“In cold blood we murdered over 1 million Americans so we could pull of the biggest grift in history with our beloved partners, Pfizer and Moderna”. How dare these demons feign compassion. What a disgrace.

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Pfizer and Moderna are the tools; the instigators are the globalist parasites in the likes of the WHO, UN and WEF plus plus... same as our political puppets in office who are just the mouthpieces... Dems vs Repubs, like us in the UK with the Tories vs Labour... same agenda, following the same orders = 2 cheeks of the same arse (they will just fool the masses in a different way).

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Uniparty demons. Anyone who dares to step outside that circle is relentlessly attacked

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These are uni-buttock demons. One gigantic arse cheek instead of a matching pair.

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It was bigger than money. The people behind this are already rich.

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The "one million" deaths is pure bullshite. They just counted every death during that period as covid death. Coincidently, flu deaths disappeared. They did kill many with their treatments and called them covid deaths.

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I know for sure that those shots killed people. Someone I knew, a father of four, who didn't want to take the shot but gave in. He died around two weeks later. Very sad. I've talked to others that have told me similar stories....

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Even before the shots were rolled out, they were killing many with Remdesivir, Midazolam, Fentanyl, Propofol, and of course, the ventilators. Took out a lot of old folks especially in the UK nursing homes with the Midazolam. Because there's nothing better for a struggling respiratory system than a respiratory suppressant. Remdesivir took out your kidneys in a hurry. But the gov't was paying big bucks for putting you on all these treatments and even more when they killed you and called it covid death.

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Agreed but may as well use their own numbers against them.

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Speaking of cancer, check out the book Chris Beat Cancer.

Great book on how to improve health and avoid cancer.

The chapter on chemotherapy and the cancer industry is enlightening. Similar to the Fauci book, the more I research, the more I never want anything to do with the pharmaceutical industry.

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I am starting to think cancer treatment can be more like treatment of covid. Some people say they got better with just hydroxychloroquine, others needed ivermetin and a nebulizer with budesonide. Still there were indeed more treatments for covid that the front line doctors talked about. There wasn't necessarily one treatment that helped everyone. I think it depended on how healthy a person was before they got covid and many other reasons that people respond a bit differently to the same medications.

Hey Joe, want to end cancer. Why not finally research and approve these treatments that many people over the years say have cured cancer patients.

Cancer patients have been denied their choice of treatment for a long time now, and corruption was rampant as the AMA ( should be known as American Mafia Organization) worked hard to achieve their goal of eliminating competition. Whether it was Rene Caisse with her herbal tea being taken to court with 1,000 signatures stating she healed cancer patients, or Hoxsey 17 clinics shut down by Morris Fishbein from AMA. (Though I smile a little knowing that Fishbein had to admit in court that Hoxsey did cure cancer.) From Max Gerson diet, to Krebs vitamin B17 (laetrile), to mistlle toe, and Dr. Simoncini baking soda cure, Royal Rife's electromagnetic microscope cure, or Brzynski peptides/antineoplastons being discredited despite their evidence. The Rockerfellers and Andrew Carnegie paid people to sit on medical boards to ensure the profit always fell back to them, and to harass anyone that had success treating cancer patients.

We know often times a cheap anti-parasitic med, vitamin D, and vitamin C may turn a cancer patients diagnosis around, but oncologist today don't see that as an option instead opting for invasive cut, poison and burn profit for the "system". Even Dr. Akbar Khan tries to market his dichloroacetate (DCA) was denied or his SEF that provides less toxins to chemo patients is denied to cancer patients.

They won't do studies on any of these treatments as it could hurt Rockerfellers/Carnegie profits. Go ahead Joe. I dare you. Get real research done on there cancer treatments. Some of these treatments have been around for decades but cancer patients were left to die instead.

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You are so right! Here's one example of what that cheap anti-parasitic med can be used for: https://www.brightworkresearch.com/the-testing-evidence-for-using-ivermectin-for-treating-leukemia-or-blood-cancer/ There's lots of other good info about alternative treatments on that site.

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I think once people get parasites out of their body, then their body can heal from a lot of things. We tend to think we are too clean to have parasites, but no we aren't. People living in wealthy countries can get parasites too.

There was even a small study of MS patients autopsied. All ten MS patients that were autopsied had parasites in them.

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And leukemia was increased with the jabs. Hence IVMs demonization. Or part of the reason anyway.

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Look into Fenbendozole. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30093705/

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Very interesting. Thanks!

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And don’t forget FenBen (theres a whole SS that writes about this amazing cancer therapy!)

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https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/ They are one of Biden's "disinformation dozen" and their documentaries and research are fantastic. They highlight many successful alternative approaches.

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I own that series and agree with you-it is fantastic!

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Chris Wark is a great resource on cancer: for reversing it, or preventing it. Wark's website: https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/ Also has videos posted on youtube and likely other places.

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Here's more enlightenment about pharma, doctors, chemo, etc.: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/4kliod8a9z

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So, we now have a new "permanent Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy." This is an ominous sign. If enough of our fellow citizens do not see through this and simply refuse to comply when they pull the pandemic trick again, America is done. Just say "No."

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The Official Office of Fear Mongering and Scare Tactics. Our tax $ at work.

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I want to stop paying taxes. A Hard stop.

It’s being funded with all our money.

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There is that $32 Trillion debt, also. Not just our taxes paying for all of this, its debt, too.

And for what?

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Mismanagement and corruption at every level.

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Well, debt is just a tax on future generations...so its all a tax, really.

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Ugh, so true.

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Nothing to benefit anyone but the very wealthy. The Middle Class is getting crushed. Retired folks ( like us) are having to make major lifestyle adjustments. And our kids are paying into Social Security fully aware that they will never see it.

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The populous is so mentally defanged at this period in time, one wonders if awareness is possible.

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Aldous...is that defanged or deranged??😉

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I hear that gov revenues are down alot. If the US gov was rated for investment security, it would receive a negative rating, would probably set a new record for risk.

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How do I get out of paying property taxes?

I can buy in a tax free state....I can invest in tax free muni's (ha ha ha)...but how do we get out of paying property taxes/gas taxes ?

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Don't own property. Problem solved.

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The government (read: Security State) keeps growing. This is not good.

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It's a tragedy to see a political party so corrupted that they trot out their public face with aid of a teleprompter to deliver a message. When I think of how articulate RFK Jr. is and what a broad knowledge he has of government and world events, it's positively chilling to think Biden is the spokesperson for any group. What a mess.

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Even with the aid of a teleprompter Biden can’t deliver a message he’s given. Good grief that anyone who believes that he won the election wasn’t paying attention during the primary that when he stepped out of his basement there weren’t more than 10 people at his speeches whilst Trump and Bernie had hundreds of thousands at theirs. Who believes that people would spend hours to listen to a speech, but then not go vote?

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Gates has said something new will be released in 2024… and something more virulent ‘that will get our attention this time’

Narcissists frequently tell you what they’re up to- if you listen closely

They can’t help themselves.

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And not one person engages or stops the threat. Absolutely insane...

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Recently Premier of Victoria, Australia cancelled the Commonwealth Games, just after he had been to China, they were supposed to be held in 2026, my first thought was: Oh is that when they are planning the next "scandemic"?".

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The one benefit of this continuous embarrassment is hopefully an eventual weakening of the executive branch to its intended parameters.

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What a great point K.E.

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Forget the impeachment, just go for the 25th Amendment. Biden won’t agree to a cognitive assessment evaluation, but the library of lies and brain farts is sufficient. He’s demented.

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I don’t understand why this hasn’t been tried. It seems like an open-shut case to me. Do Kamala the next day. Problem solved!

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The VP needs to be drug tested. Period.

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Biden was long regarded as an idiot by his fellow senators, long before his brain surgery or his descent into senile dementia. So many loyal democrats that I know refuse to admit that he didn't win the primary, when it was obvious that he and Harris were effectively out of the race by the time that they were handed their candidacies. I suppose that this is part of the process of accepting that he somehow got more votes in the general election than even Obama had gotten in earlier elections.

Ignorance is willful just as the word "ignore" denotes a willful action.

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We (the ruling class) miss the days of the plandemic, when we could lock down the plebs like prisoners, for no valid reason at all.

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Very grim, it appears evident that the elites want to weaponize mental health, even as they look for new ways to lock down the country for our own protection.

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Wait until they define "mental health".

10 bones says "conspiracy theories" finds a way in.

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And religious faith or practice.

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Absolutely, that is next, if not already on, the chopping table. We are mid stream of a societal deconstruction and forms of faith outside faith in the government are in the crosshairs. The goal can not be accomplished otherwise.

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Definitely. The question is whether the new and improved DSM will lump doubting the 2020 election and doubting the safety of covid shots as one disorder or two.

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Ten bones says its a way of getting us dis-armed.

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That is their golden goal

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I think it’s to give big pharma more people to take their worthless anti depressants. I tried Prozac and I’m thankful that I didn’t kill my self because it threw me into a manic state. I completed talk therapy and lived. Plus there have been lots of incidents of mass shooters that were on those types of drugs.

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Here is a warning to you, for your benefit. Don't disclose what happened, the government can use it as a pretext to take people into their custody, G-d forbid. The government of Switzerland actually sent a huge swat team to arrest a doctor and send him to a psychiatrist, for daring to challenge, privately, the COVID narrative. Psychology is weaponized, take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMdz5nyXe4U

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I had a 'retrograde reaction' to xanax from the first dose. It was awful. I've never been so grateful to be 'experienced' and realize the horrible thoughts I was having was the drug talking. It was several days before I felt normal again.I can definitely see where some of the drug induced violence is coming from and it scares me how freely these drugs are prescribed.

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More gaslighting on the level of “there’s no such thing as your kids, they’re our kids.” Just fix being the wrong gender with a little surgery. Ignore the homeless encampments and open-air drug markets, the people just have headaches. Government will tell you what to think to keep your brain healthy.

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That 11 million figure is padded with people killed by hospital protocols, people with serious comorbidities and the random gunshot or car crash demise.

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and as a result of the "safe and effective" vaxx

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Should say 1.1 million

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So after decades of research, and hundreds of billions (maybe even trillions) spent, we're still using chemo and Joe says now he's going to end it. Go ahead Joe, give it a try. You think the CIA is tough to work with, wait until you butt heads with Cancer, Inc. These people are pulling in millions in research grants to keep the hamster wheel running, and you think they want to jump off and actually finish the race? Ha, good luck with that pal.

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Again many people over the years have come up with cancer treatments that they say did indeed cure people with cancer. Joe has no real interest in curing cancer. Just more propaganda. In the past people who said they cured cancer were harassed, taken to court and their clinics shut down. Why would they cure cancer when the goal is to depopulate and make money off of their cut, poison and burn routine that has worked so well for them over the years. .

These treatments need researched and made available if it helps cancer patients.

-Rene Cassie-herbal tea

-Hoxsey treatment who had 17 clinics shut down by Morris Fishbein from AMA. (Though I smile a little knowing that Fishbein had to admit in court that Hoxsey did cure cancer.)

-Max Gerson diet

-Krebs vitamin B17 (laetrile),

-mistlle toe

- Dr. Simoncini baking soda cure,

- Royal Rife's electromagnetic microscope cure

- Brzynski peptides/antineoplastons

-Akbar Khan tries to market his dichloroacetate (DCA) was denied or his SEF that provides less toxins to chemo patients is denied to cancer patients.

-Anti-parasitic meds

-Vitamin cure with B, C, and D

I guess no one makes a lot of money if there is a cure. So cut, poison and burn continues. They won't do studies on any of these treatments.

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Has the government ever "cured" anything? Ha-ha. I'm not too worried.

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I think you could argue Rev that the improved sanitation infrastructure that was mostly put in place by government did a lot to cure (or at least mitigate against) many infectious diseases in the 20th century. But these days? With this government? Yeah, I'm with you, not holding my breath.

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Fucking Cocksucker

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Haha... Biden is always saying something. I know people are looking for RFK Jr to be the savior, but I don't think he will make it as the "powers that be" will want to keep Biden in office as he is very loyal to their plans.

I just hope us, the population begins to wake up to the true ruling class of our society - and hint, it's not us. Here's an article I wrote about it:


Monica Harris also wrote a really good article called, "Are we ruled or are we governed?"


Finally, if anyone ever wants to question this entire reality, i suggest looking at one of the main puppet masters: Elon Musk. Here's another article on that, which leads into another interesting rabbit hole:



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I agree about RFK but it is my sincerest wish that we all fall out of the habit of looking for saviors, full stop. I hope that some miracle will occur to give RFK a shot. If it does, I will be ecstatic—and fully behind him—while acknowledging that he is not omnipotent or omniscient, just a smart, capable human with truly good intentions and a closet full of skeletons.

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Can't get on board with his climate nonsense.

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Most likely that he does want to get the young ones voting for him.

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"Monica Harris also wrote a really good article called, "Are we ruled or are we governed?""

My view of an insurrection is a rising up against rulers. Funny how the democrats used that word "insurrection" for the Jan 6 demonstrations. To me, that's an admission that they consider themselves rulers.

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Have you checked out this website which can help you understand who rules the world:


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Really, that is sad he is going along with WHO. Where has he said this?

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“Cure cancer” equals ‘ cancer vaccines’

“ Permanent office of Pandemic Preparedness “ equals ‘Bill Gates’

‘100 died’ equals ‘Sleepy Joe’

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Actually 100 is closer to the mark!!☘️

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Zero died from covid; they don’t have an accurate test for it.

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Agreed. The next person to die from covid will be the first person to die from covid. It's an imaginary virus, IMO.

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