I saw the video. Made me nauseous. Based on everything we have seen and heard, he should be registered as a sex offender, and allowed nowhere near children.

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After serving prison time.

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His shower buddy daughter Ashley agrees.

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Eeeww. 🫣

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Have you seen The Ballard of Ashley Biden?:


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Oh my...

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The alphabet agencies are no doubt hashing out their plans to take out this liability. I'm sure they're amazed he's lasted as long as he has.

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MMA - agreed

He has served his “purpose”

He has creeped me for decades


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Yes, I can hear their frenzied nattering all the way up here in Kanada !

Such a desperate din.

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P.S. Meanwhile, our alphabet agencies haven’t even noticed our Dearest Leader is on his fifth ethics violation scandal…I can’t recite them all…one tends to shrug at this point when they are blissfully ignored by those who should act, only facilitate.

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Hahaha! Well noted!

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I watched similar videos of Biden grossly smooching and touching children in 2018-2019 and the Democrats still gave Biden the nomination in 2020. Speaking of which, will we ever hear the details from the phone calls that Obama reportedly made to the Democrat front-runners who all withdrew from the race within a few days of each other? Imagine withdrawing and supporting a senile degenerate? Those phone calls (and the cowards who dropped out) changed the course of world history - for the worse.

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By design. Biden is a WEF puppet. WEF is a CCP puppet.

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I have been wondering why Hunter never made the WEF's Young Global Leaders corp... He's so "accomplished" on a global scale.

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Ugh. He takes creepy & cringey to a whole new level. 👀😕

Here’s yet another instance of him sniffing a child and then telling her, “Don’t tell mommy what I told you.” 😳


Kids, anytime a grown man tells you not to tell your mom something he said to you, you need to IMMEDIATELY tell your mom what was said!

Only a predator would say that to a child. 😡

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I'm telling you. I can joke about anything. I never make jokes about Joe Biden. That piece of filth is absolutely disgusting and a massive shame on this nation.

I seriously don't think we're making it to the 2024 elections. They stole 2020. Everyone knows they stole 2020. And they aren't about to lose. Their goal this whole time has been the destruction of America, as far as I can tell, so they have no qualms about destroying America in order to save themselves -- to save their posteriors for posterity. I say we hang their posteriors on the fence -- as a warning to other posteriors.

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I watched it and the poor little girl was horrified!!!! Kids can sense this kind of evil and predatory behavior!!! I would have smacked him or pushed him away, but God forbid the parents don’t get their photo op! Its despicable!

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Yeah, I don’t get it either. If he came anywhere near my kids, I’d knock that bag of bones clear across the room.

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Exactly!!!! I’ve watched so many videos where he touches these children inappropriately and the parents laugh! What a sick bunch!

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Jul 15, 2023
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The same ones who attend and bring their children along to the Drag Queen shows, I guess. Oh dear…

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Now we know what it was like to live in Nero's Rome.

Circuses for the masses

Debauchery for the Emporer

Forever war throughout the Empire

Sure seems like tolerance of our leader's perversion is more a feature in human nature than a bug.

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Watching the video. .makes one wonder why the mother did nothing. I'm flabbergasted by the mothers lack of concern or care.. so much complacency

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She did something. She took out her phone and video’d the creeping.

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And the father patted Joe approvingly at the end!

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Clearly, Biden is barely able to function and barely - no not barely - he’s unable to restrain himself around young girls - especially baby girls.

He’s a sick incompetent F-k.

But to say so is to be a “thought criminal” of the highest order - and a betrayer of the Democrat party!!! The horror!!

A few weeks ago, Earl Ofari Hutchinson, a popular radio show host on KPFK here in LA, proclaimed that “Joe Biden is the ONLY candidate who can save our democracy!! Biden is our only hope!!”Seriously. I owe Earl an email to ask what in Gods name has happened to his once critical thinking??

I find this kind of statement stunning in its complete denial of reality.

And to add to the sad state of affairs, a few weeks ago the AFL-CIO - the parent organization to my labor union, the IATSE (represents entertainment laborers) - proclaimed we are officially backing Biden 2024. I was and am appalled. Our union leaders push the same lies - that Biden and the current Democrat Party are “our only hope”.

Seems the brainwashing job is complete.

I was the sole member out of about 80 present at my unions recent National Executive Board meeting that questioned the dictate from above re Biden - also re our local politician, Adam Schiff, whom I once admired but now see as a shill for Big Pharma & Big War. We are told we MUST support them and OUR union money (members dues money) is given to these corrupt creeps!

The union members are not even polled as to what candidates WE might want to back. So much for union democracy.

Everyone is expected to march in lockstep while we deny what’s happening right in front of our eyes.😵‍💫🤫😖

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In the case of your union Kristin, I suspect it’s palm greasing rather than brainwashing. Whatever union dues get channeled to the campaign will in some part be redirected to your union leaders.

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Yeah... you’re probably right about that.🥺

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That poor little girl.

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It’s an extremely creepy video. Joe’s handlers need to do a better job of keeping him away from the unsuspecting public.

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Any one who does NOT stand up for innocent children- is doing something nefarious. Period.

There’s no other explanation.

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Hunter's speed dial for dad is Pedo Pete. Peter is slang for penis.

The Bidens daughter says dad may done bad things when they showered....gross.

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No wonder the sex trafficking info was removed, they have to protect the pedo in chief.

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This wouldn't have been a noteworthy story/photo/video ... if not for the fact this man has been doing similar things for decades. Creepy indeed. What a creepy FAMILY.

What's creepiest of all is that every person who works in the White House must know this man has ever-worsening dementia, and nobody has said anything. Every member of the WH press corp also knows this and they cover it up or refuse to report this fact to the public.

... We are living through increasingly creepy times.

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Here's a recent article I wrote on Biden's never-ending "gaffes." My point is that EVERYONE knows this man has dementia ... and nobody seems to care. The fact our "emperor has no brain" cannot be publicly discussed ... at least by the "watchdog" mainstream "journalists."


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Who cares, if DOJ removes sex trafficking from their website. We already know they are in on it.

They aren't doing anything about it anyway.

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I went in a date once with a guy who kept walking right up to babies on the sidewalk and cooing over them for extended periods of time. He may have been trying to show off his

love for kids but it really creeped me out, he ignored the mothers and leaned over the kids. I knew that would be our only date and it was. The Biden video brought back that memory!

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