My friend called me to tell me her husband died. Two months in the ICU. Blood clot in the lung.

I said he was vaxed, wasn’t he? She said, “Yes, vaxxed and boosted, how did I know?”

She is devastated.

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Hard to believe more people aren’t putting 2 and 2 together. Their selective ignorance will cost them their life. I have family members in this group sadly. Booster 5 anyone? Safe and effective and prevents serious illness.

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well, GLG, it could be..."Knowledge and ego are directly related. the less knowledge, the greater the ego."

 — Albert Einstein

Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.

--Frank Leahy

 Egotism - usually just a case of mistaken nonentity.

--Barbara Stanwyck

  The human being is a self-propelled automaton

 entirely under the control of external influences.


and predetermined though they appear, his actions are governed not from within,

but from without. He is like a float tossed about by the waves of a turbulent sea.

--Nikola Tesla

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I'm very sorry for your friend, condolences. I wonder about the emotional effects of people connecting the dots only afterward. A lot of people will be going through that.

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It is made even worse for the woken-up because most of the people they will know are still brainwashed, so they may have no-one to talk to. I was double jabbed before I found out what the jabs were really doing and what was behind it all. It was like waking up in a horror movie, made worse by 'kindly' doctors treating me as if I were a fruitloop. I had terrible psychosomatic symptoms for 2 months, made worse by the fact that my husband refuses to listen to anything I send him. He's a doctor, but thankfully not ever involved in the injection campaign. He collapsed unconscious a week after his booster and is being followed up by a cardiologist. He insists it was a coincidence. Although he doesn't plan to get any more boosters, so go figure. I think many people like that operate on two levels - they know but they don't know.

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I kind of have to apologise for telling some of my stories more than once, That's directly related to the having no one to talk to thing!

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I do it all the time. Don't apologize.

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Ditto what Naomi said.

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be comforted by the fact that more people are seeing clearly, faster than ever before. Almost nothing that has happened during this pandemic was new or surprising, just a rinse and repeat of what this industry and regulators have been doing for a long time. This time it was just on steroids, and at high level of visibility. There is nothing that they could have done to accelerate awareness more than the past 2.5yrs. Yes, it is a lonely road, but if you are awake now, you were built for this moment. Treat others with all of the compassion and gentleness that you would treat your unawake self with.

Family members are the hardest because you have to respect their right to self determine. Just prepare yourself to be the port in the storm. Focus on how you can heal and correct vaxx damage. Get the tools. Try to find supportive medical literature and try to get your husband to take some stuff, just to support his immune system... ya know, so he can "avoid breakthrough COVID and rebounds," etc. Here's a link supporting the observation that both infections and injections create toxic stress in the body. I sent my parents liposomal glutathione, which is a good place to start. Instead of telling him what to do, ask questions. "I found this paper very worrying. Can you explain ROS to me? How do you treat it/fix it? What can we do? Can you help me?"

Important to remember: Data/info dumping on people is overwhelming. Don't do that. Just talk to him about the paper. Asking him if ROS could have led to his collapse some how, or the collapses and SADs stuff you are seeing all over the news. If infection and injection both cause elevated ROS, does that mean that the spike protein (the common link) is dangerous? Help him to get curious, then ask him if he'll help you figure out how you can both support your immune systems against ROS. That's it. Don't try to teach him anything else for a while.


Some suggestions on solutions here:


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Thanks for the info., Ali. My husband refuses to look at anything and to engage in any conversation about it. If I drop in random comments he responds by complete silence. He agreed, in consternation, to look at one video, which was the 20-minute clip from Senator Johnson's 'A Second Opinion' Senate hearing, the one that starts with Tom Renz talking about the DoD whisteblowers, including the immune suppression/DNA editing stuff and finishing with Peter McCullough on myocarditis. He listened to it and said nothing. He's even read Robert Kennedy's Fauci book, which I bought, and, although he said 'I've always told you about the pharma industry', he later called it a 'rant' and it's as if he never read it. He says he's a doctor and I don't know what I'm talking about.

With my brother (who sniggers about 'anti-vaxx talking points'), I asked him in an email why they were carrying vaxx passes, when everyone knew that vaxxed people had the same viral load as unvaxxed people when they got covid, and he sent me a nippy reply saying 'I don't wish to be told what to think or to have to justify my actions' (irony on steroids). That was it. He doesn't phone me any more.

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> He says he's a doctor and I don't know what I'm talking about.

Well, then let him hear people who really do know what they're talking about. He's not more knowledgeable than a pulmonologist like Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and certainly not as knowledgeable as a medical microbiologist like Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, or an experienced pathologist like Professor Arne Burkhardt.

If he has taken a course in histology --- which presumably, as a doctor, he has --- then show him Professor Burkhardt's report about the autopsies he performed on vaccinated individuals:


These discoveries corroborate Professor Bhakdi's earlier prediction that the spike protein would be expressed all around the body, prompting deadly immune responses.

Just as Bhakdi said, Burkhardt found killer lymphocytes "running amok", destroying tissues throughout the body.

The results are in. And they're damning.

...Or he can take a look at the tough, white, fibrous clots which embalmers have been pulling out of bodies, because they are unable to pump embalming fluid around them.

Richard Hirschman:



Anna Foster:


The bodies of the deceased are telling a story. Will doctors listen...?

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Stubborn pride is the problem…can’t condone or listen to anyone that knows a little more then they do…or proves them wrong! They’ll stick to their deception (even if they know their wrong) because of ego and pride! A humble person is teachable….but pride is a killer!

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Thanks. My problem is not lack of information, though. I have listened to many hours from the Doctors for Covid Ethics symposia, all of Reiner F's Grand Jury Investigation and many hours of the Corona Investigative Committee, plus many, many more sources. I have sent links to my husband, but, as Mark has also pointed out, people who don't want to listen will not click on links. Despite collapsing unconscious himself a week after his booster he does not want to know and will not engage with any of it. I am appalled, but mostly I don't talk about it, because otherwise we'd end up divorced. He doesn't even have the guilt problem of those other doctors who administered the jabs, but it's a deeply psychological issue with these people.

He has a retired female friend who was an excellent doctor, but when I was telling her about his collapse, she flew off the handle as soon as I implicated the jab. When I sent her links later, she said she wasn't interested and if we were going to stay friends we'd have to agree to differ.

Worse than that, when my husband was seeing a cardiologist after the collapse, the cardio phoned me during one session because my husband had no memory of exactly what had happened. I told her, on speakerphone, with him there, and I emphasised the booster. It has never been mentioned since and she has not discussed it with him, as far as I know. If she did, he'd just say it was a coincidence, which is what he said to me.

I send him the odd thing, expecting and getting no reply. I'm not going to inundate him. So, today, I sent the clip about the British midwife who died in her sleep in a plane with her children coming home from wherever, and said it was another instance of SADS, or SAMBaCS (Sudden Adult Mysteriously Baffling Coincidence Syndrome). I hope sarcasm may work where scientific papers won't. There is a compartment in his brain that knows. He just won't acknowledge it. That's my interpretation anyway. So many of them must be the same. It's shameful.

Are you a UK Column News aficionado by any chance? I couldn't manage without them. :-) And there is such a wealth of information on the site (including the DfCE symposia).

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Just tell him to get his boosters then.

He sounds thoroughly disingenuous and cognitively dissonant.

What a putz.

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print out the paper. Start highlighting it. Scribble some notes/questions on the side, like definitions of terms, etc. Leave it laying around the house. After a few days of leaving it somewhere visible, invoke help. "Hey dear, I know you are really tired of me talking about this stuff, but I'm wondering if you can help me understand this paper. I know you aren't worried about this stuff, and that's okay, but I want to understand how I can help protect myself in the future. It would really help settle my mind." If he says no, leave him alone.

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I am a blunt, tactless person. After I texted her the question about his vaccination status I realized my crassness. There should be a 10 second pause on sending texts to save people like me who can be so thoughtless.

I have a friend who's 36 year old daughter died on a hospital ventilator. I have not spoken to her of my view of it because it will only add to her grief.

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The phrase, "the ferrets all died" comes to mind, referring to mRNA vaccine trials in animals. When the vaccinated animals were exposed to the virus they were vaccinated against... Somehow, because of ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) or something, the vaccination increased the susceptibility to the virus to the point of lethality.

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They skipped the animal trials, no?

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I think they skipped the human trials because the animals got sick and died. So we are now the trial. 😳

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a billion human guinea pigs

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That's exactly right

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My understanding, from my readings last year, is that animal trials were skipped for the COVID-19 vaccine, however, there were animal trials for the earlier (not for COVID-19) mRNA formulations.

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Yes, Ned, that is my understanding too. The pre-safe mRNA efforts were all rejected because the animals didn't live through the trials.

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Yes, I heard that there was a vaccine for feline coronavirus (before covid-19 came along), but it does not work, and all of the animals that take it die.

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Hello, Wilma. Yes.

And I prefer to call the mRNA an 'injection' since by historical standards and definition it isn't a vaccine. I don't like giving any credibility to this injection. Jab is too dismissive to be respected by the half asleep to be taken seriously, imo. Thank you for commenting.

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I read that former mRNA tests have been stopped because all the animals died

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LOL, they did their science by press-release... pointing to some "pre-clinical" animal studies. Of course none of these were like what a normal drug would go through, I'm sure.

From https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid-vaccine-animal/fact-check-covid-19-vaccines-did-not-skip-animal-trials-because-of-animal-deaths-idUSL2N2NJ1IK:

"A Pfizer media spokesperson told Reuters via email the claims are false, and linked to a Sept. 2020 press release about the effects of their mRNA vaccine in mice and non-human primates (here). They also pointed to a peer-reviewed Feb. 2021 paper on its vaccine working on primates (here).

Moderna has released similar information (here ,  here), as has Johnson & Johnson (here). 

An FDA spokesperson told Reuters via email that the claims that the vaccines had skipped animal trials due to animal death was untrue. None had significant safety issues to report in their respective animal trials, as seen under “5.3 Non-Clinical Studies” sections of the EUAs for Pfizer-BioNTech here , Moderna here and Johnson & Johnson here .

Due to time constraints and the urgency to find a vaccine for COVID-19, Moderna and Pfizer did receive approval to run animal testing and early trials on humans at the same time, as opposed to fully completing animal trials before moving on to human trials. This, however, does not mean animal trials were skipped or that the safety of the vaccines were compromised (here , here ,  here)."

LOL, we rushed everything. And tested it on billions of humans at the same time as a few mice and macaques. But don't worry, "this does not mean animal trials were skipped or that the safety of the vaccines were compromised." 😂😂😂

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Yes the skipped animal trials for Covid19. The ferret trial was for a previous attempt at making MRNA based vaccine - not the actual Covid19 one. I read about the ferrets months before the Covid jabs were released. That’s all I needed to know - it was an easy “hard no” decision for me!

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Didn't Dr. Mercola cover that? I just wrote my chiropractor referring her to his book "The Real Truth about COVID-19" today. She's jabbed and still passively promoting them.

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I don’t know re: Mercola...but I learned about the ferrets from a video interview with Dr Lee Merritt.

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She's wonderful!

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I think this is in reference to the original coronavirus vaccine trials from many years ago that showed it was pointless to vaccinate against them because of their ability to mutate so quickly.

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Yes, that might be what I remember as well.

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And their ability to cause antibody deficiency enhancement

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The Aerosmith song keeps popping in my head.

"Can't catch me 'cause the ferrets done died. Yes they did!" 😂

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As a lifelong Aerosmith fan, I'm not going to get that one out of my head now 🙄

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Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttt Clooooooooooootttttt Shoooooooooootttttt... 🎵🎵

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Aug 7, 2022Edited
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They've gotten me through so many tough times for years. 🎸 Aerosmith has known what's up for a long time. 💕.

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Aug 8, 2022
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Life in general is cheep now…because of years of war…abortion….and Hollywood movies full of murder and destruction…which have dulled and conditioned…the consciences of people to condone and except and even enjoy it! It’s only emboldened the eugenists..depopulation crowd to take this a step further not only with humans but with animals!

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This is just not true, that "all the animals" died. If it is there should be a paper that states that and there is not, as far as I can tell. Yes all the animals died because they kill them to examine their tissues in the typical disgusting, meaningless, abstracted bullshit that makes up the near entirety of modern molecular biological "science".

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My God, as if scouring the headlines for humanity's sudden-deaths wasn't heavy enough. When it touches the innocents, there's only so much heartbreak a person can endure. My utmost respect, thanks and sympathy goes to you and your team who are compiling these disturbing headlines every single day and bringing them to our attention.

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The ferrets, the cats and the mice all died.

Anthony Fauci knew.

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But he drinks the poison! He is a not so smart scientist.

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Fauci hasn"t taken it.

He knows most early days deaths were caused by him purposefully BANNING therapeutics (now freely available in Mexico) and his incorrect hospital protocols.

Remesdivir and putting people on ventilators is what killed them.

Fauci saying he has the covid is more fear mongering to get you to take more boosters!!!

Do you honestly think that any of these elites have experimented on themselves? 🤷‍♀️

Especially that evil one.

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I honestly don't know. I find them all completely baffling. Baffling evil clowns. I honestly do wonder if they know not what they do. There must be some underlying self justification beyond just what looks so evil to me, is what I often think. I have more questions than answers.

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For sure he knows the deaths were caused by them banning the therapeutics. They are still doing it where I live in Massachusetts. Fauci spoke at the graduation of his Alma Marter here in Massachusetts, Holy Cross College, this past spring. I had to go to New Hampshire to get my prescription for ivermectin filled. It could be a very sick type of narcissism, where they feel the benefits of sacrificing beagles, and us, for what they're perceiving is medical advancement through experimentation, is somehow noble.

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Fauci and the CDC..NIH..FDA and all pharmaceutical employees are exempt from the this jibbyjab…along with Congress and the Senate!

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I recently saw a photo of Tedros being jabbed. Like, photos don't lie...?

How dumb do they think we are? Unfortunately, enough of us really are so dumb.

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Yes. Boris Johnson and all the jabs pushers did it in England too.

Caps left on.

No gloves.

Wrong positioning.

Retractable needles, saline solutions, vitamin C, etc etc...

Evil lying bastards.

Every one of them.

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What about Gavin Newsom? He disappeared after his booster and there were reports that he had Gillian Bar. Maybe some get jabbed. Some definitely don't. There is a big pharmaceutical executive in Spain that just got arrested for forging his COVID-19 vaccine passport.

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But Tedros was recently interviewed saying he hadn't had the jab because he couldn't go in front of poor countries and jump the queue when they need them more 😡

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Interesting...Well, I guess "That was then, now is now"?

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I saw a gorilla had been injected and my first thought was I wonder how long the poor thing will live. It seems not very long at all.

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Aug 7, 2022
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That was PHX Zoo.

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The multiverse is clearly conceptual in nature and as we are made of concepts also we see these other concepts such as matter as "real hard stuff" but we see our thoughts as somehow different, less important, instead of equally "real and hard" and I presume the multiverse must be infinite for a reason. Infinity is a big enough ark to conserve everything and so I think everybody is conserved whatever body they happen to be in but as they say seeing is believing so I will wait and see. I would like to come back as a human being at a time when we can be whatever we want and in a conceptual multiverse anything is possible. Maybe people saying they are cats etc are not mad maybe they simply have better "Spidey" senses than most and so can feel that such a world is the one we actually live in as perhaps we shall all soon see. The native North American Indians used to keep "mentally damaged" people alive at a time when it was hard to keep themselves alive because they felt that perhaps these people were simply seeing the world differently and that could be useful living as they did and do in a world of spirit, ...... A Conceptual world in other words just like we and "scientists" do but who try to pretend otherwise as they don't like the idea of the "top concept". ALL of "science" as we can all surely see by now has been corrupted by "scientists" refusing to leave open the possibility of a top concept and that is the antithesis of what Science is.

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Why are they murdering zoo animals?

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Oh God, it's one thing to press our hubris into service destroying ourselves and our children, now we are destroying the innocent animals in our zoos. All the deaths are painful, these particularly so.

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Hopefully they are painful enough… to make us more and more determined…to stand against all this death and destruction!

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Oh goodness, I just had a thought: are they injecting chickens, cows, other animals, etc. that supply us with food?😳

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Ever since I first heard the lunatics were injecting zoo animals, that thought did cross my mind. I haven’t heard that they’re doing that, but the world has become such a deeply bizarre place, I can no longer rule anything out.

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Yes…I’m sure they are…as last time I heard they were are putting it in our produce and packaged food!

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I wouldn't be surprised.

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Aug 7, 2022Edited
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Agree. Extremely unusual.

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Aug 7, 2022
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And there in our blood supply…so don’t get a transfusion!

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The comments when you go to the Twitter post!! One says a young 5-year-old boy died from drinking ice water. According to a cardiologist, the ice water killed him!!

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Do you really want to be disgusted? Watch this audio/video from a father whose seven year old son got the jab and now has Myocarditis! You have to listen to the pharmacist! He recorded it all! The wife acted against his wishes and now his son has a death sentence!! Absolute bullshit! I don’t know how you stay married to such a stupid mother who didn’t protect her child who was NEVER at risk from covid especially when they discussed it: https://rumble.com/v1f3gg5-the-whole-world-needs-to-watch-this.-warning-do-not-be-driving-when.html

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I posted it last night.

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I missed it, sorry. I try to read your substacks daily. I’ve been dealing with my ill husband with a sudden back issue, severe pain and negligent hospitals you have to stay on guard with since Thursday! Don’t ever go to a hospital without an advocate. It’s pretty disturbing when they have no follow through anymore! Forgot the IV with fluids and the medications they were supposed to administer since I told them he was likely dehydrated, and his pain was unbearable to him. We could never find the doctor to find out if he could eat (I finally went home and prepared a good sandwich and brought it back! Was supposed to be under observation because they discovered an abdominal aortic aneurysm and they never bothered to connect him to any blood pressure monitors, heart rate, heart monitors, nothing at the hospital he was transferred to at 3:00 a.m. in the morning just for that!!! It was the first hospital that found the aneurism and fortunately it isn’t life threatening, but the second and third hospitals just kept dropping the ball. Then at the last minute they cancelled the MRI because if was too expensive!!! Our healthcare systems are so broken now after covid!!!

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It makes one both nauseous and deeply morose to consider the ongoing horrors.

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You forgot "angry." Morose won't do it.

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Yes, I did forget, enraged.

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I think to enrage us as part of their plan. Dell Big tree did a good interview in the latter part of his show Thursday about this. The rage will weaken us and allow them to institute more control. Or so they hope.

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In my observations , anger conversely rage, serves to propel to action. So there goes their hope. Love Highwire when I have time to watch.

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Del certainly does get excited sometimes when he talks. There's some underlying rage right there. He is very good indeed.

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As the supposed "intelligent species" it's one thing to kill ourselves, but killing these animals - not even to justify research, but simply by being so taken with fear and the mass depravity, is NOT excusable.

We're at a point where all jabbers need to be added to a people's database so that no one escapes justice when it comes.

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OK, who wants to bet me?

In a week, MSM will publish reports "by animal experts" about how animals often die suddenly from a raft of illnesses we just don't usually hear about. BUT ALSO, they'll report, it's researched fact that human-caused "climate change" is at fault for an increase in animal illness and death, so maybe we could reconsider our dumb, selfish habits like driving cars, taking plane trips, and eating meat.

C'mon, the propagandists won't really let this opportunity pass them by, will they?

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They'll tell us it is "climate change" that's doing it.

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I guess the globalists really are anti-life, not just anti-human.

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Some are, some aren't. Mostly they are psychopathic pigs at a trough who don't worry too much one way or the other about the collateral damage on their own paths to money & power. But in referencing only the globalists you disregard those who ARE actually ideologues: Unlike the globalists, the marxists drive their savage totalitarian ideologies forward along with their pursuit of money & power.

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They need to leave the poor animals alone. 😢

Excerpt from March 2021 article:

"Colchester Zoo [UK] says it will not be vaccinating its apes “at this stage” following reports some at a US zoo received Covid-19 vaccines made for animals.

𝗢𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗯𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗯𝗼𝘀 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗮𝗻 𝗗𝗶𝗲𝗴𝗼 𝗭𝗼𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗱 𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗿𝘂𝘀 𝘃𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘇𝗼𝗼 𝗴𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗖𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗱-𝟭𝟵 𝗶𝗻 𝗝𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘆.

The jabs were given to the great apes after drug company Zoetis said it received a request for emergency doses after coughing gorillas tested positive for coronavirus.

The animals – five bonobos and four orangutans – have been given two jabs, authorities confirmed.

It turned out they had contracted Covid-19 from an asymptomatic keeper, raising fears that apes could be particularly vulnerable to coronavirus.

But the gibbons, chimpanzees and orangutans – the apes at Colchester Zoo – will not be vaccinated “at this stage”.

The zoo said it is focusing on procedures to help prevent transmission.

A spokesman said: “We have a risk assessment in place of which all the keepers are aware of and they know to take additional precautions when working with their animals."

Source: https://www.gazette-news.co.uk/news/19147340.colchester-zoo-will-give-apes-covid-vaccine/

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welcome to Mondo Bizzaro !

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Mondo Psycho!

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Biden was isolated with his dog, Did they vax the dog? Test the poor pooch for Covid?

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