Europe given Davos being there?

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The evildoers always have an antidote.

I suspect they are doing chelation therapy now! And probably have cabinet full of hydrochloroquine and ivermectin.

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Jul 19, 2023
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There's a whole industry working to create something truly deadly, it's just that they are not attracting the best people.

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Great compilation and I can tell you that there once were many of these videos available on-line. That has changed. We all know why. They continue to erase and rewrite history. They will fail! Libraries of Alexandria are all over the world. Let's just hope that real history is being passed down to the youth they are sure won't have a clue of the how, why's and who responsible for their own enslavement.

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The Communist Manifesto was published in 1848; there were European believers scattered among small active groups of abolitionists in the USA. Bankers have created every financial panic we have had. Politicians who opposed them ended up dead. Almost every single one. How many of the influential people of the plandemic are participants at WEF? Every single one? Wild Bill Donovan certainly worked to fulfill an agenda, one that was not only his. There was a plan written long ago, that spoke of taking over all media, among other actions; the free press has undergone a coup, and it is wholly bought and paid for now. The conspiracy is very old, the new era has some new features, but the underlying aims remain the same. This is a spiritual war, the same attempt to overthrow the God of Creation that has existed from the beginning.

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Jul 19, 2023
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Impossible to defeat?

Unproven! We aren't all dead, yet! https://motherucker.substack.com/p/you-are-the-west

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'impossible to defeat' is what they want us to believe. don't fall for it, don't comply, love life, laughter and your (grand)children, chuck the smart/iPhone already and that's how we'll survive.

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God has an awful bad habit of achieving the impossible.

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